91 resultados para Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency


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The O-repeating unit of the Escherichia coli O7-specific lipopolysaccharide is made of galactose, mannose, rhamnose, 4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxyglucose, and N-acetyglucosamine. We have recently characterized the genes involved in the biosynthesis of the sugar precursor GDP-mannose occurring in the E. coli O7:K1 strain VW187 (C. L. Marolda and M. A. Valvano, J. Bacteriol. 175:148-158, 1993). In the present study, we identified and sequenced the rfbBDAC genes encoding the enzymes for the biosynthesis of another precursor, dTDP-rhamnose. These genes are localized on the upstream end of the rfbEcO7 region, and they are strongly conserved compared with similar genes found in various enteric and nonenteric bacteria. Upstream of rfbB we identified a DNA segment containing the rfb promoter and a highly conserved untranslated leader sequence also present in the promoter regions of other surface polysaccharide gene clusters. Also, we have determined that rfbB and rfbA have homologs, rffG (o355) and rffH (o292), respectively, located on the rff cluster, which is involved in the synthesis of enterobacterial common antigen. We provide biochemical evidence that rffG and rffH encode dTDP-glucose dehydratase and glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase activities, respectively, and we also show that rffG complemented the rfbB defect in the O7+ cosmid pJHCV32. We also demonstrate that rffG is distinct from rffE and map the rffE gene to the second gene of the rff cluster.


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Purpose: Recent evidence suggests that neuroglial dysfunction and degeneration contributes to the etiology and progression of diabetic retinopathy. Advanced lipoxidation end products (ALEs) have been implicated in the pathology of various diseases, including diabetes and several neurodegenerative disorders. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the possible link between the accumulation of ALEs and neuroretinal changes in diabetic retinopathy.

Methods: Retinal sections obtained from diabetic rats and age-matched controls were processed for immunohistochemistry using antibodies against several well defined ALEs. In vitro experiments were also performed using a human Muller (Moorfields/Institute of Ophthalmology-Muller 1 [ MIO-M1]) glia cell line. Western blot analysis was used to measure the accumulation of the acrolein-derived ALE adduct N epsilon-(3-formyl-3,4-dehydropiperidino)lysine (FDP-lysine) in Muller cells preincubated with FDP-lysine-modified human serum albumin (FDP-lysine-HSA). Responses of Muller cells to FDP-lysine accumulation were investigated by analyzing changes in the protein expression of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and the inwardly rectifying potassium channel Kir4.1. In addition, mRNA expression levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) were determined by reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR). Apoptotic cell death was evaluated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis after staining with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled annexin V and propidium iodide.

Results: No significant differences in the levels of malondialdehyde-, 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal-, and 4-hydroxyhexenal-derived ALEs were evident between control and diabetic retinas after 4 months of diabetes. By contrast, FDP-lysine immunoreactivity was markedly increased in the Muller glia of diabetic rats. Time-course studies revealed that FDP-lysine initially accumulated within Muller glial end feet after only a few months of diabetes and thereafter spread distally throughout their inner radial processes. Exposure of human Muller glia to FDP-lysine-HSA led to a concentration-dependent accumulation of FDP-lysine-modified proteins across a broad molecular mass range. FDP-lysine accumulation was associated with the induction of HO-1, no change in GFAP, a decrease in protein levels of the potassium channel subunit Kir4.1, and upregulation of transcripts for VEGF, IL-6, and TNF-alpha. Incubation of Muller glia with FDP-lysine-HSA also caused apoptosis at high concentrations.

Conclusions: Collectively, these data strongly suggest that FDP-lysine accumulation could be a major factor contributing to the Muller glial abnormalities occurring in the early stages of diabetic retinopathy.


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Juvenile idiopathic arthritis reflects a group of clinically heterogeneous arthritides hallmarked by elevated concentrations of circulating immune complexes. In this study, the circulating immune complex proteome was examined to elucidate disease-associated proteins that are overexpressed in patients with an aggressive, and at times destructive, disease phenotype. To solve this proteome, circulating immune complexes were isolated from the sera of patients with chronic, erosive or early-onset, aggressive disease and from patients in medical remission or healthy controls subsequent to protein separation by 2-DE. Thirty-seven protein spots were overexpressed in the circulating immune complexes of the aggressive disease groups as compared to controls, 28 of which have been confidently identified to date. Proteolytic fragments of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, serotransferrin, and a-1-antitrypsin have been identified among others. In total, these 28 putative disease-associated proteins most definitely contribute to immune complex formation and likely have a significant role in disease etiology and pathogenesis. Moreover, these proteins represent markers of aggressive disease, which could aid in diagnosis and management strategies, and potential therapeutic targets to prevent or control disease outcome. This is the first in-depth analysis of the circulating immune complex proteome in juvenile idiopathic arthritis.


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Transplantation of hepatocytes or hepatocyte-like cells of extrahepatic origin is a promising strategy for treatment of acute and chronic liver failure. We examined possible utility of hepatocyte-like cells induced from bone marrow cells for such a purpose. Clonal cell lines were established from the bone marrow of two different rat strains. One of these cell lines, rBM25/S3 cells, grew rapidly (doubling time, approximately 24 hours) without any appreciable changes in cell properties for at least 300 population doubling levels over a period of 300 days, keeping normal diploid karyotype. The cells expressed CD29, CD44, CD49b, CD90, vimentin, and fibronectin but not CD45, indicating that they are of mesenchymal cell origin. When plated on Matrigel with hepatocyte growth factor and fibroblast growth factor-4, the cells efficiently differentiated into hepatocyte-like cells that expressed albumin, cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A1, CYP1A2, glucose 6-phosphatase, tryptophane-2,3-dioxygenase, tyrosine aminotransferase, hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)1 alpha, and HNF4alpha. Intrasplenic transplantation of the differentiated cells prevented fatal liver failure in 90%-hepatectomized rats. In conclusion, a clonal stem cell line derived from adult rat bone marrow could differentiate into hepatocyte-like cells, and transplantation of the differentiated cells could prevent fatal liver failure in 90%-hepatectomized rats. The present results indicate a promising strategy for treating human fatal liver diseases.


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The relationship between the biological activity of NO and its chemistry is complex. The objectives of this study were to investigate the influence of oxygen tension on the cytotoxicity of the NO• donor DETA/NO and to determine the effects of oxygen tension on the key RNS (reactive nitrogen species) responsible for any subsequent toxicity. The findings presented in this study indicate that the DETA/NO-mediated cytotoxic effects were enhanced under hypoxic conditions. Further investigations revealed that neither ONOO⁻ (peroxynitrite) nor nitroxyl was generated. Fluorimetric analysis in the presence of scavengers suggest for the first time that another RNS, dinitrogen trioxide may be responsible for the cytotoxicity with DETA/NO. Results showed destabilization of HIF (hypoxia inducible factor)-1α and depletion of GSH levels following the treatment with DETA/NO under hypoxia, which renders cells more susceptible to DETA/NO cytotoxicity, and could account for another mechanism of DETA/NO cytotoxicity under hypoxia. In addition, there was significant accumulation of nuclear p53, which showed that p53 itself might be a target for S-nitrosylation following the treatment with DETA/NO. Both the intrinsic apoptotic pathway and the Fas extrinsic apoptotic pathway were also activated. Finally, GAPDH (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) is another important S-nitrosylated protein that may possibly play a key role in DETA/NO-mediated apoptosis and cytotoxicity. Therefore this study elucidates further mechanisms of DETA/NO mediated cytotoxicity with respect to S-nitrosylation that is emerging as a key player in the signalling and detection of DETA/NO-modified proteins in the tumour microenvironment.


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S-(2-Succinyl)cysteine (2SC) has been identified as a chemical modification in plasma proteins, in the non-mercaptalbumin fraction of human plasma albumin, in human skin collagen, and in rat skeletal muscle proteins and urine. 2SC increases in human skin collagen with age and is increased in muscle protein of diabetic vs. control rats. The concentration of 2SC in skin collagen and muscle protein correlated strongly with that of the advanced glycation/lipoxidation end-product (AGE/ALE), N(epsilon)-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML). 2SC is formed by a Michael addition reaction of cysteine sulfhydryl groups with fumarate at physiological pH. Fumarate, but not succinate, inactivates the sulfhydryl enzyme, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in vitro, in concert with formation of 2SC. 2SC is the first example of spontaneous chemical modification of protein by a metabolic intermediate in the Krebs cycle. These observations identify fumarate as an endogenous electrophile and suggest a role for fumarate in regulation of metabolism.


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PURPOSE. We conducted a genome-wide association study to identify genetic factors that contribute to the etiology of heterophoria.

METHODS. We measured near and far vertical and horizontal phorias in 988 healthy adults aged 16 to 40 using the Keystone telebinocular with plates 5218 and 5219. We regressed degree of phoria against genotype at 642758 genetic loci. To control for false positives, we applied the conservative genome-wide permutation test to our data.

RESULTS. A locus at 6p22.2 was found to be associated with the degree of near horizontal phoria (P = 2.3 × 10 ). The P value resulting from a genome-wide permutation test was 0.014.

CONCLUSIONS. The strongest association signal arose from an intronic region of the gene ALDH5A1, which encodes the mitochondrial enzyme succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH), an enzyme involved in γ-aminobutyric acid metabolism. Succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency, resulting from mutations of ALDH5A1, causes a variety of neural and behavioral abnormalities, including strabismus. Variation in ALDH5A1 is likely to contribute to degree of horizontal phoria.


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Galactosemia is an inherited metabolic disease in which galactose is not properly metabolised. There are various theories to explain the molecular pathology, and recent experimental evidence strongly suggests that oxidative stress plays a key role. High galactose diets are damaging to experimental animals and oxidative stress also plays a role in this toxicity which can be alleviated by purple sweet potato colour (PSPC). This plant extract is rich in acetylated anthocyanins which have been shown to quench free radical production. The objective of this Commentary is to advance the hypothesis that PSPC, or compounds therefrom, may be a viable basis for a novel therapy for galactosemia.


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BACKGROUND: We proposed to exploit hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1alpha overexpression in prostate tumours and use this transcriptional machinery to control the expression of the suicide gene cytosine deaminase (CD) through binding of HIF-1alpha to arrangements of hypoxia response elements. CD is a prodrug activation enzyme, which converts inactive 5-fluorocytosine to active 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), allowing selective killing of vector containing cells.

METHODS: We developed a pair of vectors, containing either five or eight copies of the hypoxia response element (HRE) isolated from the vascular endothelial growth factor (pH5VCD) or glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (pH8GCD) gene, respectively. The kinetics of the hypoxic induction of the vectors and sensitization effects were evaluated in 22Rv1 and DU145 cells in vitro.

RESULTS: The CD protein as selectively detected in lysates of transiently transfected 22Rv1 and DU145 cells following hypoxic exposure. This is the first evidence of GAPDH HREs being used to control a suicide gene therapy strategy. Detectable CD levels were sustained upon reoxygenation and prolonged hypoxic exposures. Hypoxia-induced chemoresistance to 5-FU was overcome in both cell lines treated with this suicide gene therapy approach. Hypoxic transfectants were sensitized to prodrug concentrations that were ten-fold lower than those that are clinically relevant. Moreover, the surviving fraction of reoxygenated transfectants could be further reduced with the concomitant delivery of clinically relevant single radiation doses.

CONCLUSIONS: This strategy thus has the potential to sensitize the hypoxic compartment of prostate tumours and improve the outcome of current therapies.


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Retrograde transport links early/recycling endosomes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN), thereby connecting the endocytic and the biosynthetic/secretory pathways. To determine how internalized molecules are targeted to the retrograde route, we have interfered with the function of clathrin and that of two proteins that interact with it, AP1 and epsinR. We found that the glycosphingolipid binding bacterial Shiga toxin entered cells efficiently when clathrin expression was inhibited. However, retrograde transport of Shiga toxin to the TGN was strongly inhibited. This allowed us to show that for Shiga toxin, retrograde sorting on early/recycling endosomes depends on clathrin and epsinR, but not AP1. EpsinR was also involved in retrograde transport of two endogenous proteins, TGN38/46 and mannose 6-phosphate receptor. In conclusion, our work reveals the existence of clathrin-independent and -dependent transport steps in the retrograde route, and establishes a function for clathrin and epsinR at the endosome-TGN interface.


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EpsinR is a clathrin-coated vesicle (CCV) enriched 70-kD protein that binds to phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate, clathrin, and the gamma appendage domain of the adaptor protein complex 1 (AP1). In cells, its distribution overlaps with the perinuclear pool of clathrin and AP1 adaptors. Overexpression disrupts the CCV-dependent trafficking of cathepsin D from the trans-Golgi network to lysosomes and the incorporation of mannose-6-phosphate receptors into CCVs. These biochemical and cell biological data point to a role for epsinR in AP1/clathrin budding events in the cell, just as epsin1 is involved in the budding of AP2 CCVs. Furthermore, we show that two gamma appendage domains can simultaneously bind to epsinR with affinities of 0.7 and 45 microM, respectively. Thus, potentially, two AP1 complexes can bind to one epsinR. This high affinity binding allowed us to identify a consensus binding motif of the form DFxDF, which we also find in gamma-synergin and use to predict that an uncharacterized EF-hand-containing protein will be a new gamma binding partner.


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Background The diagnosis of gestational diabetes (GDM) during pregnancy can lead to anxiety. Little research has focused on the education these women receive and how this is best delivered in a busy clinic. Aim This study evaluated the impact of an innovative patient-centred educational DVD on anxiety and glycaemic control and in newly diagnosed women with GDM. Method 150 multi-ethnic women, aged 19-44 years, from three UK hospitals were randomised to either standard care plus DVD (DVD group, n=77) or standard care alone (control group, n=73) at GDM diagnosis. Women were followed up at their next clinic visit at a mean ± SD of 2.5 ± 1.6 weeks later. Primary outcomes were anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) and mean 1-hour postprandial capillary self-monitored blood glucose for all meals, on day prior to follow-up. Secondary outcomes included pregnancy specific stress (Pregnancy Distress Questionnaire), emotional adjustment to diabetes (Appraisal of Diabetes Scale), self-efficacy (Diabetes Empowerment Scale) and GDM knowledge (non-validated questionnaire). Other outcomes included mean fasting and 1-hour postprandial blood glucose at each meal, on day prior to follow-up. Women in the DVD group completed a feedback questionnaire on the resource. Results No significant difference between the DVD and control group were reported, for anxiety (37.7 ± 11.7 vs 36.2 ± 10.9; mean difference after adjustment for covariates (95%CI) 2.5 (-0.8, 5.9) or for mean 1-hour postprandial glucose (6.9 ± 0.9 vs 7.0 ± 1.2 mmol/L; -0.2 (-0.5, 0.2). Similarly, no significant differences in the other psychosocial variables were identified between the groups. However, the DVD group had significantly lower postprandial breakfast glucose compared to the control group (6.8 ± 1.2 vs 7.4 ± 1.9 mmol/L; -0.5 (-1.1, -<0.1; p=0.04). Using a scale of 0-10, 84% rated the DVD 7 or above for usefulness (10 being very useful), and 88% rated it 7 or above when asked if they would recommend to a friend (10 being very strongly recommend). Women described the DVD as ‘reassuring’, ‘a fantastic tool’, that ‘provided a lot of information in a quick and easy way’ and ‘helped reinforce all the information from clinic’. Discussion While no significant change was observed in anxiety or mean postprandial glucose, the DVD was rated highly by women with GDM and may be a useful resource to assist with educating newly diagnosed women. This project is supported by BRIDGES, an IDF programme supported by an educational grant from Lilly Diabetes.


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Vitamin B-6 deficiency causes mild elevation in plasma homocysteine, but the mechanism has not been clearly established. Serine is a substrate in one-carbon metabolism and in the transsulfuration pathway of homocysteine catabolism, and pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) plays a key role as coenzyme for serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) and enzymes of transsulfuration. In this study we used [H-2(3)]serine as a primary tracer to examine the remethylation pathway in adequately nourished and vitamin B-6-deficient rats pi and 0.1 mg pyridoxine (PN)/kg diet]. [H-2(3)]Leucine and [1-C-13]methionine were also used to examine turnover of protein and methionine pools, respectively, All tracers were injected intraperitoneally as a bolus dose, and then rats were killed (n = 4/time point) after 30, 60 and 120 min. Rats fed the low-PN diet had significantly lower growth and plasma and liver PLP concentrations, reduced liver SHMT activity, greater plasma and liver total homocysteine concentration, and reduced liver S-adenosylmethionine concentration. Hepatic and whole body protein turnover were reduced in vitamin B-6-deficient rats as evidenced by greater isotopic enrichment of [H-2(3)]leucine. Hepatic [H-2(2)]methionine production from [H-2(3)]serine via cytosolic SHMT and the remethylation pathway was reduced by 80.6% in vitamin B-6 deficiency. The deficiency did not significantly reduce hepatic cystathionine-beta-synthase activity, and in vivo hepatic transsulfuration flux shown by production of [H-2(3)]cysteine from the [H-2(3)]serine increased over twofold. In contrast, plasma appearance of [H-2(3)]cysteine was decreased by 89% in vitamin B-6 deficiency. The rate of hepatic homocysteine production shown by the ratio of [1-C-13]homocysteine/[1-C-13]methionine areas under enrichment vs. time curves was not affected by vitamin B-6 deficiency. Overall, these results indicate that vitamin B-6 deficiency substantially affects one-carbon metabolism by impairing both methyl group production for homocysteine remethylation and flux through whole-body transsulfuration.


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RNase A (1 mM) was incubated with glucose (0.4 M) at 37degreesC for up to 14 days in phosphate buffer (0.2 M, pH 7.4), digested with trypsin and analysed by LC-MS. The major sites of fructoselysine formation were Lys(1), Lys(7), Lys(37) and Lys(41). Three of these sites (Lys(7), Lys(37) and Lys(41)) were also the major sites of N-epsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine formation.