89 resultados para IGF-I and cell migration


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Deubiquitinating enzymes are now emerging as potential therapeutic targets that control many cellular processes, but few have been demonstrated to control cell motility. Here, we show that ubiquitin-specific protease 17 (USP17) is rapidly and transiently induced in response to chemokines SDF-1/CXCL12 and IL-8/CXCL8 in both primary cells and cell lines, and that its depletion completely blocks chemokine-induced cell migration and cytoskeletal rearrangements. Using live cell imaging, we demonstrate that USP17 is required for both elongated and amoeboid motility, in addition to chemotaxis. USP17 has previously been reported to disrupt Ras localization and we now find that USP17 depletion blocks chemokine-induced subcellular relocalization of GTPases Cdc42, Rac and RhoA, which are GTPases essential for cell motility. Collectively, these results demonstrate that USP17 has a critical role in cell migration and may be a useful drug target for both inflammatory and metastatic disease.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Atherosclerosis, which occurs prematurely in individuals with diabetes, incorporates vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) chemotaxis. Glucose, through protein kinase C-beta(II) signalling, increases chemotaxis to low concentrations of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB. In VSMC, a biphasic response in PDGF-beta receptor (PDGF-betaR) level occurs as PDGF-BB concentrations increase. The purpose of this study was to determine whether increased concentrations of PDGF-BB and raised glucose level had a modulatory effect on the mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular-regulated protein kinase pathway, control of PDGF-betaR level and chemotaxis.

METHODS: Cultured aortic VSMC, exposed to normal glucose (NG) (5 mmol/l) or high glucose (HG) (25 mmol/l) in the presence of PDGF-BB, were assessed for migration (chemotaxis chamber) or else extracted and immunoblotted.

RESULTS: At concentrations of PDGF-BB <540 pmol/l, HG caused an increase in the level of PDGF-betaR in VSMC (immunoblotting) versus NG, an effect that was abrogated by inhibition of aldose reductase or protein kinase C-beta(II). At higher concentrations of PDGF-BB (>540 pmol/l) in HG, receptor level was reduced but in the presence of aldose reductase or protein kinase C-beta(II) inhibitors the receptor levels increased. It is known that phosphatases may be activated at high concentrations of growth factors. At high concentrations of PDGF-BB, the protein phosphatase (PP)2A inhibitor, endothall, caused an increase in PDGF-betaR levels and a loss of biphasicity in receptor levels in HG. At higher concentrations of PDGF-BB in HG, the chemoattractant effect of PDGF-BB was lost (chemotaxis chamber). Under these conditions inhibition of PP2A was associated with a restoration of chemotaxis to high concentrations of PDGF-BB.

CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION: The biphasic response in PDGF-betaR level and in chemotaxis to PDGF-BB in HG is due to PP2A activation.


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The catalytic subunit of human telomerase (TERT) is highly expressed in cancer cells, and correlates with complex cytogenetics and disease severity in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The TERT promoter is situated within a large CpG island, suggesting that expression is methylation-sensitive. Studies suggest a correlation between hypermethylation and TERT overexpression. We investigated the relationship between TERT promoter methylation and expression and telomerase activity in human leukemia and lymphoma cell lines. DAC-induced demethylation and cell death were observed in all three cell lines, as well as telomere shortening in HL-60 cells. DAC treatment reduced TERT expression and telomerase activity in OCI/AML3 and HL-60 cells, but not in U937 cells. Control U937 cells expressed lower levels of TERT mRNA, carried a highly methylated TERT core promoter, and proved more resistant to DAC-induced repression of TERT expression and cell death. AML patients had significantly lower methylation levels at several CpGs than "well elderly" individuals. This study, the first to investigate the relationship between TERT methylation and telomerase activity in leukemia cells, demonstrated a differential methylation pattern and response to DAC in three AML cell lines. We suggest that, although DAC treatment reduces TERT expression and telomerase activity, this is unlikely to occur via direct demethylation of the TERT promoter. However, further investigations on the regions spanning CpGs 7-12 and 14-16 may reveal valuable information regarding transcriptional regulation of TERT.


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Understanding migration of cells has many implications in human physiology; some examples include developmental biology, healing, immune responses and tissue remodeling. On the other hand, invasive migration by tumor cells is pathological and is a major cause of mortality amongst cancer sufferers. Cell migration assays have been widely used to quantify potentially metastatic genes. In recent years, the use of RNAi has significantly increased the tools available in cell migration research due to its specific gene targeting for knockdown. The inability to ensure 100% transfection/transduction efficiency reduces the sensitivity of cell migration assays because cells not successfully transfected/transduced with the RNAi are also included in the calculations. This study introduces a different experimental setup mathematically expressed in our named normalized relative infected cell count (N-RICC) that analyses cell migration assays by co-expressing retrovirally transduced shRNA with fluorescence tags from a single vector. Vectors transduced into cells are visible under fluorescence, thus alleviating the problems involved with transduction efficiency by individually identifying cells with targeted genes. Designed shRNAs were targeted against a list of potentially metastatic genes in a highly migratory breast cancer cell line model, MDA-MB-231. We have successfully applied N-RICC analysis to show greater sensitivity of integrin alpha5 (ITGA5) and Ras homologue A (RhoA) in cell metastasis over conventional methods in scratch-wound assays and migration chambers assays.


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Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer death among US women. Evidence supports the hypothesis that high-grade serous ovarian cancers (HGSC) may originate in the distal end of the fallopian tube. Although a heterogeneous disease, 96% of HGSC contain mutations in p53. In addition, the "p53 signature," or overexpression of p53 protein (usually associated with mutation), is a potential precursor lesion of fallopian tube derived HGSC suggesting an essential role for p53 mutation in early serous tumorigenesis. To further clarify p53-mutation dependent effects on cells, murine oviductal epithelial cells (MOE) were stably transfected with a construct encoding for the R273H DNA binding domain mutation in p53, the most common mutation in HGSC. Mutation in p53 was not sufficient to transform MOE cells but did significantly increase cell migration. A similar p53 mutation in murine ovarian surface epithelium (MOSE), another potential progenitor cell for serous cancer, was not sufficient to transform the cells nor change migration suggesting tissue specific effects of p53 mutation. Microarray data confirmed expression changes of pro-migratory genes in p53(R273H) MOE compared to parental cells, which could be reversed by suppressing Slug expression. Combining p53(R273H) with KRAS(G12V) activation caused transformation of MOE into high-grade sarcomatoid carcinoma when xenografted into nude mice. Elucidating the specific role of p53(R273H) in the fallopian tube will improve understanding of changes at the earliest stage of transformation. This information can help develop chemopreventative strategies to prevent the accumulation of additional mutations and reverse progression of the "p53 signature" thereby, improving survival rates.


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The ordered, directional migration of T-lymphocytes is a key process during immune surveillance, immune response, and development. A novel series of pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepines have been shown to potently induce apoptosis in variety of human chemotherapy resistant cancer cell lines, indicating their potential in the treatment of both solid tumors and tumors derived from the hemopoietic system. Pyrrolobenzoxazepine 4-acetoxy-5-(1-naphtyl)naphtho[2,3-b]pyrrolo[1,2-d][1,4]-oxazepine (PBOX-15) has been shown to depolymerize tubulin in vitro and in the MCF7 breast cancer cell line. We hypothesized that this may suggest a role for this compound in modulating integrin-induced T-cell migration, which is largely dependent on the microtubule dynamics. Experiments were performed using human T lymphoma cell line Hut78 and peripheral blood T-lymphocytes isolated from healthy donors. We observed that human T-lymphocytes exposed to PBOX-15 have severely impaired ability to polarize and migrate in response to the triggering stimulus generated via cross-linking of integrin lymphocyte function associated antigen-1 receptor. Here, we show that PBOX-15 can dramatically impair microtubule network via destabilization of tubulin resulting in complete loss of the motile phenotype of T-cells. We demonstrate that PBOX-15 inhibitory mechanisms involve decreased tubulin polymerization and its post-translational modifications. Novel microtubule-targeting effects of PBOX-15 can possibly open new horizons in the treatment of overactive inflammatory conditions as well as cancer and cancer metastatic spreading.


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The precise regulatory mechanisms of amplification and downregulation of the pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the inflammatory response have not been fully delineated. Although activated protein C (APC) and its precursor protein C (PC) have recently been reported to be promising therapeutic agents in the management of meningococcal sepsis, direct evidence for the anti-inflammatory effect remains scarce. We report that APC inhibits in vitro the release of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), two known cytokine mediators of bacterial septic shock, from lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated human monocytes. The THP-1 monocytic cell line, when stimulated with LPS and concomitant APC, exhibited a marked reduction in the release of TNF and MIF protein in a concentration-dependent manner compared to cells stimulated with LPS alone. This effect was observed only when incubations were performed in serum-free media, but not in the presence of 1-10% serum. Serum-mediated inhibition could only be overcome by increasing APC concentrations to far beyond physiological levels, suggesting the presence of endogenous serum-derived APC inhibitors. Inhibition of MIF release by APC was found to be independent of TNF, as stimulation of MIF release by LPS was unaltered in the presence of anti-TNF antibodies. Our data confirm that the suggested anti-inflammatory properties of APC are due to direct inhibition of the release of the pro-inflammatory monokine TNF, and imply that the anti-inflammatory action of APC is also mediated via inhibition of MIF release.


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Internalization of cargo proteins and lipids at the cell surface occurs in both a constitutive and signal-regulated manner through clathrin-mediated and other endocytic pathways. Clathrin-coated vesicle formation is a principal uptake route in response to signalling events. Protein-lipid and protein-protein interactions control both the targeting of signalling molecules and their binding partners to membrane compartments and the assembly of clathrin coats. An emerging aspect of membrane trafficking research is now addressing how signalling cascades and vesicle coat assembly and subsequently disassembly are integrated.


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Patterns of glycosylation are important in cancer, but the molecular mechanisms that drive changes are often poorly understood. The androgen receptor drives prostate cancer (PCa) development and progression to lethal metastatic castration-resistant disease. Here we used RNA-Seq coupled with bioinformatic analyses of androgen-receptor (AR) binding sites and clinical PCa expression array data to identify ST6GalNAc1 as a direct and rapidly activated target gene of the AR in PCa cells. ST6GalNAc1 encodes a sialytransferase that catalyses formation of the cancer-associated sialyl-Tn antigen (sTn), which we find is also induced by androgen exposure. Androgens induce expression of a novel splice variant of the ST6GalNAc1 protein in PCa cells. This splice variant encodes a shorter protein isoform that is still fully functional as a sialyltransferase and able to induce expression of the sTn-antigen. Surprisingly, given its high expression in tumours, stable expression of ST6GalNAc1 in PCa cells reduced formation of stable tumours in mice, reduced cell adhesion and induced a switch towards a more mesenchymal-like cell phenotype in vitro. ST6GalNAc1 has a dynamic expression pattern in clinical datasets, beingsignificantly up-regulated in primary prostate carcinoma but relatively down-regulated in established metastatic tissue. ST6GalNAc1 is frequently upregulated concurrently with another important glycosylation enzyme GCNT1 previously associated with prostate cancer progression and implicated in Sialyl Lewis X antigen synthesis. Together our data establishes an androgen-dependent mechanism for sTn antigen expression in PCa, and are consistent with a general role for the androgen receptor in driving important coordinate changes to the glycoproteome during PCa progression.


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Analysis of the draft genome sequence of the opportunistic pathogen Propionibacterium acnes type strain NCTC 737 (=ATCC 6919) revealed five genes with sequence identity to the co-haemolytic Christie-Atkins-Munch-Peterson (CAMP) factor of Streptococcus agalactiae. The predicted molecular masses for the expressed proteins ranged from 28 to 30 kDa. The genes were present in each of the three recently identified recA-based phylogenetic groupings of P. acnes (IA, IB and 11), as assessed by PCR amplification. Conserved differences in CAMP factor gene sequences between these three groups were also consistent with their previous phylogenetic designations. All type IA, IB and 11 isolates were positive for the co-haemolytic; reaction on sheep blood agar. Immunoblotting and silver staining of SIDS-PAGE gels, however, revealed differential protein expression of CAMP factors amongst the different groups. Type IB and 11 isolates produced an abundance of CAMP factor 1, detectable by specific antibody labelling and silver staining of SDS-PAGE gels. In contrast, abundant CAMP factor production was lacking in type A isolates, although larger amounts of CAMP factor 2 were detectable by immunoblotting compared with type 11 isolates. While the potential role of the abundant CAMP factor 1 in host colonization or virulence remains to be determined, it should be noted that the type strain of P. acnes used in much of the published literature is a type A isolate and is, therefore, lacking in this attribute.