212 resultados para Porter, Jeff
To examine the allelic variation of three enzymes involved in 6-mercaptopurine/azathioprine (6-MP/AZA) metabolism and evaluate the in?uence of these polymorphisms on toxicity, haematological parameters and metabolite levels in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) or in?ammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Clinical data and blood samples were collected from 19 ALL paediatric patients and 35 IBD patients who were receiving 6-MP/AZA therapy. All patients were screened for seven genetic polymorphisms in three enzymes involved in mercaptopurine metabolism [xanthine oxidase, inosine triphosphatase (C94?A and IVS2+21A?C) and thiopurine methyltransferase]. Erythrocyte and plasma metabolite concentrations were also determined. The associations between the various genotypes and myelotoxicity, haematological parameters and metabolite concentrations were determined.
Thiopurine methyltransferase variant alleles were associated with a preferential metabolism away from 6-methylmercaptopurine nucleotides (P = 0.008 in ALL patients,P = 0.038 in IBD patients) favouring 6-thioguanine nucleotides (6-TGNs) (P = 0.021 in ALL patients). Interestingly, carriers of inosine triphosphatase IVS2+21A?C variants among ALL and IBD patients had signi?cantly higher concentrations of the active cytotoxic metabolites, 6-TGNs (P = 0.008 in ALL patients,P = 0.047 in IBD patients). The study con?rmed the association of thiopurine methyltransferase heterozygosity with leucopenia and neutropenia in ALL patients and reported a signi?cant association between inosine triphosphatase IVS2+21A?C variants with thrombocytopenia (P = 0.012).
Pharmacogenetic polymorphisms in the 6-MP pathway may help identify patients at risk for associated toxicities and may serve as a guide for dose
The aim of this study was to investigate the in?uence of genetic polymorphisms in ABCB1 on the incidence of nephrotoxicity and tacrolimus dosage-requirements in paediatric patients following liver transplantation.
Fifty-one paediatric liver transplant recipients receiving tacrolimus were genotyped for ABCB1 C1236>T, G2677>T and C3435>T polymorphisms. Dose-adjusted tacrolimus trough concentrations and estimated glomerular ?ltration rates (EGFR) indicative of renal toxicity were determined and correlated with the corresponding genotypes.
The present study revealed a higher incidence of the ABCB1 variant-alleles examined among patients with renal dysfunction (30% reduction in EGFR) at 6 months post-transplantation (1236T allele: 63.3% vs 37.5% in controls,P = 0.019; 2677T allele: 63.3% vs. 35.9%, p = 0.012; 3435T allele: 60% vs. 39.1%,P = 0.057). Carriers of the G2677->T variant allele also had a signi?cant reduction (%) in EGFR at 12 months post-transplant (mean difference = 22.6%; P = 0.031). Haplotype analysis showed a signi?cant association between T-T-T haplotypes and an increased incidence of nephrotoxicity at 6 months post-transplantation (haplotype-frequency = 52.9% in nephrotoxic patients vs 29.4% in controls; P = 0.029). Furthermore, G2677->T and C3435->T polymorphisms and T-T-T haplotypes were signi?cantly correlated with higher tacrolimus dose-adjusted pre-dose concentrations at various time points examined long after drug initiation.
These ?ndings suggest that ABCB1 polymorphisms in the native intestine signi?cantly in?uence tacrolimus dosage-requirement in the stable phase after transplantation. In addition, ABCB1 polymorphisms in paediatric liver transplant recipients may predispose them to nephrotoxicity over the ?rst year posttransplantation. Genotyping future transplant recipients for ABCB1 polymorphisms, therefore, could have the potential to individualize better tacrolimus immunosuppressive therapy and enhance drug safety
In this paper, we examine the war of words between those who contend that health care practice, including nursing, should primarily be informed by research (the evidence-based practice movement), and those who argue that there should be no restrictions on the sources of knowledge used by practitioners (the postmodernists). We review the postmodernist interventions of Dave Holmes and his colleagues, observing that the postmodernist style to which they adhere, which includes the use of continental philosophy, metaphors, and acerbic delivery, tends to obscure their substantive arguments. The heated nature of some responses to them has tended to have the same effect. However, the substantive arguments are important. Five main postmodernist charges are identified and discussed. The first argument, that the notion of ‘best evidence’ implies a hierarchical and exclusivist approach to knowledge, is persuasive. However, the contention that this hierarchy is maintained by the combined pressures of capitalism and vested interests within academia and the health services, is less well founded. Nevertheless, postmodernist contentions that the hierarchy embraced by the evidence-based practice movement damages health care because it excludes other forms of evidence that are needed to understand the complexity of care, it marginalizes important aspects of clinical knowledge, and it fails to take account of individuals or their experience, are all seen to be of some merit. However, we do not share the postmodernist conclusion that this adds up to a fascist order. Instead, we characterize evidence-based practice as a necessary but not sufficient component of health care knowledge.
This paper examines the epistemological bases for the inclusion of stakeholders in policy research. While it concedes that the input of stakeholders provides essential expert and experiential knowledge for the understanding of complex policies and programmes, it contends that the approach which assumes that all interpretations of policy including those of stakeholders should be afforded equal validity, which we term relativist perspectivism, undermines the possibility of robust research by allowing power to replace methodological rigour as the primary research dynamic. It is noted that this problem tends to be more acute when the research is qualitative. A study into the gendered effects of Common Agricultural Policy reforms is used as an illustrative example of how research can be compromised by relativist perspectivism. It is argued that realist research methodologies uniquely provide the capacity to maintain epistemological robustness, while also being able to take due account of the perspectives of stakeholders.
This article reconsiders the fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing in light of the challenge of narrowempirics in the formof evidence-based practice. Objections to the dominance of evidence-based practice are reviewed, and the reasons for it are examined. It is argued that it is partially the result of weaknesses in the alternative patterns of ethical, personal, and esthetic knowing, the ineffability of which compromises accountability. This ineffability can be countered only by introducing a wider form of empirics than countenanced by evidencebased practice into all patterns of knowing, to demonstrate their salience and to make their use in practice transparent.
Recent sexual health promotion strategies have veered between a negative emphasis on the deleterious consequences of sexually transmitted infections, and a more positive, eroticized approach to safer sex. The differences in approach are starkly reflected in the images chosen to illustrate them. We note that there are problems with both approaches. The main purpose of this review is to demonstrate how this dichotomy was transcended by the sixteenth century Florentine Mannerist painter, Agnolo Bronzino, in his allegory on syphilis
In the perceived hierarchy of research designs, the results from randomized controlled trials are considered to provide the highest level of evidence. Indeed these trials have been upheld as the gold standard in research. The benefits and limitations of the randomized controlled trial as a method of evaluating the effectiveness of healthcare interventions are presented. The article then examines the different levels of complexity within healthcare interventions and the problems this poses in determining effectiveness. In an effort to provide a solution to this problem, the Medical Research Council produced a framework to assist investigators to develop and evaluate complex healthcare interventions. The framework is described with reference to an example of implementing and evaluating protocols for weaning patients in the intensive care unit. The framework is critiqued on the basis that it involves an ambiguous or contradictory ontology, which fails to articulate the relationship between the positivism of randomized controlled trials with the relativism of qualitative approaches. It is concluded that the use of realist strategies in combination with randomized controlled trials provides the most coherent solution to this quandary