100 resultados para Simulated temperature and precipitation change


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Results of a fossil Coleoptera (beetle) fauna from a fen edge sequence from Hatfield Moors, Humberhead Levels, are presented. Mire ontogeny inferred from this location and others are discussed, particularly in the light of previous palynological and plant macrofossil investigations. Peat initiation across most of the site centres around 3000 cal BC, characterised by a Calluna-Eriophorum heath with areas of Pinus-Betula woodland. The onset of peat accumulation on the southern margins of the site was delayed until 1520-1390 cal BC and appears to overlap closely with a recurrence surface at a pollen site (HAT 2) studied by Brian Smith (1985, 2002) dated to 1610-1440 cal BC, suggesting that increased surface wetness may have caused mire expansion at this time. The faunas illustrate the transition from eutrophic and mesotrophic fen to ombrotrophic raised mire, although the significance of both Pinus- and Calluna-indicating species through the sequence suggests that heath habitats may have continued to be important. Elsewhere, this earlier phase of rich fen is lacking and mesotrophic mire developed immediately above nutrient poor sands, with ombrotrophic conditions indicated soon after. Correspondence analysis of the faunas provides valuable insights into the importance of sandy heath habitats on Hatfield Moors. The continuing influence of the underlying coversands suggests these may have been instrumental in mire ontogeny. The research highlights the usefulness of using Coleoptera to assess mire ontogeny, fluctuations in site hydrology and vegetation cover, particularly when used in conjunction with other peatland proxies. The significance of a suite of extinct beetle species is discussed with reference to forest history and climate change.


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A key requirement of the countries of central and eastern Europe (CEECs) that wish to join the EU is that they develop the administrative capacity to implement effectively the acquis communautaire. The 'twinning' programme is designed to assist in this process. Drawing on experiences in Romania, and linking these to debates on Europeanization, this article argues that the success of twinning to date is related to the design of the programme, institutional fluidity and politicization within central administration, the individual agency and the reform commitment of those hosting twinning projects.


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Raised bog peat deposits form important archives for reconstructing past changes in climate. Precise and reliable age models are of vital importance for interpreting such archives. We propose enhanced, Markov chain Monte Carlo based methods for obtaining age models from radiocarbon-dated peat cores, based on the assumption of piecewise linear accumulation. Included are automatic choice of sections, a measure of the goodness of fit and outlier downweighting. The approach is illustrated by using a peat core from the Netherlands.


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Accelerated soil erosion is an aspect of dryland degradation that is affected by repeated intense drought events and land management activities such as commercial livestock grazing. A soil stability index (SSI) that detects the erosion status and susceptibility of a landscape at the pixel level, i.e., stable, erosional, or depositional pixels, was derived from the spectral properties of an archived time series (from 1972 to 1997) of Landsat satellite data of a commercial ranch in northeastern Utah. The SSI was retrospectively validated with contemporary field measures of soil organic matter and erosion status that was surveyed by US federal land management agencies. Catastrophe theory provided the conceptual framework for retrospective assessment of the impact of commercial grazing and soil water availability on the SSI. The overall SSI trend was from an eroding landscape in the early drier 1970s towards stable conditions in the wetter mid-1980s and late 1990s. The landscape catastrophically shifted towards an extreme eroding state that was coincident with the “The Great North American Drought of 1988”. Periods of landscape stability and trajectories toward stability were coincident with extremely wet El Niño events. Commercial grazing had less correlation with soil stability than drought conditions. However, the landscape became more susceptible to erosion events under multiple droughts and grazing. Land managers now have nearly a year warning of El Niño and La Niña events and can adjust their management decisions according to predicted landscape erosion conditions.


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This paper describes an experimental investigation into the surface heat transfer coefficient of finned metal cylinders in a free air stream. Ten cylinders were tested with four different fin pitches and five different fin lengths. The cylinders and their fins were designed to be representative of those found on a motorcycle engine with an external cylinder diameter of 100 mm and fin lengths of 10 to 50 mm. The fins of each cylinder were gravity die cast in aluminum allow. Each cylinder was electrically heated and mounted in a wind tunnel which subjected it to a range of air speeds between 2 and 20 m/s. The surface heat transfer coefficient, h, was found primarily to be a function of the air speed and the fin separation, with fin length having a lesser effect. In addition to the determination of an overall heat transfer coefficient, the distribution of cooling around the circumference of each cylinder was also studied. Not surprisingly, the cooling was found to be greatest on the front of the cylinder, which was the side first impinged by the air stream. The cooling of the rear of the cylinder was better than might have been expected and this is quantified.


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Mixtures of glycine, glucose, and starch were extrusion cooked using sodium hydroxide at 0, 3, and 6 g/L of extruder water feed, 18% moisture, and 120, 150, and 180 degreesC target die temperatures, giving extrudates with pH values of 5.6, 6.8, and 7.4. Freeze-dried equimolar solutions of glucose and glycine were heated either dry or after equilibration to similar to 13% moisture at 180 degreesC in a reaction-tube system designed to mimic the heating profile in an extruder. Volatile compounds were isolated onto Tenax and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. For the extrudates, total yields of volatiles increased with decreasing pH at 180 degreesC, reached a maximum at pH 6.S at 150 degreesC, and increased with increasing pH at 120 degreesC. Amounts increased with temperature at all pH values. Pyrazines were the most abundant class for all sets of conditions (54-79% of total volatiles). Pyrroles, ketones, furans, oxazoles, and pyridines were also identified. Yields of volatiles from the reaction-tube samples increased by > 60% in the moist system. Levels of individual classes also increased in the presence of moisture, except pyrazines, which decreased similar to3.5-fold. Twenty-one of the compounds were common to the reaction-tube samples and the extrudates.


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In Ireland, the Middle to Late Bronze Age (1500-600 cal. B.C.) is characterised by alternating phases of prolific metalwork production (the Bishopsland and Dowris Phases) and apparent recessions (the Roscommon Phase and the Late Bronze Age-Iron Age transition). In this paper, these changes in material culture are placed in a socio-economic context by examining contemporary settlement and land-use patterns interpreted from the pollen record. The vegetation histories of six tephrochronologically-linked sites are presented that provide high-resolution and chronologically well-resolved insights into changes in landscape use over the Middle to Late Bronze Age. The records are compared with published pollen records in an attempt to discern if there are any trends of woodland clearance and abandonment from which changes in settlement patterns can be inferred. The results suggest that prolific metalworking industries correlate chronologically with expansive farming activity, which indicates that they were supported by a productive subsistence economy. Conversely, declines in metalwork production occur during periods when farming activity is generally less extensive and perhaps more centralised, and it is proposed that disparate socio-economic or –political factors, rather than a collapse of the subsistence economy, lies behind the demise of metalworking industries.