51 resultados para Radioactive waste disposal under the seabed
We study genuine multipartite entanglement (GME) in a system of n qubits prepared in symmetric Dicke states and subjected to the influences of noise. We provide general, setup-independent expressions for experimentally favorable tools such as fidelity- and collective spin-based entanglement witnesses, as well as entangled-class discriminators and multi-point correlation functions. Besides highlighting the effects of the environment on large qubit registers, we also discuss strategies for the robust detection of GME. Our work provides techniques and results for the experimental communities interested in investigating and characterizing multipartite entangled states by introducing realistic milestones for setup design and associated predictions.
Malone, C.A.T., et al., Accordia Research Papers, 2001-3, 9: p. 7-21.
The illegal burial of waste often occurs in locations where loose, transferable material is abundant, allowing covert pits to be dug or filled. The transfer of waste material onto suspects and their vehicles during loading, unloading, and burial is common, as is the case during other criminal activities such as the burial of murder victims. We use two case studies to show that the established principles of using geological materials in excluding or linking suspects can be applied to illegal waste disposal. In the first case, the layering of different geological materials on the tailgate of a container used to transport toxic waste demonstrated where the vehicle had been and denied the owner's alibi, associating him with an illegal dumpsite. In the second case, an unusual suite of minerals, recovered from a suspect's trousers, provided the intelligence that led environmental law enforcement officers to an illegal waste burial site.
The study of representation and participation in the judiciary is hardly novel. There have been substantial studies in a number of countries – often these have preceded the setting up of judicial appointment commissions – which have looked at the continuing problem of female representation in judicial posts. Prior to the setting up of the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission a study carried out by Dermot Feenan for the Commissioner for Judicial Appointments for Northern Ireland also looked into this topic and produced a large number of recommendations. What differs from the Feenan project, in this project, has been the number of individuals consulted in interviews and focus groups. This has allowed us to provide a detailed qualitative attitudinal perspective to enhance the questionnaire study undertaken as Stage 1 in this research project. Further, we have carried out this study after many of the recommendations made in previous research have been implemented.
Our interviews and focus groups covered a broad range of individuals – solicitors outwith and within Belfast (private and public service), barristers in private practice and public service and also barristers no longer in practice. We also sought responses from student lawyers. In total there were 71 respondents, with a typical interview/focus group length of 60 minutes. The group included candidates who had little interest in applying for judicial office, those who might consider this in future, and candidates who had applied for one or more judicial posts and who may or may not consider reapplication. We did not seek the views of successful candidates for judicial posts under the new NIJAC process.
The timing of this project, with interviews and focus groups held between December 2007 and March 2008, offers an early perspective on the whether the creation of a NI Judicial Appointments Commission has affected, and if so, in what way, the decision to apply for a judicial post. Generally, we found that there was a significant impact upon attitudes to judicial application which had arisen from the creation of NIJAC and that this was more positive than negative.
The European Court of Human Rights has now clearly established that domestic violence constitutes a human rights issue. However, there are a number of difficulties involved in using the Human Rights Act 1998 in relation to violence against women in the home. One of these obstacles is the restrictive test of standing found in the Act, which is problematic as regards an ‘unseen crime’ such as domestic violence. This article examines this test of standing and the difficulties it poses in the context of violence against women in the home. It then considers alternative models for the standing requirement and assesses whether a change in the test of standing would produce beneficial results as regards the issue of domestic violence.
Flutter prediction as currently practiced is almost always deterministic in nature, based on a single structural model that is assumed to represent a fleet of aircraft. However, it is also recognized that there can be significant structural variability, even for different flights of the same aircraft. The safety factor used for flutter clearance is in part meant to account for this variability. Simulation tools can, however, represent the consequences of structural variability in the flutter predictions, providing extra information that could be useful in planning physical tests and assessing risk. The main problem arising for this type of calculation when using high-fidelity tools based on computational fluid dynamics is the computational cost. The current paper uses an eigenvalue-based stability method together with Euler-level aerodynamics and different methods for propagating structural variability to stability predictions. The propagation methods are Monte Carlo, perturbation, and interval analysis. The feasibility of this type of analysis is demonstrated. Results are presented for the Goland wing and a generic fighter configuration.