36 resultados para TI K-EDGE


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This paper proposes a modification to the ACI 318-02 equivalent frame method of analysis of reinforced concrete flat plate exterior panels. Two existing code methods were examined: ACI 318 and BS 8110. The derivation of the torsional stiffness of the edge strip as proposed by ACI 318 is examined and a more accurate estimate of this value is proposed, based on both theoretical analysis and experimental results. A series of 1/3-scale models of flat plate exterior panels have been tested. Unique experimental results were obtained by measuring strains in reinforcing bars at approximately 200 selected locations in the plate panel throughout the entire loading history. The measured strains were used to calculate curvature and, hence, bending moments; these were used along with moments in the columns to assess the accuracy of the equivalent frame methods. The proposed method leads to a more accurate prediction of the moments in the plate at the column front face, at the panel midspan, and in the edge column. Registered Subscribers: View the full article. This document is available as a free download to qualified members. An electronic (PDF) version is available for purchase and download. Click on the Order Now button to continue with the download.


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Energy levels and oscillator strengths (transition probabilities) have been calculated for transitions among 46 fine-structure levels of the (1s(2)) 2s(2) 2p(2), 2s2p(3),2p(4), 2s(2)2p3s, 2s(2) 2p3p and 2s(2)2p3d configurations of C-like K XIV, Sc XVI, Ti XVII, V XVIII, Cr XIX and Mn XX using the GRASP code. Configuration interaction and relativistic effects have been included while generating the wavefunctions. Calculated values of energy levels agree within 3% with the experimentally compiled results, and the length and velocity forms of oscillator strengths agree within 20% for a majority of allowed transitions.


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Polar photodissociation of CFnCl4-n (n=0-2) has been studied using synchrotron radiation within the energy range 195-217 eV. The first observations of negative photoion fragments from these molecules after core excitation are reported. In addition to observing a number of previously known resonances two additional resonant states, just above the Cl 2p ionization limit, are observed and play an important role in the polar photodissociation process. The difficulties in identifying these above threshold spin-split features using negative photoion spectroscopy are discussed.


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A study of the K-alpha radiation emitted from Ti foils irradiated with intense, similar to0.2 J, 67 fs, 800 nm laser pulses, scanning a range of intensities (similar to10(15)-10(18) W cm(-2)), is reported. The brightness of single-shot K-alpha line emission from the front of the targets is recorded. The yield from bare titanium (Ti) is compared to that from plastic (parylene-E) coated Ti. It is demonstrated that, for a defocused beam, a thin layer of plastic increases the yield.


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We present a numerical and theoretical study of intense-field single-electron ionization of helium at 390 nm and 780 nm. Accurate ionization rates (over an intensity range of (0.175-34) X10^14 W/ cm^2 at 390 nm, and (0.275 - 14.4) X 10^14 W /cm^2 at 780 nm) are obtained from full-dimensionality integrations of the time-dependent helium-laser Schroedinger equation. We show that the power law of lowest order perturbation theory, modified with a ponderomotive-shifted ionization potential, is capable of modelling the ionization rates over an intensity range that extends up to two orders of magnitude higher than that applicable to perturbation theory alone. Writing the modified perturbation theory in terms of scaled wavelength and intensity variables, we obtain to first approximation a single ionization law for both the 390 nm and 780 nm cases. To model the data in the high intensity limit as well as in the low, a new function is introduced for the rate. This function has, in part, a resemblance to that derived from tunnelling theory but, importantly, retains the correct frequency-dependence and scaling behaviour derived from the perturbative-like models at lower intensities. Comparison with the predictions of classical ADK tunnelling theory confirms that ADK performs poorly in the frequency and intensity domain treated here.


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By means of the mechanical alloying (MA) method, Al and Ti + Al coatings were deposited on Ti alloy substrates. During the mechano-activation processing, the substrate surface was impacted by a large number of flying balls along with particles of powder. The repeated ball collisions with the substrate resulted in the deposition of powder on its surface. MA technique produced Ti + Al coating with a thickness of 200 µm and Al one with a thickness of 50 µm after 2 h milling at room temperature. The as-synthesized coatings showed structures with high apparent density and free of porosity. The surface morphology of the MA-coatings was very rough. Annealing treatment led to the leveling of this uneven morphology. Annealing at temperatures ranging between 600 °C and 1100 °C gave different aluminide phases on the samples. In the case of Al coating, Al3Ti and Ti3Al compound were observed upon heating up to 1100 °C. In the case of Ti + Al coating, Al3Ti, Al2Ti, TiAl and Ti3Al were formed on the surface.


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Edge Cloud 2 (EC2) is a molecular cloud, about 35 pc in size, with one of the largest galactocentric distances known to exist in the Milky Way. We present observations of a peak CO emission region in the cloud and use these to determine its physical characteristics. We calculate a gas temperature of 20 K and a density of n(H2)~10^4 cm-3. Based on our CO maps, we estimate the mass of EC2 at around 10^4 Msolar and continuum observations suggest a dust-to-gas mass ratio as low as 0.001. Chemical models have been developed to reproduce the abundances in EC2, and they indicate that heavy element abundances may be reduced by a factor of 5 relative to the solar neighborhood (similar to dwarf irregular galaxies and damped Lya systems), very low extinction (A_V <4 mag) due to a very low dust-to-gas mass ratio, an enhanced cosmic-ray ionization rate, and a higher UV field compared to local interstellar values. The reduced abundances may be attributed to the low level of star formation in this region and are probably also related to the continuing infall of primordial (or low-metallicity) halo gas since the Milky Way formed. Finally, we note that shocks from the old supernova remnant GSH 138-01-94 may have determined the morphology and dynamics of EC2.


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Progress in the theoretical understanding of non-sequential double-ionization of atoms is reviewed from its beginnings with Kuchiev's work in the late 1980s and Corkum's work in the early 1990s to the present day. The crucial role of laboratory experiment as a persistent stimulus to theoretical endeavour is underlined but the predictive roles of simple, yet fundamental, theory and also of a full quantum mechanical description are not forgotten. A theoretical forward look is provided.


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Recently, lead iron tantalate/lead zirconium titanate (PZTFT) was demonstrated to possess large, but unreliable, magnetoelectric coupling at room temperature. Such large coupling would be desirable for device applications but reproducibility would also be critical. To better understand the coupling, the properties of all 3 ferroic order parameters, elastic, electric, and magnetic, believed to be present in the material across a range of temperatures, are investigated. In high temperature elastic data, an anomaly is observed at the orthorhombic mm2 to tetragonal 4mm transition, Tot = 475 K, and a softening trend is observed as the temperature is increased toward 1300 K, where the material is known to become cubic. Thermal degradation makes it impos- sible to measure elastic behavior up to this temperature, however. In the low temperature region, there are elastic anomalies near ≈40 K and in the range 160–245 K. The former is interpreted as being due to a magnetic ordering transition and the latter is interpreted as a hysteretic regime of mixed rhom- bohedral and orthorhombic structures. Electrical and magnetic data collected below room temperature show anomalies at remarkably similar temperature ranges to the elastic data. These observations are used to suggest that the three order parameters in PZTFT are strongly coupled.


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We report calculations of energy levels, radiative rates, oscillator strengths and line strengths for transitions among the lowest 231 levels of Ti VII. The general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package and flexible atomic code are adopted for the calculations. Radiative rates, oscillator strengths and line strengths are provided for all electric dipole (E1), magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions among the 231 levels, although calculations have been performed for a much larger number of levels (159 162). In addition, lifetimes for all 231 levels are listed. Comparisons are made with existing results and the accuracy of the data is assessed. In particular, the most recent calculations reported by Singh et al (2012 Can. J. Phys. 90 833) are found to be unreliable, with discrepancies for energy levels of up to 1 Ryd and for radiative rates of up to five orders of magnitude for several transitions, particularly the weaker ones. Based on several comparisons among a variety of calculations with two independent codes, as well as with the earlier results, our listed energy levels are estimated to be accurate to better than 1% (within 0.1 Ryd), whereas results for radiative rates and other related parameters should be accurate to better than 20%.


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We report on calculations of energy levels, radiative rates, oscillator strengths and line strengths for transitions among the lowest 253 levels of the (1s22s22p6 ) 3s23p5 , 3s3p6 , 3s23p43d, 3s3p53d, 3s23p33d2 , 3s23p44s, 3s23p44p and 3s23p44d configurations of Ti VI. The general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package and flexible atomic code are adopted for the calculations. Radiative rates, oscillator strengths and line strengths are reported for all electric dipole (E1), magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions among the 253 levels, although calculations have been performed for a much larger number of levels. Comparisons are made with existing available results and the accuracy of the data is assessed. Additionally, lifetimes for all 253 levels are listed, although comparisons with other theoretical results are limited to only 88 levels. Our energy levels are estimated to be accurate to better than 1% (within 0.03 Ryd), whereas results for other parameters are probably accurate to better than 20%. A reassessment of the energy level data on the National Institute of Standards and Technology website for Ti VI is suggested.


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We report calculations of energy levels, radiative rates, oscillator strengths and line strengths for transitions among the lowest 345 levels of Ti X. These include 146 levels of the n 3 configurations and 86 of 3s 24ℓ, 3s25ℓ and 3s3p4ℓ, plus some of the 3s26ℓ, 3p24ℓ and 3s3p5ℓ levels. The general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package and flexible atomic code are adopted for the calculations. Radiative rates, oscillator strengths and line strengths are provided for all electric dipole (E1), magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions among the 345 levels, although calculations have been performed for a much larger number of levels. Comparisons are made with existing results and the accuracy of the data is assessed. Additionally, lifetimes for all 345 levels are listed. Extensive comparisons of lifetimes are made for the lowest 40 levels, for which discrepancies with recent theoretical work are up to 30%. Discrepancies in lifetimes are even larger, up to a factor of four, for higher excited levels. Furthermore, the effect of large configuration interaction (CI) is found to be insignificant for both the energies and lifetimes for the lowest 40 levels of Ti X which belong to the 3s23p, 3s3p2, 3s23d, 3p3 and 3s3p3d configurations. However, the contribution of CI is more appreciable for the energy levels and radiative rates among higher excited levels. Our listed energy levels are estimated to be accurate to better than 1% (within 0.1 Ryd), whereas results for other parameters are probably accurate to better than 20%. © 2013 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.