19 resultados para ISO 14001 certification


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Although the NO removal-based air-purification ISO method ISO 22197-1:2007 is well established, its preconditioning requirements mean that only the initial activity of the photocatalyst under test is measured owing to the often-reported, gradual alteration of the surface kinetics for NO oxidation by air through the accumulation of surface HNO3. Herein, we compare the photocatalytic NO removal abilities of a number of different, common TiO2 materials, surface-saturated with photogenerated HNO3, with their behaviours observed during the typical 5 h-long ISO standard test. It is found that all the TiO2 materials studied eventually become largely NO to NO2 converters after sufficient exposure to NO under irradiation (>5 h) due to the accumulation of surface HNO3. The UV exposure time, t*, necessary to reach this HNO3 saturated condition is different for each different catalyst. As a consequence, an alternative preconditioning process for the ISO method is proposed which can be used to provide a more realistic measure of the photocatalytic activity of the underlying material and provide a measure of the NOx removing capacity of the photocatalytic material under test.


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The end of Dennard scaling has promoted low power consumption into a firstorder concern for computing systems. However, conventional power conservation schemes such as voltage and frequency scaling are reaching their limits when used in performance-constrained environments. New technologies are required to break the power wall while sustaining performance on future processors. Low-power embedded processors and near-threshold voltage computing (NTVC) have been proposed as viable solutions to tackle the power wall in future computing systems. Unfortunately, these technologies may also compromise per-core performance and, in the case of NTVC, xreliability. These limitations would make them unsuitable for HPC systems and datacenters. In order to demonstrate that emerging low-power processing technologies can effectively replace conventional technologies, this study relies on ARM’s big.LITTLE processors as both an actual and emulation platform, and state-of-the-art implementations of the CG solver. For NTVC in particular, the paper describes how efficient algorithm-based fault tolerance schemes preserve the power and energy benefits of very low voltage operation.


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Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing has had a major role in the overexploitation of global fish populations. In response, international regulations have been imposed and many fisheries have been 'eco-certified' by consumer organizations, but methods for independent control of catch certificates and eco-labels are urgently needed. Here we show that, by using gene-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms, individual marine fish can be assigned back to population of origin with unprecedented high levels of precision. By applying high differentiation single nucleotide polymorphism assays, in four commercial marine fish, on a pan-European scale, we find 93-100% of individuals could be correctly assigned to origin in policy-driven case studies. We show how case-targeted single nucleotide polymorphism assays can be created and forensically validated, using a centrally maintained and publicly available database. Our results demonstrate how application of gene-associated markers will likely revolutionize origin assignment and become highly valuable tools for fighting illegal fishing and mislabelling worldwide.


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The photocatalytic reactor described in the NOx removal ISO 22197-1:2007 is used to study the kinetics of the process, using a film of P25 TiO2 which has either been conventionally pre-irradiated in a stream of air, or unconventionally in a stream of NO (1 ppmv). In the former case it is shown that the system does not achieve steady state exit levels of NO, probably due to the gradual accumulation of HNO3 on the surface of the photocatalyst. The NO-preconditioned TiO2 film demonstrated excellent steady-state levels when monitored as a function of NO concentration, [NO] and UV irradiance, ρ. However, in this case the photocatalytic reaction under study is NOT NOx removal, but the conversion of NO to NO2. It is shown that the kinetics of this steady state process fit very well to a kinetic expression based on a disrupted adsorption reaction mechanism, which has also been used by others to fit their observed (non-steady state) kinetics for NOx removal on conventionally-(air) preconditioned films of P25. The appropriateness of this model for either system is questioned, since in both systems the kinetics appear to have a significant mass transport element. These findings suggest that mass transport and non-steady-state kinetics are likely to be significant features for most active photocatalytic samples, where the %NO conversion is >7%, and so limits the usefulness of the NOx removal ISO 22197-1:2007.