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Very-high-resolution (R~160000) spectroscopic observations are presented for the early B-type star, HD83206. Because it has very sharp metal lines, this star affords an opportunity to test theories of model atmospheres and line formation. Non-LTE model atmosphere calculations have been used to estimate the atmospheric parameters and absolute metal abundances (C, N, O, Mg and Si); an LTE analysis was also undertaken to investigate the validity of this simpler approach and to estimate an iron abundance. For the non-LTE calculations, there is excellent agreement with observations of the Balmer lines Ha and Hd and the lines of Siii and Siiii for atmospheric parameters of Teff~=21700+/-600K and logg~=4.00+/-0.15dex. The agreement is less convincing for the LTE calculations, and a higher gravity is deduced. Careful comparison of the metal line profiles with non-LTE calculations implies that the projected rotational and microturbulent velocities have maximum values of ~=5 and ~=2kms-1, respectively. The latter value is smaller than has often been adopted in LTE model atmosphere analyses of main-sequence stars. Non-LTE absolute metal abundances are estimated, and a comparison with those for normal B-type stars (deduced using similar non-LTE techniques) shows no significant differences. A comparison of the abundances deduced using non-LTE and LTE calculations implies systematic differences of 0.1-0.2dex, showing the importance of using a non-LTE approach when accurate absolute abundances are required. Its location in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and normal metal abundance lead us to conclude that HD83206 is probably a main-sequence B-type star. As such, it is among the sharpest-lined young B-type star discovered to date.


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We present mid-infrared (MIR) observations of the Type II-plateau supernova (SN) 2004et, obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope between 64 and 1406 days past explosion. Late-time optical spectra are also presented. For the period 300-795 days past explosion, we argue that the spectral energy distribution (SED) of SN 2004et comprises (1) a hot component due to emission from optically thick gas, as well as free-bound radiation; (2) a warm component due to newly formed, radioactively heated dust in the ejecta; and (3) a cold component due to an IR echo from the interstellar-medium dust of the host galaxy, NGC 6946. There may also have been a small contribution to the IR SED due to free-free emission from ionized gas in the ejecta. We reveal the first-ever spectroscopic evidence for silicate dust formed in the ejecta of a supernova. This is supported by our detection of a large, but progressively declining, mass of SiO. However, we conclude that the mass of directly detected ejecta dust grew to no more than a few times 10(-4) M-circle dot. We also provide evidence that the ejecta dust formed in comoving clumps of fixed size. We argue that, after about two years past explosion, the appearance of wide, box-shaped optical line profiles was due to the impact of the ejecta on the progenitor circumstellar medium and that the subsequent formation of a cool, dense shell was responsible for a later rise in the MIR flux. This study demonstrates the rich, multifaceted ways in which a typical core-collapse supernova and its progenitor can produce and/or interact with dust grains. The work presented here adds to the growing number of studies that do not support the contention that SNe are responsible for the large mass of observed dust in high-redshift galaxies.


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Context. Hot-Jupiter planets must form at large separations from their host stars where the temperatures are cool enough for their cores to condense. They then migrate inwards to their current observed orbital separations. Different theories of how this migration occurs lead to varying distributions of orbital eccentricity and the alignment between the rotation axis of the star and the orbital axis of the planet. Aims: The spin-orbit alignment of a transiting system is revealed via the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, which is the anomaly present in the radial velocity measurements of the rotating star during transit due to the planet blocking some of the starlight. In this paper we aim to measure the spin-orbit alignment of the WASP-3 system via a new way of analysing the Rossiter-McLaughlin observations. Methods: We apply a new tomographic method for analysing the time variable asymmetry of stellar line profiles caused by the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect. This new method eliminates the systematic error inherent in previous methods used to analyse the effect. Results: We find a value for the projected stellar spin rate of v sin i = 13.9 ± 0.03 km s-1 which is in agreement with previous measurements but has a much higher precision. The system is found to be well aligned, with ? = 5-5+6° which favours an evolutionary history for WASP-3b involving migration through tidal interactions with a protoplanetary disc. From comparison with isochrones we put an upper limit on the age of the star of 2 Gyr.


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We present mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy of a Type II-plateau supernova, SN 2004dj, obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope, spanning 106--1393d after explosion. MIR photometry plus optical/near-IR observations are also reported. An early-time MIR excess is attributed to emission from non-silicate dust formed within a cool dense shell (CDS). Most of the CDS dust condensed between 50d and 165d, reaching a mass of $0.3x^(-5)Msun. Throughout the observations much of the longer wavelength (>10microns) part of the continuum is explained as an IR echo from interstellar dust. The MIR excess strengthened at later times. We show that this was due to thermal emission from warm, non-silicate dust formed in the ejecta. Using optical/near-IR line-profiles and the MIR continua, we show that the dust was distributed as a disk whose radius appeared to be slowly shrinking. The disk radius may correspond to a grain destruction zone caused by a reverse shock which also heated the dust. The dust-disk lay nearly face-on, had high opacities in the optical/near-IR regions, but remained optically thin in the MIR over much of the period studied. Assuming a uniform dust density, the ejecta dust mass by 996d was 0.5+/-0.1 x 10^(-4)Msun, and exceeded 10^(-4)Msun by 1393d. For a dust density rising toward the center the limit is higher. Nevertheless, this study suggests that the amount of freshly-synthesized dust in the SN 2004dj ejecta is consistent with that found from previous studies, and adds further weight to the claim that such events could not have been major contributors to the cosmic dust budget.


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We present mid-infrared (5.2-15.2 mu m) spectra of the Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) 2003hv and 2005df observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope. These are the first observed mid-infrared spectra of thermonuclear supernovae, and show strong emission from fine-structure lines of Ni, Co, S, and Ar. The detection of Ni emission in SN 2005df 135 days after the explosion provides direct observational evidence of high-density nuclear burning forming a significant amount of stable Ni in a SN Ia. The SN 2005df Ar lines also exhibit a two-pronged emission profile, implying that the Ar emission deviates significantly from spherical symmetry. The spectrum of SN 2003hv also shows signs of asymmetry, exhibiting blueshifted [Co (III)], which matches the blueshift of [Fe (II)] lines in nearly coeval near-infrared spectra. Finally, local thermodynamic equilibrium abundance estimates for the yield of radioactive Ni-56 give M-56Ni approximate to 0.5 M-circle dot, for SN 2003hv, but only M-56Ni approximate to 0.13-0.22 M-circle dot for the apparently subluminous SN 2005df, supporting the notion that the luminosity of SNe Ia is primarily a function of the radioactive 56Ni yield. The observed emission-line profiles in the SN 2005df spectrum indicate a chemically stratified ejecta structure, which matches the predictions of delayed detonation (DD) models, but is entirely incompatible with current three-dimensional deflagration models. Furthermore, the degree that this layering persists to the innermost regions of the supernova is difficult to explain even in a DD scenario, where the innermost ejecta are still the product of deflagration burning. Thus, while these results are roughly consistent with a delayed detonation, it is clear that a key piece of physics is still missing from our understanding of the earliest phases of SN Ia explosions.


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An optical photometric and spectroscopic analysis of the slowly-evolving type IIn SN 2007rt is presented, covering a duration of 481 days after discovery. Its earliest spectrum, taken approximately 100 days after the explosion epoch, indicates the presence of a dense circumstellar medium, with which the supernova ejecta is interacting. This is supported by the slowly-evolving light curve. A notable feature in the spectrum of SN 2007rt is the presence of a broad He i 5875 line, not usually detected in type IIn supernovae. This may imply that the progenitor star has a high He/H ratio, having shed a significant portion of its hydrogen shell via mass-loss. An intermediate resolution spectrum reveals a narrow Ha P-Cygni profile, the absorption component of which has a width of 128 km s-1. This slow velocity suggests that the progenitor of SN 2007rt recently underwent mass-loss with wind speeds comparable to the lower limits of those detected in luminous blue variables. Asymmetries in the line profiles of H and He at early phases bears some resemblance to double-peaked features observed in a number of Ib/c spectra. These asymmetries may be indicative of an asymmetric or bipolar outflow or alternatively dust formation in the fast expanding ejecta. In addition, the late time spectrum, at over 240 days post-explosion, shows clear evidence for the presence of newly formed dust.


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Maps are presented of J=2-1 and J=3-2 (CO)-O-18 emission from the molecular environment of the bipolar nebula S106, together with complementary observations of the P-3(1)-P-3(0), C I emission. Line splitting observed extensively over the E molecular cloud suggests that it is best explained as the expanding remnant of a thick toroid surrounding the optical lobes. The poor correlation between the observed molecular line emission and dust continuum emission in the E cloud is probably due to a large temperature gradient. Strong C I emission from the protostellar candidate S106 FIR suggests the nearby presence of a powerful source of far-UV radiation, whose energy supply is unlikely to arise from gravitational contraction of a protostar. It is probable that this source is the star S106 LR, which also heats S106 FIR. There is evidence, in both C I and (CO)-O-18, for a predominantly blueshifted outflow from S106 IR, best interpreted as a stellar wind-driven shock into the toroidal remnant. (CO)-O-18 and (CO)-C-13 appear to be depleted, relative to canonical values for their abundances, in S106 FIR, despite its high optical extinction, which should discourage selective photodissociation. Elsewhere in the cloud the C I line profiles show a resemblance to those of (CO)-O-18, with intensity equivalent to a few photodissociation regions (PDRs) along the line of sight.


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High resolution spectra of six early B-type main-sequence stars having galactocentric distances of between 10 and 18 kpc are presented. We List the equivalent widths for the metal lines and illustrate their hydrogen and helium line profiles. The stars are analysed using LTE line-blanketed model atmosphere techniques to derive atmospheric parameters and surface chemical compositions. All six stars have similar effective temperatures and surface gravities, allowing a reliable comparison of their metal abundances and distances. Significant variations in the photospheric abundances are evident and are discuss the need for a more detailed line-by-line differential analysis to exactly quantify the differences. This will be presented in a companion paper (Smartt et al. 1996).


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We present a compilation of the geometry measures acquired using optical and IR spectroscopy and optical spectropolarimetry to probe the explosion geometry of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). Polarization measurements are sensitive to asymmetries in the plane of the sky, whereas line profiles in nebular phase spectra are expected to trace asymmetries perpendicular to the plane of the sky. The combination of these two measures can overcome their respective projection effects, completely probing the structures of these events. For nine normal SNe Ia, we find that the polarization of Si II ?6355 at 5 days before maximum (p Si II ) is well correlated with its velocity evolution (\dot{v}_Si II), implying that \dot{v}_Si II is predominantly due to the asymmetry of the SNe. We find only a weak correlation between the polarization of Si II and the reported velocities (v neb) for peak emission of optical Fe II and Ni II lines in nebular spectra. Our sample is biased, with polarization measurements being only available for normal SNe that subsequently exhibited positive (i.e., redshifted) v neb. In unison these indicators are consistent with an explosion in which the outer layers are dominated by a spherical oxygen layer, mixed with an asymmetric distribution of intermediate-mass elements. The combination of spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric indicators suggests a single geometric configuration for normal SNe Ia, with some of the diversity of observed properties arising from orientation effects.


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The importance of partial redistribution (PRD) in the modelling of the Lyman a and Lyman ß emission lines of hydrogen in stellar atmospheres is examined using simple atmospheric models of a range of late-type stars. These models represent the subgiant Procyon (F5 IV-V), and the two giants ß Gem (K0 III) and a Tau (K5 III). These stars are selected to span a wide range of surface gravities: 1.25 <log g <4.00. The calculations are performed using the computer code MULTI with the modifications made by Hubeny & Lites. It is found that PRD effects are highly significant, both in the direct prediction of the Lyman line profiles and in the application of hydrostatic equilibrium to calculate the atmospheric electron density in static atmospheric models.


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Stellar activity, such as starspots, can induce radial velocity (RV) variations that can mask or even mimic the RV signature of orbiting exoplanets. For this reason RV exoplanet surveys have been unsuccessful when searching for planets around young, active stars and are therefore failing to explore an important regime which can help to reveal how planets form and migrate. This paper describes a new technique to remove spot signatures from the stellar line-profiles of moderately rotating, active stars (v sin i ranging from 10 to 50 km s(-1)). By doing so it allows planetary RV signals to be uncovered. We used simulated models of a G5V type star with differing dark spots on its surface along with archive data of the known active star HD 49933 to validate our method. The results showed that starspots could be effectively cleaned from the line-profiles so that the stellar RV jitter was reduced by more than 80 per cent. Applying this procedure to the same models and HD 49933 data, but with fake planets injected, enabled the effective removal of starspots so that Jupiter mass planets on short orbital periods were successfully recovered. These results show that this approach can be useful in the search for hot-Jupiter planets that orbit around young, active stars with a v sin i of similar to 10-50 km/s.


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The presence of photospheric magnetic reconnection has long been thought to give rise to short and impulsive events, such as Ellerman bombs (EBs) and Type II spicules. In this article, we combine high-resolution, high-cadence observations from the Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer and Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere instruments at the Dunn Solar Telescope, National Solar Observatory, New Mexico, with co-aligned Solar Dynamics Observatory Atmospheric Imaging Assembly and Hinode Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) data to observe small-scale events situated within an active region. These data are then compared with state-of-the-art numerical simulations of the lower atmosphere made using the MURaM code. It is found that brightenings, in both the observations and the simulations, of the wings of the Hα line profile, interpreted as EBs, are often spatially correlated with increases in the intensity of the Fe I λ6302.5 line core. Bipolar regions inferred from Hinode/SOT magnetic field data show evidence of flux cancellation associated, co-spatially, with these EBs, suggesting that magnetic reconnection could be a driver of these high-energy events. Through the analysis of similar events in the simulated lower atmosphere, we are able to infer that line profiles analogous to the observations occur co-spatially with regions of strong opposite-polarity magnetic flux. These observed events and their simulated counterparts are interpreted as evidence of photospheric magnetic reconnection at scales observable using current observational instrumentation.


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We accurately determine the fundamental system parameters of the neutron star X-ray transient Cen X-4 solely using phase-resolved high-resolution UV-Visual Echelle Spectrograph spectroscopy. We first determine the radial-velocity curve of the secondary star and then model the shape of the phase-resolved absorption line profiles using an X-ray binary model. The model computes the exact rotationally broadened, phase-resolved spectrum and does not depend on assumptions about the rotation profile, limb-darkening coefficients and the effects of contamination from an accretion disc. We determine the secondary star-to-neutron star binary mass ratio to be 0.1755 ± 0.0025, which is an order of magnitude more accurate than previous estimates. We also constrain the inclination angle to be 32^{+8}_{-2} degrees. Combining these values with the results of the radial-velocity study gives a neutron star mass of 1.94^{+0.37}_{-0.85}M⊙ consistent with previous estimates. Finally, we perform the first Roche tomography reconstruction of the secondary star in an X-ray binary. The tomogram reveals surface inhomogeneities that are due to the presence of cool starspots. A large cool polar spot, similar to that seen in Doppler images of rapidly rotating isolated stars, is present on the Northern hemisphere of the K7 secondary star and we estimate that ~4 percent of the total surface area of the donor star is covered with spots.This evidence for starspots supports the idea that magnetic braking plays an important role in the evolution of low-mass X-ray binaries.


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Many high-state non-magnetic cataclysmic variables (CVs) exhibit blueshifted absorption or P-Cygni profiles associated with ultraviolet (UV) resonance lines. These features imply the existence of powerful accretion disc winds in CVs. Here, we use our Monte Carlo ionization and radiative transfer code to investigate whether disc wind models that produce realistic UV line profiles are also likely to generate observationally significant recombination line and continuum emission in the optical waveband. We also test whether outflows may be responsible for the single-peaked emission line profiles often seen in high-state CVs and for the weakness of the Balmer absorption edge (relative to simple models of optically thick accretion discs). We find that a standard disc wind model that is successful in reproducing the UV spectra of CVs also leaves a noticeable imprint on the optical spectrum, particularly for systems viewed at high inclination. The strongest optical wind-formed recombination lines are H alpha and He ii lambda 4686. We demonstrate that a higher density outflow model produces all the expected H and He lines and produces a recombination continuum that can fill in the Balmer jump at high inclinations. This model displays reasonable verisimilitude with the optical spectrum of RW Trianguli. No single-peaked emission is seen, although we observe a narrowing of the double-peaked emission lines from the base of the wind. Finally, we show that even denser models can produce a single-peaked H alpha line. On the basis of our results, we suggest that winds can modify, and perhaps even dominate, the line and continuum emission from CVs.


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We present a study of the nebular phase spectra of a sample of Type II-Plateau supernovae with identified progenitors or restrictive limits. The evolution of line fluxes, shapes and velocities is compared within the sample, and interpreted by the use of a spectral synthesis code. The small diversity within the data set can be explained by strong mixing occurring during the explosion, and by recognizing that most lines have significant contributions from primordial metals in the H envelope, which dominates the total ejecta mass in these types of objects. In particular, when using the [O I] 6300, 6364 Å doublet for estimating the core mass of the star, care has to be taken to account for emission from primordial O in the envelope. Finally, a correlation between the Hα line width and the mass of 56Ni is presented, suggesting that higher energy explosions are associated with higher 56Ni production.