28 resultados para Supersonic nozzles


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Ensembles of charged particles (plasmas) are a highly complex form of matter, most often modeled as a many-body system characterized by weak inter-particle interactions (electrostatic coupling). However, strongly-coupled plasma configurations have recently been produced in laboratory, either by creating ultra-cold plasmas confined in a trap or by manipulating dusty plasmas in discharge experiments. In this paper, the nonlinear aspects involved in the motion of charged dust grains in a one-dimensional plasma monolayer (crystal) are discussed. Different types of collective excitations are reviewed, and characteristics and conditions for their occurrence in dusty plasma crystals are discussed, in a quasi-continuum approximation. Dust crystals are shown to support nonlinear kink-shaped supersonic solitary longitudinal excitations, as well as modulated envelope localized modes associated with longitudinal and transverse vibrations. Furthermore, the possibility for intrinsic localized modes (ILMs) — Discrete Breathers (DBs) — to occur is investigated, from first principles. The effect of mode-coupling is also briefly considered. The relation to previous results on atomic chains, and also to experimental results on strongly-coupled dust layers in gas discharge plasmas, is briefly discussed.


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Above a critical velocity, the dominant mechanism of energy transfer between a moving object and a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate is vortex formation. In this paper, we discuss the critical velocity for vortex formation and the link between vortex shedding and drag in both homogeneous and inhomogeneous condensates. We find that at supersonic velocities sound radiation also contributes significantly to the drag force.


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Large nonlinear acoustic waves are discussed in a plasma made up of cold supersonic and adiabatic subsonic positive ions, in the presence of hot isothermal electrons, with the help of Sagdeev pseudopotential theory. In this model, no solitons are found at the acoustic speed, and no compositional parameter ranges exist where solutions of opposite polarities can coexist. All nonlinear modes are thus super-acoustic, but polarity changes are possible. The upper limits on admissible structure velocities come from different physical arguments, in a strict order when the fractional cool ion density is increased: infinite cold ion compression, warm ion sonic point, positive double layers, negative double layers, and finally, positive double layers again. However, not all ranges exist for all mass and temperature ratios. Whereas the cold and warm ion sonic point limitations are always present over a wide range of mass and temperature ratios, and thus positive polarity solutions can easily be obtained, double layers have a more restricted existence range, specially if polarity changes are sought. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3579397]


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Liquid ethanol (C2H5OH) was used to generate a spray of sub-micron droplets. Sprays with different nozzle geometries have been tested and characterised using Mie scattering to find scaling properties and to generate droplets with different diameters within the spray. Nozzles having throat diameters of 470 µm and 560 µm showed generation of ethanol spray with droplet diameters of (180 ± 10) nm and (140 ± 10) nm, respectively. These investigations were motivated by the observation of copious negative ions from these target systems, e.g., negative oxygen and carbon ions measured from water and ethanol sprays irradiated with ultra-intense (5 × 1019 W/cm2), ultra short (40 fs) laser pulses. It is shown that the droplet diameter and the average atomic density of the spray have a significant effect on the numbers and energies of accelerated ions, both positive and negative. These targets open new possibilities for the creation of efficient and compact sources of different negative ion species.


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The linear and nonlinear properties of low-frequency electrostatic excitations of charged dust particles (or defects) in a dense collisionless, unmagnetized Thomas-Fermi plasma are investigated. A fully ionized three-component model plasma consisting of electrons, ions, and negatively charged massive dust grains is considered. Electrons and ions are assumed to be in a degenerate quantum state, obeying the Thomas-Fermi density distribution, whereas the inertial dust component is described by a set of classical fluid equations. Considering large-amplitude stationary profile travelling-waves in a moving reference frame, the fluid evolution equations are reduced to a pseudo-energy-balance equation, involving a Sagdeev-type potential function. The analysis describes the dynamics of supersonic dust-acoustic solitary waves in Thomas-Fermi plasmas, and provides exact predictions for their dynamical characteristics, whose dependence on relevant parameters (namely, the ion-to-electron Fermi temperature ratio, and the dust concentration) is investigated. An alternative route is also adopted, by assuming weakly varying small-amplitude disturbances off equilibrium, and then adopting a multiscale perturbation technique to derive a Korteweg–de Vries equation for the electrostatic potential, and finally solving in terms for electric potential pulses (electrostatic solitons). A critical comparison between the two methods reveals that they agree exactly in the small-amplitude, weakly superacoustic limit. The dust concentration (Havnes) parameter h = Zd0nd0/ne0 affects the propagation characteristics by modifying the phase speed, as well as the electron/ion Fermi temperatures. Our results aim at elucidating the characteristics of electrostatic excitations in dust-contaminated dense plasmas, e.g., in metallic electronic devices, and also arguably in supernova environments, where charged dust defects may occur in the quantum plasma regime.


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Self-organization(1,2) occurs in plasmas when energy progressively transfers from smaller to larger scales in an inverse cascade(3). Global structures that emerge from turbulent plasmas can be found in the laboratory(4) and in astrophysical settings; for example, the cosmic magnetic field(5,6,) collisionless shocks in supernova remnants(7) and the internal structures of newly formed stars known as Herbig-Haro objects(8). Here we show that large, stable electromagnetic field structures can also arise within counter-streaming supersonic plasmas in the laboratory. These surprising structures, formed by a yet unexplained mechanism, are predominantly oriented transverse to the primary flow direction, extend for much larger distances than the intrinsic plasma spatial scales and persist for much longer than the plasma kinetic timescales. Our results challenge existing models of counter-streaming plasmas and can be used to better understand large-scale and long-time plasma self-organization.


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A wide variety of processes make use of plain orifice nozzles. Fuel injectors for internal combustion engines incorporate these nozzles to generate finely atomized sprays. Processes such as jet cutting, jet cleaning, and hydroentanglement, on the other hand, use similar nozzles, but require coherent jets. The spray or jet characteristics depend on the stability of the flow emerging from the orifice. This problem has been extensively researched for nozzles with diameters above 300 μm. Much less is known about the characteristics of jets produced by nozzles with smaller diameters, where viscous effects and small geometric variations due to manufacturing tolerances are likely to play an increasing role. Results are presented of a wide-ranging investigation of geometry effects on the flow parameters and jet characteristics of nozzles with diameters between 120 and 170 μm. Nozzles with circular cross-section and conical, cone-capillary and capillary axial designs were investigated. For conical and cone-capillary nozzles, the effect of cone angle and effects due to interactions between adjacent nozzles in the multi-hole cone-capillary nozzles were studied. For capillary nozzles, the effects of diameter variations and inlet edge roundness for capillary nozzles were considered. Furthermore, the effect of varying the aspect ratio (ratio of major and minor axes) of elliptical nozzles was studied. Flowrate and jet impact force measurements were carried out to determine the discharge coefficient C, velocity coefficient C, and contraction coefficient C of the nozzles for supply pressures between 3 and 12 MPa. Visualizations of the jet flow were carried out in the vicinity of the nozzle exit in order to identify near-nozzle flow regimes and to study jet coherence. The relationship between nozzle geometry, discharge characteristics, and jet coherence is examined. © IMechE 2006.


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Cone-capillary nozzles with varying cone angles from 10° to 120° and a capillary diameter of 120μ are experimentally investigated for their application in the hydroentanglement process. Cone-up and cone-down configurations in a range of water pressures of 30-120 bar are tested. The effects of the cone angle on flow parameters such as discharge and velocity coefficients and intact length are studied. Flow visualization techniques are used to recognize the flow regimes and characteristics and to inspect and compare the intact length and appearance of the jets. Cone-down nozzles with more consistent flow properties, lower discharges, and higher velocity coefficients are more suitable for the hydroentanglement process. Single-cone nozzles without capillaries and with varying cone angles are also tested. The flow properties of the jets from the single-cone nozzles are compared with the cone-capillary nozzles of the same cone angle to study the effect of the capillary section. The effect of the interaction of adjacent nozzles on the flow from multi-hole nozzles is studied, and the characteristics of the jets from the multi-hole nozzles are compared with the single-hole nozzles.


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The cooling process in conventional rotomolding is relatively long due to poor thermal conductivity of plastics. The lack of internal cooling is a major limitation although rapid external cooling is possible. Various internal cooling methodologies have been studied to reduce the cycle time. These include the use of compressed air, cryogenic liquid nitrogen, chilled water coils, and cryogenic liquid carbon dioxide, all of which have limitations. However, this article demonstrates the use of water spray cooling of polymers as a viable and effective method for internal cooling in rotomolding. To this end, hydraulic, pneumatic, and ultrasonic nozzles were applied and evaluated using a specially constructed test rig to assess their efficiency. The effects of nozzle type and different parametric settings on water droplet size, velocity, and mass flow rate were analyzed and their influence on cooling rate, surface quality, and morphology of polymer exposed to spray cooling were characterized. The pneumatic nozzle provided highest average cooling rate while the hydraulic nozzle gave lowest average cooling rate. The ultrasonic nozzle with medium droplet size traveling at low velocity produced satisfactory surface finish. Water spray cooling produced smaller spherulites compared to ambient cooling whilst increasing the cooling rate decreases the percentage crystallinity. © 2011 Society of Plastics Engineers Copyright © 2011 Society of Plastics Engineers.


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An improved dual-gas quasi-phase matching (QPM) foil target for high harmonic generation (HHG) is presented. The target can be setup with 12 individual gas inlets each feeding multiple nozzles separated by a minimum distance of 10 μm. Three-dimensional gas density profiles of these jets were measured using a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer. These measurements reveal how the jets influence the density of gas in adjacent jets and how this leads to increased local gas densities. The analysis shows that the gas profiles of the jets are well defined up to a distance of about 300 μm from the orifice. This target design offers experimental flexibility, not only for HHG/QPM investigations, but also for a wide range of experiments due to the large number of possible jet configurations. We demonstrate the application to controlled phase tuning in the extreme ultraviolet using a 1 kHz-10 mJ-30 fs-laser system where interference between two jets in the spectral range from 17 to 30 nm was observed.


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Linear aerospike nozzles are envisaged as a possible means to improve launcher engine performance. One of the most interesting properties of these nozzles is the possibility of a good integration with the vehicle. To improve the knowledge of the flow-field and performance of aerospike nozzles, they are studied numerically, with particular attention to the differences between the basic two-dimensional nozzle, usually considered in the design phase, and the more realistic three-dimensional nozzle. The study considers also the effect of flight condition, which cannot be neglected because of the characteristic external expansion of aerospike nozzles.


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Here is detailed a novel and low-cost experimental method for high-throughput automated fluid sample irradiation. The sample is delivered via syringe pump to a nozzle, where it is expressed in the form of a hanging droplet into the path of a beam of ionising radiation. The dose delivery is controlled by an upstream lead shutter, which allows the beam to reach the droplet for a user defined period of time. The droplet is then further expressed after irradiation until it falls into one well of a standard microplate. The entire system is automated and can be operated remotely using software designed in-house, allowing for use in environments deemed unsafe for the user (synchrotron beamlines, for example). Depending on the number of wells in the microplate, several droplets can be irradiated before any human interaction is necessary, and the user may choose up to 10 samples per microplate using an array of identical syringe pumps, the design of which is described here. The nozzles consistently produce droplets of 25.1 ± 0.5 μl.


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The dynamics of linear and nonlinear ionic-scale electrostatic excitations propagating in a magnetized relativistic quantum plasma is studied. A quantum-hydrodynamic model is adopted and degenerate statistics for the electrons is taken into account. The dispersion properties of linear ion acoustic waves are examined in detail. A modified characteristic charge screening length and "sound speed" are introduced, for relativistic quantum plasmas. By employing the reductive perturbation technique, a Zakharov-Kuznetzov-type equation is derived. Using the small-k expansion method, the stability profile of weakly nonlinear slightly supersonic electrostatic pulses is also discussed. The effect of electron degeneracy on the basic characteristics of electrostatic excitations is investigated. The entire analysis is valid in a three-dimensional as well as in two-dimensional geometry. A brief discussion of possible applications in laboratory and space plasmas is included.