55 resultados para On s-Numbers


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A systematic study of the effect of the Reynolds number on the fluid dynamics and turbulence statistics of pulsed jets impinging on a flat surface is presented. It has been suggested that the influence of the Reynolds number may be somewhat different for a jet subjected to pulsation when compared to an equivalent steady jet. A comparative study of both steady and pulsating jets is presented for a Reynolds number range from Re = 4;730 to Re = 10;000. All the other factors that affect the flowfield are kept constant, which are H/d = 3, St = 0.25, and d = 30.5 mm. It was found that for the range of the Reynolds numbers tested, pulsation results in a shortening of the jet core, the centerline axial velocity component declines more rapidly, and higher values of the radial velocity component for r/d > 0.75are observed. As the Reynolds number increases, the jet spreads more rapidly, the turbulent kinetic energy and nondimensional turbulent fluctuations decrease, and the flowfield near the impinging surface changes drastically, which is evident with the development of a turbulent momentum exchange interaction away from the wall for r/d > 1.5.


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Goblet cell hyperplasia (GCH) and decreased ciliated cells are characteristic of asthma. We examined the effects of IL-13 (2 and 20 ng/mL) on in vitro mucociliary differentiation in pediatric bronchial epithelial cells (PBECs) of normal PBEC [PBEC(N)] and asthmatic PBEC [PBEC(A)] children. Markers of differentiation, real-time PCR for MUC5AC, MUC5AC ELISA, and transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) were assessed. Stimulation with 20 ng/mL IL-13 in PBEC(N) resulted in GCH [20 ng/mL IL-13: mean, 33.8% (SD, 7.2) versus unstimulated: mean, 18.9% (SD, 5.0); p < 0.0001] and decreased ciliated cell number [20 ng/mL IL-13: mean, 8% (SD, 5.6) versus unstimulated: mean, 22.7% (SD,7.6); p < 0.01]. PBEC(N) stimulated with 20 ng/mL IL-13 resulted in >5-fold (SD, 3.2) increase in MUC5AC mRNA expression, p < 0.001, compared with unstimulated PBEC(N). In PBEC(A), GCH was also seen [20 ng/mL IL-13: mean, 44.7% (SD, 16.4) versus unstimulated: mean, 30.4% (SD, 13.9); p < 0.05] with a decreased ciliated cell number [20 ng/mL IL-13: mean, 8.8% (SD, 7.5) versus unstimulated: mean, 16.3% (SD, 4.2); p < 0.001]. We also observed an increase in MUC5AC mRNA expression with 20 ng/mL IL-13 in PBEC(A), p < 0.05. IL-13 drives PBEC(N) toward an asthmatic phenotype and worsens the phenotype in PBEC(A) with reduced ciliated cell numbers and increased goblet cells.


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Macroalgal invasions in coastal areas have been a growing concern during the past decade. The present study aimed to assess the role of hull fouling on recreational yachts as a vector for macroalgal introductions. Questionnaire and hull surveys were carried out in marinas in France and Spain. The questionnaires revealed that the majority of yacht owners are aware of seaweed introductions, usually undertake short range journeys, dry dock their boat at least once a year, and use antifouling paints. The hull survey showed that many in-service yachts were completely free of macroalgae. When present, fouling assemblages consisted mainly of one to two macroalgal species. The most commonly found species was the tolerant green seaweed Ulva flexuosa. Most of the other species found are also cosmopolitan and opportunistic. A few nonnative and potentially invasive Ceramiales (Rhodophyta) were found occasionally on in-service yachts. On the basis of the information gathered during interviews of yacht owners in the surveyed area, these occurrences are likely to be uncommon. However they can pose a significant risk of primary or secondary introductions of alien macroalgal species, especially in the light of the increase in yachting activities. With large numbers of recreational yachts and relatively rare occurrences of nonnative species on hulls, comprehensive screening programs do not seem justified or practical. The risks of transferring nonnative species may, however, be minimized by encouraging the behaviors that prevent fouling on hulls and by taking action against neglected boats before they can act as vectors.


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Mineral prospecting and raising finance for ‘junior’ mining firms has historically been regarded as a speculative activity. For the regulators of securities markets upon which ‘junior’ mining companies seek to raise capital, a perennial problem has been handling not only the indeterminacy of scientific claims, but also the social basis of epistemic practices. This paper examines the production of a system of public warrant and associated knowledge practices intended to enable investors to differentiate between ‘destructive’ and ‘productive’ varieties of financial speculation. It traces the use of the notion of ‘disclosure’ in constructing and legitimizing the ‘juniors’ market in Canada. It argues that though the work of ‘economics’ may be necessary in the construction of markets, it is by no means sufficient. Attention must also be given to the ways in which legal models of ‘the free-market’ can be translated and constantly re-worked across the sites and spaces of regulatory practice, animating the geographies of markets.


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In this paper, a model is presented that describes the pressure drop of gas-liquid Taylor flow in round capillaries with a channel diameter typically less than 1 mm. The analysis of Bretherton (J Fluid Mech 10:166-188, 1961) for the pressure drop over a single gas bubble for vanishing liquid film thickness is extended to include a non-negligible liquid film thickness using the analysis of Aussillous and Qu,r, (Phys Fluids 12(10):2367-2371, 2000). This result is combined with the Hagen-Poiseuille equation for liquid flow using a mass balance-based Taylor flow model previously developed by the authors (Warnier et al. in Chem Eng J 135S:S153-S158, 2007). The model presented in this paper includes the effect of the liquid slug length on the pressure drop similar to the model of Kreutzer et al. (AIChE J 51(9):2428-2440, 2005). Additionally, the gas bubble velocity is taken into account, thereby increasing the accuracy of the pressure drop predictions compared to those of the model of Kreutzer et al. Experimental data were obtained for nitrogen-water Taylor flow in a round glass channel with an inner diameter of 250 mu m. The capillary number Ca (gl) varied between 2.3 x 10(-3) and 8.8 x 10(-3) and the Reynolds number Re (gl) varied between 41 and 159. The presented model describes the experimental results with an accuracy of +/- 4% of the measured values.


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The gametogenic and spat settlement patterns of two Mytihis edulis beds were studied in Dundrum Inner Bay, Northern Ireland. There was evidence of gonad development throughout the year with the main development period between November and March. Spawning was protracted, lasting from May to November. Slight inter-annual and inter-population differences in the riming of the phases were observed but the cycles at both beds were broadly similar to each other and to those of other British and Irish sites. Settlement occurred throughout the year and there was evidence of both primary and secondary spat settlement at both sites. Although the reproductive cycles were similar, distinct seasonal and inter-site differences in spatfall were apparent. At the Downshire Bridge bed, settlement peaked during summer and was dominated by spat in the 0•;5-1•0 mm size range. At Ballykinler, settlement levels were highest in the winter months and larger (>1 mm) spat dominated the samples. The orientation of spat collection pads also significantly affected numbers of the larger (>1 mm) spat. Collectors facing the flood tide attracted significantly more secondary settlers than ebb-facing collectors. This effect varied seasonally and was greater at the Ballykinler bed. It is suggested that hydrodynamic regimes may be an important factor in the differences in settlement patterns of M. edulis.


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A happy medium: Volumetric adsorption of carbon monoxide at 308 K and UHR-HAADF-STEM, HREM, and computer modeling techniques were compared. Experimental CO/Au ratios at saturation coverage for two supported gold catalysts were shown to fit very well the predictions of a nanostructural model that considers CO adsorption on gold sites with coordination numbers of less than eight.


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The efficacies of putative fasciolicides and vaccines against Fasciola hepatica are frequently monitored in clinical and field trials by determination of fluke egg output in host faeces and by worm counts in the host liver at autopsy. Less often used are parameters based on fluke size and histology, yet these can provide important indications of specific effects on the development of particular germ-line or somatic tissues, especially in relation to the timing and profligacy of egg production. In this study. F. hepatica metacercariae of two distinct isolates, the triclabendazole (TCBZ)-sensitive Cullompton isolate and the TCBZ-resistant Oberon isolate, were administered to rats as single-isolate or mixed-isolate infections. At autopsy 16 weeks later individual adult flukes were counted, measured and the reproductive organs were examined histologically. The degree of development of the testis tubules in each fluke was represented by a numerical score, based on the proportion of the histological section profiles occupied by testis tissue. The level of anti-F. hepatica antibody in the serum of each rat was determined by ELISA. It was found that Cullompton flukes were significantly larger than Oberon flukes, and that significantly more Cullompton metacercariae developed to adults than Oberon metacercariae. The Cullompton flukes showed histological evidence of aspermy and spermatogenic arrest, which was reflected in quantitatively reduced testicular development, as compared with the Oberon isolate. In Cullompton flukes, parthenogenetic egg development is implied. The size of Cullompton and Oberon flukes was significantly related to the number of adult flukes recovered, to the number of metacercariae administered, and to the percentage success of infection. The testis development score in both isolates was significantly related to the number of adult flukes recovered but not to the number of metacercariae administered, or to the percentage success of infection. Fluke size was positively related to testis score for both isolates, and a significant negative relationship was found between percentage success of infection and metacercarial dose. The results are interpreted in terms of differing interactions between various numbers of young flukes and host immunity during invasion of and migration in the hepatic parenchyma, and of fluke intra-specific (possibly pheromonal) stimulatory effects in the final stages of development, within the host bile ducts. No significant relationships were found between host antibody levels and fluke size or testis score. False positive serological reactions were found in some rats that had been infected, but found to harbour no flukes at autopsy. Clearly the act of eliminating the flukes involved generation of an immune response. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study evaluates the implementation of Menter's gamma-Re-theta Transition Model within the CFX12 solver for turbulent transition prediction on a natural laminar flow nacelle. Some challenges associated with this type of modeling have been identified. The computational fluid dynamics transitional flow simulation results are presented for a series of cruise cases with freestream Mach numbers ranging from 0.8 to 0.88, angles of attack from 2 to 0 degrees, and mass flow ratios from 0.60 to 0.75. These were validated with a series of wind-tunnel tests on the nacelle by comparing the predicted and experimental surface pressure distributions and transition locations. A selection of the validation cases are presented in this paper. In all cases, computational fluid dynamics simulations agreed reasonably well with the experiments. The results indicate that Menter's gamma-Re-theta Transition Model is capable of predicting laminar boundary-layer transition to turbulence on a nacelle. Nonetheless, some limitations exist in both the Menter's gamma-Re-theta Transition Model and in the implementation of the computational fluid dynamics model. The implementation of a more comprehensive experimental correlation in Menter's gamma-Re-theta Transition Model, preferably the ones from nacelle experiments, including the effects of compressibility and streamline curvature, is necessary for an accurate transitional flow simulation on a nacelle. In addition, improvements to the computational fluid dynamics model are also suggested, including the consideration of varying distributed surface roughness and an appropriate empirical correction derived from nacelle experimental transition location data.


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Strangford Lough, County Down holds internationally important numbers of wintering Pale-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla hrota with peak counts of up to 16 000. In the past, the Lough was also important for overwintering Wigeon Anas penelope with peak counts up to 20 000 in the early 1970s. However, this population has declined drastically with winter peaks at fewer than 2000 since the mid-1980s. As the overall flyway numbers of Wigeon have not fallen over this period, it has been suggested that the reasons for the decline are intrinsic to Strangford Lough. Wigeon did not decline uniformly throughout Strangford Lough. The greatest fall in numbers occurred on the northern mudflats suggesting a decline in carrying capacity. Factors responsible for this decline may include the reduction of Eelgrass Zostera spp. which is the main food of both species, and increases in human activity near and on the foreshore, especially in the case of Wigeon. Indirect interspecific interactions between Brent Geese and Wigeon are discussed as they may have been significant in reducing the numbers of Wigeon in the system.


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Mixed flocks of pale-bellied Brent geese (Branta bernicla hrota) and wigeon (Anas penelope L.) feeding on intertidal Zostera spp were studied during October 1993 with respect to tidal position, feeding method and duration, and competitive: interactions within and between species. Owing to many disturbance incidents affecting the use of the site by wildfowl, only complete data on flow tides were presented. Brent geese fed over a greater period of the tidal cycle than wigeon. Differences in feeding methods indicated that Brent geese exploited the rhizomes, which are energetically more profitable than the shoot on which wigeon fed. Aggressive interactions were recorded within species but there were no records of aggression between species. More subtle competition for space, however, may have occurred during feeding. Brent geese could reach Zostera spp For a short period after increasing depth of water prevented access by wigeon. However, individual wigeon were observed foraging near feeding Brent geese, picking up the scraps oi material discarded by the latter, and small numbers of wigeon may benefit from the presence of the geese. These benefits for some individual wigeon are not considered to compensate for the disadvantages to the latter species population as a whole in feeding on poorer-quality food for a shorter period of the tidal cycle. This disadvantage is likely to have contributed to the decline in the wigeon population on Strangford Lough, Co. Down, while numbers of Brent geese have been maintained at a high level.


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1. The population characteristics and distribution of wood mice Apodemus sylvaticus (L.) were investigated along field margins of farmland dominated by grass production. 2. Turnover, sex ratio, breeding season, spatial density dependence and density dependence in reproductive activity indicated that the population ecology of A. sylvaticus is consistent in different habitats in the same geographical region. 3. Spatial variation in the abundance of A.sylvaticus was related negatively to percentage of land under pasture and distance from woodland and positively related to variables associated with food supply and cover. 4. Variation in numbers of overwintered mice at the start of the breeding season was related more closely to breeding opportunity than to environmental factors. This was particularly so in males. 5. The association of overwintered male and female A. sylvaticus remained evident in the later half of the breeding season. Young males and females of the year, however, were distributed more with respect to physical and biological features than towards adults or reproductive opportunity. 6. A. sylvaticus is an important species of field margins, even where these are poorly developed and agriculture is pastoral rather than arable. Further studies of this species in a wider range of agricultural systems are desirable.


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The decline in viable numbers of Salmonella typhimurium, Yersinia enterocolitica and Listeria monocytogenes in beef cattle slurry is temperature-dependent; they decline more rapidly at 17-degrees-C than at 4-degrees-C. Mesophilic anaerobic digestion caused an initial rapid decline in the viable numbers of Escherichia coli, Salm. typhimurium, Y. enterocolitica and L. monocytogenes. This was followed by a period in which the viable numbers were not reduced by 90%. The T90 values of E. coli, Salm. typhimurium and Y. enterocolitica ranged from 0.7 to 0.9 d during batch digestion and 1.1 to 2-5 d during semi-continuous digestion. Listeria monocytogenes had a significantly higher mean T90 value during semi-continuous digestion (35.7 d) than batch digestion (12.3 d). Anaerobic digestion had little effect in reducing the viable numbers of Campylobacter jejuni.


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Spectra of ?-ray Doppler shifts for positron annihilation in benzene and its fluoro-derivatives are simulated using low energy plane wave positron (LEPWP) approximation. The results are compared with available measurements. It is found that the Doppler shifts in these larger aromatic compounds are dominated by the contributions of the valence electrons and that the LEPWP model overestimates the measurements by approximately 30%, in agreement with previous findings in noble gases and small molecules. It is further revealed that the halogen atoms not only switch the sign of the charges on carbon atoms that they bond to, but that they also polarize other C-H bonds in the molecule leading to a redistribution of the molecular electrostatic potentials. As a result, it is likely that the halogen atoms contribute more significantly to the annihilation process. The present study also suggests that, while the Doppler shifts are sensitive to the number of valence electrons in the molecules, they are less sensitive to the chemical structures of isomers that have the same numbers and type of atoms and, hence, the same numbers of electrons. Further investigation of this effect is warranted. © EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2012.


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The greatest common threat to birds in Madagascar has historically been from anthropogenic deforestation. During recent decades, global climate change is now also regarded as a significant threat to biodiversity. This study uses Maximum Entropy species distribution modeling to explore how potential climate change could affect the distribution of 17 threatened forest endemic bird species, using a range of climate variables from the Hadley Center's HadCM3 climate change model, for IPCC scenario B2a, for 2050. We explore the importance of forest cover as a modeling variable and we test the use of pseudo-presences drawn from extent of occurrence distributions. Inclusion of the forest cover variable improves the models and models derived from real-presence data with forest layer are better predictors than those from pseudo-presence data. Using real-presence data, we analyzed the impacts of climate change on the distribution of nine species. We could not predict the impact of climate change on eight species because of low numbers of occurrences. All nine species were predicted to experience reductions in their total range areas, and their maximum modeled probabilities of occurrence. In general, species range and altitudinal contractions follow the reductive trend of the Maximum presence probability. Only two species (Tyto soumagnei and Newtonia fanovanae) are expected to expand their altitude range. These results indicate that future availability of suitable habitat at different elevations is likely to be critical for species persistence through climate change. Five species (Eutriorchis astur, Neodrepanis hypoxantha, Mesitornis unicolor, Euryceros prevostii, and Oriola bernieri) are probably the most vulnerable to climate change. Four of them (E. astur, M. unicolor, E. prevostii, and O. bernieri) were found vulnerable to the forest fragmentation during previous research. Combination of these two threats in the future could negatively affect these species in a drastic way. Climate change is expected to act differently on each species and it is important to incorporate complex ecological variables into species distribution models.