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A sub-chronic administration of phencyclidine to the rat brings about enduring pathophysiological and cognitive changes that resemble some features of schizophrenia. The present study aimed to determine whether the behavioural consequence of this phencyclidine regime extends to a long-term disruption of social interaction that might provide a parallel with some negative symptoms of the disease. Rats were treated with phencyclidine (2mg/kg bi-daily for 1 week) or vehicle followed by a drug-free period. Social interaction was assessed 24h, 1 week, 3 weeks and 6 weeks post-treatment. A long-lasting disturbance of social behaviour was observed in the phencyclidine group, namely more contact and non-contact interaction with an unfamiliar target rat at all time points. Six weeks post-phencyclidine, analysis of brains showed a reduction in expression of parvalbumin immunoreactive neurons in the hippocampus with significant reductions localised to the CA1 and dentate gyrus regions. These results show that sub-chronic phencyclidine produces long-lasting disruptions in social interaction that, however, do not model the social withdrawal seen in patients with schizophrenia. These disturbances of social behaviour may be associated with concurrent pathophysiological brain changes.


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To compare the performance of patients with mild-moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD) and vascular dementia (VaD) on tests of information processing and attention.


Patients with AD (n=75) and VaD (n=46) were recruited from a memory clinic along with dementia-free participants (n=28). They underwent specific tests of attention from the Cognitive Drug Research battery, and pen and paper tests including Colour Trails A and B and Stroop. All patients had a CT brain scan that was independently scored for white-matter change/ischaemia.


Attention was impaired in both AD and VaD patients. VaD patients had more impaired choice reaction times and were less accurate on a vigilance test measuring sustained attention. Deficits in selective and divided attention occurred in both patient groups and showed the strongest correlations with Mini Mental State Examination scores.


This study demonstrates problems with the attentional network in mild-moderate AD and VaD. The authors propose that attention should be tested routinely in a memory clinic setting.


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The apolipoprotein (APOE) epsilon4 allele is a genetic risk factor for the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD). It has also been associated with vascular dementia (VaD) in some but not all studies. Previous studies have examined the role of APOE in predicting performance on cognitive tests in both demented and non-demented populations. In cognitively intact individuals, statistically significant group differences between APOE epsilon4 carriers and non-carriers have been demonstrated for several cognitive domains. In AD studies of the impact of APOE epsilon4 on cognition have been conflicting while no previous study has assessed cognition and impact of APOE epsilon4 in VaD. In this study we investigated the impact of APOE epsilon4 on performance in neuropsychological tests including information processing speed in patients with mild-moderate AD and VaD. We incorporated both computerized and pen and paper tests to ensure a sensitive method of assessing cognition. 109 patients participated in the study (VaD=41, AD=68). Neurocognitive performance of 44 epsilon4 present AD patients was compared to 24 epsilon4absent patients and performance of 23 epsilon4 present VaD patients was compared to 18 epsilon4 absent patients. There was evidence that APOE epsilon4 conferred a risk of poorer cognitive functioning in both patient groups. In the AD group presence of epsilon4 conferred a negative impact on some measures of speed of information processing and immediate recall while in the VaD group epsilon4 present patients had evidence of poorer accuracy on tasks such as choice reaction time and spatial working memory. In AD and VaD groups epsilon4 present patients showed impairment in selective attention. These findings provide further support of the negative impact of the epsilon4 allele in cognition.