145 resultados para Mauro, Rábano


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We study a continuous-variable entangled state composed of two states which are squeezed in two opposite quadratures in phase space. Various entanglement conditions are tested for the entangled squeezed state and we study decoherence models for noise, producing a mixed entangled squeezed state. We briefly describe a probabilistic protocol for entanglement swapping based on the use of this class of entangled states and the main features of a general generation scheme.


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We investigate entanglement properties of a recently introduced class of macroscopic quantum superpositions in two-mode mixed states. One of the tools we use in order to infer the entanglement in this non-Gaussian class of states is the power to entangle a qubit system. Our study reveals features which are hidden in a standard approach to entanglement investigation based on the uncertainty principle of the quadrature variables. We briefly describe the experimental setup corresponding to our theoretical scenario and a suitable modification of the protocol which makes our proposal realizable within the current experimental capabilities.


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We consider the dynamics of a movable mirror in a Fabry-Perot cavity coupled through radiation pressure to the cavity field and in contact with a thermal bath at finite temperature. In contrast to previous approaches, we consider arbitrary values of the effective detuning between the cavity and an external input field. We analyse the radiation-pressure effect on the Brownian motion of the mirror and its significance in the density noise spectrum of the output cavity field. Important properties of the mirror dynamics can be gathered directly from this noise spectrum. The presented reconstruction provides an experimentally useful tool in the characterization of the energy and rigidity of the mirror as modified by the coupling with light. We also give a quantitative analysis of the recent experimental observation of self-cooling of a micromechanical oscillator.


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We present two strategies to enhance the dynamical entanglement transfer from continuous-variable (CV) to finite-dimensional systems by employing multiple qubits. First, we consider the entanglement transfer to a composite finite-dimensional system of many qubits simultaneously interacting with a bipartite CV field. We show that, considering realistic conditions in the generation of CV entanglement, a small number of qubits resonantly coupled to the CV system are sufficient for an almost complete dynamical transfer of the entanglement. Our analysis also sheds further light on the transition between the microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of composite finite-dimensional systems coupled to bosonic fields (like atomic clouds interacting with light). Furthermore, we present a protocol based on sequential interactions of the CV system with some ancillary qubit systems and on subsequent measurements, allowing us to probabilistically convert CV entanglement into "almost-perfect" Bell pairs of two qubits. Our proposals are suited for realizations in various experimental settings, ranging from cavity-QED to cavity-integrated superconducting devices.


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We assess the effects of a realistic intrinsic model for imperfections in cluster states by introducing noisy cluster states and characterizing their role in the one-way computational model. A suitable strategy to counter-affect these non-idealities is represented by the use of small clusters, stripped of any redundancy, which leads to the search for compact schemes for one-way quantum computation. In light of this, we quantitatively address the behavior of a simple four-qubit cluster which simulates a controlled-NOT under the influences of our model for decoherence. Our scheme can be particularly useful in an all-optical setup and the strategy we address can be directly applied in those, experimental situations where small cluster states can be constucted.


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We address the effects of natural three-qubit interactions on the computational power of one-way quantum computation. A benefit of using more sophisticated entanglement structures is the ability to construct compact and economic simulations of quantum algorithms with limited resources. We show that the features of our study are embodied by suitably prepared optical lattices, where effective three-spin interactions have been theoretically demonstrated. We use this to provide a compact construction for the Toffoli gate. Information flow and two-qubit interactions are also outlined, together with a brief analysis of relevant sources of imperfection.


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Cooling of mechanical resonators is currently a popular topic in many fields of physics including ultra-high precision measurements, detection of gravitational waves and the study of the transition between classical and quantum behaviour of a mechanical system. Here we report the observation of self-cooling of a micromirror by radiation pressure inside a high-finesse optical cavity. In essence, changes in intensity in a detuned cavity, as caused by the thermal vibration of the mirror, provide the mechanism for entropy flow from the mirror's oscillatory motion to the low-entropy cavity field. The crucial coupling between radiation and mechanical motion was made possible by producing free-standing micromirrors of low mass (m approximately 400 ng), high reflectance (more than 99.6%) and high mechanical quality (Q approximately 10,000). We observe cooling of the mechanical oscillator by a factor of more than 30; that is, from room temperature to below 10 K. In addition to purely photothermal effects we identify radiation pressure as a relevant mechanism responsible for the cooling. In contrast with earlier experiments, our technique does not need any active feedback. We expect that improvements of our method will permit cooling ratios beyond 1,000 and will thus possibly enable cooling all the way down to the quantum mechanical ground state of the micromirror.


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We investigate the conditions to entangle two qubits interacting with local environments driven by a continuous-variable correlated field. We find the conditions to transfer the entanglement from the driving field to the qubits both in dynamical and steady-state cases. We see how the quantum correlations initially present in the driving field play a critical role in the entanglement-transfer process. The system we treat is general enough to be adapted to different physical setups.


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We study entanglement accumulation in a memory built out of two continuous variable systems interacting with a qubit that mediates their indirect coupling. We show that, in contrast with the case of bidimensional Hilbert spaces, entanglement superior to one ebit can be accumulated in the memory, even though no entangled resource is used. The protocol is immediately implementable and we assess the role of the main imperfections.


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We report the experimental demonstration of a one-way quantum protocol reliably operating in the presence of decoherence. Information is protected by designing an appropriate decoherence-free subspace for a cluster state resource. We demonstrate our scheme in an all-optical setup, encoding the information into the polarization states of four photons. A measurement-based one-way information-transfer protocol is performed with the photons exposed to severe symmetric phase-damping noise. Remarkable protection of information is accomplished, delivering nearly ideal outcomes.


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We propose schemes for entanglement concentration and purification for qubit systems encoded in flying atomic pairs. We use cavity-quantum electrodynamics as an illustrative setting within which our proposals can be implemented. Maximally entangled pure states of qubits can be produced as a result of our protocols. In particular, the concentration protocol yields Bell states with the largest achievable theoretical probability while the purification scheme produces arbitrarily pure Bell states. The requirements for the implementation of these protocols are modest, within the state of the art, and we address all necessary steps in two specific setups based on experimentally mature microwave technology.