53 resultados para NONLINEAR-ANALYSIS


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A method is proposed to accelerate the evaluation of the Green's function of an infinite double periodic array of thin wire antennas. The method is based on the expansion of the Green's function into series corresponding to the propagating and evanescent waves and the use of Poisson and Kummer transformations enhanced with the analytic summation of the slowly convergent asymptotic terms. Unlike existing techniques the procedure reported here provides uniform convergence regardless of the geometrical parameters of the problem or plane wave excitation wavelength. In addition, it is numerically stable and does not require numerical integration or internal tuning parameters, since all necessary series are directly calculated in terms of analytical functions. This means that for nonlinear problem scenarios that the algorithm can be deployed without run time intervention or recursive adjustment within a harmonic balance engine. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the efficiency and accuracy of the developed approach as compared with the Ewald method for which these classes of problems requires run time splitting parameter adaptation.


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In this paper we study the classification of spatiotemporal pattern of one-dimensional cellular automata (CA) whereas the classification comprises CA rules including their initial conditions. We propose an exploratory analysis method based on the normalized compression distance (NCD) of spatiotemporal patterns which is used as dissimilarity measure for a hierarchical clustering. Our approach is different with respect to the following points. First, the classification of spatiotemporal pattern is comparative because the NCD evaluates explicitly the difference of compressibility among two objects, e.g., strings corresponding to spatiotemporal patterns. This is in contrast to all other measures applied so far in a similar context because they are essentially univariate. Second, Kolmogorov complexity, which underlies the NCD, was used in the classification of CA with respect to their spatiotemporal pattern. Third, our method is semiautomatic allowing us to investigate hundreds or thousands of CA rules or initial conditions simultaneously to gain insights into their organizational structure. Our numerical results are not only plausible confirming previous classification attempts but also shed light on the intricate influence of random initial conditions on the classification results.


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1. We collated information from the literature on life history traits of the roach (a generalist freshwater fish), and analysed variation in absolute fecundity, von Bertalanffy parameters, and reproductive lifespan in relation to latitude, using both linear and non-linear regression models. We hypothesized that because most life history traits are dependent on growth rate, and growth rate is non-linearly related with temperature, it was likely that when analysed over the whole distribution range of roach, variation in key life history traits would show non-linear patterns with latitude.


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The identification of nonlinear dynamic systems using radial basis function (RBF) neural models is studied in this paper. Given a model selection criterion, the main objective is to effectively and efficiently build a parsimonious compact neural model that generalizes well over unseen data. This is achieved by simultaneous model structure selection and optimization of the parameters over the continuous parameter space. It is a mixed-integer hard problem, and a unified analytic framework is proposed to enable an effective and efficient two-stage mixed discrete-continuous; identification procedure. This novel framework combines the advantages of an iterative discrete two-stage subset selection technique for model structure determination and the calculus-based continuous optimization of the model parameters. Computational complexity analysis and simulation studies confirm the efficacy of the proposed algorithm.


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This paper discusses the monitoring of complex nonlinear and time-varying processes. Kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) has gained significant attention as a monitoring tool for nonlinear systems in recent years but relies on a fixed model that cannot be employed for time-varying systems. The contribution of this article is the development of a numerically efficient and memory saving moving window KPCA (MWKPCA) monitoring approach. The proposed technique incorporates an up- and downdating procedure to adapt (i) the data mean and covariance matrix in the feature space and (ii) approximates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Gram matrix. The article shows that the proposed MWKPCA algorithm has a computation complexity of O(N2), whilst batch techniques, e.g. the Lanczos method, are of O(N3). Including the adaptation of the number of retained components and an l-step ahead application of the MWKPCA monitoring model, the paper finally demonstrates the utility of the proposed technique using a simulated nonlinear time-varying system and recorded data from an industrial distillation column.


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A method for obtaining quantitative information about electric field and charge distributions from proton imaging measurements of laser-induced plasmas is presented. A parameterised charge distribution is used as target plasma. The deflection of a proton beam by the electric field of such a plasma is simulated numerically as well as the resulting proton density, which will be obtained on a screen behind the plasma according to the proton imaging technique. The parameters of the specific charge distributions are delivered by a combination of linear regression and nonlinear fitting of the calculated proton density distribution to the measured optical density of a radiochromic film screen changed by proton exposure. It is shown that superpositions of spherical Gaussian charge distributions as target plasma are sufficient to simulate various structures in proton imaging measurements, which makes this method very flexible.


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The linear and nonlinear properties of the Rao-dust-magnetohydrodynamic (R-D-MHD) waves in a dusty magnetoplasma are studied. By employing the inertialess electron equation of motion, inertial ion equation of motion, Ampere's law, Faraday's law, and the continuity equation in a plasma with immobile charged dust grains, the linear and nonlinear propagation of two-dimensional R-D-MHD waves are investigated. In the linear regime, the existence of immobile dust grains produces the Rao cutoff frequency, which is proportional to the dust charge density and the ion gyrofrequency. On the other hand, the dynamics of amplitude modulated R-D-MHD waves is governed by the cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation. The latter has been derived by using the reductive perturbation technique and the two-timescale analysis which accounts for the harmonic generation nonlinearity in plasmas. The stability of the modulated wave envelope against non-resonant perturbations is studied. Finally, the possibility of localized envelope excitations is discussed. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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Theoretical and numerical studies are presented of the amplitude modulation of ion-acoustic waves (IAWs) in a plasma consisting of warm ions, Maxwellian electrons, and a cold electron beam. Perturbations parallel to the carrier IAW propagation direction have been investigated. The existence of four distinct linear ion acoustic modes is shown, each of which possesses a different behavior from the modulational stability point of view. The stability analysis, based on a nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE) reveals that the IAW may become unstable. The stability criteria depend on the IAW carrier wave number, and also on the ion temperature, the beam velocity and the beam electron density. Furthermore, the occurrence of localized envelope structures (solitons) is investigated, from first principles. The numerical analysis shows that the two first modes (essentially IAWs, modified due to the beam) present a complex behavior, essentially characterized by modulational stability for large wavelengths and instability for shorter ones. Dark-type envelope excitations (voids, holes) occur in the former case, while bright-type ones (pulses) appear in the latter. The latter two modes are characterized by an intrinsic instability, as the frequency develops a finite imaginary part for small ionic temperature values. At intermediate temperatures, both bright- and dark-type excitations may exist, although the numerical landscape is intertwined between stability and instability regions.(c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The amplitude modulation of ion-acoustic waves IS investigated in a plasma consisting of adiabatic warm ions, and two different populations of thermal electrons at different temperatures. The fluid equations are reduced to nonlinear Schrodinger equation by employing a multi-scale perturbation technique. A linear stability analysis for the wave packet amplitude reveals that long wavelengths are always stable, while modulational instability sets in for shorter wavelengths. It is shown that increasing the value of the hot-to-cold electron temperature ratio (mu), for a given value of the hot-to-cold electron density ratio (nu): favors instability. The role of the ion temperature is also discussed. In the limiting case nu = 0 (or nu -> infinity). which correspond(s) to an ordinary (single) electron-ion plasma, the results of previous works are recovered.


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The propagation of small amplitude stationary profile nonlinear electrostatic excitations in a pair plasma is investigated, mainly drawing inspiration from experiments on fullerene pair-ion plasmas. Two distinct pair ion species are considered of opposite polarity and same mass, in addition to a massive charged background species, which is assumed to be stationary, given the frequency scale of interest. In the pair-ion context, the third species is thought of as a background defect (e.g. charged dust) component. On the other hand, the model also applies formally to electron-positron-ion (e-p-i) plasmas, if one neglects electron-positron annihilation. A two-fluid plasma model is employed, incorporating both Lorentz and Coriolis forces, thus taking into account the interplay between the gyroscopic (Larmor) frequency ?c and the (intrinsic) plasma rotation frequency O0. By employing a multi-dimensional reductive perturbation technique, a Zakharov-Kuznetsov (ZK) type equation is derived for the evolution of the electric potential perturbation. Assuming an arbitrary direction of propagation, with respect to the magnetic field, we derive the exact form of nonlinear solutions, and study their characteristics. A parametric analysis is carried out, as regards the effect of the dusty plasma composition (background number density), species temperature(s) and the relative strength of rotation to Larmor frequencies. It is shown that the Larmor and mechanical rotation affect the pulse dynamics via a parallel-to-transverse mode coupling diffusion term, which in fact diverges at ?c ? ±2O0. Pulses collapse at this limit, as nonlinearity fails to balance dispersion. The analysis is complemented by investigating critical plasma compositions, in fact near-symmetric (T- ˜ T+) “pure” (n- ˜ n+) pair plasmas, i.e. when the concentration of the 3rd background species is negligible, case in which the (quadratic) nonlinearity vanishes, so one needs to resort to higher order nonlinear theory. A modified ZK equation is derived and analyzed. Our results are of relevance in pair-ion (fullerene) experiments and also potentially in astrophysical environments, e.g. in pulsars.


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A method is described to allow searches for transonic aeroelastic instability of realistically sized aircraft models in multidimensional parameter spaces when computational fluid dynamics are used to model the aerodynamics. Aeroelastic instability is predicted from a small nonlinear eigenvalue problem. The approximation of the computationally expensive interaction term modeling the fluid response is formulated to allow the automated and blind search for aeroelastic instability. The approximation uses a kriging interpolation of exact numerical samples covering the parameter space. The approach, demonstrated for the Goland wing and the multidisciplinary optimization transport wing, results in stability analyses over whole flight envelopes at an equivalent cost of several steady-state simulations.


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In this paper the use of eigenvalue stability analysis of very large dimension aeroelastic numerical models arising from the exploitation of computational fluid dynamics is reviewed. A formulation based on a block reduction of the system Jacobian proves powerful to allow various numerical algorithms to be exploited, including frequency domain solvers, reconstruction of a term describing the fluid–structure interaction from the sparse data which incurs the main computational cost, and sampling to place the expensive samples where they are most needed. The stability formulation also allows non-deterministic analysis to be carried out very efficiently through the use of an approximate Newton solver. Finally, the system eigenvectors are exploited to produce nonlinear and parameterised reduced order models for computing limit cycle responses. The performance of the methods is illustrated with results from a number of academic and large dimension aircraft test cases.


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A robust method for fitting to the results of gel electrophoresis assays of damage to plasmid DNA caused by radiation is presented. This method makes use of nonlinear regression to fit analytically derived dose response curves to observations of the supercoiled, open circular and linear plasmid forms simultaneously, allowing for more accurate results than fitting to individual forms. Comparisons with a commonly used analysis method show that while there is a relatively small benefit between the methods for data sets with small errors, the parameters generated by this method remain much more closely distributed around the true value in the face of increasing measurement uncertainties. This allows for parameters to be specified with greater confidence, reflected in a reduction of errors on fitted parameters. On test data sets, fitted uncertainties were reduced by 30%, similar to the improvement that would be offered by moving from triplicate to fivefold repeats (assuming standard errors). This method has been implemented in a popular spreadsheet package and made available online to improve its accessibility. (C) 2011 by Radiation Research Society


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This paper describes the application of an improved nonlinear principal component analysis (PCA) to the detection of faults in polymer extrusion processes. Since the processes are complex in nature and nonlinear relationships exist between the recorded variables, an improved nonlinear PCA, which incorporates the radial basis function (RBF) networks and principal curves, is proposed. This algorithm comprises two stages. The first stage involves the use of the serial principal curve to obtain the nonlinear scores and approximated data. The second stage is to construct two RBF networks using a fast recursive algorithm to solve the topology problem in traditional nonlinear PCA. The benefits of this improvement are demonstrated in the practical application to a polymer extrusion process.


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Nonlinear principal component analysis (PCA) based on neural networks has drawn significant attention as a monitoring tool for complex nonlinear processes, but there remains a difficulty with determining the optimal network topology. This paper exploits the advantages of the Fast Recursive Algorithm, where the number of nodes, the location of centres, and the weights between the hidden layer and the output layer can be identified simultaneously for the radial basis function (RBF) networks. The topology problem for the nonlinear PCA based on neural networks can thus be solved. Another problem with nonlinear PCA is that the derived nonlinear scores may not be statistically independent or follow a simple parametric distribution. This hinders its applications in process monitoring since the simplicity of applying predetermined probability distribution functions is lost. This paper proposes the use of a support vector data description and shows that transforming the nonlinear principal components into a feature space allows a simple statistical inference. Results from both simulated and industrial data confirm the efficacy of the proposed method for solving nonlinear principal component problems, compared with linear PCA and kernel PCA.