100 resultados para PROTEASES


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Human cathepsin L along with cathepsin S, K, and V are collectively known as cathepsin L-like proteases due to their high homology. The overexpression and aberrant activity of each of these proteases has been implicated in tumorigenesis. These proteases contain propeptide domains that can potently inhibit both their cognate protease and other proteases within the cathepsin L-like subfamily. In this investigation, we have produced the cathepsin S propeptide recombinantly and have shown that it is a potent inhibitor of the peptidolytic, elastinolytic, and gelatinolytic activities of the cathepsin L-like proteases. In addition, we show that this peptide is capable of significantly attenuating tumor cell invasion in a panel of human cancer cell lines. Furthermore, fusion of an IgG Fc-domain to the COOH terminus of the propeptide resulted in a chimeric protein with significantly enhanced ability to block tumor cell invasion. This Fc fusion protein exhibited enhanced stability in cell-based assays in comparison with the unmodified propeptide species. This approach for the combined inhibition of the cathepsin L-like proteases may prove useful for the further study in cancer and other conditions where their aberrant activity has been implicated. Furthermore, this strategy for simultaneous inhibition of multiple cysteine cathepsins may represent the basis for novel therapeutics to attenuate tumorigenesis.


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Unregulated apoptosis can be due to a disruption in the balance and control of both intra- and inter-cellular proteolytic activities leading to various disease states. Many proteases involved in apoptotic processes are yet to be identified; however, several are already well characterized. Caspases traditionally held the predominant role as prime mediators of execution. However, latterly, evidence has accumulated that non-caspases, including calpains, cathepsins, granzymes and the proteasome have roles in mediating and promoting cell death. Increasingly, research is implicating serine proteases within apoptotic processing, particularly in the generation of nuclear events such as condensation, fragmentation and DNA degradation observed in late-stage apoptosis. Serine proteases therefore are emerging as providing additional or alternative therapeutic targets.


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In this study, we report on a novel, expedited solid-phase approach for the synthesis of biotinylated and fluorescently tagged irreversible affinity based probes for the chymotrypsin and elastase-like serine proteases. The novel solid-phase biotinylation or fluorescent labeling of the aminoalkane diphenyl phosphonate warhead using commercially available Biotin-PEG-NovaTag or EDANS NovaTag resin permits rapid, facile synthesis of these reagents. We demonstrate the kinetic evaluation and utilization of a number of these irreversible inactivators for chymotrypsin-like (chymotrypsin/human cathepsin G) and elastase-like serine proteases. Encouragingly, these compounds display comparable potency against their target proteases as their N-benzyloxycarbonyl (Cbz)-protected parent compounds, from which they were derived, and function as efficient active site-directed inactivators of their target proteases. We subsequently applied the biotinylated reagents for the sensitive detection of protease species via Western blot, showing that the inactivation of the protease was specifically mediated through the active site serine. Furthermore, we also demonstrate the successful detection of serine protease species with the fluorescently labeled derivatives “in-gel”, thus avoiding the need for downstream Western blotting. Finally, we also show the utility of biotinylated and pegylated affinity probes for the isolation/enrichment of serine protease species, via capture with immobilized streptavidin, and their subsequent identification via de novo sequencing. Given their selectivity of action against the serine proteases, we believe that these reagents can be exploited for the direct, rapid, and selective identification of these enzymes from biological milieu containing multiple protease subclasses.


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A series of substrate-based a-keto-ß-aldehyde (glyoxal) sequences have been synthesised and evaluated as inhibitors of the caspase family of cysteine proteases. A number of potent inhibitor sequences have been identified. For example, a palmitic acid containing sequence pal-Tyr-Val-Ala-Asp-glyoxal was demonstrated to be an extremely effective inhibitor of caspase-1, inhibiting not only the action of the protease against synthetic fluorogenic substrates (Ki = 0.3 nM) but also blocking its processing of pro-interleukin-1beta (pro-IL-1ß). In addition, the peptide Ac-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-glyoxal, which is based on the consensus cleavage sequence for caspase-3, is a potent inhibitor of this protease (Ki = 0.26 nM) yet only functions as a comparatively modest inhibitor of caspase-1 (Ki = 451 nM). Potent inhibitor sequences were also identified for caspases-6 and -8. However, the degree of discrimination between the family members is limited. The ability of Ac-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-glyoxal to block caspase-3 like activity in whole cells and to delay the development of apoptosis was assessed. When tested against caspase-3 like activity in cell lysates, Ac-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-glyoxal displayed effective inhibition similar to that observed against recombinant caspase-3. Treatment of whole cells with this potent caspase-3 inhibitor was however, not sufficient to significantly stall the development of apoptosis in-vitro.


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Helminth pathogens prepare a Th2 type immunological environment in their hosts to ensure their longevity. They achieve this by secreting molecules that not only actively drive type 2 responses but also suppress type 1 responses. Here, we show that the major cysteine proteases secreted from the helminth pathogens Fasciola hepatica (FheCL1) and Schistosoma mansoni (SmCB1) protect mice from the lethal effects of lipopolysaccharide by preventing the release of inflammatory mediators, nitric oxide, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and interleukin-12, from macrophages. The proteases specifically block the MyD88-independent TRIF-dependent signaling pathway of Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 and TLR3. Microscopical and flow cytometric studies, however, show that alteration of macrophage function by cysteine protease is not mediated by cleavage of components of the TLR4 complex on the cell surface but occurs by degradation of TLR3 within the endosome. This is the first study to describe a parasite molecule that degrades this receptor and pinpoints a novel mechanism by which helminth parasites modulate the innate immune responses of their hosts to suppress the development of Th1 responses.


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Opisthorchis viverrini is an important helminth pathogen of humans that is endemic in Thailand and Laos. Adult flukes reside within host bile ducts and feed on epithelial tissue and blood cells. Chronic opisthorchiasis is associated with severe hepatobiliary diseases such as cholangiocarcinoma. Here we report that adult O. viverrini secrete two major cysteine proteases: cathepsin F (Ov-CF-1) and cathepsin B1 (Ov-CB-1). Ov-CF-1 is secreted as an inactive zymogen that autocatalytically processes and activates to a mature enzyme at pH 4.5 via an intermolecular cleavage at the prosegment-mature domain junction. Ov-CB-1 is also secreted as a zymogen but, in contrast to Ov-CF-1, is fully active against peptide and macromolecular substrates despite retaining the N-terminal prosegment. The active Ov-CB-1 zymogen was capable of trans-activating Ov-CF-1 by proteolytic removal of its prosegment at pH 5.5, a pH at which the Ov-CF-1 zymogen cannot autocatalytically activate. Both cathepsins hydrolyse human haemoglobin but their combined action more efficiently degrades haemoglobin to smaller peptides than each enzyme alone. Ov-CF-1 degraded extracellular matrix proteins more effectively than Ov-CB-1 at physiological pH. We propose that Ov-CB-1 regulates Ov-CF-1 activity and that both enzymes work together to degrade host tissue contributing to the development of liver fluke-associated cholangiocarcinoma.


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In mammals, cysteine proteases are essential for the induction and development of both innate and adaptive immune responses. These proteases play a role in antigen-and pathogen-recognition and elimination, signal processing and cell homeostasis. Many pathogens also secrete cysteine proteases that often act on the same target proteins as the mammalian proteases and thereby can modulate host immunity from initial recognition to effector mechanisms. Pathogen-derived proteases range from nonspecific proteases that degrade multiple proteins involved in the immune response to enzymes that are very specific in their mode of action. Here, we overview current knowledge of pathogen-derived cysteine proteases that modulate immune responses by altering the normal function of key receptors or pathways in the mammalian immune system.