125 resultados para Scientists reflexivity


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The worldwide scarcity of women studying or employed in ICT, or in computing related disciplines, continues to be a topic of concern for industry, the education sector and governments. Within Europe while females make up 46% of the workforce only 17% of IT staff are female. A similar gender divide trend is repeated worldwide, with top technology employers in Silicon Valley, including Facebook, Google, Twitter and Apple reporting that only 30% of the workforce is female (Larson 2014). Previous research into this gender divide suggests that young women in Secondary Education display a more negative attitude towards computing than their male counterparts. It would appear that the negative female perception of computing has led to representatively low numbers of women studying ICT at a tertiary level and consequently an under representation of females within the ICT industry. The aim of this study is to 1) establish a baseline understanding of the attitudes and perceptions of Secondary Education pupils in regard to computing and 2) statistically establish if young females in Secondary Education really do have a more negative attitude towards computing.


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The emergence of Grid computing technology has opened up an unprecedented opportunity for biologists to share and access data, resources and tools in an integrated environment leading to a greater chance of knowledge discovery. GeneGrid is a Grid computing framework that seamlessly integrates a myriad of heterogeneous resources spanning multiple administrative domains and locations. It provides scientists an integrated environment for the streamlined access of a number of bioinformatics programs and databases through a simple and intuitive interface. It acts as a virtual bioinformatics laboratory by allowing scientists to create, execute and manage workflows that represent bioinformatics experiments. A number of cooperating Grid services interact in an orchestrated manner to provide this functionality. This paper gives insight into the details of the architecture, components and implementation of GeneGrid.


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The Northern Ireland conflict has been described as one of the most over-researched conflicts in the world. However, this is a relatively recent development. For many years, when the conflict was most intense, social scientists in Northern Ireland were silent and not vocal. The sectarian violence that dominated the life in Northern Ireland as well as the fact that the country was a fundamentally unjust society contributed to this silence. However, since the peace process began in the mid 1990s, a growing number of qualitative studies have been published, utilising one-to-one interviews and focus group discussions, in order to "make people's voices heard" and deal with the consequences of the so-called "Troubles". This paper looks into the emergence of a qualitative social research landscape in Northern Ireland beyond the conflict and explores issues so far neglected. It is argued that a number of factors have contributed to this, among them the availability of research funding to voluntary and community sector organisations that use their data to influence policy-making and equality legislation in a country which is still deeply divided along socio-religious lines.


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Scientists interested in the smooth muscles of the urinary tract, and their control, have recently been studying cells in the interstitium of tissues that express the c-kit antigen (Kit(+) cells). These cells have morphologic features that are reminiscent of the well-described pacemaker cells in the gut, the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC). The spontaneous contractile behavior of muscles in the urinary tract varies widely, and it is clear that urinary tract Kit(+) interstitial cells cannot be playing an identical role to that played by the ICC in the gut. Nevertheless, there is increasing evidence that they do play a role in modulating the contractile behavior of adjacent smooth muscle, and might also be involved in mediating neural control. This review outlines the properties of ICC in the gut, and gives an account of the discovery of cells in the interstitium of the main components of the urinary tract. The physiologic properties of such cells and the functional implications of their presence are discussed, with particular reference to the bladder. In this organ, Kit(+) cells are found under the lamina propria, where they might interact with the urothelium and with sensory nerves, and also between and within the smooth-muscle bundles. Confocal microscopy and calcium imaging are being used to assess the physiology of ICC and their interactions with smooth muscles. Differences in the numbers of ICC are seen in smooth muscle specimens obtained from patients with various pathologies; in particular, bladder overactivity is associated with increased numbers of these cells.


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We study the continuity of the map Lat sending an ultraweakly closed operator algebra to its invariant subspace lattice. We provide an example showing that Lat is in general discontinuous and give sufficient conditions for the restricted continuity of this map. As consequences we obtain that Lat is continuous on the classes of von Neumann and Arveson algebras and give a general approximative criterion for reflexivity, which extends Arvesonâ??s theorem on the reflexivity of commutative subspace lattices.


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We study properties of subspace lattices related to the continuity of the map Lat and the notion of reflexivity. We characterize various “closedness” properties in different ways and give the hierarchy between them. We investigate several properties related to tensor products of subspace lattices and show that the tensor product of the projection lattices of two von Neumann algebras, one of which is injective, is reflexive.


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The utilization of the computational Grid processor network has become a common method for researchers and scientists without access to local processor clusters to avail of the benefits of parallel processing for compute-intensive applications. As a result, this demand requires effective and efficient dynamic allocation of available resources. Although static scheduling and allocation techniques have proved effective, the dynamic nature of the Grid requires innovative techniques for reacting to change and maintaining stability for users. The dynamic scheduling process requires quite powerful optimization techniques, which can themselves lack the performance required in reaction time for achieving an effective schedule solution. Often there is a trade-off between solution quality and speed in achieving a solution. This paper presents an extension of a technique used in optimization and scheduling which can provide the means of achieving this balance and improves on similar approaches currently published.


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Purpose. To manufacture and characterize, through oscillatory rheology, thermoresponsive rheologically structured vehicles
(RSV’s) capable of enhanced retention times within the vagina for the purposes of HIV vaccine delivery.
Methods. Pluronics F127, F108 and F68 were investigated and RSV’s were prepared by dissolving sorbic acid (0.1% w/w)
and mucoadhesive component (Gantrez SBF97 or Noveon AA1, 3% w/w) in the required amount of H2O and NaOH.
Pluronic (10% w/w) was added via mixing in an ice-bath followed by hydroxyethylcellulose (5%) and subsequently
poly(vinylpyrollidone) (4%w/w). Oscillatory temperature sweeps between 10-38°C were preformed within the linear
viscoelastic region of the formulations on an AR2000 rheometer (T.A. Instruments, Surrey, England) with a 2cm diameter
parallel plate geometry and a plate gap of 1000µm at 1Hz.


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This article describes an ethnographic study that was used to critically assess the links between rural development policy and practice. It does so from the novel perspective of the researcher as an employee in the organisation where the ethnography study was conducted. The article argues that this distinctive position gives rise to specific methodological issues. Particular attention is paid in the analysis to marginalised issues in reflexive practice literature, namely, the structural context. In so doing this research places at centre stage the importance of reflexivity in the field of rural sociology, an area in which to date it has had limited acceptance.


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Some 50 years after its creation EU competition policy remains firmly entrenched as one of the most developed examples of supranational governance within the European Union. Although there has been a marked increase in interest among political scientists in competition policy in recent years there are still gaps in terms of overall coverage. One area that has been largely overlooked centres on cartels. Cartel policy has emerged as a highly salient issue and main priority of the Commission's competition policy since the late 1990s. Certainly, the recent restructuring of the EU cartel enforcement regime, the imposition of ever higher fines and a determined EU Competition Commissioner have fuelled growing media attention while new notices and regulations increasingly occupy the interests and minds of practitioners. The European Commission has constantly extended its activities on the competition policy front and its increasingly aggressive strategies to combat cartels provides political scientists with a fascinating case study of governance in action and illustrates the ways – such as leniency programmes, higher fines, enhanced and better equipped resources as well as internal reorganisation in which the European regulator is pursuing such conspiracies. This article traces the evolution and development of EU cartel policy since its inception and assesses the Commission's strategies and considers just to what extent the European Commission is winning its war against business cartelisation.


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This paper focuses on the specific example of the newly operational Regulation on Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products to explore the potential for biopolitics, an arena in which biocitizens can demand and contest the exercise of EU power over life. The paper shows how the discourses producing, organizing and orchestrating citizen participation in the EU’s governance of advanced therapies from above figure a ‘deficit model’ of citizens in need of education inter alia through their membership of patients’ associations who have membership of the Committee on Advanced Therapies established by the Regulation. Biocitizens are shown to be incorporated to service the EU’s legitimacy needs. The paper then warns against assuming biocitizens’ (self-) reflexivity ensures they do not reiterate and reinforce their construction within the ‘deficit model’ by unwittingly deploying the terms of their subjection. After which the paper highlights some elements that provide a rhetorical and operational opening for participation, and which therefore can be used by biocitizens to reconstruct their engagement with EU governance from below, the wider governance of advanced therapies, as well as in their self-governance.