50 resultados para Time-varying system


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Human newborns appear to regulate sucking pressure when bottle feeding by employing, with similar precision, the same principle of control evidenced by adults in skilled behavior, such as reaching (Lee et al., 1998a). In particular, the present study of 12 full-term newborn infants indicated that the intraoral sucking pressures followed an internal dynamic prototype - an intrinsic tau-guide. The intrinsic tau-guide, a recent hypothesis of general tau theory is a time-varying quantity, tau(g), assumed to be generated within the nervous system. It corresponds to some quantity (e.g., electrical charge), chang ing with a constant second-order temporal derivative from a rest level to a goal level, in the sense that tau(g) equals tau of the gap between the quantity and its goal level at each time t. (tau of a gap is the rime-to-closure of the gap at the current closure-rate.) According to the hypoth esis, the infant senses tau(p), the tau of the gap between the current intraoral pressure and its goal level, and regulates intraoral pressure so that tau(p) and tau(g) remain coupled in a constant ratio, k; i.e., tau(p) = k tau(g). With k in the range 0-1, the tau-coupling would result in a bell-shaped rate of change pressure profile, as was, in fact, found. More specifically, the high mean r(2) values obtained when regressing tau(p) on tau(g), for both the increasing and decreasing suction periods of the infants' suck, supported a strong tau-coupling between tau(p) and tau(g). The mean k values were significantly higher In the Increasing suction period, indicating that the ending of the movement was more forceful, a finding which makes sense given the different functions of the two periods of the suck.


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In this paper, we provide experimental evidence to show that enhanced bit error rate (BER) performance is possible using a retrodirective array operating in a dynamically varying multipath environment. The operation of such a system will be compared to that obtained by a conventional nonretrodirective array. The ability of the array to recover amplitude shift keyed encoded data transmitted from a remote location whose position is not known a priori is described. In addition, its ability to retransmit data inserted at the retrodirective array back to a spatially remote beacon location whose position is also not known beforehand is also demonstrated. Comparison with an equivalent conventional fixed beam antenna array utilizing an identical radiating aperture arrangement to that of the retrodirective array are given. These show that the retrodirective array can effectively exploit the presence of time varying multipath in order to give significant reductions in BER over what can be otherwise achieved. Additionally, the retrodirective system is shown to be able to deliver low BER regardless of whether line of sight is present or absent.


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In this paper, we address the problem of designing multirate codes for a multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) system by restricting the receiver to be a successive decoding and interference cancellation type, when each of the antennas is encoded independently. Furthermore, it is assumed that the receiver knows the instantaneous fading channel states but the transmitter does not have access to them. It is well known that, in theory, minimum-mean-square error (MMSE) based successive decoding of multiple access (in multi-user communications) and MIMO channels achieves the total channel capacity. However, for this scheme to perform optimally, the optimal rates of each antenna (per-antenna rates) must be known at the transmitter. We show that the optimal per-antenna rates at the transmitter can be estimated using only the statistical characteristics of the MIMO channel in time-varying Rayleigh MIMO channel environments. Based on the results, multirate codes are designed using punctured turbo codes for a horizontal coded MIMO system. Simulation results show performances within about one to two dBs of MIMO channel capacity.


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Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) are able to accomplish difficult and challenging tasks both in civilian and defence sectors without endangering human lives. Their ability to work round the clock makes them well-suited for matters that demand immediate attention. These issues include but not limited to mines countermeasures, measuring the extent of an oil spill and locating the source of a chemical discharge. A number of USV programmes have emerged in the last decade for a variety of aforementioned purposes. Springer USV is one such research project highlighted in this paper. The intention herein is to report results emanating from data acquired from experiments on the Springer vessel whilst testing its advanced navigation, guidance and control (NGC) subsystems. The algorithms developed for these systems are based on soft-computing methodologies. A novel form of data fusion navigation algorithm has been developed and integrated with a modified optimal controller. Experimental results are presented and analysed for various scenarios including single and multiple waypoints tracking and fixed and time-varying reference bearings. It is demonstrated that the proposed NGC system provides promising results despite the presence of modelling uncertainty and external disturbances.


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In this paper we present a novel method for performing speaker recognition with very limited training data and in the presence of background noise. Similarity-based speaker recognition is considered so that speaker models can be created with limited training speech data. The proposed similarity is a form of cosine similarity used as a distance measure between speech feature vectors. Each speech frame is modelled using subband features, and into this framework, multicondition training and optimal feature selection are introduced, making the system capable of performing speaker recognition in the presence of realistic, time-varying noise, which is unknown during training. Speaker identi?cation experiments were carried out using the SPIDRE database. The performance of the proposed new system for noise compensation is compared to that of an oracle model; the speaker identi?cation accuracy for clean speech by the new system trained with limited training data is compared to that of a GMM trained with several minutes of speech. Both comparisons have demonstrated the effectiveness of the new model. Finally, experiments were carried out to test the new model for speaker identi?cation given limited training data and with differing levels and types of realistic background noise. The results have demonstrated the robustness of the new system.


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This paper proposes a method for wind turbine mode identification using the multivariable output error statespace (MOESP) identification algorithm. The paper incorporates a fast moving window QR decomposition and propagator method from array signal processing, yielding a moving window subspace identification algorithm. The algorithm assumes that the system order is known as a priori and remains constant during identification. For the purpose of extracting modal information for turbines modelled as a linear parameter varying (LPV) system, the algorithm is applicable since a nonlinear system can be approximated as a piecewise time invariant system in consecutive data windows. The algorithm is exemplified using numerical simulations which show that the moving window algorithm can track the modal information. The paper also demonstrates that the low computational burden of the algorithm, compared to conventional batch subspace identification, has significant implications for online implementation.


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This chapter describes an experimental system for the recognition of human faces from surveillance video. In surveillance applications, the system must be robust to changes in illumination, scale, pose and expression. The system must also be able to perform detection and recognition rapidly in real time. Our system detects faces using the Viola-Jones face detector, then extracts local features to build a shape-based feature vector. The feature vector is constructed from ratios of lengths and differences in tangents of angles, so as to be robust to changes in scale and rotations in-plane and out-of-plane. Consideration was given to improving the performance and accuracy of both the detection and recognition steps.


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A key tracer of the elusive progenitor systems of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is the detection of narrow blueshifted time-varying Na I D absorption lines, interpreted as evidence of circumstellar material surrounding the progenitor system. The origin of this material is controversial, but the simplest explanation is that it results from previous mass-loss in a system containing a white dwarf and a non-degenerate companion star. We present new single-epoch intermediate-resolution spectra of 17 low-redshift SNe Ia taken with XShooter on the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope. Combining this sample with events from the literature, we confirm an excess (∼20 per cent) of SNe Ia displaying blueshifted narrow Na I D absorption features compared to redshifted Na I D features. The host galaxies of SNe Ia displaying blueshifted absorption profiles are skewed towards later-type galaxies, compared to SNe Ia that show no Na I D absorption and SNe Ia displaying blueshifted narrow Na I D absorption features have broader light curves. The strength of the Na I D absorption is stronger in SNe Ia displaying blueshifted Na I D absorption features than those without blueshifted features, and the strength of the blueshifted Na I D is correlated with the B − V colour of the SN at maximum light. This strongly suggests the absorbing material is local to the SN. In the context of the progenitor systems of SNe Ia, we discuss the significance of these findings and other recent observational evidence on the nature of SN Ia progenitors. We present a summary that suggests that there are at least two distinct populations of normal, cosmologically useful SNe Ia.


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Compensation for the dynamic response of a temperature sensor usually involves the estimation of its input on the basis of the measured output and model parameters. In the case of temperature measurement, the sensor dynamic response is strongly dependent on the measurement environment and fluid velocity. Estimation of time-varying sensor model parameters therefore requires continuous textit{in situ} identification. This can be achieved by employing two sensors with different dynamic properties, and exploiting structural redundancy to deduce the sensor models from the resulting data streams. Most existing approaches to this problem assume first-order sensor dynamics. In practice, however second-order models are more reflective of the dynamics of real temperature sensors, particularly when they are encased in a protective sheath. As such, this paper presents a novel difference equation approach to solving the blind identification problem for sensors with second-order models. The approach is based on estimating an auxiliary ARX model whose parameters are related to the desired sensor model parameters through a set of coupled non-linear algebraic equations. The ARX model can be estimated using conventional system identification techniques and the non-linear equations can be solved analytically to yield estimates of the sensor models. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach under various input and parameter conditions.


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Systematic principal component analysis (PCA) methods are presented in this paper for reliable islanding detection for power systems with significant penetration of distributed generations (DGs), where synchrophasors recorded by Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) are used for system monitoring. Existing islanding detection methods such as Rate-of-change-of frequency (ROCOF) and Vector Shift are fast for processing local information, however with the growth in installed capacity of DGs, they suffer from several drawbacks. Incumbent genset islanding detection cannot distinguish a system wide disturbance from an islanding event, leading to mal-operation. The problem is even more significant when the grid does not have sufficient inertia to limit frequency divergences in the system fault/stress due to the high penetration of DGs. To tackle such problems, this paper introduces PCA methods for islanding detection. Simple control chart is established for intuitive visualization of the transients. A Recursive PCA (RPCA) scheme is proposed as a reliable extension of the PCA method to reduce the false alarms for time-varying process. To further reduce the computational burden, the approximate linear dependence condition (ALDC) errors are calculated to update the associated PCA model. The proposed PCA and RPCA methods are verified by detecting abnormal transients occurring in the UK utility network.


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An efficient and robust case sorting algorithm based on Extended Equal Area Criterion (EEAC) is proposed in this paper for power system transient stability assessment (TSA). The time-varying degree of an equivalent image system can be deduced by comparing the analysis results of Static EEAC (SEEAC) and Dynamic EEAC (DEEAC), the former of which neglects all time-varying factors while the latter partially considers the time-varying factors. Case sorting rules according to their transient stability severity are set combining the time-varying degree and fault messages. Then a case sorting algorithm is designed with the “OR” logic among multiple rules, based on which each case can be identified into one of the following five categories, namely stable, suspected stable, marginal, suspected unstable and unstable. The performance of this algorithm is verified by studying 1652 contingency cases from 9 real Chinese provincial power systems under various operating conditions. It is shown that desirable classification accuracy can be achieved for all the contingency cases at the cost of very little extra computational burden and only 9.81% of the whole cases need to carry out further detailed calculation in rigorous on-line TSA conditions.


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The Antrim Coast Road stretching from the seaport of Larne in the East of Northern Ireland has a well-deserved reputation for being one of the most spectacular roads in Europe (Day, 2006). However the problematic geology; Jurassic Lias Clay and Triassic Mudstone overlain by Cretaceous Limestone and Tertiary Basalt, and environmental variables result in frequent instances of slope instability manifested in both shallow debris flows and occasional massive rotational movements, creating a geotechnical risk to this highway. This paper describes how a variety of techniques are being used to both assess instability and monitor movement of these active slopes near one site at Straidkilly Point, Glenarm. An in-depth understanding of the geology was obtained via boreholes, resistivity surveys and laboratory testing. Environmental variables recorded by an on-site weather station were correlated with measured pore water pressure and soil moisture infiltration data. Terrestrial LiDAR (TLS), with surveys carried out on a bi-monthly basis allowed for the generation of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of difference, highlighting areas of recent movement, accumulation and depletion. Morphology parameters were generated from the DEMs and include slope, curvature and multiple measures of roughness. Changes in the structure of the slope coupled with morphological parameters were characterised and linked to progressive failures from the temporal monitoring. In addition to TLS monitoring, Aerial LiDAR datasets were used for the spatio-morphological characterisation of the slope on a macro scale. A Differential Global Positioning System (dGPS) was also deployed on site to provide a real-time warning system for gross movements, which were also correlated with environmental conditions. Frequent electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys were also implemented to provide a better understanding of long-term changes in soil moisture and help to define the complex geology. The paper describes how the data obtained via a diverse range of methods has been combined to facilitate a more informed management regime of geotechnical risk by the Northern Ireland Roads Service.


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The integration of an ever growing proportion of large scale distributed renewable generation has increased the probability of maloperation of the traditional RoCoF and vector shift relays. With reduced inertia due to non-synchronous penetration in a power grid, system wide disturbances have forced the utility industry to design advanced protection schemes to prevent system degradation and avoid cascading outages leading to widespread blackouts. This paper explores a novel adaptive nonlinear approach applied to islanding detection, based on wide area phase angle measurements. This is challenging, since the voltage phase angles from different locations exhibit not only strong nonlinear but also time-varying characteristics. The adaptive nonlinear technique, called moving window kernel principal component analysis is proposed to model the time-varying and nonlinear trends in the voltage phase angle data. The effectiveness of the technique is exemplified using both DigSilent simulated cases and real test cases recorded from the Great Britain and Ireland power systems by the OpenPMU project.


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A total of 143 raw milk cheese samples (soft cheese, n = 9; semihard cheese, n = 133; hard cheese, n = 1), collected at the retail level throughout Switzerland, were tested for Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) by immunomagnetic capture plus culture on 7H10-PANTA medium and in supplemented BAC-TEC 12B medium, as well as by an F57-based real-time PCR system. Furthermore, pH and water activity values were determined for each sample. Although no viable MAP cells could be cultured, 4.2% of the raw milk cheese samples tested positive with the F57-based real-time PCR system, providing evidence for the presence of MAP in the raw material. As long as the link between MAP and Crohn’s disease in humans remains unclear, measures designed to minimize public exposure should also include a focus on milk products.


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The nonlinear interaction between two laser beams in a plasma is investigated in the weakly nonlinear and relativistic regime. The evolution of the laser beams is governed by two nonlinear Schrodinger equations that are coupled with the slow plasma density response. A nonlinear dispersion relation is derived and used to study the growth rates of the Raman forward and backward scattering instabilities as well of the Brillouin and self-focusing/modulational instabilities. The nonlinear evolution of the instabilities is investigated by means of direct simulations of the time-dependent system of nonlinear equations. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.