99 resultados para Franchise Star Wars


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We report on Australia Telescope Compact Array observations of the massive star-forming region G305.2+0.2 at 1.2 cm. We detected emission in five molecules towards G305A, confirming its hot core nature. We determined a rotational temperature of 26 K for methanol. A non-local thermodynamic equilibrium excitation calculation suggests a kinematic temperature of the order of 200 K. A time-dependent chemical model is also used to model the gas-phase chemistry of the hot core associated with G305A. A comparison with the observations suggest an age of between 2 × 104 and 1.5 × 105 yr. We also report on a feature to the south-east of G305A which may show weak Class I methanol maser emission in the line at 24.933 GHz. The more evolved source G305B does not show emission in any of the line tracers, but strong Class I methanol maser emission at 24.933 GHz is found 3 arcsec to the east. Radio continuum emission at 18.496 GHz is detected towards two H ii regions. The implications of the non-detection of radio continuum emission towards G305A and G305B are also discussed.


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Very-high-resolution (R~160000) spectroscopic observations are presented for the early B-type star, HD83206. Because it has very sharp metal lines, this star affords an opportunity to test theories of model atmospheres and line formation. Non-LTE model atmosphere calculations have been used to estimate the atmospheric parameters and absolute metal abundances (C, N, O, Mg and Si); an LTE analysis was also undertaken to investigate the validity of this simpler approach and to estimate an iron abundance. For the non-LTE calculations, there is excellent agreement with observations of the Balmer lines Ha and Hd and the lines of Siii and Siiii for atmospheric parameters of Teff~=21700+/-600K and logg~=4.00+/-0.15dex. The agreement is less convincing for the LTE calculations, and a higher gravity is deduced. Careful comparison of the metal line profiles with non-LTE calculations implies that the projected rotational and microturbulent velocities have maximum values of ~=5 and ~=2kms-1, respectively. The latter value is smaller than has often been adopted in LTE model atmosphere analyses of main-sequence stars. Non-LTE absolute metal abundances are estimated, and a comparison with those for normal B-type stars (deduced using similar non-LTE techniques) shows no significant differences. A comparison of the abundances deduced using non-LTE and LTE calculations implies systematic differences of 0.1-0.2dex, showing the importance of using a non-LTE approach when accurate absolute abundances are required. Its location in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and normal metal abundance lead us to conclude that HD83206 is probably a main-sequence B-type star. As such, it is among the sharpest-lined young B-type star discovered to date.


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Rotation has become an important element in evolutionary models of massive stars, specifically via the prediction of rotational mixing. Here we study a sample of stars, including rapid rotators, to constrain such models and use nitrogen enrichments as a probe of the mixing process. Chemical compositions (C, N, O, Mg, and Si) have been estimated for 135 early B-type stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud with projected rotational velocities up to similar to 300 km s(-1) using a non-LTE TLUSTY model atmosphere grid. Evolutionary models, including rotational mixing, have been generated attempting to reproduce these observations by adjusting the overshooting and rotational mixing parameters and produce reasonable agreement with 60% of our core hydrogen burning sample. We find (excluding known binaries) a significant population of highly nitrogen-enriched intrinsic slow rotators (nu sin i less than or similar to 50 km s(-1)) incompatible with our models (similar to 20% of the sample). Furthermore, while we find fast rotators with enrichments in agreement with the models, the observation of evolved (dex) fast rotators (log g < 3.7 dex) that are relatively unenriched (a further similar to 20% of the sample) challenges the concept of rotational mixing. We also find that 70% of our blue supergiant sample cannot have evolved directly from the hydrogen-burning main sequence. We are left with a picture where invoking binarity and perhaps fossil magnetic fields is required to understand the surface properties of a population of massive main- sequence stars.


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This essay uses the concepts of ‘distance’ and ‘proximity’ to investigate and assess perceptions of community, nation and empire in inter-war New Zealand and Ulster (as well as Ireland and Northern Ireland) within a British imperial context, and explores the extent to which service of the empire (for example in the First World War) promoted both notions of imperial unity and local autonomy. It focuses on how these perceptions were articulated in the inter-war years during visits to Northern Ireland by three New Zealand premiers – Massey, Forbes and Coates – and to New Zealand by the Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, Lord Craigavon. It discusses the significant ways in which distance from their ‘home base’ and proximity to expatriate communities (in Craigavon's case) and Irish unionists and nationalists (in the case of the New Zealand premiers) inflected public statements during their visits. By examining these inter-war visits and investigating the rhetoric used and the cultural demonstrations associated with them, the factors of both distance and proximity can be used to evaluate similarities and difference across two parts of the empire. Thus, we can throw some light on the nature and dynamics of British imperial identity in the early twentieth century.


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We present Roche tomograms of the G5-G8 IV/V secondary star in the long-period cataclysmic variable BV Cen reconstructed from Magellan Inamori Kyocera Echelle spectrograph echelle data taken on the Magellan Clay 6.5-m telescope. The tomograms show the presence of a number of large, cool star-spots on BV Cen for the first time. In particular, we find a large high-latitude spot which is deflected from the rotational axis in the same direction as seen on the K3-K5 IV/V secondary star in the cataclysmic variable AE Aqr. BV Cen also shows a similar relative paucity of spots at latitudes between 40° and 50° when compared with AE Aqr. Furthermore, we find evidence for an increased spot coverage around longitudes facing the white dwarf which supports models invoking star-spots at the L1 point to explain the low states observed in some cataclysmic variables. In total, we estimate that some 25 per cent of the Northern hemisphere of BV Cen is spotted. We also find evidence for a faint, narrow, transient emission line with characteristics reminiscent of the peculiar low-velocity emission features observed in some outbursting dwarf novae. We interpret this feature as a slingshot prominence from the secondary star and derive a maximum source size of 75000 km and a minimum altitude of 160000 km above the orbital plane for the prominence. The entropy landscape technique was applied to determine the system parameters of BV Cen. We find M1 = 1.18 +/-0.280.16Msolar and M2 = 1.05 +/-0.230.14Msolar and an orbital inclination of i = 53° +/- 4° at an optimal systemic velocity of ? = -22.3 km s-1. Finally, we also report on the previously unknown binarity of the G5IV star HD 220492.


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We present a Roche tomography reconstruction of the secondary star in the cataclysmic variable AE Aqr. The tomogram reveals several surface inhomogeneities that are due to the presence of large, cool star-spots. In addition to a number of lower latitude spots, the maps also show the presence of a large, high-latitude spot similar to that seen in Doppler images of rapidly rotating isolated stars, and a relative paucity of spots at a latitude of 40 degrees. In total, we estimate that some 18 per cent of the Northern hemisphere of AE Aqr is spotted.


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We report on the optical spectroscopy of the eclipsing halo low-mass X-ray binary 2S 0921-630, which reveals the absorption-line radial velocity curve of the K0 III secondary star with a semiamplitude K-2=92.89+/-3.84 km s(-1), a systemic velocity gamma=34.9+/-3.3 km s(-1), and an orbital period P-orb of 9.0035+/-0.0029 days (1 sigma). Given the quality of the data, we find no evidence for the effects of X-ray irradiation. Using the previously determined rotational broadening of the mass donor and applying conservative limits on the orbital inclination, we constrain the compact object mass to be 2.0-4.3 M-circle dot (1 sigma), ruling out a canonical neutron star at the 99% level. Since the nature of the compact object is unclear, this mass range implies that the compact object is either a low-mass black hole with a mass slightly higher than the maximum possible neutron star mass (2.9 M-circle dot) or a massive neutron star. If the compact object is a black hole, it confirms the prediction of the existence of low-mass black holes, while if the object is a massive neutron star, its high mass severely constrains the equation of state of nuclear matter.


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We investigate the effects that star-spots have on the light curves of eclipsing binaries, and in particular how they may affect the accurate measurement of eclipse timings. Concentrating on systems containing a low-mass main-sequence star and a white dwarf, we find that if star-spots exhibit the Wilson depression they can alter the times of primary eclipse ingress and egress by several seconds for typical binary parameters and star-spot depressions. In addition, we find that the effect on the eclipse ingress/egress times becomes more profound for lower orbital inclinations. We show how it is possible, in principle, to determine estimates of both the binary inclination and the depth of the Wilson depression from light curve analysis.


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We have looked for SiO emission as evidence of shocks in the high mass star formation region G34.26+0.15. JCMT, VLA and FCRAO observations show that SiO emission is widespread across the region. The SiO emission highlights a massive, collimated out ow and other regions where stellar winds are interacting with molecular clumps. As in other star forming regions, there is also SiO at ambient velocities which is related to the out ow activity. No strong SiO abundance enhancement was measured in either the out ow or the low velocity gas, though abundances up to 10(-8) are possible if the SiO is locally enhanced in clumps and optically thick. SiO emission is not detected from the hot core itself, indicating either that SiO is not strongly enhanced in the hot core or that column densities in the region where grain mantle evaporation has taken place are low. In line of sight spiral arm clouds, we measure a SiO abundance of 0.4-2 x 10(-10), consistent with previous estimates for quiescent clouds.


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We present 450 and 850 mu m images of five ultracompact HII regions (G10.47, G12.21, G13.87, G31.41 and G43.89) taken at 9


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We report the discovery of WASP-10b, a new transiting extrasolar planet (ESP) discovered by the Wide Angle Search for Planets ( WASP) Consortium and confirmed using Nordic Optical Telescope FIbre-fed Echelle Spectrograph and SOPHIE radial velocity data. A 3.09-d period, 29 mmag transit depth and 2.36 h duration are derived for WASP-10b using WASP and high-precision photometric observations. Simultaneous fitting to the photometric and radial velocity data using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo procedure leads to a planet radius of 1.28R(J), a mass of 2.96M(J) and eccentricity of approximate to 0.06. WASP-10b is one of the more massive transiting ESPs, and we compare its characteristics to the current sample of transiting ESP, where there is currently little information for masses greater than approximate to 2M(J) and non-zero eccentricities. WASP-10's host star, GSC 2752-00114 (USNO-B1.0 1214-0586164) is among the fainter stars in the WASP sample, with V = 12.7 and a spectral type of K5. This result shows promise for future late-type dwarf star surveys.


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We report the discovery of a new transiting close-in giant planet, WASP-24 b, in a 2.341 day orbit, 0.037 AU from its F8-9 type host star. By matching the star's spectrum with theoretical models, we infer an effective temperature T eff = 6075 ± 100 K and a surface gravity of log g = 4.15 ± 0.10. A comparison of these parameters with theoretical isochrones and evolutionary mass tracks places only weak constraints on the age of the host star, which we estimate to be 3.8+1.3 –1.2 Gyr. The planetary nature of the companion was confirmed by radial velocity measurements and additional photometric observations. These data were fit simultaneously in order to determine the most probable parameter set for the system, from which we infer a planetary mass of 1.071+0.036 –0.038 M Jup and radius 1.3+0.039 –0.037 R Jup.