34 resultados para TG


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This work describes the development of spray dried polymer coated liposomes composed of soy phosphatidylcholine (SPC) and phospholipid dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) coated with alginate, chitosan or trimethyl chitosan (TMC), that are able to penetrate through the nasal mucosa and offer enhanced penetration over uncoated liposomes when delivered as a dry powder. All the liposome formulations, loaded with BSA as model antigen, were spray-dried to obtain powder size and liposome size in a suitable range for nasal delivery. Although coating resulted in some reduction in encapsulation efficiency, levels were still maintained between 60% and 69% and the structural integrity of the entrapped protein and its release characteristics were maintained. Coating with TMC gave the best product characteristics in terms of entrapment efficiency, glass transition (Tg) and mucoadhesive strength, while penetration of nasal mucosal tissue was very encouraging when these liposomes were administered as dispersions although improved results were observed for the dry powders


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Wound healing, angiogenesis and hair follicle maintenance are often impaired in the skin of diabetic patients, but the pathogenesis has not been well understood. Here, we report that circulation levels of kallistatin, a member of the serine proteinase inhibitor (SERPIN) superfamily with anti-angiogenic activities, were elevated in Type 2 diabetic patients with diabetic vascular complications. To test the hypothesis that elevated kallistatin levels could contribute to a wound healing deficiency via inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, we generated kallistatin-transgenic (KS-TG) mice. KS-TG mice had reduced cutaneous hair follicle density, microvascular density, and panniculus adiposus layer thickness as well as altered skin microvascular hemodynamics and delayed cutaneous wound healing. Using Wnt reporter mice, our results showed that Wnt/β-catenin signaling is suppressed in dermal endothelium and hair follicles in KS-TG mice. Lithium, a known activator of β-catenin via inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3β, reversed the inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin signaling by kallistatin and rescued the wound healing deficiency in KS-TG mice. These observations suggest that elevated circulating anti-angiogenic serpins in diabetic patients may contribute to impaired wound healing through inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, at a level downstream of Wnt receptors, may ameliorate the wound healing deficiency in diabetic patients.Journal of Investigative Dermatology accepted article preview online, 24 January 2014. doi:10.1038/jid.2014.40.


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Tofua Island is the largest emergent mafic volcano within the Tofua arc, Tonga, southwest Pacific. The volcano is dominated by a distinctive caldera averaging 4 km in diameter, containing a freshwater lake in the south and east. The latest paroxysmal (VEI 5-6) explosive volcanism includes two phases of activity, each emplacing a high-grade ignimbrite. The products are basaltic andesites with between 52 wt.% and 57 wt.% SiO(2). The first and largest eruption caused the inward collapse of a stratovolcano and produced the 'Tofua' ignimbrite and a sub-circular caldera located slightly northwest of the island's centre. This ignimbrite was deposited in a radial fashion over the entire island, with associated Plinian fall deposits up to 0.5 m thick on islands > 40 km away. Common sub-rounded and frequently cauliform scoria bombs throughout the ignimbrite attest to a small degree of marginal magma-water interaction. The common intense welding of the coarse-grained eruptive products, however, suggests that the majority of the erupted magma was hot, water-undersaturated and supplied at high rates with moderately low fragmentation efficiency and low levels of interaction with external water. We propose that the development of a water-saturated dacite body at shallow (<6 km) depth resulted in failure of the chamber roof to cause sudden evacuation of material, producing a Plinian eruption column. Following a brief period of quiescence, largescale faulting in the southeast of the island produced a second explosive phase believed to result from recharge of a chemically distinct magma depleted in incompatible elements. This similar, but smaller eruption, emplaced the 'Hokula' Ignimbrite sheet in the northeast of the island. A maximum total volume of 8 km(3) of juvenile material was erupted by these events. The main eruption column is estimated to have reached a height of similar to 12 km, and to have produced a major atmospheric injection of gas, and tephra recorded in the widespread series of fall deposits found on coral islands 40-80 km to the east (in the direction of regional upper-tropospheric winds). Radiocarbon dating of charcoal below the Tofua ignimbrite and organic material below the related fall units imply this eruption sequence occurred post 1,000 years BP. We estimate an eruption magnitude of 2.24x10(13) kg, sulphur release of 12 Tg and tentatively assign this eruption to the AD 1030 volcanic sulphate spike recorded in Antarctic ice sheet records.


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Immunohistochemistry of histologically negative axillary lymph nodes in breast-cancer patients resulted in upstaging of the sentinel lymph node in eight (14%) of 52 patients, The resulting information altered clinical management in six of these patients. Thus, this technique may affect clinical decision-making in breast-cancer patients.


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Objectives: This study sought to investigate the effect of endothelial dysfunction on the development of cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis.
Background: Endothelial dysfunction accompanies cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis, but its contribution to these conditions is unclear. Increased nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase-2 (NOX2) activation causes endothelial dysfunction.
Methods: Transgenic mice with endothelial-specific NOX2 overexpression (TG mice) and wild-type littermates received long-term angiotensin II (AngII) infusion (1.1 mg/kg/day, 2 weeks) to induce hypertrophy and fibrosis.
Results: TG mice had systolic hypertension and hypertrophy similar to those seen in wild-type mice but developed greater cardiac fibrosis and evidence of isolated left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (p < 0.05). TG myocardium had more inflammatory cells and VCAM-1-positive vessels than did wild-type myocardium after AngII treatment (both p < 0.05). TG microvascular endothelial cells (ECs) treated with AngII recruited 2-fold more leukocytes than did wild-type ECs in an in vitro adhesion assay (p < 0.05). However, inflammatory cell NOX2 per se was not essential for the profibrotic effects of AngII. TG showed a higher level of endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) than did wild-type mice after AngII infusion. In cultured ECs treated with AngII, NOX2 enhanced EMT as assessed by the relative expression of fibroblast versus endothelial-specific markers.
Conclusions: AngII-induced endothelial NOX2 activation has profound profibrotic effects in the heart in vivo that lead to a diastolic dysfunction phenotype. Endothelial NOX2 enhances EMT and has proinflammatory effects. This may be an important mechanism underlying cardiac fibrosis and diastolic dysfunction during increased renin-angiotensin activation.


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Electrical conductivity of the supercooled ionic liquid [C8MIM][NTf2], determined as a function of temperature and pressure, highlights strong differences in its ionic transport behavior between low and high temperature regions. To date, the crossover effect which is very well known for low molecular van der Waals liquids has been rarely described for classical ionic liquids. This finding highlights that the thermal fluctuations could be dominant mechanisms driving the dramatic slowing down of ion motions near Tg. An alternative way to analyze separately low and high temperature dc-conductivity data using a density scaling approach was then proposed. Based on which a common value of the scaling exponent [gamma] = 2.4 was obtained, indicating that the applied density scaling is insensitive to the crossover effect. By comparing the scaling exponent [gamma] reported herein along with literature data for other ionic liquids, it appears that [gamma] decreases by increasing the alkyl chain length on the 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium-based ionic liquids. This observation may be related to changes in the interaction between ions in solution driven by an increase in the van der Waals type interaction by increasing the alkyl chain length on the cation. This effect may be related to changes in the ionic liquid nanostructural organization with the alkyl chain length on the cation as previously reported in the literature based on molecular dynamic simulations. In other words, the calculated scaling exponent [gamma] may be then used as a key parameter to probe the interaction and/or self-organizational changes in solution with respect to the ionic liquid structure.


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Given the growing interest in thermal processing methods, this study describes the use of an advanced rheological technique, capillary rheometry, to accurately determine the thermorheological properties of two pharmaceutical polymers, Eudragit E100 (E100) and hydroxypropylcellulose JF (HPC) and their blends, both in the presence and absence of a model therapeutic agent (quinine, as the base and hydrochloride salt). Furthermore, the glass transition temperatures (Tg) of the cooled extrudates produced using capillary rheometry were characterised using Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA) thereby enabling correlations to be drawn between the information derived from capillary rheometry and the glass transition properties of the extrudates. The shear viscosities of E100 and HPC (and their blends) decreased as functions of increasing temperature and shear rates, with the shear viscosity of E100 being significantly greater than that of HPC at all temperatures and shear rates. All platforms were readily processed at shear rates relevant to extrusion (approximately 200–300 s−1) and injection moulding (approximately 900 s−1). Quinine base was observed to lower the shear viscosities of E100 and E100/HPC blends during processing and the Tg of extrudates, indicative of plasticisation at processing temperatures and when cooled (i.e. in the solid state). Quinine hydrochloride (20% w/w) increased the shear viscosities of E100 and HPC and their blends during processing and did not affect the Tg of the parent polymer. However, the shear viscosities of these systems were not prohibitive to processing at shear rates relevant to extrusion and injection moulding. As the ratio of E100:HPC increased within the polymer blends the effects of quinine base on the lowering of both shear viscosity and Tg of the polymer blends increased, reflecting the greater solubility of quinine within E100. In conclusion, this study has highlighted the importance of capillary rheometry in identifying processing conditions, polymer miscibility and plasticisation phenomena.


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Purpose: Amorphous drug-polymer solid dispersions have been found to result in improved drug dissolution rates when compared to their crystalline counterparts. However, when the drug exists in the amorphous form it will possess a higher Gibb’s free energy than its associated crystalline state and can recrystallize. Drug-polymer phase diagrams constructed through the application of the Flory Huggins (F-H) theory contain a wealth of information regarding thermodynamic and kinetic stability of the amorphous drug-polymer system. This study was aimed to evaluate the effects of various experimental conditions on the solubility and miscibility detections of drug-polymer binary system. Methods: Felodipine (FD)-Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) K15 (PVPK15) and FD-Polyvinylpyrrolidone/vinyl acetate (PVP/VA64) were the selected systems for this research. Physical mixtures with different drug loadings were mixed and ball milled. These samples were then processed using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and measurements of melting point (Tend) and glass transition (Tg) were detected using heating rates of 0.5, 1.0 and 5.0°C/min. Results: The melting point depression data was then used to calculate the F-H interaction parameter (χ) and extrapolated to lower temperatures to complete the liquid–solid transition curves. The theoretical binodal and spinodal curves were also constructed which were used to identify regions within the phase diagram. The effects of polymer selection, DSC heating rate, time above parent polymer Tg and polymer molecular weight were investigated by identifying amorphous drug miscibility limits at pharmaceutically relevant temperatures. Conclusion: The potential implications of these findings when applied to a non-ambient processing method such as Hot Melt Extrusion (HME) are also discussed.


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Purpose The aim of this work was to examine, for amorphous solid dispersions, how the thermal analysis method selected impacts on the construction of thermodynamic phase diagrams, and to assess the predictive value of such phase diagrams in the selection of optimal, physically stable API-polymer compositions. Methods Thermodynamic phase diagrams for two API/polymer systems (naproxen/HPMC AS LF and naproxen/Kollidon 17 PF) were constructed from data collected using two different thermal analysis methods. The “dynamic” method involved heating the physical mixture at a rate of 1 &[deg]C/minute. In the "static" approach, samples were held at a temperature above the polymer Tg for prolonged periods, prior to scanning at 10 &[deg]C/minute. Subsequent to construction of phase diagrams, solid dispersions consisting of API-polymer compositions representative of different zones in the phase diagrams were spray dried and characterised using DSC, pXRD, TGA, FTIR, DVS and SEM. The stability of these systems was investigated under the following conditions: 25 &[deg]C, desiccated; 25 &[deg]C, 60 % RH; 40 &[deg]C, desiccated; 40 &[deg]C, 60 % RH. Results Endset depression occurred with increasing polymer volume fraction (Figure 1a). In conjunction with this data, Flory-Huggins and Gordon-Taylor theory were applied to construct thermodynamic phase diagrams (Figure 1b). The Flory-Huggins interaction parameter (&[chi]) for naproxen and HPMC AS LF was + 0.80 and + 0.72, for the dynamic and static methods respectively. For naproxen and Kollidon 17 PF, the dynamic data resulted in an interaction parameter of - 1.1 and the isothermal data produced a value of - 2.2. For both systems, the API appeared to be less soluble in the polymer when the dynamic approach was used. Stability studies of spray dried solid dispersions could be used as a means of validating the thermodynamic phase diagrams. Conclusion The thermal analysis method used to collate data has a deterministic effect on the phase diagram produced. This effect should be considered when constructing thermodynamic phase diagrams, as they can be a useful tool in predicting the stability of amorphous solid dispersions.


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Epidemiological studies suggest a relationship between blood lipids and immune-mediated diseases, but the nature of these associations is not well understood. We used genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to investigate shared single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between blood lipids and immune-mediated diseases. We analyzed data from GWAS (n~200,000 individuals), applying new False Discovery Rate (FDR) methods, to investigate genetic overlap between blood lipid levels [triglycerides (TG), low density lipoproteins (LDL), high density lipoproteins (HDL)] and a selection of archetypal immune-mediated diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, psoriasis and sarcoidosis). We found significant polygenic pleiotropy between the blood lipids and all the investigated immune-mediated diseases. We discovered several shared risk loci between the immune-mediated diseases and TG (n = 88), LDL (n = 87) and HDL (n = 52). Three-way analyses differentiated the pattern of pleiotropy among the immune-mediated diseases. The new pleiotropic loci increased the number of functional gene network nodes representing blood lipid loci by 40%. Pathway analyses implicated several novel shared mechanisms for immune pathogenesis and lipid biology, including glycosphingolipid synthesis (e.g. FUT2) and intestinal host-microbe interactions (e.g. ATG16L1). We demonstrate a shared genetic basis for blood lipids and immune-mediated diseases independent of environmental factors. Our findings provide novel mechanistic insights into dyslipidemia and immune-mediated diseases and may have implications for therapeutic trials involving lipid-lowering and anti-inflammatory agents.


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BACKGROUND: Epidemiological and clinical studies suggest comorbidity between prostate cancer (PCA) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors. However, the relationship between these two phenotypes is still not well understood. Here we sought to identify shared genetic loci between PCA and CVD risk factors.

METHODS: We applied a genetic epidemiology method based on conjunction false discovery rate (FDR) that combines summary statistics from different genome-wide association studies (GWAS), and allows identification of genetic overlap between two phenotypes. We evaluated summary statistics from large, multi-centre GWA studies of PCA (n=50 000) and CVD risk factors (n=200 000) [triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, body mass index, waist-hip ratio and type 2 diabetes (T2D)]. Enrichment of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with PCA and CVD risk factors was assessed with conditional quantile-quantile plots and the Anderson-Darling test. Moreover, we pinpointed shared loci using conjunction FDR.

RESULTS: We found the strongest enrichment of P-values in PCA was conditional on LDL and conditional on TG. In contrast, we found only weak enrichment conditional on HDL or conditional on the other traits investigated. Conjunction FDR identified altogether 17 loci; 10 loci were associated with PCA and LDL, 3 loci were associated with PCA and TG and additionally 4 loci were associated with PCA, LDL and TG jointly (conjunction FDR <0.01). For T2D, we detected one locus adjacent to HNF1B.

CONCLUSIONS: We found polygenic overlap between PCA predisposition and blood lipids, in particular LDL and TG, and identified 17 pleiotropic gene loci between PCA and LDL, and PCA and TG, respectively. These findings provide novel pathobiological insights and may have implications for trials using targeting lipid-lowering agents in a prevention or cancer setting.


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Cellular stress responses often involve elevation of cytosolic calcium levels, and this has been suggested to stimulate autophagy. Here, however, we demonstrated that agents that alter intracellular calcium ion homeostasis and induce ER stress-the calcium ionophore A23187 and the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca (2+)-ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin (TG)-potently inhibit autophagy. This anti-autophagic effect occurred under both nutrient-rich and amino acid starvation conditions, and was reflected by a strong reduction in autophagic degradation of long-lived proteins. Furthermore, we found that the calcium-modulating agents inhibited autophagosome biogenesis at a step after the acquisition of WIPI1, but prior to the closure of the autophagosome. The latter was evident from the virtually complete inability of A23187- or TG-treated cells to sequester cytosolic lactate dehydrogenase. Moreover, we observed a decrease in both the number and size of starvation-induced EGFP-LC3 puncta as well as reduced numbers of mRFP-LC3 puncta in a tandem fluorescent mRFP-EGFP-LC3 cell line. The anti-autophagic effect of A23187 and TG was independent of ER stress, as chemical or siRNA-mediated inhibition of the unfolded protein response did not alter the ability of the calcium modulators to block autophagy. Finally, and remarkably, we found that the anti-autophagic activity of the calcium modulators did not require sustained or bulk changes in cytosolic calcium levels. In conclusion, we propose that local perturbations in intracellular calcium levels can exert inhibitory effects on autophagy at the stage of autophagosome expansion and closure.


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PURPOSE: recent studies have found that KRAS mutations predict resistance to monoclonal antibodies targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). A polymorphism in a let-7 microRNA complementary site (lcs6) in the KRAS 3' untranslated region (UTR) is associated with an increased cancer risk in non-small-cell lung cancer and reduced overall survival (OS) in oral cancers. We tested the hypothesis whether this polymorphism may be associated with clinical outcome in KRAS wild-type (KRASwt) mCRC patients treated with cetuximab monotherapy.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: the presence of KRAS let-7 lcs6 polymorphism was evaluated in 130 mCRC patients who were enrolled in a phase II study of cetuximab monotherapy (IMCL-0144). Genomic DNA was extracted from dissected formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor tissue, KRAS mutation status and polymorphism were assessed using direct sequencing and PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism technique.

RESULTS: KRAS let-7 lcs6 polymorphism was found to be related to object response rate (ORR) in mCRC patients whose tumors had KRASwt. The 12 KRASwt patients harboring at least a variant G allele (TG or GG) had a 42% ORR compared with a 9% ORR in 55 KRASwt patients with let-7 lcs6 TT genotype (P = 0.02, Fisher's exact test). KRASwt patients with TG/GG genotypes had trend of longer median progression-free survival (3.9 versus 1.3 months) and OS (10.7 versus 6.4 months) compared to those with TT genotypes.

CONCLUSIONS: these results are the first to indicate that the KRAS 3'UTR polymorphism may predict for cetuximab responsiveness in KRASwt mCRC patients, which warrants validation in other clinical trials.


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Topic: A systematic review and meta-analysis of dyslipidemia and diabetic macular edema (DME). 

Clinical Relevance: Diabetic macular edema causes impairment of vision in patients with diabetes, and dyslipidemia has been reported as a risk factor for its development. A systematic review with a meta-analysis was undertaken to examine the evidence of an association between dyslipidemia and DME. 

Methods: We defined eligibility criteria as randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional studies reporting on the relationship between blood lipid levels and DME. We performed a literature search in MEDLINE, PubMed, and Embase from inception to September 2014. We used the NewcastleeOttawa scale to assess the quality of case-control, cross-sectional, and cohort studies, and the Cochrane risk of bias tool for RCTs. 

Results: The search strategy identified 4959 publications. After screening, we selected 21 articles for review (5 cross-sectional, 5 cohort, 7 case-control, and 4 RCTs). Meta-analysis of case-control studies revealed that mean levels of total serum cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), and serum triglycerides (TGs) were significantly higher in patients with DME compared with those without DME (TC: 30.08; 95% confidence interval [CI], 21.14e39.02; P < 0.001; LDL: 18.62; 95% CI, 5.80e31.43; P < 0.05; TG: 24.82; 95% CI, 9.21e40.42; P < 0.05). Meta-analysis of RCTs did not show significant risk in worsening of hard exudates and severity of DME in the lipid-lowering group compared with placebo (hard exudates: relative risk, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.47e2.11; P ¼ 1.00; DME: relative risk, 1.18; 95% CI, 0.75e1.86; P ¼ 0.48). 

Conclusions: Despite evidence from the cohort studies and meta-analysis of the case-control studies suggesting a strong relationship between lipid levels and DME, this was not confirmed by the meta-analysis that included only prospective RCTs. Therefore, given the significant public health relevance of the topic, the relationship between lipid levels and DME deserves further investigation.