25 resultados para Radioisotopes in botany


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In this study, the genetic mapping of the tolerance of root growth to 13.3 muM arsenate [As(V)] using the BalaxAzucena population is improved, and candidate genes for further study are identified. A remarkable three-gene model of tolerance is advanced, which appears to involve epistatic interaction between three major genes, two on chromosome 6 and one on chromosome 10. Any combination of two of these genes inherited from the tolerant parent leads to the plant having tolerance. Lists of potential positional candidate genes are presented. These are then refined using whole genome transcriptomics data and bioinformatics. Physiological evidence is also provided that genes related to phosphate transport are unlikely to be behind the genetic loci conferring tolerance. These results offer testable hypotheses for genes related to As(V) tolerance that might offer strategies for mitigating arsenic (As) accumulation in consumed rice.


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The formation of arsenic-phytochelatin (As-PC) complexes is thought to be part of the plant detoxification strategy for arsenic. This work examines (i) the arsenic (As) concentration-dependent formation of As-PC complex formation and (ii) redistribution and metabolism of As after arrested As uptake in Helianthus annuus. HPLC with parallel ICP-MS/ES-MS detection was used to identify and quantify the species present in plant extracts exposed to arsenate (As(V)) (between 0 and 66.7 micromol As l-1 for 24 h). At As concentrations below the EC50 value for root growth (22 micromol As l-1) As uptake is exponential, but it is reduced at concentrations above. Translocation between root and shoot seemed to be limited to the uptake phase of arsenic. No redistribution of As between root and shoot was observed after arresting As exposure. The formation of As-PC complexes was concentration-dependent. The amount and number of As-PC complexes increased exponentially with concentration up to 13.7 micromol As l-1. As(III)-PC3 and GS-As(III)-PC2 complexes were the dominant species in all samples. The ratio of PC-bound As to unbound As increased up to 1.3 micromol As l-1 and decreased at higher concentrations. Methylation of inorganic As was only a minor pathway in H. annuus with about 1% As methylated over a 32 d period. The concentration dependence of As-PC complex formation, amount of unbound reduced and oxidized PC2, and the relative uptake rate showed that As starts to influence the cellular metabolism of H. annuus negatively at As concentrations well below the EC50 value determined by more traditional means. Generally, As-PC complexes and PC-synthesis rate seem to be the more sensitive parameters to be studied when As toxicity values are to be estimated.


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In a group of eighteen patients with uveal melanomas, seven underwent low-dose pre-enucleation irradiation of approximately 2000 cGy. All the tumours were propagated in tissue culture and the growth characteristics of tumour cells from irradiated eyes were compared with tumour cells from non-irradiated eyes. Cultures were observed with phase-contrast microscopy, and radioactive thymidine labelling was used to study cell turnover. Although tissue samples from peripheral areas of irradiated tumours produced a mixture of viable and non-viable cells, with reduced ability to attach to substrate, central regions of irradiated tumours contained viable cells which propagated freely in tissue culture.


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The hepatic microcirculation is believed to cause variable cellular oxygenation within the organ. In this study a marker of cellular hypoxia was used to demonstrate liver oxygen tension gradients in vivo. Covalent binding of misonidazole adducts to cellular macromolecules is enhanced by hypoxia. Autoradiographs of liver from mice treated with radiolabeled misonidazole demonstrated enhanced binding of adducts within hepatocytes surrounding hepatic veins. Livers from both hypoxic and normal mice had characteristic autoradiographic grain patterns reflecting regional oxygen tension variation in vivo. Differential binding of misonidazole adducts formed in hypoxic cells could have an application in studies of liver physiology and biochemistry.


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The response of arsenate and non-tolerant Holcus lanatus L. phenotypes, where tolerance is achieved through suppression of high affinity phosphate/arsenate root uptake, was investigated under different growth regimes to investigate why there is a polymorphism in tolerance found in populations growing on uncontaminated soil. Tolerant plants screened from an arsenic uncontaminated population differed, when grown on the soil from the populations origin, from non-tolerants, in their biomass allocation under phosphate fertilization: non-tolerants put more resources into tiller production and down regulated investment in root production under phosphate fertilization while tolerants tillered less effectively and did not alter resource allocation to shoot biomass under phosphate fertilization. The two phenotypes also differed in their shoot mineral status having higher concentrations of copper, cadmium, lead and manganese, but phosphorus status differed little, suggesting tight homeostasis. The polymorphism was also widely present (40%) in other wild grass species suggesting an important ecological role for this gene that can be screened through plant root response to arsenate.


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Arsenate and arsenite sensitivity and arsenate influx tests were conducted for two rice cultivars of different arsenic sensitivity. Azucena and Bala. These were to establish if the mechanism of reduced arsenic sensitivity is achieved through an altered phosphate uptake system, as shown for Holcus lanatus. High phosphate treatments (>= 50 mu M) provided protection against both arsenate and arsenite. Unlike the H. lanatus tolerance mechanism, in the less sensitive cultivar Bala, arsenate influx did not decrease with phosphate treatment and phosphate transporters appeared to be constitutively upregulated; V(max) for arsenate influx remain similar when Bala was grown in the presence or absence of phosphate (V(max) - 0.90 and 0.63 nmol g(-1) f.wt min(-1) respectively). Although mean K(m) appear different, Bala did not show lower affinity to arsenate than Azucena in the absence of phosphate (K(m) - Azucena, 0.30 mM and Bala, 0.18), while in phosphate treatment, Bala arsenate affinity was half that observed for Azucena (K(m) - Azucena, 0.14 and Bala, 0.36 mM). These were low compared to a 4 and 6 fold decrease seen for similar studies on H. lanatus in the absence and presence of phosphate. Phosphate-induced arsenic protection was observed but the mechanism does not resemble that of H. lanatus. Alternative mechanisms were discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Adequate silicon fertilization greatly boosts rice yield and mitigates biotic and abiotic stress, and improves grain quality through lowering the content of cadmium and inorganic arsenic. This review on silicon dynamics in rice considers recent advances in our understanding of the role of silicon in rice, and the challenges of maintaining adequate silicon fertility within rice paddy systems. Silicon is increasingly considered as an element required for optimal plant performance, particularly in rice. Plants can survive with very low silicon under laboratory/glasshouse conditions, but this is highly artificial and, thus, silicon can be considered as essential for proper plant function in its environment. Silicon is incorporated into structural components of rice cell walls were it increases cell and tissue rigidity in the plant. Structural silicon provides physical protection to plants against microbial infection and insect attack as well as reducing the quality of the tissue to the predating organisms. The abiotic benefits are due to silicon's effect on overall organ strength. This helps protect against lodging, drought stress, high temperature (through efficient maintenance of transpiration), and photosynthesis by protecting against high UV. Furthermore, silicon also protects the plant from saline stress and against a range of toxic metal stresses (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel and zinc). Added to this, silicon application decreases grain concentrations of various human carcinogens, in particular arsenic, antimony and cadmium. As rice is efficient at stripping bioavailable silicon from the soil, recycling of silicon rich rice straw biomass or addition of inorganic silicon fertilizer, primarily obtained from iron and steel slag, needs careful management. Silicon in the soil may be lost if the silicon-cycle, traditionally achieved via composting of rice straw and returning it to the land, is being broken. As composting of rice straw and incorporation of composted or non-composted straw back to land are resource intensive activities, these activities are declining due to population shifts from the countryside to cities. Processes that accelerate rice straw composting, therefore, need to be identified to aid more efficient use of this resource. In addition, rice genetics may help address declining available silicon in paddy soils: for example by selecting for characteristics during breeding that lead to an increased ability of roots to access recalcitrant silicon sources from soil and/or via selection for traits that aid the maintenance of a high silicon status in shoots. Recent advances in understanding the genetic regulation of silicon uptake and transport by rice plants will aid these goals.


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Ectomycorrhizal fungi and saprotrophic microorganisms coexist and interact in the mycorrhizosphere. We review what is known regarding these interactions and how they may influence processes such as ectomycorrhiza formation, mycelial growth, and the dynamics of carbon movement to and within the rhizosphere. Particular emphasis is placed on the potential importance of interactions in decomposition of soil organic matter and degradation of persistant organic pollutants in soil. While our knowledge is currently fairly limited, it seems likely that interactions have profound effects on mycorrhizosphere processes. More extensive research is warranted to provide novel insights into mycorrhizosphere ecology and to explore the potential for manipulating the ectomycorrhizosphere environment for biotechnological purposes.


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In Holcus lanatus L. phosphate and arsenate are taken up by the same transport system. Short-term uptake kinetics of the high affinity arsenate transport system were determined in excised roots of arsenate-tolerant and non-tolerant genotypes. In tolerant plants the Vmax of ion uptake in plants grown in phosphate-free media was decreased compared to non-tolerant plants, and the affinity of the uptake system was lower than in the non-tolerant plants. Both the reduction in Vmax and the increase in Km led to reduced arsenate influx into tolerant roots. When the two genotypes were grown in nutrient solution containing high levels of phosphate, there was little change in the uptake kinetics in tolerant plants. In non-tolerant plants, however, there was a marked decrease in the Vmax to the level of the tolerant plants but with little change in the Km. This suggests that the low rate of arsenate uptake over a wide range of differing root phosphate status is due to loss of induction of the synthesis of the arsenate (phosphate) carrier. © 1992 Oxford University Press.