59 resultados para Resident and areas of leisure


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Objective: To explore the difficulties experienced by lay-workers, women and health professionals involved in a peer-mentoring programme for first-time mothers living in socially disadvantaged areas. Design: Qualitative study; semi-structured interviews with lay-worker peer-mentoring programme participants at two separate stages of the programme (antenatal and postnatal). Setting: Community based. Participants: 11 women receiving peer-mentoring support (from first hospital antenatal visit to one year postnatal); 11 lay-workers; 2 research midwives. Results: Lay-workers had difficulty initiating contact with women and failure to establish contact affected their morale adversely. They felt that women understood their intended role poorly and attempted to develop relationships with them by sharing personal experiences and offering friendship; women who participated in the programme appreciated this. Developing a peer-mentor relationship was difficult if women lacked interest in the programme or in continuing contact. External influences on peer-mentoring uptake and delivery included family and friends who could prevent or encourage women’s participation and cause difficulties for the lay-worker both in delivering support and arranging follow-up. Lay-workers providing support to women from a different ethnic background experienced difficulties relating to both language and culture: these were perceived to affect peer-mentor relationships adversely. Major personal difficulties for lay-workers related to time constraints in reconciling mentoring requirements with demands of family and other work. Informing midwives of these difficulties helped identify solutions through training and ongoing professional support for the lay-workers. Conclusions: Lay-worker peer support is appreciated by first time mothers but difficulties in initiating contact, developing peer-mentor relationships and external influences such as family, ethnicity and time constraints are relevant to poor uptake and high staff turnover. In developing peer support programmes, awareness of potential difficulties and of how professional support can help resolve these should improve uptake and thus optimise the evaluations of their effectiveness.


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Sargassum muticum is an invasive brown macroalga that originates from Japan. In the introduced range, thalli can grow in soft substratum habitats attached to embedded rock fragments and shells, Within Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland, S. muticum has rapidly colonised large areas of soft substrata, where dispersal by peripatetic or 'stone-walking' plants is very effective. Sediment cores were collected under and outside canopies of S. muticum in Strangford Lough (S. muticum first recorded there in 1995) and Langstone Harbour, English Channel (S. muticum first found there in 1974) to investigate modification of the infaunal assemblages. At both study sites, community analyses highlighted significant differences between the assemblages under the canopies and those in adjacent unvegetated areas. In Strangford Lough, the invertebrate community under the canopy contained a higher abundance of smaller, opportunistic, r-selected species than outside the canopy. By contrast, the communities under and outside the canopy at Langstone Harbour were similar in species composition, diversity and dominance, but overall faunal abundance was greater under the canopy. Sediment characteristics were not affected by S. muticum canopies, but the infaunal changes may be related to environmental modification; shading, flow suppression and temperature stratification were also investigated. The differences between these 2 sites indicate that localised conditions and/or the duration of colonisation of S. muticum are important in determining the nature of habitat modification.


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Background Recruitment and retention of patients and healthcare providers in randomised controlled trials (RCTs) is important in order to determine the effectiveness of interventions. However, failure to achieve recruitment targets is common and reasons why a particular recruitment strategy works for one study and not another remain unclear. We sought to describe a strategy used in a multicentre RCT in primary care, to report researchers’ and participants’ experiences of its implementation and to inform future strategies to maximise recruitment and retention. Methods In total 48 general practices and 903 patients were recruited from three different areas of Ireland to a RCT of an intervention designed to optimise secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. The recruitment process involved telephoning practices, posting information, visiting practices, identifying potential participants, posting invitations and obtaining consent. Retention involved patients attending reviews and responding to questionnaires and practices facilitating data collection. Results We achieved high retention rates for practices (100%) and for patients (85%) over an 18-month intervention period. Pilot work, knowledge of the setting, awareness of change in staff and organisation amongst participant sites, rapid responses to queries and acknowledgement of practitioners’ contributions were identified as being important. Minor variations in protocol and research support helped to meet varied, complex and changing individual needs of practitioners and patients and encouraged retention in the trial. A collaborative relationship between researcher and practice staff which required time to develop was perceived as vital for both recruitment and retention. Conclusions Recruiting and retaining the numbers of practices and patients estimated as required to provide findings with adequate power contributes to increased confidence in the validity and generalisability of RCT results. A continuous dynamic process of monitoring progress within trials and tailoring strategies to particular circumstances, whilst not compromising trial protocols, should allow maximal recruitment and retention.


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The liquid structures of thin films of aqueous solutions of 0, 7, 19, 50, and 100 mol % isopropanol above O/Al-terminated gamma-alumina surfaces have been investigated by means of classical molecular dynamics simulations. The structuring effect of the oxide oil the liquid mixtures is strong and heavily dependent on the local structure of the oxide. Two distinct re-ions are found oil the oxide Surface characterized by the degree of coordination of Al atoms. Above octahedral Al atoms, water and isopropanol molecules adsorb via the oxygen atoms to maximize the electrostatic interaction, whereas above tetrahedral Al sites the solvent molecules adsorb via hydrogen atoms with the oxygen atoms away front the surface. More mobility is found in the second layer compared with the first; however, its structure is still influenced significantly by the orientation of molecules in the first adsorbed layer. Qualitatively, the displacement of water from the surface by the adsorption of isopropanol occurs with 2.6 Water molecules lost for every alcohol molecule present based on the effective surface areas of the two species calculated from the pure simulations.


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A recognised aim of science education is to promote critical engagement with science in the media. Evidence would suggest that this is challenging for both teachers and pupils and that at science education does not yet adequately prepare young people for this task. Furthermore, in the absence of clear guidance as to what this means and how this may be achieved it is difficult for teachers to develop approaches and resources that address the matter and that systematically promote such critical engagement within their teaching programmes. Twenty-six individuals with recognised expertise or interest in science in the media, drawn from a range of disciplines and areas of practice, constituted a specialist panel in this study. The question this research sought to answer was ‘what are the elements of knowledge, skill and attitude which underpin critical reading of science based news reports’? During in-depth individual interviews the panel were asked to explore what they considered to be essential elements of knowledge, skills and attitude which people need to enable them to respond critically to news reports with a science component. Analysis of the data revealed fourteen fundamental elements which together contribute to an individual’s capacity to engage critically with science-based news. These are classified in five categories ‘knowledge of science’, ‘knowledge of writing and language’, ‘knowledge about news, newspapers and journalism’, ‘skills’ and ‘attitudes’. Illustrative profiles of each category along with indicators of critical engagement are presented. The implications for curriculum planning and pedagogy are considered.


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The development and implementation of a population supplementation and restoration plan for any endangered species should involve an understanding of the species’ habitat requirements prior to the release of any captive bred individuals. The freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, has undergone dramatic declines over the last century and is now globally endangered. In Northern Ireland, the release of captive bred individuals is being used to support wild populations and repatriate the species in areas where it once existed. We employed a combination of maximum entropy modelling (MAXENT) and Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) to identify ecological parameters necessary to support wild populations using GIS-based landscape scale and ground-truthed habitat scale environmental parameters. The GIS-based landscape scale model suggested that mussel occurrence was associated with altitude and soil characteristics including the carbon, clay, sand, and silt content. Notably, mussels were associated with a relatively narrow band of variance indicating that M. margaritifera has a highly specific landscape niche. The ground-truthed habitat scale model suggested that mussel occurrence was associated with stable consolidated substrates, the extent of bankside trees, presence of indicative macrophyte species and fast flowing water. We propose a three phase conservation strategy for M. margaritifera identifying suitable areas within rivers that (i) have a high conservation value yet needing habitat restoration at a local level, (ii) sites for population supplementation of existing populations and (iii) sites for species reintroduction to rivers where the mussel historically occurred but is now locally extinct. A combined analytical approach including GIS-based landscape scale and ground-truthed habitat scale models provides a robust method by which suitable release sites can be identified for the population supplementation and restoration of an endangered species. Our results will be highly influential in the future management of M. margaritifera in Northern Ireland.


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Tungsten carbide (WC) with controlled pore size distribution was synthesized using a novel “precursor reassembly” method. The precursor crystal was assembled by mixing ammonium metatungstate (AMT) and ammonium carbonate (AC) in distilled water, followed by hydrothermal treatment. The mesostructure, crystal phase, and amount of deposited graphitic carbon can be conveniently tuned by controlling carburizing atmosphere (CO or a CO/H2 mixture). Moreover, the influence of precursor preparation (AMT/AC mass ratio and hydrothermal temperature) on the materials was also investigated. The resultant materials with low carbon content were mesoporous WCs, which showed high specific surface areas (11.3-20.4 m2 g-1) and adjustable pore-size distributions (average pore size: 15.3-22.3 nm). A mechanism for the formation of WC with a controllable porous framework is proposed. Finally, cyclic voltammetry was used to investigate the inference of different mesoporous structure.


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The Dry Valleys of Antarctica are one of the coldest and driest environments on Earth with paleosols in selected areas that date to the emplacement of tills by warm-based ice during the Early Miocene. Cited as an analogue to the martian surface, the ability of the Antarctic environment to support microbial life-forms is a matter of special interest, particularly with the upcoming NASA/ESA 2018 ExoMars mission. Lipid biomarkers were extracted and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to assess sources of organic carbon and evaluate the contribution of microbial species to the organic matter of the paleosols. Paleosol samples from the ice-free Dry Valleys were also subsampled and cultivated in a growth medium from which DNA was extracted with the explicit purpose of the positive identification of bacteria. Several species of bacteria were grown in solution and the genus identified. A similar match of the data to sequenced DNA showed that Alphaproteobacteria, Gamma-proteobacteria, Bacteriodetes, and Actinobacteridae species were cultivated. The results confirm the presence of bacteria within some paleosols, but no assumptions have been made with regard to in situ activity at present. These results underscore the need not only to further investigate Dry Valley cryosols but also to develop reconnaissance strategies to determine whether such likely Earth-like environments on the Red Planet also contain life.


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The Water Framework Directive (WFD) has initiated a shift towards a targeted approach to implementation through its focus on river basin districts as management units and the natural ecological characteristics of waterbodies. Due to its role in eutrophication, phosphorus (P) has received considerable attention, resulting in a significant body of research, which now forms the evidence base for the programme of measures (POMs) adopted in WFD River Basin Management Plans (RBMP). Targeting POMs at critical sources areas (CSAs) of P could significantly improve environmental efficiency and cost effectiveness of proposed mitigation strategies. This paper summarises the progress made towards targeting mitigation measures at CSAs in Irish catchments. A review of current research highlights that knowledge related to P export at field scale is relatively comprehensive however; the availability of site-specific data and tools limits widespread identification of CSA at this scale. Increasing complexity of hydrological processes at larger scales limits accurate identification of CSA at catchment scale. Implementation of a tiered approach, using catchment scale tools in conjunction with field-by-field surveys could decrease uncertainty and provide a more practical and cost effective method of delineating CSA in a range of catchments. Despite scientific and practical uncertainties, development of a tiered CSA-based approach to assist in the development of supplementary measures would provide a means of developing catchment-specific and cost-effective programmes of measures for diffuse P. The paper presents a conceptual framework for such an approach, which would have particular relevance for the development of supplementary measures in High Status Waterbodies (HSW). The cost and resources necessary for implementation are justified based on HSWs’ value as undisturbed reference condition ecosystems.


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The destruction of stearic acid (SA), the SA test, is a popular approach used to evaluate the activities of photocatalytic films. The destruction of SA via semiconductor photocatalysis is monitored simultaneously, using FT-IR spectroscopy, via the disappearance of SA and the appearance of CO2, Sol-gel and P25 films of titania are used as the semiconductor photocatalytic self-cleaning films. A conversion factor is used of 9.7 x 1015 molecules of SA cm(-2) 1 Cru-1 integrated areas of the peaks in the Fr-IR of SA over the range 2700-3000 cm(-1), which is three times that reported previously by others. As the SA disappeared the concomitant amount of CO2 generated was > 90% that expected throughout the photomineralisation process for the sol-gel titania film. In contrast, the slightly more active, and scattering, P25 fitania films generated CO2 levels that dipped as low as 69% during the course of the photoreaction, but eventually recovered to congruent to 100% that expected based on the amount of SA present. The importance of these results with respect to SA test and the evaluation of new and existing self-cleaning films are discussed briefly. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Despite being common in epithelial malignancies, the timing of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) up-regulation is poorly understood and therefore hampers the identification of the receptor to target for effective treatment. We aimed to determine if RTK expression changes were early events in carcinogenesis. Esophageal adenocarcinoma and its pre-invasive lesion, Barrett's esophagus, were used for immunohistochemical analysis of the RTK panel, EGFR, ErbB2, ErbB3, Met and FGFR2, by utilising a cohort of patients with invasive disease (n = 367) and two cohorts with pre-invasive disease, one cross-sectional (n = 110) and one longitudinal in time (n = 91). The results demonstrated that 51% of esophageal adenocarcinomas over-expressed at least one of the RTK panel; with 21% of these over-expressing multiple receptors. Up-regulation of RTK expression was an early event corresponding with low grade dysplasia development (25% in areas without dysplasia vs. 63% in low grade dysplasia, p


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The study of urban and landscape history has recently questioned the peripheral condition of certain areas and re-examined them as valuable parts of an international network . In such a framework cities are not only recipients of foreign influences but active agents in their own urban transformations. Meanwhile, the regeneration of urban waterfronts appears increasingly in the spotlight globally , but the re-use of the waterfront as public space began more than a century ago.

Buenos Aires is an example of a ‘peripheral’ city, in which waterfront parks at the end of the nineteenth century were the product of international influences combined with local conditions, needs and expertise. Buenos Aires developed a continuous increase and diversity of leisure waterfront space, making it different from most European or ‘central’ cities. This paper will analyse the process of translation of landscape design on Buenos Aires’ waterfront while outlining the significance of waterfront parks to the city and its growing urban population.


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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a large superfamily of signaling proteins expressed on the plasma membrane. They are involved in a wide range of physiological processes and, therefore, are exploited as drug targets in a multitude of therapeutic areas. In this extent, knowledge of structural and functional properties of GPCRs may greatly facilitate rational design of modulator compounds. Solution and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy represents a powerful method to gather atomistic insights into protein structure and dynamics. In spite of the difficulties inherent the solution of the structure of membrane proteins through NMR, these methods have been successfully applied, sometimes in combination with molecular modeling, to the determination of the structure of GPCR fragments, the mapping of receptor-ligand interactions, and the study of the conformational changes associated with the activation of the receptors. In this review, we provide a summary of the NMR contributions to the study of the structure and function of GPCRs, also in light of the published crystal structures.