88 resultados para Signalto Noise Ratio (SNR)


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In this paper, we propose a multiuser cognitive relay network, where multiple secondary sources communicate with a secondary destination through the assistance of a secondary relay in the presence of secondary direct links and multiple primary receivers. We consider the two relaying protocols of amplify-and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF), and take into account the availability of direct links from the secondary sources to the secondary destination. With this in mind, we propose an optimal solution for cognitive multiuser scheduling by selecting the optimal secondary source, which maximizes the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the secondary destination using maximal ratio combining. This is done by taking into account both the direct link and the relay link in the multiuser selection criterion. For both AF and DF relaying protocols, we first derive closed-form expressions for the outage probability and then provide the asymptotic outage probability, which determines the diversity behavior of the multiuser cognitive relay network. Finally, this paper is corroborated by representative numerical examples.


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In this paper, the impact of multiple active eavesdroppers on cooperative single carrier systems with multiple relays and multiple destinations is examined. To achieve the secrecy diversity gains in the form of opportunistic selection, a two-stage scheme is proposed for joint relay and destination selection, in which, after the selection of the relay with the minimum effective maximum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to a cluster of eavesdroppers, the destination that has the maximum SNR from the chosen relay is selected. In order to accurately assess the secrecy performance, the exact and asymptotic expressions are obtained in closed-form for several security metrics including the secrecy outage probability, the probability of non-zero secrecy rate, and the ergodic secrecy rate in frequency selective fading. Based on the asymptotic analysis, key design parameters such as secrecy diversity gain, secrecy array gain, secrecy multiplexing gain, and power cost are characterized, from which new insights are drawn. Moreover, it is concluded that secrecy performance limits occur when the average received power at the eavesdropper is proportional to the counterpart at the destination. Specifically, for the secrecy outage probability, it is confirmed that the secrecy diversity gain collapses to zero with outage floor, whereas for the ergodic secrecy rate, it is confirmed confirm that its slope collapses to zero with capacity ceiling.


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In this paper, we study the information-theoretical security of a downlink multiuser cooperative relaying network with multiple intermediate amplify-and-forward (AF) relays, where there exist multiple eavesdroppers which can overhear the message. To prevent the wiretap and strength the network security, we select one best relay and user pair, so that the selected user can receive the message from the base station assisted by the selected relay. The relay and user selection is performed by maximizing the ratio of the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the user to the eavesdroppers, which is based on both the main and eavesdropper links. For the considered system, we derive the closed-form expression of the secrecy outage probability, and provide the asymptotic expression in high main-to-eavesdropper ratio (MER) region. From the asymptotic analysis, we can find that the system diversity order is equivalent to the number of relays regardless of the number of users and eavesdroppers.


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This paper proposes relay selection in order to increase the physical layer security in multiuser cooperative relay networks with multiple amplify-and-forward (AF) relays, in the presence of multiple eavesdroppers. To strengthen the network security against eavesdropping attack, we present three criteria to select the best relay and user pair. Specifically, criterion I and II study the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receivers, and perform the selection by maximizing the SNR ratio of the user to the eavesdroppers. To this end, criterion I relies on both the main and eavesdropper links, while criterion II relies on the main links only. Criterion III is the standard max-min selection criterion,
which maximizes the minimum of the dual-hop channel gains of main links. For the three selection criteria, we examine the system secrecy performance by deriving the analytical expressions for the secrecy outage probability. We also derive the asymptotic analysis for the secrecy outage probability with high main-to eavesdropper ratio (MER). From the asymptotic analysis, an interesting observation is reached: for each criterion, the system diversity order is equivalent to the number of relays regardless of the number of users and eavesdroppers.


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In this paper, weconsider switch-and-stay combining (SSC) in two-way relay systems with two amplify-and-forward relays, one of which is activated to assist the information exchange between the two sources. The system operates in either analog network coding (ANC) protocol where the communication is only achieved with the help of the active relay or timedivision broadcast (TDBC) protocol where the direct link between two sources can be utilized to exploit more diversity gain. In both cases, we study the outage probability and bit error rate (BER) for Rayleigh fading channels. In particular, we derive closed-form lower bounds for the outage probability and the average BER, which remain tight for different fading conditions. We also present asymptotic analysis for both the outage probability and the average BER at high signalto-noise ratio. It is shown that SSC can achieve the full diversity order in two-way relay systems for both ANC and TDBC protocols with proper switching thresholds. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A 10 GHz Fourier Rotman lens enabled dynamic directional modulation (DM) transmitter is experimentally evaluated. Bit error rate (BER) performance is obtained via real-time data transmission. It is shown that Fourier Rotman DM functionality enhances system security performance in terms of narrower decodable low BER region and higher BER values associated with BER sidelobes especially under high signal to noise ratio (SNR) scenarios. This enhancement is achieved by controlled corruption of constellation diagrams in IQ space by orthogonal injection of interference. Furthermore, the paper gives the first report of a functional dual-beam DM transmitter, which has the capability of simultaneously projecting two independent data streams into two different spatial directions while simultaneously scrambling the information signals along all other directions.


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Radio-frequency (RF) impairments, which intimately exist in wireless communication systems, can severely limit the performance of multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems. Although we can resort to compensation schemes to mitigate some of these impairments, a certain amount of residual impairments always persists. In this paper, we consider a training-based point-to-point MIMO system with residual transmit RF impairments (RTRI) using spatial multiplexing transmission. Specifically, we derive a new linear channel estimator for the proposed model, and show that RTRI create an estimation error floor in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. Moreover, we derive closed-form expressions for the signal-to-noise-plus-interference ratio (SINR) distributions, along with analytical expressions for the ergodic achievable rates of zero-forcing, maximum ratio combining, and minimum mean-squared error receivers, respectively. In addition, we optimize the ergodic achievable rates with respect to the training sequence length and demonstrate that finite dimensional systems with RTRI generally require more training at high SNRs than those with ideal hardware. Finally, we extend our analysis to large-scale MIMO configurations, and derive deterministic equivalents of the ergodic achievable rates. It is shown that, by deploying large receive antenna arrays, the extra training requirements due to RTRI can be eliminated. In fact, with a sufficiently large number of receive antennas, systems with RTRI may even need less training than systems with ideal hardware.


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A relay network in which a source wishes to convey a confidential message to a legitimate destination with the assistance of trusted relays is considered. In particular, cooperative beamforming and user selection techniques are applied to protect the confidential message. The secrecy rate (SR) and secrecy outage probability (SOP) of the network are investigated first, and a tight upper bound for the SR and an exact formula for the SOP are derived. Next, asymptotic approximations for the SR and SOP in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime are derived for two different schemes: i) cooperative beamforming and ii) multiuser selection. Further, a new concept of cooperative diversity gain, namely, adapted cooperative diversity gain (ACDG), which can be used to evaluate security level of a cooperative relaying network, is investigated. It is shown that the ACDG of cooperative beamforming is equal to the conventional cooperative diversity gain of traditional multiple-input single-output networks, while the ACDG of the multiuser scenario is equal to that of traditional single-input multiple-output networks.


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In this paper, we study the achievable ergodic sum-rate of multiuser multiple-input multiple-output downlink systems in Rician fading channels. We first derive a lower bound on the average signal-to-leakage-and-noise ratio by using the Mullen’s inequality, and then use it to analyze the effect of channel mean information on the achievable ergodic sum-rate. A novel statistical-eigenmode space-division multiple-access (SESDMA) downlink transmission scheme is then proposed. For this scheme, we derive an exact analytical closed-form expression for the achievable ergodic rate and present tractable tight upper and lower bounds. Based on our analysis, we gain valuable insights into the system parameters, such as the number of transmit antennas, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and Rician K-factor on the system sum-rate. Results show that the sum-rate converges to a saturation value in the high SNR regime and tends to a lower limit for the low Rician K-factor case. In addition, we compare the achievable ergodic sum-rate between SE-SDMA and zeroforcing beamforming with perfect channel state information at the base station. Our results reveal that the rate gap tends to zero in the high Rician K-factor regime. Finally, numerical results are presented to validate our analysis.


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This paper reports on the accuracy of new test methods developed to measure the air and water permeability of high-performance concretes (HPCs). Five representative HPC and one normal concrete (NC) mixtures were tested to estimate both repeatability and reliability of the proposed methods. Repeatability acceptance was adjudged using values of signal-noise ratio (SNR) and discrimination ratio (DR), and reliability was investigated by comparing against standard laboratory-based test methods (i.e., the RILEM gas permeability test and BS EN water penetration test). With SNR and DR values satisfying recommended criteria, it was concluded that test repeatability error has no significant influence on results. In addition, the research confirmed strong positive relationships between the proposed test methods and existing standard permeability assessment techniques. Based on these findings, the proposed test methods show strong potential to become recognized as international methods for determining the permeability of HPCs.


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In this paper, we consider the uplink of a single-cell multi-user single-input multiple-output (MU-SIMO) system with in-phase and quadrature-phase imbalance (IQI). Particularly, we investigate the effect of receive (RX) IQI on the performance of MU-SIMO systems with large antenna arrays employing maximum-ratio combining (MRC) receivers. In order to study how IQI affects channel estimation, we derive a new channel estimator for the IQI-impaired model and show that the higher the value of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) the higher the impact of IQI on the spectral efficiency (SE). Moreover, a novel pilot-based joint estimator of the augmented MIMO channel matrix and IQI coefficients is described and then, a low-complexity IQI compensation scheme is proposed which is based on the
IQI coefficients’ estimation and it is independent of the channel gain. The performance of the proposed compensation scheme is analytically evaluated by deriving a tractable approximation of the ergodic SE assuming transmission over Rayleigh fading channels with large-scale fading. Furthermore, we investigate how many MSs should be scheduled in massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with IQI and show that the highest SE loss occurs at the optimal operating point. Finally,
by deriving asymptotic power scaling laws, and proving that the SE loss due to IQI is asymptotically independent of the number of BS antennas, we show that massive MIMO is resilient to the effect of RX IQI.


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We propose cyclic prefix single carrier full-duplex transmission in amplify-and-forward cooperative spectrum sharing networks to achieve multipath diversity and full-duplex spectral efficiency. Integrating full-duplex transmission into cooperative spectrum sharing systems results in two intrinsic problems: 1) the residual loop interference occurs between the transmit and the receive antennas at the secondary relays and 2) the primary users simultaneously suffer interference from the secondary source (SS) and the secondary relays (SRs). Thus, examining the effects of residual loop interference under peak interference power constraint at the primary users and maximum transmit power constraints at the SS and the SRs is a particularly challenging problem in frequency selective fading channels. To do so, we derive and quantitatively compare the lower bounds on the outage probability and the corresponding asymptotic outage probability for max–min relay selection, partial relay selection, and maximum interference relay selection policies in frequency selective fading channels. To facilitate comparison, we provide the corresponding analysis for half-duplex. Our results show two complementary regions, named as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) dominant region and the residual loop interference dominant region, where the multipath diversity and spatial diversity can be achievable only in the SNR dominant region, however the diversity gain collapses to zero in the residual loop interference dominant region.


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We investigate the secrecy performance of dualhop amplify-and-forward (AF) multi-antenna relaying systems over Rayleigh fading channels, by taking into account the direct link between the source and destination. In order to exploit the available direct link and the multiple antennas for secrecy improvement, different linear processing schemes at the relay and different diversity combining techniques at the destination are proposed, namely, 1) Zero-forcing/Maximal ratio combining (ZF/MRC), 2) ZF/Selection combining (ZF/SC), 3) Maximal ratio transmission/MRC (MRT/MRC) and 4) MRT/Selection combining (MRT/SC). For all these schemes, we present new closed-form approximations for the secrecy outage probability. Moreover, we investigate a benchmark scheme, i.e., cooperative jamming/ZF (CJ/ZF), where the secrecy outage probability is obtained in exact closed-form. In addition, we present asymptotic secrecy outage expressions for all the proposed schemes in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime, in order to characterize key design parameters, such as secrecy diversity order and secrecy array gain. The outcomes of this paper can be summarized as follows: a) MRT/MRC and MRT/SC achieve a full diversity order of M + 1, ZF/MRC and ZF/SC achieve a diversity order of M, while CJ/ZF only achieves unit diversity order, where M is the number of antennas at the relay. b) ZF/MRC (ZF/SC) outperforms the corresponding MRT/MRC (MRT/SC) in the low SNR regime, while becomes inferior to the corresponding MRT/MRC (MRT/SC) in the high SNR. c) All of the proposed schemes tend to outperform the CJ/ZF with moderate number of antennas, and linear processing schemes with MRC attain better performance than those with SC.


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This paper considers a wirelessly powered wiretap channel, where an energy constrained multi-antenna information source, powered by a dedicated power beacon, communicates with a legitimate user in the presence of a passive eavesdropper. Based on a simple time-switching protocol where power transfer and information transmission are separated in time, we investigate two popular multi-antenna transmission schemes at the information source, namely maximum ratio transmission (MRT) and transmit antenna selection (TAS). Closed-form expressions are derived for the achievable secrecy outage probability and average secrecy rate for both schemes. In addition, simple approximations are obtained at the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. Our results demonstrate that by exploiting the full knowledge of channel state information (CSI), we can achieve a better secrecy performance, e.g., with full CSI of the main channel, the system can achieve substantial secrecy diversity gain. On the other hand, without the CSI of the main channel, no diversity gain can be attained. Moreover, we show that the additional level of randomness induced by wireless power transfer does not affect the secrecy performance in the high SNR regime. Finally, our theoretical claims are validated by the numerical results.


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This paper presents an analytical performance investigation of both beamforming (BF) and interference cancellation (IC) strategies for a device-to-device (D2D) communication system underlaying a cellular network with an M-antenna base station (BS). We first derive new closed-form expressions for the ergodic achievable rate for BF and IC precoding strategies with quantized channel state information (CSI), as well as, perfect CSI. Then, novel lower and upper bounds are derived which apply for an arbitrary number of antennas and are shown to be sufficiently tight to the Monte-Carlo results. Based on these results, we examine in detail three important special cases including: high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), weak interference between cellular link and D2D link, and BS equipped with a large number of antennas. We also derive asymptotic expressions for the ergodic achievable rate for these scenarios. Based on these results, we obtain valuable insights into the impact of the system parameters, such as the number of antennas, SNR and the interference for each link. In particular, we show that an irreducible saturation point exists in the high SNR regime, while the ergodic rate under IC strategy is verified to be always better than that under BF strategy. We also reveal that the ergodic achievable rate under perfect CSI scales as log2M, whilst it reaches a ceiling with quantized CSI.