55 resultados para Salt stress. Osmolytes. Halobacteria and metagenome


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Many degenerative diseases are associated with increased oxidative stress. Creatine has the potential to act as an indirect and direct antioxidant; however, limited data exist to evaluate the antioxidant capabdities of creatine supplementation within in vivo human systems. This study aimed to investigate the effects of oral creatine supplementation on markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses following exhaustive cycling exercise. Following preliminary testing and two additional familiarization sessions, 18 active males repeated two exhaustive incremental cycling trials (T1 and T2) separated by exactly 7 days. The subjects were assigned, in a double-blind manner, to receive either 20 g of creatine (Cr) or a placebo (P) for the 5 days preceding T2. Breath-by-breath respiratory data and heart rate were continually recorded throughout the exercise protocol and blood samples were obtained at rest (preexercise), at the end of exercise (postexercise), and the day following exercise (post24 h). Serum hypdroperoxide concentrations were elevated at postexercise by 17 +/- 5% above preexercise values (p = 0.030). However, supplementation did not influence lipid peroxidation (serum hypdroperoxide concentrations), resistance of low density lipoprotein to oxidative stress (t(1/2max) LDL oxidation) and plasma concentrations of non-enzymatic antioxidants (retinol, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, lycopene and vitamin Q. Heart rate and oxygen uptake responses to exercise were not affected by supplementation. These findings suggest that short-term creatine supplementation does not enhance non-enzymatic antioxidant defence or protect against lipid peroxidation induced by exhaustive cycling in healthy males.


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Objective: This article describes the political context of health and social care services in Northern Ireland at a the of intense social conflict. Method: Concepts from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other relevant international psychological literature are then used to study the experience of the Bloody Sunday families, victims of a traumatic event that happened in Derry in January 1972. Results: High levels of psychological morbidity within this population are reported, alongside some evidence that families had not received services that may have helped resolve the trauma. Conclusions: The authors noted that new services planned as a result of the current peace process may offer social workers and other professionals new ways to address the unmet needs of people traumatized by the Troubles.


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Residual stress due to shrinkage of polymethylmethacrylate bone cement after polymerisation is possibly one factor capable of initiating cracks in the mantle of cemented hip replacements. No relationship between residual stress and observed cracking of cement has yet been demonstrated. To investigate if any relationship exists, a physical model has been developed which allows direct observation of damage in the cement layer on the femoral side of total hip replacement. The model contains medial and lateral cement layers between a bony surface and a metal stem; the tubular nature of the cement mantle is ignored. Five specimens were prepared and examined for cracking using manual tracing of stained cracks, observed by transmission microscopy: cracks were located and measured using image analysis. A mathematical approach for the prediction of residual stress due to shrinkage was developed which uses the thermal history of the material to predict when stress-locking occurs, and estimates subsequent thermal stress. The residual stress distribution of the cement layer in the physical model was then calculated using finite element analysis. Results show maximum tensile stresses normal to the observed crack directions, suggesting a link between residual stress and preload cracking. The residual stress predicted depends strongly on the definition of the reference temperature for stress-locking. The highest residual stresses (4-7 MPa) are predicted for shrinkage from maximum temperature, in this case, magnitudes are sufficiently high to initiate cracks when the influence of stress raisers such as pores or interdigitation at the bone/cement interface are taken into account (up to 24 MPa when calculating stress around a pore according to the method of Harrigan and Harris (J. Biomech. 24(11) (1991) 1047-1058)). We conclude that the damage accumulation failure scenario begins before weight-bearing due to cracking induced by residual stress around pores or stress raisers. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aims. This paper is a report of a study examining the association between ownership type and perceived team climate among older people care staff. In addition, we examined whether work stress factors (time pressure, resident-related stress, role conflicts and role ambiguity) mediated or moderated the above mentioned association. Background. There has been a trend towards contracting out in older people care facilities in Finland and the number of private for-profit firms has increased. Studies suggest that there may be differences in employee well-being and quality of care according to the ownership type of older people care. Methods. Cross-sectional survey data was collected during the autumn of 2007 from 1084 Finnish female older people care staff aged 1869 years were used. Team Climate Inventory was used to measure team climate. Ownership type was divided into four categories: for-profit sheltered homes, not-for-profit sheltered homes, public sheltered homes and not-for-profit nursing homes. Analyses of covariance were used to examine the associations. Results. Team climate dimensions participative safety, vision and support for innovation were higher in not-for-profit organizations (both sheltered homes and nursing homes) compared to for-profit sheltered homes and public sheltered homes. Stress factors did not account for these associations but acted as moderators in a way that in terms of task orientation and participative safety employees working in for-profit organizations seemed to be slightly more sensitive to work-related stress than others. Conclusion. Our results suggest that for-profit organizations and public organizations may have difficulties in maintaining their team climate. In consequence, these organizations should focus more effort on improving their team climate.


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A strain gauge instrumentation trial on a high pressure die casting ‘HPDC’ die was compared to a corresponding simulation model using Magmasoft® casting simulation software at two strain gauge rosette locations. The strains were measured during the casting cycle, from which the von Mises stress was determined and then compared to the simulation model. The von Mises stress from the simulation model correlated well with the findings from the instrumentation trial, showing a difference of 5.5%, ~ 10 MPa for one strain gauge rosette located in an area of low stress gradient. The second rosette was in a region of steep stress gradient, which resulted in a difference of up to 40%, ~40 MPa between the simulation and instrumentation results. Factors such as additional loading from die closure force or metal injection pressure which are not modelled by Magmasoft® were seen to have very little influence on the stress in the die, less than 7%.


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In this article, we take advantage of the recent availability of data from the special module on material deprivation in the 2009 European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between material deprivation and economic stress, the mediating and moderating roles played by cross-national differences in levels of income and income inequality, and the implications for competing perspectives on the nature of reference groups in Europe. The article establishes the critical role of basic deprivation, relating to inability to enjoy customary standards of living, in influencing economic stress levels. National income levels and inequality had no direct influence on economic stress. However, the impact of basic deprivation was stronger in countries with higher levels of income, indicating the crucial role of national reference groups. An interaction between basic deprivation and income inequality was also observed. However, contrary to the expectation that experiencing basic deprivation in a national context of high income inequality is likely to be particularly stressful, the consequences of such deprivation were most negative in low inequality countries. Experiencing basic deprivation where high income levels and lower inequality would lead to the expectation that such deprivation is eminently avoidable exacerbates its impact. © The Author 2013.


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Polypropylene sheets have been stretched at 160 °C to a state of large biaxial strain of extension ratio 3, and the stresses then allowed to relax at constant strain. The state of strain is reached via a path consisting of two sequential planar extensions, the second perpendicular to the first, under plane stress conditions with zero stress acting normal to the sheet. This strain path is highly relevant to solid phase deformation processes such as stretch blow moulding and thermoforming, and also reveals fundamental aspects of the flow rule required in the constitutive behaviour of the material. The rate of decay of stress is rapid, and such as to be highly significant in the modelling of processes that include stages of constant strain. A constitutive equation is developed that includes Eyring processes to model both the stress relaxation and strain rate dependence of the stress. The axial and transverse stresses observed during loading show that the use of a conventional Levy-Mises flow rule is ineffective, and instead a flow rule is used that takes account of the anisotropic state of the material via a power law function of the principal extension ratios. Finally the constitutive model is demonstrated to give quantitatively useful representation of the stresses both in loading and in stress relaxation.


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Postpartum depression has been associated with parenting stress, impacting attachment and child development. However, the relation between antenatal depression or anxiety and postpartum parenting stress has not been investigated. We studied the effect of antenatal depression and anxiety and treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (antidepressants [ADs]) on postpartum parenting stress.


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There is evidence that the developmental trajectory of cortisol secretion in preterm infants is altered, with elevated basal cortisol levels observed postnatally through at least 18 months corrected age (CA). This alteration is possibly due to neonatal pain-related stress. High cortisol levels might contribute to greater risk of impaired neurodevelopment. Since maternal factors are important for the regulation of infant stress responses, we investigated relationships between infant (neonatal pain-related stress, attention, cortisol) and maternal (stress, interactive behaviors) factors at age 8 months CA. We found that interactive maternal behaviors buffered the relationship between high neonatal pain-related stress exposure and poorer focused attention in mothers who self-reported low concurrent stress. Furthermore, in preterm infants exposed to high concurrent maternal stress and overwhelming interactive maternal behaviors, higher basal cortisol levels were associated with poor focused attention. Overall, these findings suggest that maternal factors can influence the cognitive resilience at 8 months of preterm infants exposed to early life stress.


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A method for monitoring hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) responses of the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) to stressors was validated by measuring cortisol excretion in serum and faeces. Serum and faecal samples were collected under anaesthesia from live-captured, wild badgers and fresh faeces was collected from latrines at 15 social groups in County Down, Northern Ireland. Variation in levels of cortisol in wild badgers was investigated relative to disease status, season, age, sex, body mass, body condition and reproductive status and environmental factors that might influence stress. Faecal cortisol levels were significantly higher in animals testing culture-positive for Mycobacterium bovis. Prolonged elevation of cortisol can suppress immune function, which may have implications for disease transmission. There was a strong seasonal pattern in both serum cortisol, peaking in spring and faecal cortisol, peaking in summer. Cortisol levels were also higher in adults with poor body condition and low body mass. Faecal samples collected from latrines in grassland groups had significantly higher cortisol than those collected from woodland groups, possibly as a result of greater exposure to sources of environmental stress. This study is the first to investigate factors influencing physiological stress in badgers and indicates that serological and faecal excretion are valid indices of the HPA response to a range of stressors.


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This study investigates the influence of process parameters on the fluidised hot melt granulation of lactose and PEG 6000, and the subsequent tablet pressing of the granules. Granulation experiments were performed to assess the effect of granulation time and binder content of the feed on the resulting granule properties such as mass mean granule size, size distribution, granule fracture stress, and granule porosity. These data were correlated using the granule growth regime model. It was found that the dominant granule growth mechanisms in this melt granulation system were nucleation followed by steady growth (PEG 10–20% w/w). However, with binder contents greater than 20% w/w, the granulation mechanism moved to the “over-wet massing” regime in which discrete granule formation could not be obtained. The granules produced in the melt fluidised bed process were subsequently pressed into tablets using an industrial tablet press. The physical properties of the tablets: fracture stress, disintegration time and friability were assessed using industry standards. These analyses indicated that particle size and binder content of the initial granules influenced the mechanical properties of the tablets. It was noted that a decrease in initial granule size resulted in an increase in the fracture stress of the tablets formed.


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Nhlh1 is a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor whose expression is restricted to the nervous system and which may play a role in neuronal differentiation. To directly study Nhlh1 function, we generated null mice. Homozygous mutant mice were predisposed to premature, adult-onset, unexpected death. Electrocardiograms revealed decreased total heart rate variability, stress-induced arrhythmia, and impaired baroreceptor sensitivity. This predisposition to arrhythmia is a likely cause of the observed death in the mutant mice. Heterozygosity for the closely related transcription factor Nhlh2 increased the severity of the Nhlh1-null phenotype. No signs of primary cardiac structural or conduction abnormalities could be detected upon necropsy of the null mice. The pattern of altered heart rhythm observed in basal and experimental conditions (stress and pharmacologically induced) suggests that a deficient parasympathetic tone may contribute to the arrhythmia in the Nhlh1-null mouse. The expression of Nhlh1 in the developing brain stem and in the vagal nuclei in the wild-type mouse further supports this hypothesis. The Nhlh1 mutant mouse may thus provide a model to investigate the contribution of the autonomic nervous system to arrhythmogenesis.


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Objectives: This study examined: (i) the prevalence of trauma in a bipolar disorder (BD) sample, and (ii) how trauma histories mediated by interpersonal difficulties and alcohol dependence impact on the severity of BD. The prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its relationship to outcomes in BD were also examined.

Methods: Sixty participants were recruited from a geographically well-defined mental health service in Northern Ireland. Self-reported trauma histories, PTSD, interpersonal difficulties and alcohol dependence and were examined in relation to illness severity.

Results: A high prevalence of trauma was found. Trauma predicted the frequency of hospital admissions (R-2 = 0.08), quality of life (R-2 = 0.23) and inter-episode depressive symptoms (R-2 = 0.13). Interpersonal difficulties, but not alcohol dependence, appeared to play an important role in mediating these adverse effects. While only 8% of the sample met criteria for active PTSD, this comorbid disorder was associated with BD severity.

Conclusions: This study indicates that awareness of trauma is important in understanding individual differences in bipolar presentations. The theoretical and clinical implications of evidence that trauma is related to more adverse outcomes in BD are discussed. The finding that interpersonal difficulties mediate the relationship between trauma and BD severity is novel. The need for adjunctive evidence-based treatments targeting interpersonal difficulties is considered.