31 resultados para PLASMIDS


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We report the functional characterization of the galF gene of strain VW187 (Escherichia coli O7:K1), which encodes a polypeptide displaying structural features common to bacterial UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylases, including the E. coli GalU protein. These enzymes catalyse a reversible reaction converting UTP and glucose-1-phosphate into UDP-glucose and PPi. We show that, although the GalF protein is expressed in vivo, GalF-expressing plasmids cannot complement the phenotype of a galU mutant and extracts from this mutant which only produces GalF are enzymatically inactive. In contrast, the presence of GalU and GalF proteins in the same cell-free extract caused a significant reduction in the rate of pyrophosphorolysis (conversion of UDP-glucose into glucose-1-phosphate) but no significant effect on the kinetics of synthesis of UDP-glucose. The presence of GalF also increased the thermal stability of the enzyme in vitro. The effect of GalF in the biochemical properties of the UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase required the co-synthesis of GalF and GalU, suggesting that they could interact as components of the oligomeric enzyme. The physical interaction of GalU and GalF was demonstrated in vivo by the co-expression of both proteins as fusion products using a yeast two-hybrid system. Furthermore, using a pair of galF-/galU+ and galF/galU+ isogenic strains, we demonstrated that the presence of GalF is associated with an increased concentration of intracellular UDP-glucose as well as with an enhancement of the thermal stability of the UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase in vivo. We propose that GalF is a non-catalytic subunit of the UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase modulating the enzyme activity to increase the formation of UDP-glucose, and this function is important for bacterial adaptation to conditions of stress.


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The lpcA locus has been identified in Escherichia coli K12 novobiocin-supersensitive mutants that produce a short lipopolysaccharide (LPS) core which lacks glyceromannoheptose and terminal hexoses. We have characterized lpcA as a single gene mapping around 5.3 min (246 kilobases) on the E. coli K12 chromosome and encoding a 22.6-kDa cytosolic protein. Recombinant plasmids containing only lpcA restored a complete core LPS in the E. coli strain chi711. We show that this strain has an IS5-mediated chromosomal deletion of 35 kilobases that eliminates lpcA. The LpcA protein showed discrete similarities with a family of aldose/ketose isomerases and other proteins of unknown function. The isomerization of sedoheptulose 7-phosphate, into a phosphosugar presumed to be D-glycero-D-mannoheptose 7-phosphate, was detected in enzyme reactions with cell extracts of E. coli lpcA+ and of lpcA mutants containing the recombinant lpcA gene. We concluded that LpcA is the phosphoheptose isomerase used in the first step of glyceromannoheptose synthesis. We also demonstrated that lpcA is conserved among enteric bacteria, all of which contain glyceromannoheptose in the inner core LPS, indicating that LpcA is an essential component in a conserved biosynthetic pathway of inner core LPS.


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Most of the Shigella flexneri O-specific serotypes result from O-acetyl and/or glucosyl groups added to a common O-repeating unit of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecule. The genes involved in acetylation and/or glucosylation of S. flexneri LPS are physically located on lysogenic bacteriophages, whereas the rfb cluster contains the biosynthesis genes for the common O-repeating unit (D.A.R. Simmons and E. Romanowska, J. Med. Microbiol. 23:289-302, 1987). Using a cosmid cloning strategy, we have cloned the rfb regions from S. flexneri 3a and 2a. Escherichia coli K-12 containing plasmids pYS1-5 (derived from S. flexneri 3a) and pEY5 (derived from S. flexneri 2a) expressed O-specific LPS which reacted immunologically with S. flexneri polyvalent O antiserum. However, O-specific LPS expressed in E. coli K-12 also reacted with group 6 antiserum, indicating the presence of O-acetyl groups attached to one of the rhamnose components of the O-repeating unit. This was confirmed by measuring the amounts of acetate released from purified LPS samples and also by the chemical removal of O-acetyl groups, which abolished group 6 reactivity. The O-acetylation phenotype was absent in an E. coli strain with an sbcB-his-rfb chromosomal deletion and could be restored upon conjugation of F' 129, which carries sequences corresponding to a portion of the deleted region. Our data demonstrate that E. coli K-12 strains possess a novel locus which directs the O acetylation of LPS and is located in the sbcB-rfb region of the chromosomal map.


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Thirteen avian septicemic isolates of Escherichia coli were examined for the presence of the aerobactin iron transport system. All of the strains possessed a functional aerobactin system and hybridization experiments showed that the aerobactin genes were located on ColV-type plasmids in all cases. The expression of the aerobactin receptor IutA was also studied by determining the bacterial susceptibility to the bacteriocin cloacin DF13. Twelve of the 13 isolates were cloacin-resistant but became sensitive to this bacteriocin upon treatment with diphenylamine which caused a reduction in the amount of O-side chain lipopolysaccharide.


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We have cloned chromosomal genes mediating the aerobactin iron transport system from the enteroinvasive strain Escherichia coli 978-77. The physical map of the region spanning the siderophore biosynthesis genes and the upstream portion of the receptor gene in strain 978-77-derived clones was identical to the corresponding regions in pColV-K30, while the downstream portion was different. Recombinant plasmids derived from strain 978-77 encoded a 76-kDa outer membrane protein, in contrast to the 74-kDa polypeptide encoded by similar clones derived from pColV-K30. No differences were found in the uptake of ferric aerobactin mediated by either the 76-kDa- or the 74-kDa-encoding plasmids. In contrast, cells containing the 76-kDa-encoding plasmids showed a 16-fold decrease in susceptibility to cloacin compared with cells harboring the 74-kDa-encoding plasmids. Two classes of chimeric aerobactin receptor genes were constructed by exchanging sequences corresponding to the downstream portion from the aerobactin receptor gene of both systems. The pColV-K30-978-77 chimeric gene encoded a 76-kDa outer membrane protein which mediated a low level of cloacin susceptibility, whereas the 978-77-pColV-K30 type encoded a protein of 74 kDa determining a level of cloacin susceptibility identical to that mediated by pColV-K30.


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We recently cloned biosynthesis genes for the O7-lipopolysaccharide (O7-LPS) side chain from the Escherichia coli K-1 strain VW187 (M. A. Valvano, and J. H. Crosa, Infect. Immun. 57:937-943, 1989). To characterize the O7-LPS region, the recombinant cosmids pJHCV31 and pJHCV32 were mutagenized by transposon mutagenesis with Tn3HoHo1, which carries a promoterless lac operon and can therefore generate lacZ transcriptional fusions with target DNA sequences. Cells containing mutated plasmids were examined for their ability to react by coagglutination with O7 antiserum. The LPS pattern profiles of the insertion mutants were also investigated by electrophoresis of cell envelope fractions, followed by silver staining and immunoblotting analysis. These experiments identified three phenotypic classes of mutants and defined a region in the cloned DNA of about 14 kilobase pairs that is essential for O7-LPS expression. Analysis of beta-galactosidase production by cells carrying plasmids with transposon insertions indicated that transcription occurs in only one direction along the O7-LPS region. In vitro transcription-translation experiments revealed that the O7-LPS region encodes at least 16 polypeptides with molecular masses ranging from 20 to 48 kilodaltons. Also, the O7-LPS region in VW187 was mutagenized by homologous recombination with subsets of the cloned O7-LPS genes subcloned into a suicide plasmid vector. O7-LPS-deficient mutants of VW187 were complemented with pJHCV31 and pJHCV32, confirming that these cosmids contain genetic information that is essential for the expression of the O7 polysaccharide.


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We have cloned chromosomal genes determining the aerobactin iron transport system from the Escherichia coli K1 strain VW187. Mapping and hybridization experiments showed that the VW187 aerobactin region was identical to that of the plasmid ColV-K30. However, in the E. coli K-12 background, the biosynthesis of both siderophore and ferric aerobactin receptor encoded by the VW187-derived recombinant plasmids was not repressed by iron to the same extent found when a recombinant plasmid derived from pColV-K30 was used. RNA-DNA dot-blot hybridization experiments demonstrated that the aerobactin-specific mRNA synthesized by the VW187-derived clones was not iron regulated in E. coli K-12. In contrast, the synthesis of aerobactin and its receptor in strain VW187 was completely repressed by iron regardless of whether the recombinant plasmids originated from VW187 or pColV-K30. Similar results were obtained with gene fusions in which a promoterless lac operon was placed under the control of aerobactin promoter regions of either chromosome- or plasmid-mediated aerobactin systems. DNA sequencing of the chromosomal aerobactin promoter region showed changes in bases located immediately upstream to the -35 region compared with the corresponding region in pColV-K30, which is known to be part of the binding site for the Fur repressor protein.


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The incidence of the aerobactin system and the genetic location of aerobactin genes were investigated in Escherichia coli K1 neonatal isolates belonging to different clonal groups. A functional aerobactin system was found in all members of the O7 MP3, O1 MP5, O1 MP9, and O18 MP9 clonal groups examined and also in K1 strains having O6, O16, and O75 lipopolysaccharide types, which are less frequently associated with neonatal infections. In contrast, the aerobactin system was not detected in strains from the O18 MP6 clone. The combined results of plasmid and colony hybridization experiments showed that the aerobactin genes were located on the chromosome in the majority (75%) of the aerobactin-producing K1 isolates, the genetic location of the aerobactin genes was closely correlated with the outer membrane protein profile rather than the O lipopolysaccharide type, the K1 strains harboring a chromosome-mediated aerobactin system did not possess colicin V genes, and five of six K1 isolates possessing a plasmid-borne aerobactin system contained colicin V genes which were located on the same plasmids carrying the aerobactin genes. The comparison of hemolysin production with possession of the aerobactin system in virulent clones of E. coli K1 strains showed that all of the aerobactin-producing strains from the O18 MP9 and O7 MP3 clonal groups did not synthesize hemolysin, whereas 11 of 12 aerobactin-nonproducing O18 MP6 isolates were hemolytic. Of the K1 strains examined, 92.5% possessed either the aerobactin system or the ability to produce hemolysin or both.


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Nalidixic acid-resistant Salmonella enterica serovars Kentucky (n5) and Virchow (n6) cultured from individuals were investigated for the presence of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR) determinants.

PMQR markers and mutations within the quinolone resistance-determining regions of the target genes were investigated by PCR followed by DNA sequencing. Conjugation, plasmid profiling and targeted PCR were performed to demonstrate the transferability of the qnrS1 gene. Subsequently, a plasmid was identified that carried a quinolone resistance marker and this was completely sequenced.

A Salmonella Virchow isolate carried a qnrS1 gene associated with an IncN incompatibility group conjugative plasmid of 40995 bp, which was designated pVQS1. The latter conferred resistance to ampicillin and nalidixic acid and showed sequence similarity in its core region to plasmid R46, whilst the resistance-encoding region was similar to pAH0376 from Shigella flexneri and pINF5 from Salmonella Infantis and contained an IS26 remnant, a complete Tn3 structure, a truncated IS2 element and a qnrS1 marker, followed by IS26. In contrast to pINF5, IS26 was identified immediately downstream of the qnrS1 gene.

This is the first known report of a qnrS1 gene in Salmonella spp. in Switzerland. Analysis of the complete nucleotide sequence of the qnrS1-containing plasmid showed a novel arrangement of this antibiotic resistance-encoding region.


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Salmonella enterica serovar Agona has caused multiple food-borne outbreaks of gastroenteritis since it was first isolated in 1952. We analyzed the genomes of 73 isolates from global sources, comparing five distinct outbreaks with sporadic infections as well as food contamination and the environment. Agona consists of three lineages with minimal mutational diversity: only 846 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have accumulated in the non-repetitive, core genome since Agona evolved in 1932 and subsequently underwent a major population expansion in the 1960s. Homologous recombination with other serovars of S. enterica imported 42 recombinational tracts (360 kb) in 5/143 nodes within the genealogy, which resulted in 3,164 additional SNPs. In contrast to this paucity of genetic diversity, Agona is highly diverse according to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), which is used to assign isolates to outbreaks. PFGE diversity reflects a highly dynamic accessory genome associated with the gain or loss (indels) of 51 bacteriophages, 10 plasmids, and 6 integrative conjugational elements (ICE/IMEs), but did not correlate uniquely with outbreaks. Unlike the core genome, indels occurred repeatedly in independent nodes (homoplasies), resulting in inaccurate PFGE genealogies. The accessory genome contained only few cargo genes relevant to infection, other than antibiotic resistance. Thus, most of the genetic diversity within this recently emerged pathogen reflects changes in the accessory genome, or is due to recombination, but these changes seemed to reflect neutral processes rather than Darwinian selection. Each outbreak was caused by an independent clade, without universal, outbreak-associated genomic features, and none of the variable genes in the pan-genome seemed to be associated with an ability to cause outbreaks. © 2013 Achtman et al


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The cell wall peptidoglycan (PG) of Burkholderia cenocepacia, an opportunistic pathogen, has not yet been characterized. However, the B. cenocepacia genome contains homologs of genes encoding PG biosynthetic functions in other bacteria. PG biosynthesis involves the formation of the undecaprenyl-pyrophosphate-linked N-acetyl glucosamine-N-acetyl muramic acid-pentapeptide, known as lipid II, which is built on the cytosolic face of the cell membrane. Lipid II is then translocated across the membrane and its glycopeptide moiety becomes incorporated into the growing cell wall mesh; this translocation step is critical to PG synthesis. We have investigated candidate flippase homologs of the MurJ family in B. cenocepacia. Our results show that BCAL2764, herein referred to as murJBc, is indispensable for viability. Viable B. cenocepacia could only be obtained through a conditional mutagenesis strategy by placing murJBc under the control of a rhamnose-inducible promoter. Under rhamnose depletion, the conditional strain stopped growing and individual cells displayed morphological abnormalities consistent with a defect in PG synthesis. Bacterial cells unable to express MurJBc underwent cell lysis, while partial MurJBc depletion sensitized the mutant to the action of β-lactam antibiotics. Depletion of MurJBc caused accumulation of PG precursors consistent with the notion that this protein plays a role in lipid II flipping to the periplasmic compartment. Reciprocal complementation experiments of conditional murJ mutants in B. cenocepacia and Escherichia coli with plasmids expressing MurJ from each strain indicated that MurJBc and MurJEc are functional homologs. Together, our results are consistent with the notion that MurJBc is a PG lipid II flippase in B. cenocepacia.


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Bacteriovorax marinus SJ is a predatory delta-proteobacterium isolated from a marine environment. The genome sequence of this strain provides an interesting contrast to that of the terrestrial predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus HD100. Based on their predatory lifestyle, Bacteriovorax were originally designated as members of the genus Bdellovibrio but subsequently were re-assigned to a new genus and family based on genetic and phenotypic differences. B. marinus attaches to gram-negative bacteria, penetrates through the cell wall to form a bdelloplast, in which it replicates, as shown using microscopy. Bacteriovorax is distinct, as it shares only 30% of its gene products with its closest sequenced relatives. Remarkably, 34% of predicted genes over 500 nt in length were completely unique with no significant matches in the databases. As expected, Bacteriovorax shares several characteristic loci with the other delta-proteobacteria. A geneset shared between Bacteriovorax and Bdellovibrio that is not conserved among other delta-proteobacteria such as Myxobacteria (which destroy prey bacteria externally via lysis), or the non-predatory Desulfo-bacteria and Geobacter species was identified. These 291 gene orthologues common to both Bacteriovorax and Bdellovibrio may be the key indicators of host-interaction predatory-specific processes required for prey entry. The locus from Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus is implicated in the switch from predatory to prey/host-independent growth. Although the locus is conserved in B. marinus, the sequence has only limited similarity. The results of this study advance understanding of both the similarities and differences between Bdellovibrio and Bacteriovorax and confirm the distant relationship between the two and their separation into different families.


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BACKGROUND: Klebsiella pneumoniae strains are pathogenic to animals and humans, in which they are both a frequent cause of nosocomial infections and a re-emerging cause of severe community-acquired infections. K. pneumoniae isolates of the capsular serotype K2 are among the most virulent. In order to identify novel putative virulence factors that may account for the severity of K2 infections, the genome sequence of the K2 reference strain Kp52.145 was determined and compared to two K1 and K2 strains of low virulence and to the reference strains MGH 78578 and NTUH-K2044.

RESULTS: In addition to diverse functions related to host colonization and virulence encoded in genomic regions common to the four strains, four genomic islands specific for Kp52.145 were identified. These regions encoded genes for the synthesis of colibactin toxin, a putative cytotoxin outer membrane protein, secretion systems, nucleases and eukaryotic-like proteins. In addition, an insertion within a type VI secretion system locus included sel1 domain containing proteins and a phospholipase D family protein (PLD1). The pld1 mutant was avirulent in a pneumonia model in mouse. The pld1 mRNA was expressed in vivo and the pld1 gene was associated with K. pneumoniae isolates from severe infections. Analysis of lipid composition of a defective E. coli strain complemented with pld1 suggests an involvement of PLD1 in cardiolipin metabolism.

CONCLUSIONS: Determination of the complete genome of the K2 reference strain identified several genomic islands comprising putative elements of pathogenicity. The role of PLD1 in pathogenesis was demonstrated for the first time and suggests that lipid metabolism is a novel virulence mechanism of K. pneumoniae.


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Molecular techniques have a key role to play in laboratory and clinical haematology. Restriction enzymes allow nucleic acids to be reduced in size for subsequent analysis. In addition they allow selection of specific DNA or RNA sequences for cloning into bacterial plasmids. These plasmids are naturally occuring DNA molecules which reside in bacterial cells. They can be manipulated to act as vehicles or carriers for biologically and medically important genes, allowing the production of large amounts of cloned material for research purposes or to aid in the production of medically important recombinant molecules such as insulin. As acquired or inherited genetic changes are implicated in a wide range of haematological diseases, it is necessary to have highly specific and sensitive assays to detect these mutations. Most of these techniques rely on nucleic acid hybridisation, benefitting from the ability of DNA or RNA to bind tighly to complimentary bases in the nucleic acid structure. Production of artificial DNA molecules called probes permits nucleic acid hybridiation assays to be performed, using the techniques of southern blotting or dot blot analysis. In addition the base composition of any gene or region of DNA can be determined using DNA sequencing technology. The advent of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has revolutionised all aspects of medicine, but has particular relevance in haematology where easy access to biopsy material provides a wealth of material for analysis. PCR permits quick and reliable manipulation of sample material and its ability to be automated makes it an ideal tool for use in the haematology laboratory.


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Plasma membrane calmodulin-dependent calcium ATPases (PMCAs) are enzymatic systems implicated in the extrusion of calcium from the cell. We and others have previously identified molecular interactions between the cytoplasmic COOH-terminal end of PMCA and PDZ domain-containing proteins. These interactions suggested a new role for PMCA as a modulator of signal transduction pathways. The existence of other intracellular regions in the PMCA molecule prompted us to investigate the possible participation of other domains in interactions with different partner proteins. A two-hybrid screen of a human fetal heart cDNA library, using the region 652-840 of human PMCA4b (located in the catalytic, second intracellular loop) as bait, revealed a novel interaction between PMCA4b and the tumor suppressor RASSF1, a Ras effector protein involved in H-Ras-mediated apoptosis. Immunofluorescence co-localization, immunoprecipitation, and glutathione S-transferase pull-down experiments performed in mammalian cells provided further confirmation of the physical interaction between the two proteins. The interaction domain has been narrowed down to region 74-123 of RASSF1C (144-193 in RASSF1A) and 652-748 of human PMCA4b. The functionality of this interaction was demonstrated by the inhibition of the epidermal growth factor-dependent activation of the Erk pathway when PMCA4b and RASSF1 were co-expressed. This inhibition was abolished by blocking PMCA/RASSSF1 association with an excess of a green fluorescent protein fusion protein containing the region 50-123 of RASSF1C. This work describes a novel protein-protein interaction involving a domain of PMCA other than the COOH terminus. It suggests a function for PMCA4b as an organizer of macromolecular protein complexes, where PMCA4b could recruit diverse proteins through interaction with different domains. Furthermore, the functional association with RASSF1 indicates a role for PMCA4b in the modulation of Ras-mediated signaling.