77 resultados para ICU family members


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Palliative care services are required to support patients who have advanced, life-threatening, noncurable disease, and their family caregivers. Comprehensive psychological and social support for bereaved family members also is expected. However, recent systematic reviews have demonstrated significant gaps in evidence-based approaches for such support. Furthermore, a comprehensive understanding of the psychological and social response to the family caregiver role is required for support to be optimized.

We sought to examine the psychological and social profile of family caregivers on commencement of receiving palliative care services.

A self-report questionnaire was administered to primary family caregivers of patients within two weeks of admission to three palliative care services in Melbourne, Australia. The questionnaire incorporated six instruments that measured 11 family caregiver-related psychosocial factors; four instruments that measured caregiver psychological distress factors; 14 mental health lifetime risk factors; and a sociodemographic questionnaire.

Three hundred and two family caregivers participated. Nearly half (44%) of the caregivers had a probable anxiety and/or depressive disorder, with 40% scoring more than the cutoff score for probable anxiety and 20% scoring more than the cutoff score for probable depression. Additionally, approximately 15% of caregivers met the criteria for pre-loss grief, and around 10% reported moderate to severe levels of demoralization. Caregivers who had a probable anxiety and/or depressive disorder also reported higher levels of pre-loss grief.

This study provides further evidence of the prevalence of poor psychosocial well-being in this population. The results reinforce the need to develop suitable strategies for psychological and social support for family caregivers.


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This paper looks at inheritance through minimally-structured interviews with several generations of Kenyan families, seeking to explain that the how and why of poverty can be understood in the wider family context. Five main routes for ascending out of poverty were identified: (1) the gradual accumulation of resources due to income deriving from cash crops; (2) the gradual accumulation of resources due to income from non-farm work, including remittances from family member who have moved away for work; (3) the role of education, particularly skills training opposed to academic qualification, in helping provide employment; (4) accessing financial assets through support both from extended family members and from informal support mechanisms; (5) stability and benefits accruing from long-term strategic planning, including entrepreneurial activity. Both the ascent out of and the descent into poverty can be better conceived as processes, rather than due to chains of discrete events or specific ‘shocks’.


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Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the patient-centredness of community palliative care from the perspective of family members who were responsible for the care of a terminally ill family member. Method: A survey questionnaire was mailed to families of a deceased family member who had been designated as palliative and had received formal home care services in the central west region of the Province of Ontario, Canada. Respondents reported on service use in the last four weeks of life; the Client-Centred Care Questionnaire (CCCQ) was used to evaluate the extent to which care was patient-centred. The accessibility instrument was used to assess respondent perception of access to care. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analyses. Results: Of the 243 potential participants, 111 (46.0%) family caregivers completed the survey questionnaire. On average, respondents reported that they used five different services during the last four weeks of the care recipient's life. When asked about programme accessibility, care was also perceived as largely accessible and responsive to patients' changing needs (M=4.3 (SD=1.04)]. Most respondents also reported that they knew what service provider to contact if they experienced any problems concerning the care of their family member. However, this service provider was not consistent among respondents. Most respondents were relatively positive about the patient-centred care they received. There were however considerable differences between some items on the CCCQ. Respondents tended to provide more negative ratings concerning practical arrangement and the organization of care: who was coming, how often and when. They also rated more negatively the observation that service providers were quick to say something was possible when it was not the case. Bivariate analyses found no significant differences in CCCQ or accessibility domain scores by caregiver age, care recipient age, income, education and caregiver sex. Conclusions: Patient-centred care represents a service attribute that should be recognized as an important outcome to assess the quality of service delivery. This study demonstrates how this attribute can be evaluated in the provision of care. © 2011 The Authors. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences © 2011 Nordic College of Caring Science.


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The study examined the utility of the Family Perception of Care Scale (FPCS), which consists of four subscales: resident care, family support, communication, and rooming. This instrument was developed for the purposes of this study. Overall, family members were satisfied with end-of-life care. Satisfaction did not have a statistically significant relationship to family and resident characteristics. Survey questions with the highest number of low satisfaction ratings included staffing levels, updating families and involving them in care planning, and decision making. Family members considered pain control an important priority, followed by comfort care that included caring for a family member with dignity and sensitivity. Family members also valued it when staff were able to inform them that the death of their family member was near. Place of death was significantly associated with satisfaction, family members being more satisfied with end-of-life care when their family member died in the LTC facility as opposed to in hospital.


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Background: The families of people with late-stage dementia need to be informed about the course of the dementia and the comfort/ palliative care option. A booklet was written for that purpose and can be provided to family members by physicians and nurses. Methods: The acceptability of the booklet for nurses was tested in Canada (French and English version), France (French Canadian version) and Japan (translated and adapted version). Results: Overall, 188 nurses completed a survey questionnaire. The booklet was accepted best in Canada and less so in France and Japan. Despite regional variation, the majority of the nurses perceived the booklet as useful for families. The French and Japanese nurses also reported a greater need for palliative care education in advanced dementia. Conclusion: The booklet may help nurses educate families about end-of-life issues in dementia palliative care, but local adaptation of the booklet content and physician engagement are necessary.


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The small leucine-rich repeat proteoglycan (SLRPs) family of proteins currently consists of five classes, based on their structural composition and chromosomal location. As biologically active components of the extracellular matrix (ECM), SLRPs were known to bind to various collagens, having a role in regulating fibril assembly, organization and degradation. More recently, as a function of their diverse proteins cores and glycosaminoglycan side chains, SLRPs have been shown to be able to bind various cell surface receptors, growth factors, cytokines and other ECM components resulting in the ability to influence various cellular functions. Their involvement in several signaling pathways such as Wnt, transforming growth factor-β and epidermal growth factor receptor also highlights their role as matricellular proteins. SLRP family members are expressed during neural development and in adult neural tissues, including ocular tissues. This review focuses on describing SLRP family members involvement in neural development with a brief summary of their role in non-neural ocular tissues and in response to neural injury.


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The families of homeless young people are most often portrayed as a precipitating factor in their homelessness. However, recent studies, particularly those taking a longitudinal approach, have drawn attention to the enabling role of family members and their positive influence on the housing trajectories of homeless youth. Drawing on selected findings from an ongoing longitudinal qualitative study of homeless young people in Dublin, Ireland, this paper aims to build on this relatively fertile area of research. We demonstrate the supportive role of the families of young people who experience homelessness (often as a consequence of difficult family environments) and specifically examine how family re-engagement is negotiated and achieved. The findings highlight a number of dimensions of transition and change. Prominent among these is the importance of renewed trust and communication. Young people and their parents also had to accept responsibility for areas of life that previously served to undermine their relationships and were implicated in the circumstances surrounding a young person's premature home-leaving. Tensions and resistances on the part of young people are highlighted, demonstrating the adaptive mechanisms at work as they attempt to re-engage with family members. The implications of the findings for social work intervention with homeless youth are discussed.


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To assess the knowledge of patients with open angle glaucoma (OAG) and their family members about OAG risk factors and to study the referral of family members for eye examinations.


Cross-sectional survey and prospective cohort study.


We interviewed OAG patients (probands) at the Wilmer Eye Institute and their biologically related parents, siblings, and children about their knowledge of OAG risk factors. Qualified family members were offered an eye examination through the EyeCare America program. Three months after initial contact, a follow-up telephone questionnaire determined the outcome of the referral.


Among 102 probands and 100 (of 230 eligible) family members who were interviewed, there was high awareness that OAG is related to older age (85% both groups). More probands knew of the association with higher intraocular pressure (95%) compared with family (78%). Yet, 21% of both groups were not aware that OAG is hereditary, and only 53% of probands and 30% of family members knew that OAG is more common in certain ethnic groups. Only two-thirds of probands had suggested that family members have an eye examination. Eighty percent of family members had had an eye examination within the last year; of 21 with no recent examination, 66% (13/21) accepted referral.


The Help the Family Glaucoma project developed a novel approach to identify those at high-risk for OAG. Screening of relatives of OAG patients deserves further study in a more representative selection of the general population.


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Introduction: Family focused practice is thought to lead to positive outcomes for all family members. However, there are multiple barriers and enablers in adult mental health services to practitioners undertaking these actions.
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the relative importance of worker, workforce and family factors to predict family focused practices (FFPs) in adult mental health services.
Method: Three hundred and seven adult mental health workers completed a 45 items family focused practice measure of 16 family focused practices.
Thesis: It was found that worker skill and knowledge about family work and an ability to assess the degree of parental insight into the child’s connections to other family members and the community were important predictors of FFP, along with the closely related-worker confidence. While aspects of the worker, workplace and family each contribute to FFPs, this study highlighted the importance of worker skill, knowledge and confidence as central issues for adult mental health workers.
Implications for practice: Study implications include the need for training in specific FFPs, the provision of time to engage with clients on parenting issues and the need 5 to ensure that there are adequate services for workers to refer family members to


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Introduction: Family members including children are all impacted by a family member’s mental illness. Although mental health services are increasingly encouraged to engage in family-focused practice, this is not a well-understood concept or practice in mental health care. Methods: An integrative review using systematic methods was conducted with international literature, with the aim of identifying concepts and practices of family-focused practice in child and youth and adult mental health services. Results: Findings from 40 peer-reviewed literature identified a range of understandings and applications of family-focused practice, including who comprises the ‘family’, whether the focus is family of origin or family of procreation or choice, and whether the context of practice is child and youth or adult. ‘Family’ as defined by its members forms the foundation for practice that aims to provide a whole-of-family approach to care. Six core practices comprise a family focus to care: assessment; psychoeducation; family care planning and goal-setting; liaison between families and services; instrumental, emotional and social support; and a coordinated system of care between families and services. Conclusion: By incorporating key principles and the core family-focused practices into their care delivery, clinicians can facilitate a whole-of-family approach to care and strengthen family members’ wellbeing and resilience, and their individual and collective health outcomes.


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In human neutrophils, beta2 integrin engagement mediated a decrease in GTP-bound Rac1 and Rac2. Pretreatment of neutrophils with LY294002 or PP1 (inhibiting phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) and Src kinases, respectively) partly reversed the beta2 integrin-induced down-regulation of Rac activities. In contrast, beta2 integrins induced stimulation of Cdc42 that was independent of Src family members. The PI 3-kinase dependency of beta2 integrin-mediated decrease in GTP-bound Rac could be explained by an enhanced Rac-GAP activity, since this activity was blocked by LY204002, whereas PP1 only had a minor effect. The fact that only Rac1 but not Rac2 (the dominating Rac) redistributed to the detergent-insoluble fraction and that it was independent of GTP loading excludes the possibility that down-regulation of Rac activities was due to depletion of GTP-bound Rac from the detergent-soluble fraction. The beta2 integrin-triggered relocalization of Rac1 to the cytoskeleton was enabled by a PI 3-kinase-induced dissociation of Rac1 from LyGDI. The dissociations of Rac1 and Rac2 from LyGDI also explained the PI 3-kinase-dependent translocations of Rac GTPases to the plasma membrane. However, these accumulations of Rac in the membrane, as well as that of p47phox and p67phox, were also regulated by Src tyrosine kinases. Inasmuch as Rac GTPases are part of the NADPH oxidase and the respiratory burst is elicited in neutrophils adherent by beta2 integrins, our results indicate that activation of the NADPH oxidase does not depend on the levels of Rac-GTP but instead requires a beta2 integrin-induced targeting of the Rac GTPases as well as p47phox and p67phox to the plasma membrane.


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Evidence is accumulating to suggest that some of the diverse functions associated with BRCA1 may relate to its ability to transcriptionally regulate key downstream target genes. Here, we identify S100A7 (psoriasin), S100A8, and S100A9, members of the S100A family of calcium-binding proteins, as novel BRCA1-repressed targets. We show that functional BRCA1 is required for repression of these family members and that a BRCA1 disease–associated mutation abrogates BRCA1-mediated repression of psoriasin. Furthermore, we show that BRCA1 and c-Myc form a complex on the psoriasin promoter and that BRCA1-mediated repression of psoriasin is dependent on functional c-Myc. Finally, we show that psoriasin expression is induced by the topoisomerase IIA poison, etoposide, in the absence of functional BRCA1 and increased psoriasin expression enhances cellular sensitivity to this chemotherapeutic agent. Therefore, we identified a novel transcriptional mechanism that is likely to contribute to BRCA1-mediated resistance to etoposide.


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Cytokine responses can be regulated by a family of proteins termed suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) which can inhibit the JAK/STAT pathway in a classical negative-feedback manner. While the SOCS are thought to target signaling intermediates for degradation, relatively little is known about how their turnover is regulated. Unlike other SOCS family members, we find that SOCS2 can enhance interleukin-2 (IL-2)- and IL-3-induced STAT phosphorylation following and potentiate proliferation in response to cytokine stimulation. As a clear mechanism for these effects, we demonstrate that expression of SOCS2 results in marked proteasome-dependent reduction of SOCS3 and SOCS1 protein expression. Furthermore, we provide evidence that this degradation is dependent on the presence of an intact SOCS box and that the loss of SOCS3 is enhanced by coexpression of elongin B/C. This suggests that SOCS2 can bind to SOCS3 and elongin B/C to form an E3 ligase complex resulting in the degradation of SOCS3. Therefore, SOCS2 can enhance cytokine responses by accelerating proteasome-dependent turnover of SOCS3, suggesting a mechanism for the gigantism observed in SOCS2 transgenic mice.


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Previous studies have identified the DUB family of cytokine-regulated murine deubiquitinating enzymes, which play a role in the control of cell proliferation and survival. Through data base analyses and cloning, we have identified a human cDNA (DUB-3) that shows significant homology to the known murine DUB family members. Northern blotting has shown expression of this gene in a number of tissues including brain, liver, and muscle, with two transcripts being apparent (1.6 and 1.7 kb). In addition, expression was observed in cell lines including those derived from a number of hematopoietic tumors such as the Burkitt's lymphoma cell line RAJI. We have also demonstrated that DUB-3, which was shown to be an active deubiquitinating enzyme, is induced in response to interleukin-4 and interleukin-6 stimulation. Finally, we have demonstrated that constitutive expression of DUB-3 blocks proliferation and can initiate apoptosis in both IL-3-dependent Ba/F3 cells and NIH3T3 fibroblasts. These findings suggest that human DUB-3, like the murine DUB family members, is transiently induced in response to cytokines and can, when constitutively expressed, block growth factor-dependent proliferation.


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The molecular characterization of a UK family with an autosomal dominant congenital cataract associated with microcornea is reported. METHODS: Family history and clinical data were recorded. This phenotype was linked to a 7.6 cM region of chromosome 22q11.2-q12.2, spanning the beta-crystallin gene cluster (ZMax of 3.91 for marker D22S1114 at theta=0). Candidate genes were PCR amplified and screened for mutations on both strands using direct sequencing. RESULTS: Sequencing of the coding regions and flanking intronic sequences of CRYBB2 and CRYBB1 showed the presence of a novel, heterozygous X253R change in exon 6 of CRYBB1. SSCP analysis confirmed that this sequence change segregated with the disease phenotype in all available family members and was not found in 109 ethnically matched controls. CONCLUSIONS: X253R is predicted to elongate the COOH-terminal extension of the protein and would be expected to disrupt beta-crystallin interactions. This is the first documented involvement of CRYBB1 in ocular development beyond cataractogenesis.