41 resultados para Quantum mechanical model


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The test of modifications to quantum mechanics aimed at identifying the fundamental reasons behind the unobservability of quantum mechanical superpositions at the macroscale is a crucial goal of modern quantum mechanics. Within the context of collapse models, current proposals based on interferometric techniques for their falsification are far from the experimental state of the art. Here we discuss an alternative approach to the testing of quantum collapse models that, by bypassing the need for the preparation of quantum superposition states might help us addressing nonlinear stochastic mechanisms such as the one at the basis of the continuous spontaneous localization model


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Embrittlement by the segregation of impurity elements to grain boundaries is one of a small number of phenomena that can lead to metallurgical failure by fast fracture(1). Here we settle a question that has been debated for over a hundred years(2): how can minute traces of bismuth in copper cause this ductile metal to fail in a brittle manner? Three hypotheses for Bi embrittlement of Cu exist: two assign an electronic effect to either a strengthening(3) or weakening(4) of bonds, the third postulates a simple atomic size effect(5). Here we report first principles quantum mechanical calculations that allow us to reject the electronic hypotheses, while supporting a size effect. We show that upon segregation to the grain boundary, the large Bi atoms weaken the interatomic bonding by pushing apart the Cu atoms at the interface. The resolution of the mechanism underlying grain boundary weakening should be relevant for all cases of embrittlement by oversize impurities.


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Near-threshold ionization of He has been studied by using a uniform semiclassical wavefunction for the two outgoing electrons in the final channel. The quantum mechanical transition amplitude for the direct and exchange scattering derived earlier by using the Kohn variational principle has been used to calculate the triple differential cross sections. Contributions from singlets and triplets are critically examined near the threshold for coplanar asymmetric geometry with equal energy sharing by the two outgoing electrons. It is found that in general the tripler contribution is much smaller compared to its singlet counterpart. However, at unequal scattering angles such as theta (1) = 60 degrees, theta (2) = 120 degrees the smaller peaks in the triplet contribution enhance both primary and secondary TDCS peaks. Significant improvements of the primary peak in the TDCS are obtained for the singlet results both in symmetric and asymmetric geometry indicating the need to treat the classical action variables without any approximation. Convergence of these cross sections are also achieved against the higher partial waves. Present results are compared with absolute and relative measurements of Rosel et al (1992 Phys. Rev. A 46 2539) and Selles et al (1987 J. Phys. B. At. Mel. Phys. 20 5195) respectively.


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Cooling of mechanical resonators is currently a popular topic in many fields of physics including ultra-high precision measurements, detection of gravitational waves and the study of the transition between classical and quantum behaviour of a mechanical system. Here we report the observation of self-cooling of a micromirror by radiation pressure inside a high-finesse optical cavity. In essence, changes in intensity in a detuned cavity, as caused by the thermal vibration of the mirror, provide the mechanism for entropy flow from the mirror's oscillatory motion to the low-entropy cavity field. The crucial coupling between radiation and mechanical motion was made possible by producing free-standing micromirrors of low mass (m approximately 400 ng), high reflectance (more than 99.6%) and high mechanical quality (Q approximately 10,000). We observe cooling of the mechanical oscillator by a factor of more than 30; that is, from room temperature to below 10 K. In addition to purely photothermal effects we identify radiation pressure as a relevant mechanism responsible for the cooling. In contrast with earlier experiments, our technique does not need any active feedback. We expect that improvements of our method will permit cooling ratios beyond 1,000 and will thus possibly enable cooling all the way down to the quantum mechanical ground state of the micromirror.


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We present a semiclassical complex angular momentum (CAM) analysis of the forward scattering peak which occurs at a translational collision energy around 32 meV in the quantum mechanical calculations for the F + H2(v = 0, j = 0) ? HF(v' = 2, j' = 0) + H reaction on the Stark–Werner potential energy surface. The semiclassical CAM theory is modified to cover the forward and backward scattering angles. The peak is shown to result from constructive/destructive interference of the two Regge states associated with two resonances, one in the transition state region and the other in the exit channel van der Waals well. In addition, we demonstrate that the oscillations in the energy dependence of the backward differential cross section are caused by the interference between the direct backward scattering and the decay of the two resonance complexes returning to the backward direction after one full rotation.


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This paper reports on atomistic simulations of the interactions between the dominant lattice dislocations in ?-TiAl (<1 0 1] superdislocations) with all three kinds of ?/?-lamellar boundaries in polysynthetically twinned (PST) TiAl. The purpose of this study is to clarify the early stage of lamellar boundary controlled plastic deformation in PST TiAl. The interatomic interactions in our simulations are described by a bond order potential for L10-TiAl which provides a proper quantum mechanical description of the bonding. We are interested in the dislocation core geometries that the lattice produces in proximity to lamellar boundaries and the way in which these cores are affected by the elastic and atomistic effects of dislocation-lamellar boundary interaction. We study the way in which the interfaces affect the activation of ordinary dislocation and superdislocation slip inside the ?-lamellae and transfer of plastic deformation across lamellar boundaries. We find three new phenomena in the atomic-scale plasticity of PST TiAl, particularly due to elastic and atomic mismatch associated with the 60° and 120° ?/?-interfaces: (i) two new roles of the ?/?-interfaces, i.e. decomposition of superdislocations within 120° and 60° interfaces and subsequent detachment of a single ordinary dislocation and (ii) blocking of ordinary dislocations by 60° and 120° interfaces resulting in the emission of a twinning dislocation.


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We provide the quantum-mechanical description of the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons on metal surfaces by single photons. An attenuated-reflection setup is described for the quantum excitation process in which we find remarkably efficient photon-to-surface plasmon wave-packet transfer. Using a fully quantized treatment of the fields, we introduce the Hamiltonian for their interaction and study the quantum statistics during transfer with and without losses in the metal.


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Progress in the theoretical understanding of non-sequential double-ionization of atoms is reviewed from its beginnings with Kuchiev's work in the late 1980s and Corkum's work in the early 1990s to the present day. The crucial role of laboratory experiment as a persistent stimulus to theoretical endeavour is underlined but the predictive roles of simple, yet fundamental, theory and also of a full quantum mechanical description are not forgotten. A theoretical forward look is provided.


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We employ a quantum mechanical bond order potential in an atomistic simulation of channeled flow. We show that the original hypothesis that this is achieved by a cooperative deployment of slip and twinning is correct, first because a twin is able to “protect” a 60° ordinary dislocation from becoming sessile, and second because the two processes are found to be activated by Peierls stresses of similar magnitude. In addition we show an explicit demonstration of the lateral growth of a twin, again at a similar level of stress. Thus these simultaneous processes are shown to be capable of channeling deformation into the observed state of plane strain in so-called “A”-oriented mechanical testing of titanium aluminide superalloy.


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A thermodynamic analysis of the experimental conditions of the Beckmann rearrangement reaction of oximes into amides has been undertaken to examine whether the reaction is under thermodynamic or kinetic control. To answer this question, the thermodynamic properties of the typical Beckmann rearrangement reactions in the ideal gaseous state-cyclohexanone oxime to caprolactam and 2-butanone oxime to N-methylpropanarnide-were studied by using the quantum mechanical method. Gibbs energy and equilibrium constants of the Beckmann rearrangement have been assessed in the gaseous and the liquid phases. Results of the thermodynamic analysis have shown that Beckmann rearrange ments are kinetically controlled. Thus, a search for possible active ionic liquid based catalysts for the mild reaction conditions has been performed.


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The ground-state entanglement entropy between block of sites in the random Ising chain is studied by means of the Von Neumann entropy. We show that in presence of strong correlations between the disordered couplings and local magnetic fields the entanglement increases and becomes larger than in the ordered case. The different behavior with respect to the uncorrelated disordered model is due to the drastic change of the ground state properties. The same result holds also for the random three-state quantum Potts model.


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We study the entanglement of two impurity qubits immersed in a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) reservoir. This open quantum system model allows for interpolation between a common dephasing scenario and an independent dephasing scenario by modifying the wavelength of the superlattice superposed to the BEC, and how this influences the dynamical properties of the impurities. We demonstrate the existence of rich dynamics corresponding to different values of reservoir parameters, including phenomena such as entanglement trapping, revivals of entanglement, and entanglement generation. In the spirit of reservoir engineering, we present the optimal BEC parameters for entanglement generation and trapping, showing the key role of the ultracold-gas interactions. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2013


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Glycolaldehyde, the simplest monosaccharide sugar, has recently been detected in low- and high-mass star-forming cores. Following our previous investigation into glycolaldehyde formation, we now consider a further mechanism for the formation of glycolaldehyde that involves the dimerization of the formyl radical, HCO. Quantum mechanical investigation of the HCO dimerization process upon an ice surface is predicted to be barrierless and therefore fast. In an astrophysical context, we show that this mechanism can be very efficient in star-forming cores. It is limited by the availability of the formyl radical, but models suggest that only very small amounts of CO are required to be converted to HCO to meet the observational constraints.


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From the early 1900s, some psychologists have attempted to establish their discipline as a quantitative science. In using quantitative methods to investigate their theories, they adopted their own special definition of measurement of attributes such as cognitive abilities, as though they were quantities of the type encountered in Newtonian science. Joel Michell has presented a carefully reasoned argument that psychological attributes lack additivity, and therefore cannot be quantities in the same way as the attributes of classical Newtonian physics. In the early decades of the 20th century, quantum theory superseded Newtonian mechanics as the best model of physical reality. This paper gives a brief, critical overview of the evolution of current measurement practices in psychology, and suggests the need for a transition from a Newtonian to a quantum theoretical paradigm for psychological measurement. Finally, a case study is presented that considers the implications of a quantum theoretical model for educational measurement. In particular, it is argued that, since the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is predicated on a Newtonian conception of measurement, this may constrain the extent to which it can make accurate comparisons of the achievements of different education systems.


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We analyse a proposal that we have recently put forward for an interface between matter-wave and optomechanical technologies from the perspective of macroscopic quantumness. In particular, by making use of a measure of macroscopicity in quantum superpositions that is particularly well suited for continuous variables systems, we demonstrate the existence of working points for our interface at which a quantum mechanical superposition of genuinely mesoscopic states is achieved. Our proposal thus holds the potential to affirm itself as a viable atom-to-mechanics transducer of quantum coherences.