91 resultados para TRANSPARENT


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The photocatalytic activity of self-cleaning glass is assessed using a resazurin (Rz) photocatalyst activity indicator ink, i.e. Rz paii, via both the rate of change in the colour of the ink (blue to pink), R(Abs), and the rate of change in the fluorescence intensity, R(Fl), (λ(excitation) = 593 nm; λ(emission) = 639 nm) of the ink. In both cases the kinetics are zero order. Additional work with a range of glass samples of different photocatalytic activity reveal R(Abs) is directly related to R(Fl), thereby showing that the latter, like the former, can be used to provide a measure of the photocatalytic activity of the sample under test. The measured value of R(Fl) is found to be the same for 5 pieces of, otherwise identical, selfcleaning glass with: black, red, blue, yellow and no coloured tape stuck to their backs, which demonstrates that R(Fl) measurements can be used to measure photocatalytic activity under conditions of high colour and opacity under which R(Abs) cannot be measured. The relevance of this novel, fluorescence-based paii to the assessment of the activity of highly coloured, opaque photocatalytic samples, such as paints and tiles, is discussed briefly.


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Effectiveness in achieving mission is fundamental to evaluating charity performance, and is of central concern to stakeholders who fund, regulate and otherwise engage with such organisations. Exploring the meaning of transparency in the context of stakeholder engagement, and utilising previous research and authoritative sector discussion, this paper develops a novel framework of transparent, stakeholder-focused effectiveness reporting. It is contended that such reporting can assist the charity sector in discharging accountability, gaining legitimacy, and in sharpening mission-centred managerial decision making. Then applying this to UK charities’ publicly-available communications, it highlights significant challenges and weaknesses in current effectiveness reporting.


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We have examined the ability of observers to parse bimodal local-motion distributions into two global motion surfaces, either overlapping (yielding transparent motion) or spatially segregated (yielding a motion boundary). The stimuli were random dot kinematograms in which the direction of motion of each dot was drawn from one of two rectangular probability distributions. A wide range of direction distribution widths and separations was tested. The ability to discriminate the direction of motion of one of the two motion surfaces from the direction of a comparison stimulus was used as an objective test of the perception of two discrete surfaces. Performance for both transparent and spatially segregated motion was remarkably good, being only slightly inferior to that achieved with a single global motion surface. Performance was consistently better for segregated motion than for transparency. Whereas transparent motion was only perceived with direction distributions which were separated by a significant gap, segregated motion could be seen with abutting or even partially overlapping direction distributions. For transparency, the critical gap increased with the range of directions in the distribution. This result does not support models in which transparency depends on detection of a minimum size of gap defining a bimodal direction distribution. We suggest, instead, that the operations which detect bimodality are scaled (in the direction domain) with the overall range of distributions. This yields a flexible, adaptive system that determines whether a gap in the direction distribution serves as a segmentation cue or is smoothed as part of a unitary computation of global motion.


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Motion transparency provides a challenging test case for our understanding of how visual motion, and other attributes, are computed and represented in the brain. However, previous studies of visual transparency have used subjective criteria which do not confirm the existence of independent representations of the superimposed motions. We have developed measures of performance in motion transparency that require observers to extract information about two motions jointly, and therefore test the information that is simultaneously represented for each motion. Observers judged whether two motions were at 90 to one another; the base direction was randomized so that neither motion taken alone was informative. The precision of performance was determined by the standard deviations (S.D.s) of probit functions fitted to the data. Observers also made judgments of orthogonal directions between a single motion stream and a line, for one of two transparent motions against a line and for two spatially segregated motions. The data show that direction judgments with transparency can be made with comparable accuracy to segregated (non-transparent) conditions, supporting the idea that transparency involves the equivalent representation of two global motions in the same region. The precision of this joint direction judgment is, however, 2–3 times poorer than that for a single motion stream. The precision in directional judgment for a single stream is reduced only by a factor of about 1.5 by superimposing a second stream. The major effect in performance, therefore, appears to be associated with the need to compute and compare two global representations of motion, rather than with interference between the dot streams per se. Experiment 2tested the transparency of motions separated by a range of angles from 5 to 180 by requiring subjects to set a line matching the perceived direction of each motion. The S.D.s of these settings demonstrated that directions of transparent motions were represented independently for separations over 20. Increasing dot speeds from 1 to 10 deg/s improved directional performance but had no effect on transparency perception. Transparency was also unaffected by variations of density between 0.1 and 19 dots/deg2


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Using a speed-matching task, we measured the speed tuning of the dynamic motion aftereVect (MAE). The results of our Wrst experiment, in which we co-varied dot speed in the adaptation and test stimuli, revealed a speed tuning function. We sought to tease apart what contribution, if any, the test stimulus makes towards the observed speed tuning. This was examined by independently manipulating dot speed in the adaptation and test stimuli, and measuring the eVect this had on the perceived speed of the dynamic MAE. The results revealed that the speed tuning of the dynamic MAE is determined, not by the speed of the adaptation stimulus, but by the local motion characteristics of the dynamic test stimulus. The role of the test stimulus in determining the perceived speed of the dynamic MAE was conWrmed by showing that, if one uses a test stimulus containing two sources of local speed information, observers report seeing a transparent MAE; this is despite the fact that adaptation is induced using a single-speed stimulus. Thus while the adaptation stimulus necessarily determines perceived direction of the dynamic MAE, its perceived speed is determined by the test stimulus. This dissociation of speed and direction supports the notion that the processing of these two visual attributes may be partially independent.


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The vibrated stone column technique is an economical and environmentally friendly process that treats weak ground to enable it to withstand low to moderate loading conditions. The performance of the treated ground depends on various parameters such as the strengths of the in-situ and backfill materials, and the spacing, length and diameter of the columns. In practice, vibrated stone columns are frequently used for settlement control. Studies have shown that columns can fail by bulging, bending, punching or shearing. These failure mechanisms are examined in this paper. The study involved a series of laboratory model tests on a consolidated clay bed. The tests were carried out using two different materials: (a) transparent material with ‘clay like’ properties, and (b) speswhite kaolin. The tests on the transparent material have, probably for the first time, permitted visual examination of deforming granular columns during loading. They have shown that bulging was significant in long columns, whereas punching was prominent in shorter columns. The presence of the columns also greatly improved the load-carrying capacity of the soft clay bed. However, columns longer than about six times their diameter did not lead to further increases in the load-carrying capacity. This suggests that there is an optimum column length for a given arrangement of stone columns beneath a rigid footing.


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Our understanding of how the visual system processes motion transparency, the phenomenon by which multiple directions of motion are perceived to co-exist in the same spatial region, has grown considerably in the past decade. There is compelling evidence that the process is driven by global-motion mechanisms. Consequently, although transparently moving surfaces are readily segmented over an extended space, the visual system cannot separate two motion signals that co-exist in the same local region. A related issue is whether the visual system can detect transparently moving surfaces simultaneously, or whether the component signals encounter a serial â??bottleneckâ?? during their processing? Our initial results show that, at sufficiently short stimulus durations, observers cannot accurately detect two superimposed directions; yet they have no difficulty in detecting one pattern direction in noise, supporting the serial-bottleneck scenario. However, in a second experiment, the difference in performance between the two tasks disappears when the component patterns are segregated. This discrepancy between the processing of transparent and non-overlapping patterns may be a consequence of suppressed activity of global-motion mechanisms when the transparent surfaces are presented in the same depth plane. To test this explanation, we repeated our initial experiment while separating the motion components in depth. The marked improvement in performance leads us to conclude that transparent motion signals are represented simultaneously.


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The debate over the possible extension of transparency regulation in Europe to include sovereign bonds has opened up a number of other issues in need of serious consideration. One such issue is the appropriateness of the entire infrastructure supporting the trading of European sovereign bonds. In recent years sovereign issuers have supported the development of an electronic inter-dealer market but have remained unconcerned with the opacity of dealer-to-customer trading. The degree of segmentation in this market is high relative to what exists in nearly all other financial markets. This paper explores why European sovereign bond markets have developed in such a segmented way and considers how this structure could be altered to improve transparency without adversely affecting liquidity, efficiency or the benefits enjoyed by primary dealers and issuers. It is suggested that the structure of the market could be improved greatly if the largest and most active investors were permitted access to the inter-dealer electronic trading platforms. This would solve a number of market imperfections and increase the proportion of market activity that is conducted in a transparent way. The paper argues that sovereign issuers in Europe have the means to provide incentives that would influence dealers to support reduced segmentation. Some practical examples of how this could be achieved are provided and the potential benefits are outlined.


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A method extending narrative analysis with grounded theory analysis is proposed to bridge the gap between breadth and depth in IS narrative research. The purpose of the method is not to develop a theory but to make narrative analysis more accessible, transparent and accountable; and the resultant narrative more contextually grounded. The method is aimed particularly at inexperienced narrative researchers who currently lack guidance through the complexity of narrative analysis, but may also benefit experienced narrative researchers who may not be familiar with the applicability of grounded theory tools and techniques in this area.


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The electro-optic response of a cell consisting of a thin layer of liquid crystal deposited onto gold nanorods embedded in thin film alumina with a transparent top electrode has been investigated. For p-polarized light incident from the liquid crystal side, the extinction peak associated with the nanorod longitudinal plasmon resonance is completely suppressed. The peak could be recovered by applying an external electric field parallel to the long axis of the nanorods. No extinction peak suppression is observed when the light was incident from the nanorod side of the cell. The effect is explained by polarization properties of liquid crystal.


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Freestanding polyparaphenylene films were obtained on polymerization of benzene at potential of 1.2 V versus Al wire on substrates like platinum/transparent conducting glass as an anode. The electrolyte used was chloroaluminate room-temperature melt, which was prepared by intimate mixing of a 1:2 ratio of cetyl pyridinium chloride and anhydrous aluminum chloride to yield a viscous liquid. This liquid was miscible in all proportions with benzene and other aromatic hydrocarbons in all proportions at room temperature. The polyparaphenylene films deposited on platinum anode exhibited a prominent cyclic voltammetric peak at 0.7 V versus Al wire as reference electrode in chloroaluminate medium. The impedance spectra gave low charge transfer resistance. The diffused reflectance electronic spectra of the film gave the peaks at 386 nm and 886 nm. The PPP films showed electronic conductivity around 3–4 × 104 S/cm by four probe method under nitrogen atmosphere. The polymer was also characterized by IR spectra, thermal studies, and SEM studies.


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A bluish-black shining free standing polypyrrole film (PPy) of electronic conductivity 130 S cm-1 has been prepared by electrochemical oxidative polymerization of pyrrole on Pt/transparent glass conducting electrode resistance 15 O cm-1, using a room temperature melt as an electrolyte, composed of 1:3 stoichiometric ratio of cetyl pyridinium chloride and anhydrous aluminum chloride at 0.58 V versus Al wire as a reference electrode. The film possessed a charge transfer resistance of 132 O, and showed two absorption peaks at 457 and 1264 nm in the UV-vis–NIR diffused reflectance spectra. The morphology of the film was hexagonal. The potential step technique suggested a layered structure. This thin film can easily be peeled off from the electrode surface after three cycles and can be used for various applications like dissipation of electrostatic charge, battery electrode materials, solid electrolytic capacitor, electrochromic windows and displays, microactuators etc. It was also characterized by IR, thermal and SEM studies.


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A conventional local model (LM) network consists of a set of affine local models blended together using appropriate weighting functions. Such networks have poor interpretability since the dynamics of the blended network are only weakly related to the underlying local models. In contrast, velocity-based LM networks employ strictly linear local models to provide a transparent framework for nonlinear modelling in which the global dynamics are a simple linear combination of the local model dynamics. A novel approach for constructing continuous-time velocity-based networks from plant data is presented. Key issues including continuous-time parameter estimation, correct realisation of the velocity-based local models and avoidance of the input derivative are all addressed. Application results are reported for the highly nonlinear simulated continuous stirred tank reactor process.


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A World Conservation Union (IUCN) regional red list is an objective assessment of regional extinction risk and is not the same as a list of conservation priority species. Recent research reveals the widespread, but incorrect, assumption that IUCN Red List categories represent a hierarchical list of priorities for conservation action. We developed a simple eight-step priority-setting process and applied it to the conservation of bees in Ireland. Our model is based on the national red list but also considers the global significance of the national population; the conservation status at global, continental, and regional levels; key biological, economic, and societal factors; and is compatible with existing conservation agreements and legislation. Throughout Ireland, almost one-third of the bee fauna is threatened (30 of 100 species), but our methodology resulted in a reduced list of only 17 priority species. We did not use the priority species list to broadly categorize species to the conservation action required; instead, we indicated the individual action required for all threatened, near-threatened, and data-deficient species on the national red list based on the IUCN's conservation-actions template file. Priority species lists will strongly influence prioritization of conservation actions at national levels, but action should not be exclusive to listed species. In addition, all species on this list will not necessarily require immediate action. Our method is transparent, reproducible, and readily applicable to other taxa and regions.


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The Parades Commission of Northern Ireland was established to regulate the use of public space in the region. Its formal design includes both a role in mediating between groups over how spaces are used and an adjudicative role when agreement between competing groups cannot be reached. We argue that the Parades Commission has only been effective to the degree that its character as a bureaucracy has quelled violence surrounding parades. The Commission's goal of conciliation cannot be attained without a more consistent, transparent and inclusive approach to applying law.