25 resultados para IHC
Higher expression of the miR-433 microRNA (miRNA) is associated with poorer survival outcomes in patients with HGSOC that may be overcome by a greater understanding of the functional role of this miRNA. We previously described miR-433 as a critical cell cycle regulator and mediator of cellular senescence. Downregulation of the mitotic arrest deficiency 2 (MAD2) protein by miR-433 led to increased cellular resistance to paclitaxel in epithelial ovarian cancer cells (EOC). Furthermore immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of MAD2 expression in patients with HGSOC showed that loss of MAD2 was significantly associated with poorer patient survival. Higher miR-433 expression is also associated with an increased resistance to the platins which is unrelated to loss of MAD2 expression. In silico analysis of the miR-433 target proteins in the TCGA database identified the association between a number of miR-433 targets and poorer patient survival. IHC analysis of the miR-433 target, histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6), confirmed that its expression was significantly associated with a decrease in patient overall survival. The knock-down of HDAC6 by siRNA in EOC cells did not attenuate apoptotic responses to paclitaxel or platin although lower endogenous HDAC6 expression was associated with more resistant EOC cell lines. In vitro analysis revealed that EOC cells which survived chemotherapeutic kill with high doses of paclitaxel expressed higher miR-433 and concomitant decreased expression of the miR-433 targets. These cells were more chemoresistant compared to the parental cell line and repopulated as 3d organoid cultures in non-adherent stem cell selective conditions; thus indicating that the cells which survive chemotherapy were viable, capable of regrowth and had an increased potential for pluripotency. In conclusion, our data suggests that chemotherapy is not driving the transcriptional upregulation of miR-433 but rather selecting a population of cells with high miR-433 expression that may contribute to chemoresistant disease and tumour recurrence.
Background: Around 10-15% of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) undergo a pathologically complete response (TRG4) to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy; the rest of patients exhibit a spectrum of tumour regression (TRG1-3). Understanding therapy-related genomic alterations may help us to identify underlying biology or novel targets associated with response that could increase the efficacy of therapy in patients that do not benefit from the current standard of care.
Methods: 48 FFPE rectal cancer biopsies and matched resections were analysed using the WG-DASL HumanHT-12_v4 Beadchip array on the illumina iScan. Bioinformatic analysis was conducted in Partek genomics suite and R studio. Limma and glmnet packages were used to identify genes differentially expressed between tumour regression grades. Validation of microarray results will be carried out using IHC, RNAscope and RT-PCR.
Results: Immune response genes were observed from supervised analysis of the biopsies which may have predictive value. Differential gene expression from the resections as well as pre and post therapy analysis revealed induction of genes in a tumour regression dependent manner. Pathway mapping and Gene Ontology analysis of these genes suggested antigen processing and natural killer mediated cytotoxicity respectively. The natural killer-like gene signature was switched off in non-responders and on in the responders. IHC has confirmed the presence of Natural killer cells through CD56+ staining.
Conclusion: Identification of NK cell genes and CD56+ cells in patients responding to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy warrants further investigation into their association with tumour regression grade in LARC. NK cells are known to lyse malignant cells and determining whether their presence is a cause or consequence of response is crucial. Interrogation of the cytokines upregulated in our NK-like signature will help guide future in vitro models.
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a widely available and highly utilised tool in diagnostic histopathology and is used to guide treatment options as well as provide prognostic information. IHC is subjected to qualitative and subjective assessment, which has been criticised for a lack of stringency, while PCR-based molecular diagnostic validations by comparison are regarded as very rigorous. It is essential that IHC tests are validated through evidence-based procedures. With the move to ISO15189 (2012), not just of the accuracy, specificity and reproducibility of each test need to be determined and managed, but also the degree of uncertainty and the delivery of such tests. The recent update to ISO 15189 (2012) states that it is appropriate to consider the potential uncertainty of measurement of the value obtained in the laboratory and how that may impact on prognostic or predictive thresholds. In order to highlight the problems surrounding IHC validity, we reviewed the measurement of Ki67and p53 in the literature. Both of these biomarkers have been incorporated into clinical care by pathology laboratories worldwide. The variation seen appears excessive even when measuring centrally stained slides from the same cases. We therefore propose in this paper to establish the basis on which IHC laboratories can bring the same level of robust validation seen in the molecular pathology laboratories and the principles applied to all routine IHC tests.
Background: EpHA2 is a 130 kD transmembrane glycoprotein belonging to ephrin receptor subfamily and involved in angiogenesis/tumour neovascularisation. High EpHA2 mRNA level has recently been implicated in cetuximab resistance. Previously, we found high EpHA2 levels in a panel of invasive colorectal cancer (CRC) cells, which was associated with high levels of stem-cell marker CD44. Our aim was to investigate the prognostic value of EpHA2 and subsequently correlate expression levels to known clinico-pathological variables in early stage CRC. Methods: Tissue samples from 509 CRC patients were analysed. EpHA2 expression was measured using IHC. Kaplan-Meier graphs were used. Univariate and multivariate analyses employed Cox Proportional Hazards Ratio (HR) method. A backward selection method (Akaike’s information criterion) was used to determine a refined multivariate model. Results: EpHA2 was highly expressed in CRC adenocarcinoma compared to matched normal colon tissue. In support of our preclinical invasive models, strong correlation was found between EpHA2 expression and CD44 and Lgr5 staining (p<0.001). In addition, high EpHA2 expression significantly correlated with vascular invasion (p=0.03).HR for OS for stage II/III patients with high EpHA2 expression was 1.69 (95%CI: 1.164-2.439; p=0.003). When stage II/III was broken down into individual stages, there was significant correlation between high EpHA2 expression and poor 5-years OS in stage II patients (HR: 2.18; 95%CI: 1.28-3.71; p=0.005).HR in the stage III group showed a trend to statistical significance (HR: 1.48; 95%CI=0.87-2.51; p=0.05). In both univariate and multivariate analyses of stage II patients, high EpHA2 expression was the only significant factor and was retained in the final multivariate model. Higher levels of EpHA2 were noted in our RAS and BRAF mutant CRC cells, and silencing EpHA2 resulted in significant decreases in migration/invasion in parental and invasive CRC sublines. Correlation between KRAS/NRAS/BRAFmutational status and EpHA2 expression in clinical samples is ongoing. Conclusions: Taken together, our study is the first to indicate that EpHA2 expression is a predictor of poor clinical outcome and a potential novel target in early stage CRC.
Introduction: Detection of the ALK rearrangement in a solid tumor gives these patients the option of crizotinib as an oral form of anticancer treatment. The current test of choice is fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), but various cheaper and more convenient immunohistochemical (IHC) assays have been proposed as alternatives.
Methods: Fifteen FISH-positive cases from patients, seven with data on crizotinib therapy and clinical response, were evaluated for the presence of ALK protein using three different commercially available antibodies: D5F3, using the proprietary automated system (Ventana), ALK1 (Dako), and 5A4 (Abcam). A further 14 FISH-negative and three uncertain (<15% rearrangement detected) cases were also retrieved. Of the total 32 specimens, 17 were excisions and 15 were computed tomography-guided biopsies or cytological specimens. All three antibodies were applied to all cases. Antibodies were semiquantitatively scored on intensity, and the proportion of malignant cells stained was documented. Cutoffs were set by receiver operating curve analysis for positivity to optimize correct classification.
Results: All three IHC assays were 100% specific but sensitivity did vary: D5F3 86%, ALK 79%, 5A4 71%. Intensity was the most discriminating measure overall, with a combination of proportion and intensity not improving the test. No FISH-negative IHC-positive cases were seen. Two FISH-positive cases were negative with all three IHC assays. One of these had been treated with crizotinib and had failed to show clinical response. The other harbored a second driving mutation in the EGFR gene.
Conclusions: IHC with all three antibodies is especially highly specific (100%) although variably sensitive (71%-86%), specifically in cases with scanty material. D5F3 assay was most sensitive in these latter cases. Occasional cases are IHC-positive but FISH-negative, suggesting either inaccuracy of one assay or occasional tumors with ALK rearrangement that do not express high levels of ALK protein.
BACKGROUND: HER2 is an established therapeutic target in breast and gastric cancers. The role of HER2 in rectal cancer is unclear, as conflicting data on the prevalence of HER2 expression in this disease have been reported. We evaluated the prevalence of HER2 and its impact on the outcome of high-risk rectal cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant CAPOX and CRT±cetuximab in the EXPERT-C trial. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eligible patients with available tumour tissue for HER2 analysis were included. HER2 expression was determined by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in pre-treatment biopsies and/or surgical specimens (score 0-3+). Immunostaining was scored according to the consensus panel recommendations on HER2 scoring for gastric cancer. Tumours with equivocal IHC result (2+) were tested for HER2 amplification by D-ISH. Tumours with IHC 3+ or D-ISH ratio ≥2.0 were classified as HER2+. The impact of HER2 on primary and secondary end points of the study was analysed. RESULTS: Of 164 eligible study patients, 104 (63%) biopsy and 114 (69%) surgical specimens were available for analysis. Only 3 of 104 (2.9%) and 3 of 114 (2.6%) were HER2+, respectively. In 77 patients with paired specimens, concordance for HER2 status was found in 74 (96%). Overall, 141 patients were assessable for HER2 and 6 out of 141 (4.3%) had HER2 overexpression and/or amplification. The median follow-up was 58.6 months. HER2 was not associated with a difference in the outcome for any of the study end points, including in the subset of 90 KRAS/BRAF wild-type patients treated±cetuximab. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the low prevalence of expression as recorded in the EXPERT-C trial, HER2 does not appear to represent a useful therapeutic target in high-risk rectal cancer. However, the role of HER2 as a potential predictive biomarker of resistance to anti-EGFR-based treatments and a therapeutic target in anti-EGFR refractory metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) warrants further investigation. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN Register: 99828560.
INTRODUCTION: The presence of ROS proto-oncogene 1, receptor tyrosine kinase gene (ROS1) rearrangements in lung cancers confers sensitivity to ROS kinase inhibitors, including crizotinib. However, they are rare abnormalities (in ∼1% of non-small cell lung carcinomas) that are typically identified by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and so screening using immunohistochemical (IHC) staining would be both cost- and time-efficient.
METHODS: A cohort of lung tumors negative for other common mutations related to targeted therapies were screened to assess the sensitivity and specificity of IHC staining in detecting ROS1 gene rearrangements, enriched by four other cases first identified by FISH. A review of published data was also undertaken.
RESULTS: IHC staining was 100% sensitive (95% confidence interval: 48-100) and 83% specific (95% confidence interval: 86-100) overall when an h-score higher than 100 was used. Patients with ROS1 gene rearrangements were younger and typically never-smokers, with the tumors all being adenocarcinomas with higher-grade architectural features and focal signet ring morphologic features (two of five). Four patients treated with crizotinib showed a partial response, with three also showing a partial response to pemetrexed. Three of four patients remain alive at 13, 27, and 31 months, respectively.
CONCLUSION: IHC staining can be used to screen for ROS1 gene rearrangements, with patients herein showing a response to crizotinib. Patients with tumors that test positive according to IHC staining but negative according to FISH were also identified, which may have implications for treatment selection.
Immunocytochemistry (ICC) is a long-established means for clinical laboratories to investigate material for which it is difficult to obtain tissue samples. Unlike immunohistochemistry (IHC), the cells do not retain surrounding tissue environment/architecture. This can be of benefit in that fixation is often immediate and rapid, protecting the cells. Although fixation is frequently observed as the main preanalytic variable of test quality, all cytology preanalytic factors should be identified and controlled. In addition, the validation of ICC should take the same rigorous approach that other molecular pathology techniques follow. A three-step validation protocol is offered here. The end result is a comprehensive, morphomolecular approach to ICC, with an emphasis on therapeutic ICC.
BACKGROUND: Previously we identified a DNA damage response-deficient (DDRD) molecular subtype within breast cancer. A 44-gene assay identifying this subtype was validated as predicting benefit from DNA-damaging chemotherapy. This subtype was defined by interferon signaling. In this study, we address the mechanism of this immune response and its possible clinical significance.
METHODS: We used immunohistochemistry (IHC) to characterize immune infiltration in 184 breast cancer samples, of which 65 were within the DDRD subtype. Isogenic cell lines, which represent DDRD-positive and -negative, were used to study the effects of chemokine release on peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) migration and the mechanism of immune signaling activation. Finally, we studied the association between the DDRD subtype and expression of the immune-checkpoint protein PD-L1 as detected by IHC. All statistical tests were two-sided.
RESULTS: We found that DDRD breast tumors were associated with CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytic infiltration (Fisher's exact test P < .001) and that DDRD cells expressed the chemokines CXCL10 and CCL5 3.5- to 11.9-fold more than DNA damage response-proficient cells (P < .01). Conditioned medium from DDRD cells statistically significantly attracted PBMCs when compared with medium from DNA damage response-proficient cells (P < .05), and this was dependent on CXCL10 and CCL5. DDRD cells demonstrated increased cytosolic DNA and constitutive activation of the viral response cGAS/STING/TBK1/IRF3 pathway. Importantly, this pathway was activated in a cell cycle-specific manner. Finally, we demonstrated that S-phase DNA damage activated expression of PD-L1 in a STING-dependent manner.
CONCLUSIONS: We propose a novel mechanism of immune infiltration in DDRD tumors, independent of neoantigen production. Activation of this pathway and associated PD-L1 expression may explain the paradoxical lack of T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity observed in DDRD tumors. We provide a rationale for exploration of DDRD in the stratification of patients for immune checkpoint-based therapies.