31 resultados para HAIR


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Results of recent studies have indicated that bone marrow cells can differentiate into various cells of ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal origins when transplanted into the body. However, the problems associated with those experiments such as the long latent period, rareness of the event, and difficulty in controlling the processes have hampered detailed mechanistic studies. In the present study, we examined the potency of mouse bone marrow cells to differentiate into cells comprising skin tissues using a skin reconstitution assay. Bone marrow cells from adult green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic mice were transplanted in a mixture of embryonic mouse skin cells (17.5 days post-coitus) onto skin defects made on the backs of nude mice. Within 3 weeks, fully differentiated skin with hair was reconstituted. GFP-positive cells were found in the epidermis, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and dermis. The localization and morphology of the cells, results of immunohistochemistry, and results of specific staining confirmed that the bone marrow cells had differentiated into epidermal keratinocytes, sebaceous gland cells, follicular epithelial cells, dendritic cells, and endothelial cells under the present conditions. These results indicate that this system is suitable for molecular and cellular mechanistic studies on differentiation of stem cells to various epidermal and dermal cells.


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Rab GTPases of the Arabidopsis Rab-E subclass are related to mammalian Rab8 and are implicated in membrane trafficking from the Golgi to the plasma membrane. Using a yeast two-hybrid assay, Arabidopsis phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase 2 (PtdIns(4)P 5-kinase 2; also known as PIP5K2), was shown to interact with all five members of the Rab-E subclass but not with other Rab subclasses residing at the Golgi or trans-Golgi network. Interactions in yeast and in vitro were strongest with RAB-E1d[Q74L] and weakest with the RAB-E1d[S29N] suggesting that PIP5K2 interacts with the GTP-bound form. PIP5K2 exhibited kinase activity towards phosphatidylinositol phosphates with a free 5-hydroxyl group, consistent with PtdIns(4)P 5-kinase activity and this activity was stimulated by Rab binding. Rab-E proteins interacted with PIP5K2 via its membrane occupancy and recognition nexus (MORN) domain which is missing from animal and fungal PtdIns(4)P 5-kinases. In plant cells, GFP:PIP5K2 accumulated at the plasma membrane and caused YFP:RAB-E1d to relocate there from its usual position at the Golgi. GFP:PIP5K2 was rapidly turned over by proteasomal activity in planta, and overexpression of YFP:PIP5K2 caused pleiotropic growth abnormalities in transgenic Arabidopsis. We propose that plant cells exhibit a novel interaction in which PIP5K2 binds GTP-bound Rab-E proteins, which may stimulate temporally or spatially localized PtdIns(4,5)P(2) production at the plasma membrane.


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Maize actin-depolymerizing factor, ZmADF, binds both G- and F-actin and enhances in vitro actin dynamics. Evidence from studies on vertebrate ADF/cofilin supports the view that this class of protein responds to intracellular and extracellular signals and causes actin reorganization. As a test to determine whether such signal-responsive pathways existed in plants, this study addressed the ability of maize ADF to be phosphorylated and the likely effects of such phosphorylation on its capacity to modulate actin dynamics. It is shown that maize ADF3 (ZmADF3) can be phosphorylated by a calcium-stimulated protein kinase present in a 40-70% ammonium sulphate fraction of a plant cell extract. Phosphorylation is shown to be on Ser6, which is only one of nine amino acids that are fully conserved among the ADF/cofilin proteins across distantly related species. In addition, an analogue of phosphorylated ZmADF3 created by mutating Ser6 to Asp6 (zmadf3-4) does not bind G- or F-actin and has little effect on the enhancement of actin dynamics. These results are discussed in context of the previously observed actin reorganization in root hair cells.


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Neonatal pain-related stress is associated with elevated salivary cortisol levels to age 18 months in children born very preterm, compared to full-term, suggesting early programming effects. Importantly, interactions between immune/inflammatory and neuroendocrine systems may underlie programming effects. We examined whether cortisol changes persist to school age, and if common genetic variants in the promoter region of the NFKBIA gene involved in regulation of immune and inflammatory responses, modify the association between early experience and later life stress as indexed by hair cortisol levels, which provide an integrated index of endogenous HPA axis activity. Cortisol was assayed in hair samples from 128 children (83 born preterm =32 weeks gestation and 45 born full-term) without major sensory, motor or cognitive impairments at age 7 years. We found that hair cortisol levels were lower in preterm compared to term-born children. Downregulation of the HPA axis in preterm children without major impairment, seen years after neonatal stress terminated, suggests persistent alteration of stress system programming. Importantly, the etiology was gender-specific such that in preterm boys but not girls, specifically those with the minor allele for NFKBIA rs2233409, lower hair cortisol was associated with greater neonatal pain (number of skin-breaking procedures from birth to term), independent of medical confounders. Moreover, the minor allele (CT or TT) of NFKBIA rs2233409 was associated with higher secretion of inflammatory cytokines, supporting the hypothesis that neonatal pain-related stress may act as a proinflammatory stimulus that induces long-term immune cell activation. These findings are the first evidence that a long-term association between early pain-related stress and cortisol may be mediated by a genetic variants that regulate the activity of NF-?B, suggesting possible involvement of stress/inflammatory mechanisms in HPA programming in boys born very preterm. © 2013 Grunau et al.


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Wound healing, angiogenesis and hair follicle maintenance are often impaired in the skin of diabetic patients, but the pathogenesis has not been well understood. Here, we report that circulation levels of kallistatin, a member of the serine proteinase inhibitor (SERPIN) superfamily with anti-angiogenic activities, were elevated in Type 2 diabetic patients with diabetic vascular complications. To test the hypothesis that elevated kallistatin levels could contribute to a wound healing deficiency via inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, we generated kallistatin-transgenic (KS-TG) mice. KS-TG mice had reduced cutaneous hair follicle density, microvascular density, and panniculus adiposus layer thickness as well as altered skin microvascular hemodynamics and delayed cutaneous wound healing. Using Wnt reporter mice, our results showed that Wnt/β-catenin signaling is suppressed in dermal endothelium and hair follicles in KS-TG mice. Lithium, a known activator of β-catenin via inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3β, reversed the inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin signaling by kallistatin and rescued the wound healing deficiency in KS-TG mice. These observations suggest that elevated circulating anti-angiogenic serpins in diabetic patients may contribute to impaired wound healing through inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, at a level downstream of Wnt receptors, may ameliorate the wound healing deficiency in diabetic patients.Journal of Investigative Dermatology accepted article preview online, 24 January 2014. doi:10.1038/jid.2014.40.


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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are members of the TGFβ superfamily of secreted cysteine knot proteins that includes TGFβ1, nodal, activins and inhibins. BMPs were first discovered by Urist in the 1960s when he showed that implantation of demineralized bone into intramuscular tissue of rabbits induced bone and cartilage formation. Since this seminal discovery, BMPs have also been shown to play key roles in several other biological processes, including limb, kidney, skin, hair and neuronal development, as well as maintaining vascular homeostasis. The multifunctional effects of BMPs make them attractive targets for the treatment of several pathologies, including bone disorders, kidney and lung fibrosis, and cancer. This review will summarize current knowledge on the BMP signalling pathway and critically evaluate the potential of recombinant BMPs as pharmacological agents for the treatment of bone repair and tissue fibrosis in patients.


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Ear recognition, as a biometric, has several advantages. In particular, ears can be measured remotely and are also relatively static in size and structure for each individual. Unfortunately, at present, good recognition rates require controlled conditions. For commercial use, these systems need to be much more robust. In particular, ears have to be recognized from different angles ( poses), under different lighting conditions, and with different cameras. It must also be possible to distinguish ears from background clutter and identify them when partly occluded by hair, hats, or other objects. The purpose of this paper is to suggest how progress toward such robustness might be achieved through a technique that improves ear registration. The approach focuses on 2-D images, treating the ear as a planar surface that is registered to a gallery using a homography transform calculated from scale-invariant feature-transform feature matches. The feature matches reduce the gallery size and enable a precise ranking using a simple 2-D distance algorithm. Analysis on a range of data sets demonstrates the technique to be robust to background clutter, viewing angles up to +/- 13 degrees, and up to 18% occlusion. In addition, recognition remains accurate with masked ear images as small as 20 x 35 pixels.


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OBJECTIVE: The present work was planned to report the incidence of calcification and ossification of an isolated cranial dural fold. The form, degree of severity and range of extension of such changes will be described. Involvement of the neighboring brain tissue and blood vessels, whether meningeal or cerebral, will also be determined. The results of this study might highlight the occasional incidence of intracranial calcification and ossification in images of the head and their interpretation, by radiologists and neurologists, to be of dural or vascular origin.

METHODS: Two human formalin-fixed cadavers, one middle-aged female another older male, were investigated at the Anatomy Laboratory, College of Medicine, King Faisal University, Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the period from 2000 to 2003. In each cadaver, the skullcap was removed and the convexity of the cranial dura mater, as well as the individual dural folds, were carefully examined for any calcification or ossification. The meningeal and cerebral blood vessels together with the underlying brain were grossly inspected for such structural changes. Calcified or ossified tissues, when identified, were subjected to histological examination to confirm their construction.

RESULTS: The female cadaver showed a calcified parietal emissary vein piercing the skullcap and projecting into the scalp. The latter looked paler and deficient in hair on its right side. The base of the stump was surrounded by a granular patch of calcification. The upper convex border of the falx cerebri was hardened and it presented granules, plaques and a cauliflower mass, which all proved to be osseous in structure. The meningeal and right cerebral vessels were mottled with calcium granules. The underlying temporal and parietal lobes of the right cerebral hemisphere were degenerated. The male cadaver also revealed a calcified upper border of the falx cerebri and superior sagittal sinus. Osseous granules and plaques, similar to those of the first specimen, were also identified but without gross changes in the underlying brain.

CONCLUSION: Calcification or ossification of an isolated site of the cranial dura mater and the intracranial blood vessels might occur. These changes should be kept in mind while interpreting images of the skull and brain. Clinical assessment and laboratory investigations are required to determine whether these changes are idiopathic, traumatic, or as a manifestation of a generalized disease such as hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D-intoxication, or chronic renal failure.


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Background: Interindividual epigenetic variation that occurs systemically must be established prior to gastrulation in the very early embryo and, because it is systemic, can be assessed in easily biopsiable tissues. We employ two independent genome-wide approaches to search for such variants.

Results: First, we screen for metastable epialleles by performing genomewide bisulfite sequencing in peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) and hair follicle DNA from two Caucasian adults. Second, we conduct a genomewide screen for genomic regions at which PBL DNA methylation is affected by season of conception in rural Gambia. Remarkably, both approaches identify the genomically imprinted VTRNA2-1 as a top environmentally responsive epiallele. We demonstrate systemic and stochastic interindividual variation in DNA methylation at the VTRNA2-1 differentially methylated region in healthy Caucasian and Asian adults and show, in rural Gambians, that periconceptional environment affects offspring VTRNA2-1 epigenotype, which is stable over at least 10 years. This unbiased screen also identifies over 100 additional candidate metastable epialleles, and shows that these are associated with cis genomic features including transposable elements.

Conclusions: The non-coding VTRNA2-1 transcript (also called nc886) is a putative tumor suppressor and modulator of innate immunity. Thus, these data indicating environmentally induced loss of imprinting at VTRNA2-1 constitute a plausible causal pathway linking early embryonic environment, epigenetic alteration, and human disease. More broadly, the list of candidate metastable epialleles provides a resource for future studies of epigenetic variation and human disease.


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A total of 107 putative ericoid mycorrhizal endophytes were isolated from hair roots of Calluna vulgaris from two abandoned arsenic/copper mine sites and a natural heathland site in southwest England. The endophytes were initially grouped as 14 RFLP types, based on the results of ITS-RFLP analysis using the restriction endonucleases Hinf I, Rsa I and Hae III. ITS sequences were obtained for representative isolates from each RFLP type and compared phylogenetically with sequences for known ericoid mycorrhizal endophytes and selected ascomycetes. The majority of endophyte isolates (62-92%) from each site were identified as Hymenoscyphus ericae, but a number of other less common mycorrhizal RFLP types were also identified, all of which appear to have strong affinities with the order Leotiales. None of the less common RFLP types was isolated from C. vulgaris at more than one field site. Neighbour-joining analysis indicated similarities between the endophytes from C. vulgaris and mycorrhizal endophytes isolated from other Ericaceae and Epacridaceae hosts in North America and Australia.


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Membrane currents were recorded under voltage clamp from root hairs of Arabidopsis thaliana L. using the two-electrode method. Concurrent measurements of membrane voltage distal to the point of current injection were also carried out to assess the extent of current dissipation along the root hair axis. Estimates of the characteristic cable length, λ, showed this parameter to be a function both of membrane voltage and of substrate concentration for transport. The mean value for λ at 0 mV was 103 ± 20 μm (n=17), but ranged by as much as 6-fold in any one cell for membrane voltages from -300 to +40 mV and was affected by 0.25 to 3-fold at any one voltage on raising [K+]0 from 0.1 to 10 mol m-3. Current dissipation along the length of the cells lead to serious distortions of the current-voltage [I-V) characteristic, including consistent underestimates of membrane current as well as a general linearization of the I-V curve and a masking of conductance changes in the presence of transported substrates. In some experiments, microelectrodes were also placed in neighbouring epidermal cells to record the extent of intercellular coupling. Even with current-passing microelectrodes placed at the base of root hairs, coupling was ≤5% (voltage deflection of the epidermal cell ≤5% that recorded at the site of current injection), indicating an appreciable resistance to current passage between cells. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using root hairs as a 'single-cell model' in electrophysiological analyses of transport across the higher-plant plasma membrane; they also confirmed the need to correct for the cable properties of these cells on a cell-by-cell basis. © 1994 Oxford University Press.


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Like humans, mice exhibit polymorphism in the N-acetylation of aromatic amines, many of which are toxic and/or carcinogenic. Mice have three N-acetyltransferase (Nat) genes, Nat1, Nat2 and Nat3, and Nat2 is known to be polymorphic. There is a dramatic difference in the acetylation of NAT2 substrates by blood from fast (C57BL/6J) compared with slow acetylator (A/J) mice. However, the acetylation of these substrates by liver cytosols from the two strains is very similar. In order to determine whether the expression of the NAT2 protein corresponded with the activities measured, a polyclonal antipeptide antisera was raised against the C-terminal decapeptide of NAT2 and characterized using recombinant murine NAT2 antigen. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) demonstrated that the anti-NAT2 antiserum bound in a concentration-dependent fashion to recombinant NAT2. Immunochemical analysis of mouse liver cytosols from C57BL/6J or A/J livers indicated that the level of NAT2 protein expressed in the two strains was similar. Immunohistochemical staining of C57BL/6J liver with anti-NAT2 antiserum showed that NAT2 was expressed in hepatocytes throughout the liver although the intensity of staining in the perivenous (centrilobular) region was higher than that in the periportal region. NAT2 was also detected in epithelial cells in the lung, kidney, bladder, small intestine and skin as well as in erythrocytes and lymphocytes in the spleen and hair follicles and sebaceous glands in the skin. Characterization of the distribution of NAT2 will be of value in elucidating the role of polymorphic N-acetylation in protecting the organism from environmental insults as well as in endogenous metabolism.


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What does material culture tell us about gendered identities and how does gender reveal the meaning of spaces and things?

If we look at the objects that we own, covet and which surround us in our everyday culture, there is a clear connection between ideas about gender and the material world. This book explores the material culture of the past to shed light on historical experiences and identities. Some essays focus on specific objects, such as an eighteenth-century jug or a twentieth-century powder puff, others on broader material environments, such as the sixteenth-century guild or the interior of a twentieth-century pub, while still others focus on the paraphernalia associated with certain actions, such as letter-writing or maintaining eighteenth-century men's hair.

Written by scholars in a range of history-related disciplines, the essays in this book offer exposés of current research methods and interests. These demonstrate to students how a relationship between material culture and gender is being addressed, while also revealing a variety of intellectual approaches and topics.


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This chapter examines the nature and extent of violence experienced by women in Ireland during the Irish War of Independence (1919-1921) at the hands of both the Crown forces and the Irish Republican Army. It argues that targetted killings of women by either side was rare. The most common forms of such violence can be categorised as physical, gendered (cutting of hair) and psychological (intimidation and the killing of male relatives). It argues that there was a difference between gendered and sexual crime, the latter of which appears to have been very uncommon. A considerable part of the chapter uses theoretical literature on violence against women in conflict zones to explain why sexual violence was uncommon, arguing that neither side had much to gain from its employment, that the Crown forces were aware of the damage it could do to Britain's international reputation and that the terror tactics adopted by the Crown forces were sufficient to achieve their ends without resorting to rape. In regard to the IRA, the absence of any evidence of rape or sexual assault being perpetrated could be attributable to their Catholicism, reliance on support from the community, the efforts of the first Dáil to achieve foreign recognition of the Republic and the role of Cumann na mBan women in the guerrilla conflict. The historiography of women in the Irish revolution is also analysed.


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The present invention relates to a fragrance composition comprising ionic liquids for enhanced evaporation of the perfume raw materials. The invention also relates to methods of use of the fragrance compositions for perfuming suitable substrates, particularly skin and hair.