45 resultados para HEART RATE


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Responses evoked in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) by systemic hypoxia have received relatively little attention. Moreover, MSNA is generally identified from firing characteristics in fibres supplying whole limbs: their actual destination is not determined. We aimed to address these limitations by using a novel preparation of spinotrapezius muscle in anaesthetised rats. By using focal recording electrodes, multi-unit and discriminated single unit activity were recorded from the surface of arterial vessels. This had cardiac- and respiratory-related activities expected of MSNA, and was increased by baroreceptor unloading, decreased by baroreceptor stimulation and abolished by autonomic ganglion blockade. Progressive, graded hypoxia (breathing sequentially 12, 10, 8% O2 for 2 min each) evoked graded increases in MSNA. In single units, mean firing frequency increased from 0.2 ± 0.04 in 21% O2 to 0.62 ± 0.14 Hz in 8% O2, while instantaneous frequencies ranged from 0.04–6 Hz in 21% O2 to 0.09–20 Hz in 8% O2. Concomitantly, arterial pressure (ABP), fell and heart rate (HR) and respiratory frequency (RF) increased progressively, while spinotrapezius vascular resistance (SVR) decreased (Spinotrapezius blood flow/ABP), indicating muscle vasodilatation. During 8% O2 for 10 min, the falls in ABP and SVR were maintained, but RF, HR and MSNA waned towards baselines from the second to the tenth minute. Thus, we directly show that MSNA increases during systemic hypoxia to an extent that is mainly determined by the increases in peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation and respiratory drive, but its vasoconstrictor effects on muscle vasculature are largely blunted by local dilator influences, despite high instantaneous frequencies in single fibres.


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The hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs; isoforms HIF-1 alpha, HIF-2 alpha, HIF-3 alpha) mediate many responses to hypoxia. Their regulation is principally by oxygen-dependent degradation, which is initiated by hydroxylation of specific proline residues followed by binding of von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) protein. Chuvash polycythemia is a disorder with elevated HIF. It arises through germline homozygosity for hypomorphic VHL alleles and has a phenotype of hematological, cardiopulmonary, and metabolic abnormalities. This study explores the phenotype of two other HIF pathway diseases: classic VHL disease and HIF-2 alpha gain-of-function mutation. No cardiopulmonary abnormalities were detected in classic VHL disease. HIF-2 alpha gain-of-function mutations were associated with pulmonary hypertension, increased cardiac output, increased heart rate, and increased pulmonary ventilation relative to metabolism. Comparison of the HIF-2 alpha gain-of-function responses with data from studies of Chuvash polycythemia suggested that other aspects of the Chuvash phenotype were diminished or absent. In classic VHL disease, patients are germline heterozygous for mutations in VHL, and the present results suggest that a single wild-type allele for VHL is sufficient to maintain normal cardiopulmonary function. The HIF-2 alpha gain-of-function phenotype may be more limited than the Chuvash phenotype either because HIF-1 alpha is not elevated in the former condition, or because other HIF-independent functions of VHL are perturbed in Chuvash polycythemia.-Formenti, F., Beer, P. A., Croft, Q. P. P., Dorrington, K. L., Gale, D. P., Lappin, T. R. J., Lucas, G. S., Maher, E. R., Maxwell, P. H., McMullin, M. F., O'Connor, D. F., Percy, M. J., Pugh, C. W., Ratcliffe, P. J., Smith, T. G., Talbot, N. P., Robbins, P. A. Cardiopulmonary function in two human disorders of the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway: von Hippel-Lindau disease and HIF-2 alpha gain-of-function mutation. FASEB J. 25, 2001-2011 (2011). www.fasebj.org


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Heart activity of Pecten maximus (L.) has been recorded during various forms of experimentally induced respiratory stress. There was considerable variation in the responses of individual scallops but bradycardia generally occurred in response to all forms of respiratory stress, with the rate of fall in heart rate dependent upon the severity of hypoxia. When oxygen tension declined slowly in a closed respirometer there was regulation of both heart rate and oxygen consumption. The critical tension, Pc, for oxygen consumption lay between 70 and 80 mm Hg, and corresponded with a slight regulatory upswing of the heart rate, whereas the Pc for heart rate was much lower at 20–30 mm Hg. Sudden transfer to deoxygenated water for 3 h resulted in very rapid bradycardia and there was a rapid recovery and initial overshoot of the normal rate on return to well-oxygenated sea water. Aerial exposure for 3 h produced more gradual bradycardia followed by gradual recovery on return to sea water. The results of this work are compared in some detail with previous work on other species of bivalve from different geographical areas and habitats, and the mechanisms controlling cardiac and respiratory regulation are discussed. It is concluded that there are few clear-cut general differences between littoral and sublittoral species in their behavioural and physiological adaptations to hypoxia; the main distinguishing feature of littoral-adapted species is their ability to control air-gaping. Changes in heart activity generally indicate variations in metabolic rate, the speed at which the metabolic rate may be altered reflecting the degree of adaptation to the littoral environment.


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Valve and cardiac activity were simultaneously measured in the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) in response to 10 d copper exposure. Valve movements, heart rates and heart-rate variability were obtained non-invasively using a Musselmonitor(R) (valve activity) and a modified version of the Computer-Aided Physiological Monitoring system (CAPMON; cardiac activity). After 2 d exposure of mussels (4 individuals per treatment group) to a range of dissolved copper concentrations (0 to 12.5 mu M as CuCl2) median valve positions (% open) and median heart rates (beats per minute) declined as a function of copper concentration. Heart-rate variability (coefficient of variation for interpulse durations) rose in a concentration-dependent manner. The 48 h EC50 values (concentrations of copper causing 50% change) for valve positions, heart rates and heart-rate variability were 2.1, 0.8, and 0.06 mu M, respectively. Valve activity was weakly correlated with both heart rate (r = 0.48 +/- 0.02) and heart-rate variability (r = 0.32 +/- 0.06) for control individuals (0 mu M Cu2+). This resulted from a number of short enclosure events that did not coincide with a change in cardiac activity. Exposure of mussels to increasing copper concentrations (greater than or equal to 0.8 mu M) progressively reduced the correlation between valve activity and heart rates (r = 0 for individuals dosed with greater than or equal to 6.3 mu M Cu2+), while correlations between valve activity and heart-rate variability were unaffected. The poor correlations resulted from periods of valve flapping that were not mimicked by similar fluctuations in heart rate or heart-rate variability. The data suggest that the copper-induced bradycardia observed in mussels is not a consequence of prolonged valve closure.


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Previous studies have shown that low levels of copper (down to 0.8 muM) induce bradycardia in the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and that this is not caused by prolonged Valve closure. The aim of this study was to determine the precise mechanism responsible. To establish if copper was directly affecting heart cell physiology, recordings of contractions from isolated ventricular strips were made using an isometric force transducer, in response to copper concentrations (as CuCl2) ranging between 1 muM and 1 mM. Inhibition of mechanical activity only occurred at 1 mM copper, suggesting that the copper-induced bradycardia observed in whole animals cannot be attributed to direct cardiotoxicity. Effects of copper on the cardiac nerves were subsequently examined. Following removal of visceral ganglia (from where the cardiac nerves originate), exposure to 12.5 muM copper had no effect on the heart rate of whole animals. The effect of copper on the heart rate of mussels could not be abolished by depletion of the monoamine content of the animal using reserpine. However, pre-treatment of the animals with alpha -bungarotoxin considerably reduced the sensitivity of the heart to copper. These results indicated that the influence of copper on the heart of M. edulis might be mediated by a change in the activity of cholinergic nerves to heart. In the final experiments, mussels were injected with either benzoquinonium or D-tubocurarine, prior to copper exposure, in an attempt to selectively block the inhibitory or excitatory cholinoreceptors of the heart. Only benzoquinonium decreased the susceptibility of the heart to copper, suggesting that copper affects the cardiac activity of blue mussels by stimulating inhibitory cholinergic nerves to the heart. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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An Automated Interpulse Duration Assessment system (AIDA) is described which permits detection of irregularities in cardiac rhythms in selected invertebrates. The sensitivity of AIDA was demonstrated by its ability to detect handling stress in mussels (Mytilus edulis) that was not evident when measuring heart rate alone. Changes in cardiac activity patterns of crabs (Carcinus maenas) held in the laboratory for up to 10 wk was also examined using the new technique. The frequency distribution of interpulse duration changed significantly as the nutritional state changed. Potential applications of the AIDA system are discussed.


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In this study we compared the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of captopril after sublingual and peroral administration. Single 25 mg doses of captopril were administered sublingually and perorally on two different occasions in a randomised cross-over fashion to eight healthy volunteers aged 22-35 years. The kinetics of unchanged captopril, plasma renin activity (PRA), BP and heart rate were studied over three hours after both peroral and sublingual administration of captopril.


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The central and peripheral cardiovascular effects of synthetic trout urotensin II (UII) were investigated in the conscious rainbow trout. Intracerebroventricular injection of 50 pmol UII produced a slight (3%) but significant (P < 0.05) increase in heart rate but had no effect on mean arterial blood pressure. Injection of 500 pmol UII icy produced a significant (P < 0.05) rise (8%) in blood pressure with no change in heart rate. In contrast to the weak presser effect of centrally administered UII, intra-arterial injection of UII produced a dose-dependent increase in arterial blood pressure and decrease in heart rate with significant (P < 0.05) effects on both parameters observed at a dose of 25 pmol. Higher doses of the peptide produced a sustained decrease in cardiac output that accompanied the bradycardia and rise in arterial blood pressure. The UII-induced bradycardia, but not the increase in pressure, was abolished by pretreatment with phentolamine. Trout UII produced a sustained and dose-dependent contraction of isolated vascular rings prepared from trout efferent branchial [-log 50% of the concentration producing maximal contraction (pD(2)) = 8.30] and celiacomesenteric (pD(2) = 8.22) arteries but was without effects on vascular rings from the anterior cardinal vein. The data indicate that the presser effect of UII in trout is mediated predominantly, if not exclusively, by an increase in systemic vascular resistance. The UII-induced hypertensive response does not seem to involve release of catecholamines, but the bradycardia may arise from adrenergic-mediated activation of cardioinhibitory baroreflexes.


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The bowfin is an extant representative of an ancient group of ray-finned fish with evolutionary connections to modern teleosts. A peptide with substance P-like immunoreactivity was isolated from an extract of bowfin stomach and its primary structure was established as Ser-Lys-Ser-His-Gln-Phe-Tyr-Gly-Leu-Met-NH2. This amino acid sequence resembles mammalian substance P only in the COOH-terminal region of the peptide. A second tachykinin with neurokinin A-like immunoreactivity isolated from the extract comprises 23 amino acid residues and shows limited structural similarity to mammalian neuropeptide-gamma. A randomly distributed population of cells in the gastric glands of the bowfin were immunostained with an antiserum raised against substance P, but no immunopositive structures were identified in the surface epithelium, lamina propria, or the nerve plexuses of the submucosa. Bolus injections of synthetic bowfin substance P (0.1-10 nmol/kg) into the bulbus arteriosus of unanesthetized bowfin resulted in a significant and dose-dependent rise in vascular resistance and arterial blood pressure (P < 0.01) and a fall in cardiac output (P < 0.05) without change in heart rate. After 5-10 min, arterial pressure and vascular resistance returned to preinjection levels, but cardiac output significantly (P < 0.05) increased over baseline values. The response to the peptide was unaffected by pretreatment of the animals with phentolamine. The study has shown that the stomach of the bowfin synthesizes tachykinins with novel structural features that display cardiovascular activity in this species.


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Two peptides with substance-P-like immunoreactivity were isolated in pure form from an extract of the brain of the elasmobranch fish, Scyliorhinus canicula (european common dogfish). One peptide was identical to scyliorhinin I, previously identified in dogfish intestine, and the second was the undecapeptide Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Gln-Phe-Phe-Gly-Leu-Met-CONH2 which is structurally similar to mammalian substance P Scyliorhinin II or a peptide analogous to mammalian neurokinin A were not detected in the extract. Synthetic dogfish substance P ([Lys1, Arg3, Gly5]substance P) was approximately threefold more potent than mammalian substance P (K(d) = 0.21 +/- 0.11 nM versus K(d)= 0.74 +/- 0.17 nM; mean +/- SD; n = 6) in inhibiting the binding of I-125-labelled substance P to neurokinin (NK1) receptors in rat submandibular gland membranes. The vasodilator action of tachykinins in mammals is mediated primarily through interaction with NK1 receptors. Bolus intravenous injections of [Lys1, Arg3, Gly5]substance P (100 pmol) and scyliorhinin I (100 pmol) produced appreciable (>4 kPa) decreases in arterial blood pressure in the rat whereas intravenous injections of up to 5 nmol of the peptides into conscious, unrestrained dogfish produced no change in arterial blood pressure, pulse amplitude or heart rate. Injections of greater amounts of the peptides (10-50 nmol) produced a slight increase (400-667 Pa) in blood pressure. The data indicate that mammalian-type NK1 tachykinin receptors are not involved in cardiovascular regulation in elasmobranch fish.


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1 Six male patients with alcoholic cirrhosis and seven normal control subjects were each given 80 mg twice daily of conventional propranolol for 1 week and 160 mg once daily of a long acting preparation (LA) of propranolol for 1 week. 2 Plasma propranolol levels were measured at regular intervals on the first and seventh days of both weeks and also following an acute intravenous infusion of 10 mg propranolol on a separate occasion. 3 After the single intravenous dose the elimination half-life tended to be prolonged in the cirrhotic group (median 7.15 h) compared with controls (median 2.92 h) (P = 0.055). 4 After multiple oral dosing with 80 mg twice daily of conventional propranolol the steady-state plasma concentration (Css), area under the curve (AUC tau), peak concentration (Cmax) and trough concentration (Cmin) were significantly higher in cirrhotic patients and the peak: trough ratio (Cmax/Cmin) was significantly lower than controls. 5 After multiple oral dosing with 160 mg LA once daily Cmin was significantly higher than Cmax/min significantly lower in cirrhotic patients; Css, AUC and Cmax were higher than controls but not statistically different. 6 Within both subject groups the bioavailability of 80 mg twice daily of conventional propranolol tended to be greater than 160 mg LA once daily. Cmax was significantly higher in both groups and Css higher in the cirrhotic group with conventional propranolol. 7 In the cirrhotic group the mean reduction in supine heart rate in the steady state was 31.8% with conventional 80 mg twice daily propranolol and 23.75% with 160 mg LA once daily.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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The effects of increasing oral doses of caffeine (45, 90, 180 and 360 mg) on effective renal plasma flow (ERPF), plasma renin activity (PRA), serum electrolytes, plasma noradrenaline, blood pressure and heart rate were studied in eight healthy male volunteers. Urine volume was increased by 360 mg of caffeine only. At caffeine doses greater than 90 mg urinary sodium excretion was significantly increased. There were no changes in ERPF. Serum potassium was significantly reduced by 360 mg of caffeine. Caffeine increased systolic pressure in a dose related manner. Diastolic pressure was also increased, but not in relation to dose. A 360 mg dose of caffeine produced a late increase in heart rate. These changes were not associated with any alterations in PRA or in plasma noradrenaline.


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Adrenergic receptors (alpha 2, beta 2), plasma noradrenaline, heart rate and the pressor responsiveness to infused noradrenaline were examined in ten healthy male volunteers before and after 2 weeks of placebo or captopril therapy in a double blind cross-over study. No significant differences in these measurements were observed between the captopril and placebo treated groups. The study shows that in sodium replete normotensive subjects, long-term angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition does not lead to changes in adrenoceptor density. There is also no alteration in plasma noradrenaline levels nor in the pressor responsiveness to infused noradrenaline. These data suggest that the known interaction between the renin-angiotensin system and the sympathetic nervous system observed in animals is probably of little significance in man.


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We examined the role of physiological regulation (heart rate, vagal tone, and salivary cortisol) in short-term memory in preterm and full-term 6-month-old infants. Using a deferred imitation task to evaluate social learning and memory recall, an experimenter modeled three novel behaviors (removing, shaking, and replacing a glove) on a puppet. Infants were tested immediately after being shown the behaviors as well as following a 10-min delay. We found that greater suppression of vagal tone was related to better memory recall in full-term infants tested immediately after the demonstration as well as in preterm infants tested later after a 10-min delay. We also found that preterm infants showed greater coordination of physiology (i.e., tighter coupling of vagal tone, heart rate, and cortisol) at rest and during retrieval than full-term infants. These findings provide new evidence of the important links between changes in autonomic activity and memory recall in infancy. They also raise the intriguing possibility that social learning, imitation behavior, and the formation of new memories are modulated by autonomic activity that is coordinated differently in preterm and full-term infants.


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Learning difficulties in preterm infants are thought to reflect impairment in arousal regulation. We examined relationships among gestational age, learning speed, and behavioral and physiological reactivity in 55 preterm and 49 full-term infants during baseline, contingency, and nonreinforcement phases of a conjugate mobile paradigm at 3 months corrected age. For all infants, negative affect, looking duration, and heart rate levels increased during contingency and nonreinforcement phases, whereas respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA, an index of parasympathetic activity) decreased and cortisol did not change. Learners showed greater RSA suppression and less negative affect than nonlearners. This pattern was particularly evident in the preterm group. Overall, preterm infants showed less learning, spent less time looking at the mobile, and had lower cortisol levels than full-term infants. Preterm infants also showed greater heart rate responses to contingency and dampened heart rate responses to nonreinforcement compared to full-term infants. Findings underscore differences in basal and reactivity measures in preterm compared to full-term infants and suggest that the capacity to regulate parasympathetic activity during a challenge enhances learning in preterm infants.