41 resultados para Phase space methods


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Proton radiography using laser-driven sources has been developed as a diagnostic since the beginning of the decade, and applied successfully to a range of experimental situations. Multi-MeV protons driven from thin foils via the Target Normal Sheath Acceleration mechanism, offer, under optimal conditions, the possibility of probing laser-plasma interactions, and detecting electric and magnetic fields as well as plasma density gradients with similar to ps temporal resolution and similar to 5-10 mu m spatial resolution. In view of these advantages, the use of proton radiography as a diagnostic in experiments of relevance to Inertial Confinement Fusion is currently considered in the main fusion laboratories. This paper will discuss recent advances in the application of laser-driven radiography to experiments of relevance to Inertial Confinement Fusion. In particular we will discuss radiography of hohlraum and gasbag targets following the interaction of intense ns pulses. These experiments were carried out at the HELEN laser facility at AWE (UK), and proved the suitability of this diagnostic for studying, with unprecedented detail, laser-plasma interaction mechanisms of high relevance to Inertial Confinement Fusion. Non-linear solitary structures of relevance to space physics, namely phase space electron holes, have also been highlighted by the measurements. These measurements are discussed and compared to existing models.


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The localized deposition of the energy of a laser pulse, as it ablates a solid target, introduces high thermal pressure gradients in the plasma. The thermal expansion of this laser-heated plasma into the ambient medium (ionized residual gas) triggers the formation of non-linear structures in the collisionless plasma. Here an electron-proton plasma is modelled with a particle-in-cell simulation to reproduce aspects of this plasma expansion. A jump is introduced in the thermal pressure of the plasma, across which the otherwise spatially uniform temperature and density change by a factor of 100. The electrons from the hot plasma expand into the cold one and the charge imbalance drags a beam of cold electrons into the hot plasma. This double layer reduces the electron temperature gradient. The presence of the low-pressure plasma modifies the proton dynamics compared with the plasma expansion into a vacuum. The jump in the thermal pressure develops into a primary shock. The fast protons, which move from the hot into the cold plasma in the form of a beam, give rise to the formation of phase space holes in the electron and proton distributions. The proton phase space holes develop into a secondary shock that thermalizes the beam.


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We undertake a detailed analysis of the non-local properties of the fundamental problem of two trapped, distinguishable neutral atoms that interact with a short-range potential characterized by an s-wave scattering length. We show that this interaction generates continuous variable (CV) entanglement between the external degrees of freedom of the atoms and consider its behaviour as a function of both, the distance between the traps and the magnitude of the inter-particle scattering length. We first quantify the entanglement in the ground state of the system at zero temperature and then, adopting a phase-space approach, test the violation of the Clauser-Horn-Shimony-Holt inequality at zero and non-zero temperature and under the effects of general dissipative local environments.


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We study a system of three trapped ions in an anisotropic bidimensional trap. By focusing on the transverse modes of the ions, we show that the mutual ion-ion Coulomb interactions set entanglement of a genuine tripartite nature, to some extent persistent to the thermal nature of the vibronic modes. We tackle this issue by addressing a nonlocality test in the phase space of the ionic system and quantifying the genuine residual tripartite entanglement in the continuous variable state of the transverse modes.


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The growth and saturation of Buneman-type instabilities is examined with a particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation for parameters that are representative for the foreshock region of fast supernova remnant shocks. A dense ion beam and the electrons correspond to the upstream plasma and a fast ion beam to the shock-reflected ions. The purpose of the 2D simulation is to identify the nonlinear saturation mechanisms, the electron heating and potential secondary instabilities that arise from anisotropic electron heating and result in the growth of magnetic fields. We confirm that the instabilities between both ion beams and the electrons saturate by the formation of phase space holes by the beam-aligned modes. The slower oblique modes accelerate some electrons, but they cannot heat up the electrons significantly before they are trapped by the faster beam-aligned modes. Two circular electron velocity distributions develop, which are centred around the velocity of each ion beam. They develop due to the scattering of the electrons by the electrostatic wave potentials. The growth of magnetic fields is observed, but their amplitude remains low.


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This article reports on an experimental method to fully reconstruct laser-accelerated proton beam parameters called radiochromic film imaging spectroscopy (RIS). RIS allows for the characterization of proton beams concerning real and virtual source size, envelope- and microdivergence, normalized transverse emittance, phase space, and proton spectrum. This technique requires particular targets and a high resolution proton detector. Therefore thin gold foils with a microgrooved rear side were manufactured and characterized. Calibrated GafChromic radiochromic film (RCF) types MD-55, HS, and HD-810 in stack configuration were used as spatial and energy resolved film detectors. The principle of the RCF imaging spectroscopy was demonstrated at four different laser systems. This can be a method to characterize a laser system with respect to its proton-acceleration capability. In addition, an algorithm to calculate the spatial and energy resolved proton distribution has been developed and tested to get a better idea of laser-accelerated proton beams and their energy deposition with respect to further applications.


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The objective of this study was to identify, through a consensus process, the essential practices in primary palliative care. A three-phase study was designed. Phase 1 methods included development of a working group; a literature review; development of a baseline list of practices; and identification of levels of intervention. In Phase 2, physicians, nurses, and nurse aides (n = 425) from 63 countries were asked in three Delphi rounds to rate the baseline practices as essential or nonessential and select the appropriate levels of intervention for each. In Phase 3, representatives of 45 palliative care organizations were asked to select and rank the 10 most important practices resulting from Phase 2. Scores (1-10) were assigned to each, based on the selected level of importance. Results of Phase 1 were a baseline list of 140 practices. Three levels of intervention were identified: Identification/Evaluation; Diagnosis; and Treatment/Solution measures. In Phase 2, the response rates (RR) for the Delphi rounds were 96.5%, 73.6%, and 71.8%, respectively. A consensus point (=80% agreement) was applied, resulting in 62 practices. In Phase 3, RR was 100%. Forty-nine practices were selected and ranked. "Evaluation, Diagnosis and Treatment of Pain" scored the highest (352 points). The working group (WG) arranged the resulting practices in four categories: Physical care needs, Psychological/Emotional/Spiritual care needs, Care Planning and Coordination, and Communication. The IAHPC List of Essential Practices in Palliative care may help define appropriate primary palliative care and improve the quality of care delivered globally. Further studies are needed to evaluate their uptake and impact.


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When examining complex problems, such as the folding of proteins, coarse grained descriptions of the system drive our investigation and help us to rationalize the results. Oftentimes collective variables (CVs), derived through some chemical intuition about the process of interest, serve this purpose. Because finding these CVs is the most difficult part of any investigation, we recently developed a dimensionality reduction algorithm, sketch-map, that can be used to build a low-dimensional map of a phase space of high-dimensionality. In this paper we discuss how these machine-generated CVs can be used to accelerate the exploration of phase space and to reconstruct free-energy landscapes. To do so, we develop a formalism in which high-dimensional configurations are no longer represented by low-dimensional position vectors. Instead, for each configuration we calculate a probability distribution, which has a domain that encompasses the entirety of the low-dimensional space. To construct a biasing potential, we exploit an analogy with metadynamics and use the trajectory to adaptively construct a repulsive, history-dependent bias from the distributions that correspond to the previously visited configurations. This potential forces the system to explore more of phase space by making it desirable to adopt configurations whose distributions do not overlap with the bias. We apply this algorithm to a small model protein and succeed in reproducing the free-energy surface that we obtain from a parallel tempering calculation.


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A molecular dynamics-based protocol is proposed for finding and scoring protein-ligand binding poses. This protocol uses the recently developed reconnaissance metadynamics method, which employs a self-learning algorithm to construct a bias that pushes the system away from the kinetic traps where it would otherwise remain. The exploration of phase space with this algorithm is shown to be roughly six to eight times faster than unbiased molecular dynamics and is only limited by the time taken to diffuse about the surface of the protein. We apply this method to the well-studied trypsin-benzamidine system and show that we are able to refind all the poses obtained from a reference EADock blind docking calculation. These poses can be scored based on the length of time the system remains trapped in the pose. Alternatively, one can perform dimensionality reduction on the output trajectory and obtain a map of phase space that can be used in more expensive free-energy calculations.


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A new scheme, sketch-map, for obtaining a low-dimensional representation of the region of phase space explored during an enhanced dynamics simulation is proposed. We show evidence, from an examination of the distribution of pairwise distances between frames, that some features of the free-energy surface are inherently high-dimensional. This makes dimensionality reduction problematic because the data does not satisfy the assumptions made in conventional manifold learning algorithms We therefore propose that when dimensionality reduction is performed on trajectory data one should think of the resultant embedding as a quickly sketched set of directions rather than a road map. In other words, the embedding tells one about the connectivity between states but does not provide the vectors that correspond to the slow degrees of freedom. This realization informs the development of sketch-map, which endeavors to reproduce the proximity information from the high-dimensionality description in a space of lower dimensionality even when a faithful embedding is not possible.


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These notes originated out of a set of lectures in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information given by one of us (MGAP) at the University of Napoli and the University of Milano. A quite broad set of issues are covered, ranging from elementary concepts to current research topics, and from fundamental concepts to applications. A special emphasis has been given to the phase space analysis of quantum dynamics and to the role of Gaussian states in continuous variable quantum information.


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Physical modelling of musical instruments involves studying nonlinear interactions between parts of the instrument. These can pose several difficulties concerning the accuracy and stability of numerical algorithms. In particular, when the underlying forces are non-analytic functions of the phase-space variables, a stability proof can only be obtained in limited cases. An approach has been recently presented by the authors, leading to unconditionally stable simulations for lumped collision models. In that study, discretisation of Hamilton’s equations instead of the usual Newton’s equation of motion yields a numerical scheme that can be proven to be energy conserving. In this paper, the above approach is extended to collisions of distributed objects. Namely, the interaction of an ideal string with a flat barrier is considered. The problem is formulated within the Hamiltonian framework and subsequently discretised. The resulting nonlinearmatrix equation can be shown to possess a unique solution, that enables the update of the algorithm. Energy conservation and thus numerical stability follows in a way similar to the lumped collision model. The existence of an analytic description of this interaction allows the validation of the model’s accuracy. The proposed methodology can be used in sound synthesis applications involving musical instruments where collisions occur either in a confined (e.g. hammer-string interaction, mallet impact) or in a distributed region (e.g. string-bridge or reed-mouthpiece interaction).


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A series of numerical simulations based on a recurrence-free Vlasov kinetic algorithm presented earlier [Abbasi et al., Phys. Rev. E 84, 036702 (2011)] are reported. Electron-ion plasmas and three-component (electron-ion-dust) dusty, or complex, plasmas are considered, via independent simulations. Considering all plasma components modeled through a kinetic approach, the nonlinear behavior of ionic scale acoustic excitations is investigated. The focus is on Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal (BGK) modes generated during the simulations. In particular, we aim at investigating the parametric dependence of the characteristics of BGK structures, namely of their time periodicity (τ trap) and their amplitude, on the electron-to-ion temperature ratio and on the dust concentration. In electron-ion plasma, an exponential relation between τ trap and the amplitude of BGK modes and the electron-to-ion temperature ratio is observed. It is argued that both characteristics, namely, the periodicity τ trap and amplitude, are also related to the size of the phase-space vortex which is associated with BGK mode creation. In dusty plasmas, BGK modes characteristics appear to depend on the dust particle density linearly


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We undertake a thorough analysis of the thermodynamics of the trajectories followed by a quantum harmonic oscillator coupled to $N$ dissipative baths by using a new approach to large-deviation theory inspired by phase-space quantum optics. As an illustrative example, we study the archetypal case of a harmonic oscillator coupled to two thermal baths, allowing for a comparison with the analogous classical result. In the low-temperature limit, we find a significant quantum suppression in the rate of work exchanged between the system and each bath. We further show how the presented method is capable of giving analytical results even for the case of a driven harmonic oscillator. Based on that result, we analyse the laser cooling of the motion of a trapped ion or optomechanical system, illustrating how the emission statistics can be controllably altered by the driving force.


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In the past decade, several rapidly evolving transients have been discovered whose timescales and luminosities are not easily explained by traditional supernovae (SNe) models. The sample size of these objects has remained small due, at least in part, to the challenges of detecting short timescale transients with traditional survey cadences. Here we present the results from a search within the Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey (PS1-MDS) for rapidly evolving and luminous transients. We identify 10 new transients with a time above half-maximum (t1/2) of less than 12 days and -16.5 > M > -20 mag. This increases the number of known events in this region of SN phase space by roughly a factor of three. The median redshift of the PS1-MDS sample is z = 0.275 and they all exploded in star-forming galaxies. In general, the transients possess faster rise than decline timescale and blue colors at maximum light (gP1-rP1 ≲ -0.2). Best-fit blackbodies reveal photospheric temperatures/radii that expand/cool with time and explosion spectra taken near maximum light are dominated by a blue continuum, consistent with a hot, optically thick, ejecta. We find it difficult to reconcile the short timescale, high peak luminosity (L > 1043erg s-1), and lack of UV line blanketing observed in many of these transients with an explosion powered mainly by the radioactive decay of 56Ni. Rather, we find that many are consistent with either (1) cooling envelope emission from the explosion of a star with a low-mass extended envelope that ejected very little (<0.03 M) radioactive material, or (2) a shock breakout within a dense, optically thick, wind surrounding the progenitor star. After calculating the detection efficiency for objects with rapid timescales in the PS1-MDS we find a volumetric rate of 4800-8000 events yr-1Gpc-3(4%-7% of the core-collapse SN rate at z = 0.2).