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Recent track structure modelling studies indicate that radiation induced damage to DNA consists of a spectrum of different lesions of varying complexity. There is considerable evidence to suggest that, in repair-proficient systems, it is only the small proportion of more complex forms that is responsible for most of the biological effect. The complex lesions induced consist initially of clustered radical sites and a knowledge of their special chemistry is important in modelling how they react to form the more stable products that are processed by the repair systems. However, much of the current understanding of the chemical stage of radiation has developed from single-radical systems and there is a need to translate this to the more complex reactions that are likely to occur at the important multiple radical sites. With low LET radiation, DNA dsb may derive either from single-radical attack that damages both strands by a transfer mechanism, or from pairs of radical sites induced in close proximity, with one or more radical on each strand. With high LET radiation, modelling studies indicate that there is an increased probability of dsb arising from sites with more than two radical centres, leading to a greater frequency of more complex types of break. The spectrum of these lesions depends on the overall outcome of consecutive physical and chemical processes. The initial pattern of radical damage is determined by the energy depositions on and around the DNA, according to the type of radiation. This pattern is then modified by scavengers that inhibit the formation of radicals on the DNA, and by agents that either chemically repair (e.g. thiols) or fix (e.g. oxygen) a large fraction of these radicals. The reaction kinetics associated with clustered radical sites will differ from those of single sites: (1) because of the opportunities for interactions between the radicals themselves; and (2) because certain endpoints, e.g. a dsb, may require a combination of the products of two or more radicals. Fast response techniques using pulsed low and high LET irradiation have been established to measure the reactions of radical sites on pBR322 plasmid DNA with oxygen and thiols with a view to obtaining information about cluster size. This paper describes experimental approaches to explore the role of the chemical stage of the radiation effect in relation to lesion complexity.


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We have a developed a multiple-radical model of the chemical modification reactions involving oxygen and thiols relevant to the interactions of ionizing radiations with DNA. The treatment is based on the Alper and Howard-Flanders equation but considers the case where more than one radical may be involved in the production of lesions in DNA. This model makes several predictions regarding the induction of double strand breaks in DNA by ionizing radiation and the role of sensitizers such as oxygen and protectors such as thiols which act at the chemical phase of radiation action via the involvement of free radicals. The model predicts a decreasing OER with increasing LET on the basis that as radical multiplicity increases so will the probability that, even under hypoxia, damage will be fixed and lead to lesion production. The model can be considered to provide an alternative hypothesis to those of 'interacting radicals' or of 'oxygen-in-the-track'.


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Evidence has accumulated that radiation induces a transmissible persistent destabilization of the genome, which mag. result in effects arising in the progeny of irradiated but surviving cells. An enhanced death rate among the progeny of cells surviving irradiation persists for many generations in the form of a reduced plating efficiency. Such delayed reproductive death is correlated with an increased occurrence of micronuclei. Since it has been suggested that radiation-induced chromosomal instability might depend on the radiation quality, we investigated the effects of alpha particles of different LET by looking at the frequency of delayed micronuclei in Chinese hamster V79 cells after cytochalasin-induced block of cell division, A dose-dependent increase in the frequency of micronuclei was found in cells assayed 1 week postirradiation or later. Also, there was a persistent increase in the frequency of dicentrics in surviving irradiated cells, Moreover, we found an increased micronucleus frequency in all of the 30 clones isolated from individual cells which had been irradiated with doses equivalent to either one, two or three alpha-particle traversals per cell nucleus, We conclude that the target for genomic instability in Chinese hamster cells must be larger than the cell nucleus. (C) 1997 by Radiation Research Society


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Many studies have shown that with increasing LET of ionizing radiation the RBE (relative biological effectiveness) for dsb (double strand breaks) induction remains around 1.0 despite the increase in the RBE for cell killing. This has been attributed to an increase in the complexity of lesions, classified as dsb with current techniques, at multiply damaged sites. This study determines the molecular weight distributions of DNA from Chinese hamster V79 cells irradiated with X-rays or 110 keV/mu m alpha-particles. Two running conditions for pulsed-field gel-electrophoresis were chosen to give optimal separation of fragments either in the 225 kbp-5.7 Mbp range or the 0.3 kbp to 225 kbp range. Taking the total fraction of DNA migrating into the gel as a measure of fragmentation, the RBE for dsb induction was less than 1.0 for both molecular weight regions studied. The total yields of dsb were 8.2 x 10(-9) dsb/Gy/bp for X-rays and 7.8 x 10(-9) dsb/Gy/bp for a-particles, measured using a random breakage model. Analysis of the RBE of alpha-particles versus molecular weight gave a different response. In the 0.4 Mbp-57 Mbp region the RBE was less than 1.0; however, below 0.4 Mbp the RBE increased above 1.0. The frequency distributions of fragment sizes were found to differ from those predicted by a model assuming random breakage along the length of the DNA and the differences were greater for alpha-particles than for X-rays. An excess of fragments induced by a single-hit mechanism was found in the 8-300 kbp region and for X-rays and alpha-particles these corresponded to an extra 0.8 x 10(-9) and 3.4 x 10(-9) dsb/bp/Gy, respectively. Thus for every alpha-particle track that induces a dsb there is a 44% probability of inducing a second break within 300 kbp and for electron tracks the probability is 10%. This study shows that the distribution of damage from a high LET alpha-particle track is significantly different from that observed with low LET X-rays. In particular, it suggests that the fragmentation patterns of irradiated DNA may be related to the higher-order chromatin repealing structures found in intact cells.


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Many studies have shown that the effectiveness of radiations of varying LET is similar when yields of dsb have been measured, despite large differences in biological response. Recent evidence has suggested however, that current techniques underestimate the yields of dsb. By monitoring the fragmentation of DNA over a wide range of fragment sizes ( 6 Mbp) by pulsed field electrophoresis, RBE values greater than 1.0 for radiations of around 100 keV/mm have been determined. The data provide evidence for the production of correlated breaks produced within cells as particle tracks traverse the nucleus. The highly ordered structure of DNA within mammalian cells may lead to clustering of breaks over distances related to the repeating unit structures of the chromatin. As well as these regionally damaged sites, a major contributor to radiation effectiveness will be the localised clustering of damage in the 1 - 20 bp region. A major effort is required to elucidate the relative importance of these levels of clustering and their importance in biological response.


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Recent evidence suggests that genomic instability, which is an important step in carcinogenesis, may be important in the effectiveness of radiation as a carcinogen, particularly for high-LET radiations. Understanding the biological effects underpinning the risks associated with low doses of densely ionizing radiations is complicated in experimental systems by the Poisson distribution of particles that ran be delivered, In this study, we report an approach to determine the effect of the lowest possible cellular radiation dose of densely ionizing at particles, that of a single particle traversal. Using microbeam technology and an approach for immobilizing human T-lymphocytes, we have measured the effects of single alpha -particle traversals on the surviving progeny of cells. A significant increase in the proportion of aberrant cells is observed 12-13 population doublings after exposure, with a high level of chromatid-type aberrations, indicative of an instability phenotype, These data suggest that instability may be important in situations where even a single particle traverses human cells. (C) 2001 by Radiation Research Society.


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Exposure to ionizing radiation can increase the risk of cancer, which is often characterized by genomic instability. In environmental exposures to high-LET radiation (e.g. Ra-222), it is unlikely that many cells will be traversed or that any cell will be traversed by more than one alpha particle, resulting in an in vivo bystander situation, potentially involving inflammation. Here primary human lymphocytes were irradiated with precise numbers of He-3(2+) ions delivered to defined cell population fractions, to as low as a single cell being traversed, resembling in vivo conditions. Also, we assessed the contribution to genomic instability of the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFA). Genomic instability was significantly elevated in irradiated groups ( greater than or equal totwofold over controls) and was comparable whether cells were traversed by one or two He-3(2+) ions. Interestingly, substantial heterogeneity in genomic instability between experiments was observed when only one cell was traversed. Genomic instability was significantly reduced (60%) in cultures in which all cells were irradiated in the presence of TNFA antibody, but not when fractions were irradiated under the same conditions, suggesting that TNFA may have a role in the initiation of genomic instability in irradiated cells but not bystander cells. These results have implications for low-dose exposure risks and cancer. (C) 2005 by Radiation Research Society.


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Biological validation of new radiotherapy modalities is essential to understand their therapeutic potential. Antiprotons have been proposed for cancer therapy due to enhanced dose deposition provided by antiproton-nucleon annihilation. We assessed cellular DNA damage and relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of a clinically relevant antiproton beam. Despite a modest LET (,19 keV/mm), antiproton spread out Bragg peak (SOBP) irradiation caused significant residual c-H2AX foci compared to X-ray, proton and antiproton plateau irradiation. RBE of ,1.48 in the SOBP and ,1 in the plateau were measured and used for a qualitative effective dose curve comparison with proton and carbon-ions. Foci in the antiproton SOBP were larger and more structured compared to X-rays, protons and carbon-ions. This is likely due to overlapping particle tracks near the annihilation vertex, creating spatially correlated DNA lesions. No biological effects were observed at 28–42 mm away from the primary beam suggesting minimal risk from long-range secondary particles.


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Radionuclide therapy for cancer is undergoing a renaissance, with a wide range of radionuclide and clinical delivery systems currently under investigation. Dosimetry at the cellular and sub-cellular level is complex with inhomogeneity and incomplete targeting of all cells such that some tumor cells will receive little or no direct radiation energy. There is now sufficient preclinical evidence of a Bystander response which can modulate the biology of these un-irradiated cells with current research demonstrating both protective and inhibitory responses. Dependence upon fraction of irradiated cells has also been found and the presence of functional gap junctions appears to be import for several Bystander responses. The selection of either high or low LET radionuclides may be critical. While low LET radionuclides appear to have a Bystander response proportional to dose, the dose-response from high LET radionuclides are more complex. In media transfer experiments a "U" shaped response curve has been demonstrated for high LET treatments. However this "U" shaped response has not been seen with co-culture experiments and its relevance remains uncertain. For high LET treatments there is a suggestion that dose rate effects may also be important with inhibitory effects noted with 125I labelling study and a stimulatory seen with 123I labelling in one study.© 2013 Brady, O’Sullivan and Prise.


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Let C be a bounded cochain complex of finitely generatedfree modules over the Laurent polynomial ring L = R[x, x−1, y, y−1].The complex C is called R-finitely dominated if it is homotopy equivalentover R to a bounded complex of finitely generated projective Rmodules.Our main result characterises R-finitely dominated complexesin terms of Novikov cohomology: C is R-finitely dominated if andonly if eight complexes derived from C are acyclic; these complexes areC ⊗L R[[x, y]][(xy)−1] and C ⊗L R[x, x−1][[y]][y−1], and their variants obtainedby swapping x and y, and replacing either indeterminate by its inverse.


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Objective: The present study aimed to examine the role of health in consumers’ food purchasing decisions through investigating the nature of people’s discourse regarding health while conducting their food shopping.

Design: The study employed the think-aloud technique as part of an accompanied shop. All mentions of health and terms relating to health were identified from the data set. Inductive thematic analysis was conducted to examine how health was talked about in relation to people’s food choice decisions.

Setting: Supermarkets in Dublin, Republic of Ireland and Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Subjects Participants: (n 50) were aged over 18 years and represented the main household shopper.

Results: Responsibility for others and the perceived need to illicit strict control to avoid ‘unhealthy’ food selections played a dominant role in how health was talked about during the accompanied shop. Consequently healthy shopping was viewed as difficult and effort was required to make the healthy choice, with shoppers relating to product-based inferences to support their decisions.

Conclusions: This qualitative exploration has provided evidence of a number of factors influencing the consideration of health during consumers’ food shopping. These results highlight opportunities for stakeholders such as public health bodies and the food industry to explore further ways to help enable consumers make healthy food choices.


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DNA damage (caused by direct cellular exposure and bystander signaling) and the complex pathways involved in its repair are critical events underpinning cellular and tissue response following radiation exposures. There are limited data addressing the dynamics of DNA damage induction and repair in the skin particularly in areas not directly exposed. Here we investigate the mechanisms regulating DNA damage, repair, intracellular signalling and their impact on premature differentiation and development of inflammatory-like response in the irradiated and surrounding areas of a 3D organotypic skin model. Following localized low-LET irradiation (225 kVp X-rays), low levels of 53BP1 foci were observed in the 3D model (3.8±0.28 foci/Gy/cell) with foci persisting and increasing in size up to 48 h post irradiation. In contrast, in cell monolayers 14.2±0.6 foci/Gy/cell and biphasic repair kinetics with repair completed before 24 h was observed. These differences are linked to differences in cellular status with variable level of p21 driving apoptotic signalling in 2D and accelerated differentiation in both the directly irradiated and bystander areas of the 3D model. The signalling pathways utilized by irradiated keratinocytes to induce DNA damage in non-exposed areas of the skin involved the NF-κB transcription factor and its downstream target COX-2.


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Combination rules proposed so far in the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence, especially Dempster rule, rely on a basic assumption, that is, pieces of evidence being combined are considered to be on a par, i.e. play the same role. When a source of evidence is less reliable than another, it is possible to discount it and then a symmetric combination operation is still used. In the case of revision, the idea is to let prior knowledge of an agent be altered by some input information. The change problem is thus intrinsically asymmetric. Assuming the input information is reliable, it should be retained whilst the prior information should
be changed minimally to that effect. Although belief revision is already an important subfield of artificial intelligence, so far, it has been little addressed in evidence theory. In this paper, we define the notion of revision for the theory of evidence and propose several different revision rules, called the inner and outer
revisions, and a modified adaptive outer revision, which better corresponds to the idea of revision. Properties of these revision rules are also investigated.


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Breastfeeding rates in Northern Ireland are substantially lower in Northern Ireland compared to the rest of the United Kingdom (McAndrew et al, 2012). Midwives carry a responsibility within their health promotion activities to reiterate the benefits of breastfeeding and support women to make empowered decisions with regard to feeding their baby. This poster explores some of the challenges faced by midwives in relation to supporting women to make empowered choices and explores how midwives can help normalise breastfeeding within the clinical practice setting