28 resultados para IODE. Duke of Kent Chapter
The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is one of the most enduring and complex in the modern world. But, why did the conflict break out? Who is demanding what, and why is peace so difficult to achieve?
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict tackles the subject and analyses the conflict from its historical roots in the late nineteenth century to the present attempts at conflict resolution in the twenty-first century.
Framing the debate and analysis around issues such as Zionism, Palestinian nationalism, international peace efforts, the refugees, state-building, democracy and religious opposition and highlighted by first hand quotes and sources of the conflict from its major participants, Beverley Milton-Edwards explores the deep impact of the conflict on regional politics in the Middle East and why the enmity between Palestinians and Israelis has become a number one global issue drawing in the world’s most important global actors.
An essential insight into the complexities of one of the world’s most enduring conflicts between Israelis and Palestinians, this textbook is designed to make a complex subject accessible to all. Key features include a chronology of events and annotated further reading at the end of each chapter.
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is an ideal and authoritative introduction into aspects of politics in Israel, among the Palestinians – a vitally important issue for those studying the politics of the Middle East.
Finding a ‘solution’ for the seemingly intractable problem of unemployment in post-Napoleonic rural England was the Holy Grail for many vestries. Yet, whilst we know much about the depth and consequences of unemployment, parish-driven schemes to set the poor to work have been subjected to remarkably little in the way of systematic study. This paper focuses on one such policy that remains entirely obscure: parish farms, the hiring of pre-existing farms or fields by the parish on which to employ those out of work. Bearing a ‘family resemblance’ to allotments and other land-based attempts to alleviate poverty, parish farms were unique in that they were managed in all regards by the parish and were an employment strategy as opposed to a scheme to supplement the incomes of the poor. Whilst the archive of parish farms is often frustratingly opaque, it is shown that before they were effectively outlawed by the passing of the New Poor Law, many southern parishes, especially in the Weald of Kent and Sussex, adopted the scheme, occasionally with great success.
The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a common means of protecting networked systems from attack or malicious misuse. The deployment of an IDS can take many different forms dependent on protocols, usage and cost. This is particularly true of Wireless Intrusion Detection Systems (WIDS) which have many detection challenges associated with data transmission through an open, shared medium, facilitated by fundamental changes at the Physical and MAC layers. WIDS need to be considered in more detail at these lower layers than their wired counterparts as they face unique challenges. The remainder of this chapter will investigate three of these challenges where WiFi deviates significantly from that of wired counterparts:
• Attacks Specific to WiFi Networks: Outlining the additional threats which WIDS must account for: Denial of Service, Encryption Bypass and AP Masquerading attacks.
• The Effect of Deployment Architecture on WIDS Performance: Demonstrating that the deployment environment of a network protected by a WIDS can influence the prioritisation of attacks.
• The Importance of Live Data in WiFi Research: Investigating the different choices for research data sources with an emphasis on encouraging live network data collection for future WiFi research.
There is a growing body of knowledge that uses innovative qualitative methods to support and facilitate the involvement of young children, aged 7 years and under, in the research process. Across several fields of study the recent growth in research that engages with young children stands in sharp contrast with the situation just a few years ago where there was a dearth of activity and knowledge in this area. Designed to seek their views, experiences and perspectives the range of methods is now burgeoning. This chapter explores reasons for the growth in the use of innovative qualitative methods, the underlying principles through which the engagement of young children has been achieved and the different types of method with detailed case examples. For each method the main critical issues regarding their effectiveness are identified and discussed in further detail. The latter sections of the chapter focus on contemporary issues regarding the use of innovative methods. Highlighted, in particular, are some of the common concerns and criticisms with regards to the trustworthiness, reliability, validity and generalizability of the data that is collated using innovative qualitative methods.
The ways in which fish use space in nature are described, distinguishing between movements within a home range, dispersal and directed migration, as are the mechanisms that determine how fish use space. The external stimuli to which fish respond, how they use these cues to find their way around and the role of hormones in migration are also covered. An account is then given of how movement and orientation change with age, the evidence for inherited differences in these aspects of behaviour and environmental effects on development of space use patterns. The benefits that accrue to fish from moving in particular ways are described, as are adverse consequences of such movements, in the form of energetic costs and exposure to predators and pathogens. The ways in which benefits and costs are balanced against each other are discussed, with special reference to diurnal vertical migration. Although cultured fish usually inhabit confined spaces, their natural patterns of orientation and movement can cause a number of problems in aquaculture and some of these are described. Such problems are amenable to biological solutions and these are considered in the final section of this chapter, which also looks at the potential for using what is known about how fish move about to improve the effectiveness of general husbandry practices.
The aim of this chapter is to present a contextual and empirical account of men as fathers in Ireland along with an analysis of recent, relevant developments in policies and laws. Much of parenting of a child occurs in the home. Consequently, how couples inhabit the home greatly influences how their children experience childhood and, in many ways, the story of fatherhood in Ireland is the product of the on-going changes in the domestic sphere. Whether men are driving these changes, embracing or resisting them will provide the substance of much of this chapter. Section one presents basic demographic figures and trends based on census data to answer the questions: who are the fathers, what type of families do the live in and how involved are they in childcare? Section two presents recent research on contemporary fatherhood, both international and, where possible, national. Section three explores the policies and legal measures that affect fathers, their duties and their rights in the home and at work. Section four will discuss the historical legacy of fatherhood that is particular to Ireland. The final section will draw together these threads and ask what might be the future of fatherhood in Ireland, its challenges and possible successes.
This casebook, the result of the collaborative efforts of a panel of experts from various EU Member States, is the latest in the Ius Commune Casebook series developed at the Universities of Maastricht and Leuven. The book provides a comprehensive and skilfully designed resource for students, practitioners, researchers, public officials, NGOs, consumer organisations and the judiciary. In common with earlier books in the series, this casebook presents cases and other materials (legislative materials, international and European materials, excerpts from books or articles). As non-discrimination law is a comparatively new subject, the chapters search for and develop the concepts of discrimination law on the basis of a wide variety of young and often still emerging case law and legislation. The result is a comprehensive textbook with materials from a wide variety of EU Member States. The book is entirely in English (i.e. materials are translated where not available in English). At the end of each chapter a comparative overview ties the material together, with emphasis, where appropriate, on existing or emerging general principles in the legal systems within Europe.
The book illustrates the distinct relationship between international, European and national legislation in the field of non-discrimination law. It covers the grounds of discrimination addressed in the Racial Equality and Employment Equality Directives, as well as non-discrimination law relating to gender. In so doing, it covers the law of a large number of EU Member States, alongside some international comparisons.
The Ius Commune Casebook on Non-Discrimination Law
- provides practitioners with ready access to primary and secondary legal material needed to assist them in crafting test case strategies.
- provides the judiciary with the tools needed to respond sensitively to such cases.
- provides material for teaching non-discrimination law to law and other students.
- provides a basis for ongoing research on non-discrimination law.
- provides an up-to-date overview of the implementation of the Directives and of the state of the law.
This Casebook is the result of a project which has been supported by a grant from the European Commission's Anti-Discrimination Programme.
Experiences from smart grid cyber-security incidents in the past decade have raised questions on the applicability and effectiveness of security measures and protection mechanisms applied to the grid. In this chapter we focus on the security measures applied under real circumstances in today’s smart grid systems. Beginning from real world example implementations, we first review cyber-security facts that affected the electrical grid, from US blackout incidents, to the Dragonfly cyber-espionage campaign currently focusing on US and European energy firms. Provided a real world setting, we give information related to energy management of a smart grid looking also in the optimization techniques that power control engineers perform into the grid components. We examine the application of various security tools in smart grid systems, such as intrusion detection systems, smart meter authentication and key management using Physical Unclonable Functions, security analytics and resilient control algorithms. Furthermore we present evaluation use cases of security tools applied on smart grid infrastructure test-beds that could be proved important prior to their application in the real grid, describing a smart grid intrusion detection system application and security analytics results. Anticipated experimental results from the use-cases and conclusions about the successful transitions of security measures to real world smart grid operations will be presented at the end of this chapter.
This chapter has both a methodological and a substantive aim. First, I suggest, using the role and function of NGOs in religiously related legal disputes as a paradigm example, the distinction between institutional, doctrinal, and theoretical approaches to the study of the relationship between religion and law is sometimes unhelpful, creating a barrier preventing us from understanding the phenomenon that we are examining. Instead, I suggest, a more integrated understanding, drawing on each of these approaches and seeing how they relate to each other, may well be more illuminating. The second aim of this chapter is to suggest, in a preliminary way, that the phenomenon of faith-based organizations should be more integrated than in the past into doctrinal and theoretical debates in the area of law and religion, in particular the problem of how liberal society is to engage with organized religion where there is a fundamental dispute as to who represents that religion, or as to what the basic tenets of that religion are.
This chapter examines the current ‘architecture’ of the British state, in particular the way in which governmental power is distributed among the nations of the United Kingdom. The theme of this chapter will be to show how the continuing (and, as James Bryce argued, inevitable) tension between centripetal and centrifugal forces can be usefully applied to power relations between the various nations of the United Kingdom, and between these nations and Europe, providing a basis for analyzing how these nations are drawn or impelled by some forces towards a centralized unitary polity, whilst at the same time other forces tend towards dispersion of power. The resulting pattern might be analyzed along a spectrum from centralization to independence, with subsidiarity, devolution and federalism being seen as weigh stations along the way, but given how complex the variations in the distribution of power between these nations and the centre have become over time, the construction of any static architectural blueprint of the British state is bound to be misleading. Indeed, the architectural metaphor, with its implications of stability might usefully be rethought.
The aim of this chapter is three-fold: first, to explain systematically the multiple disciplines that have to be employed in the study of manuscripts; second, to review the evolution and development of methodologies used by the scholars who have shaped the present form of scholarship, and to chart outstanding problems that have yet to be resolved; and third, to offer some ideas of what future research might entail and in what way scholarship might unfold. Since numerous and disparate methodologies are employed in the study of Bach manuscripts, the discussions that follow will take nothing for granted, but will describe and define each one as it relates to understanding and reproducing, with as much accuracy as possible, Bach’s intentions in the manuscripts that contain his music.
Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) has probably made the most comprehensive attempt to develop a theory of the inter-connectedness of discourse, power and ideology and is specifically concerned with the role that discourse plays in main-taining and legitimizing inequality in society. While CDA’s general thrust has been towards the analysis of linguistic structures, some critical discourse analysts have begun to focus on multimodal discourses because of the increasingly impor-tant role these play in many social and political contexts. Still, a great deal of CDA analysis has remained largely monomodal. The principal aim of this chapter is therefore to address this situation and demonstrate in what ways CDA can be deployed to analyse the ways that ideological discourses can be communicated, naturalised and legitimated beyond the linguistic level. The chapter also offers a rationale for a multimodal approach based on Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), by which it is directly informed