28 resultados para Neural algorithm


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This paper describes the application of regularisation to the training of feedforward neural networks, as a means of improving the quality of solutions obtained. The basic principles of regularisation theory are outlined for both linear and nonlinear training and then extended to cover a new hybrid training algorithm for feedforward neural networks recently proposed by the authors. The concept of functional regularisation is also introduced and discussed in relation to MLP and RBF networks. The tendency for the hybrid training algorithm and many linear optimisation strategies to generate large magnitude weight solutions when applied to ill-conditioned neural paradigms is illustrated graphically and reasoned analytically. While such weight solutions do not generally result in poor fits, it is argued that they could be subject to numerical instability and are therefore undesirable. Using an illustrative example it is shown that, as well as being beneficial from a generalisation perspective, regularisation also provides a means for controlling the magnitude of solutions. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The eng-genes concept involves the use of fundamental known system functions as activation functions in a neural model to create a 'grey-box' neural network. One of the main issues in eng-genes modelling is to produce a parsimonious model given a model construction criterion. The challenges are that (1) the eng-genes model in most cases is a heterogenous network consisting of more than one type of nonlinear basis functions, and each basis function may have different set of parameters to be optimised; (2) the number of hidden nodes has to be chosen based on a model selection criterion. This is a mixed integer hard problem and this paper investigates the use of a forward selection algorithm to optimise both the network structure and the parameters of the system-derived activation functions. Results are included from case studies performed on a simulated continuously stirred tank reactor process, and using actual data from a pH neutralisation plant. The resulting eng-genes networks demonstrate superior simulation performance and transparency over a range of network sizes when compared to conventional neural models. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, a Radial Basis Function neural network based AVR is proposed. A control strategy which generates local linear models from a global neural model on-line is used to derive controller feedback gains based on the Generalised Minimum Variance technique. Testing is carried out on a micromachine system which enables evaluation of practical implementation of the scheme. Constraints imposed by gathering training data, computational load, and memory requirements for the training algorithm are addressed.


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In the identification of complex dynamic systems using fuzzy neural networks, one of the main issues is the curse of dimensionality, which makes it difficult to retain a large number of system inputs or to consider a large number of fuzzy sets. Moreover, due to the correlations, not all possible network inputs or regression vectors in the network are necessary and adding them simply increases the model complexity and deteriorates the network generalisation performance. In this paper, the problem is solved by first proposing a fast algorithm for selection of network terms, and then introducing a refinement procedure to tackle the correlation issue. Simulation results show the efficacy of the method.


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This paper investigates the center selection of multi-output radial basis function (RBF) networks, and a multi-output fast recursive algorithm (MFRA) is proposed. This method can not only reveal the significance of each candidate center based on the reduction in the trace of the error covariance matrix, but also can estimate the network weights simultaneously using a back substitution approach. The main contribution is that the center selection procedure and the weight estimation are performed within a well-defined regression context, leading to a significantly reduced computational complexity. The efficiency of the algorithm is confirmed by a computational complexity analysis, and simulation results demonstrate its effectiveness. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The identification of nonlinear dynamic systems using radial basis function (RBF) neural models is studied in this paper. Given a model selection criterion, the main objective is to effectively and efficiently build a parsimonious compact neural model that generalizes well over unseen data. This is achieved by simultaneous model structure selection and optimization of the parameters over the continuous parameter space. It is a mixed-integer hard problem, and a unified analytic framework is proposed to enable an effective and efficient two-stage mixed discrete-continuous; identification procedure. This novel framework combines the advantages of an iterative discrete two-stage subset selection technique for model structure determination and the calculus-based continuous optimization of the model parameters. Computational complexity analysis and simulation studies confirm the efficacy of the proposed algorithm.


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A novel image segmentation method based on a constraint satisfaction neural network (CSNN) is presented. The new method uses CSNN-based relaxation but with a modified scanning scheme of the image. The pixels are visited with more distant intervals and wider neighborhoods in the first level of the algorithm. The intervals between pixels and their neighborhoods are reduced in the following stages of the algorithm. This method contributes to the formation of more regular segments rapidly and consistently. A cluster validity index to determine the number of segments is also added to complete the proposed method into a fully automatic unsupervised segmentation scheme. The results are compared quantitatively by means of a novel segmentation evaluation criterion. The results are promising.


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This article discusses the identification of nonlinear dynamic systems using multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs). It focuses on both structure uncertainty and parameter uncertainty, which have been widely explored in the literature of nonlinear system identification. The main contribution is that an integrated analytic framework is proposed for automated neural network structure selection, parameter identification and hysteresis network switching with guaranteed neural identification performance. First, an automated network structure selection procedure is proposed within a fixed time interval for a given network construction criterion. Then, the network parameter updating algorithm is proposed with guaranteed bounded identification error. To cope with structure uncertainty, a hysteresis strategy is proposed to enable neural identifier switching with guaranteed network performance along the switching process. Both theoretic analysis and a simulation example show the efficacy of the proposed method.


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The majority of reported learning methods for Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy neural models to date mainly focus on the improvement of their accuracy. However, one of the key design requirements in building an interpretable fuzzy model is that each obtained rule consequent must match well with the system local behaviour when all the rules are aggregated to produce the overall system output. This is one of the distinctive characteristics from black-box models such as neural networks. Therefore, how to find a desirable set of fuzzy partitions and, hence, to identify the corresponding consequent models which can be directly explained in terms of system behaviour presents a critical step in fuzzy neural modelling. In this paper, a new learning approach considering both nonlinear parameters in the rule premises and linear parameters in the rule consequents is proposed. Unlike the conventional two-stage optimization procedure widely practised in the field where the two sets of parameters are optimized separately, the consequent parameters are transformed into a dependent set on the premise parameters, thereby enabling the introduction of a new integrated gradient descent learning approach. A new Jacobian matrix is thus proposed and efficiently computed to achieve a more accurate approximation of the cost function by using the second-order Levenberg-Marquardt optimization method. Several other interpretability issues about the fuzzy neural model are also discussed and integrated into this new learning approach. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the resultant structure of the fuzzy neural models and the effectiveness of the proposed new algorithm, and compared with the results from some well-known methods.


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In this paper, we have developed a low-complexity algorithm for epileptic seizure detection with a high degree of accuracy. The algorithm has been designed to be feasibly implementable as battery-powered low-power implantable epileptic seizure detection system or epilepsy prosthesis. This is achieved by utilizing design optimization techniques at different levels of abstraction. Particularly, user-specific critical parameters are identified at the algorithmic level and are explicitly used along with multiplier-less implementations at the architecture level. The system has been tested on neural data obtained from in-vivo animal recordings and has been implemented in 90nm bulk-Si technology. The results show up to 90 % savings in power as compared to prevalent wavelet based seizure detection technique while achieving 97% average detection rate. Copyright 2010 ACM.


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A number of neural networks can be formulated as the linear-in-the-parameters models. Training such networks can be transformed to a model selection problem where a compact model is selected from all the candidates using subset selection algorithms. Forward selection methods are popular fast subset selection approaches. However, they may only produce suboptimal models and can be trapped into a local minimum. More recently, a two-stage fast recursive algorithm (TSFRA) combining forward selection and backward model refinement has been proposed to improve the compactness and generalization performance of the model. This paper proposes unified two-stage orthogonal least squares methods instead of the fast recursive-based methods. In contrast to the TSFRA, this paper derives a new simplified relationship between the forward and the backward stages to avoid repetitive computations using the inherent orthogonal properties of the least squares methods. Furthermore, a new term exchanging scheme for backward model refinement is introduced to reduce computational demand. Finally, given the error reduction ratio criterion, effective and efficient forward and backward subset selection procedures are proposed. Extensive examples are presented to demonstrate the improved model compactness constructed by the proposed technique in comparison with some popular methods.