30 resultados para Facial fractures


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Facial activity is strikingly visible in infants reacting to noxious events. Two measures that reduce this activity to composite events, the Neonatal Facial Coding System (NFCS) and the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), were used to examine facial expressions of 56 neonates responding to routine heel lancing for blood sampling purposes. The NFCS focuses upon a limited subset of all possible facial actions that had been identified previously as responsive to painful events, whereas the FACS is a comprehensive system that is inclusive of all facial actions. Descriptions of the facial expressions obtained from the two measurement systems were very similar, supporting the convergent validity of the shorter, more readily applied system. As well, the cluster of facial activity associated with pain in this sample, using either measure, was similar to the cluster of facial activity associated with pain in adults and other newborns, both full-term and preterm, providing construct validity for the position that the face encodes painful distress in infants and adults.


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Evaluation of pain in neonates is difficult due to their limited means of communication. The aim was to determine whether behavioural reactions of cry and facial activity provoked by an invasive procedure could be discriminated from responses to non-invasive tactile events. Thirty-six healthy full-term infants (mean age 2.2 h) received 3 procedures in counterbalanced order: intramuscular injection, application of triple dye to the umbilical stub, and rubbing thigh with alcohol. Significant effects of procedure were found for total face activity and latency to face movement. A cluster of facial actions comprised of brow bulging, eyes squeezed shut, deepening of the naso-labial furrow and open mouth was associated most frequently with the invasive procedure. Comparisons between the 2 non-invasive procedures showed more facial activity to thigh swabbing and least to application of triple dye to the umbilical cord. Acoustic analysis of cry showed statistically significant differences across procedures only for latency to cry and cry duration for the group as a whole. However, babies who cried to two procedures showed higher pitch and greater intensity to the injection. There were no significant differences in melody, dysphonation, or jitter. Methodological difficulties for investigators in this area were examined, including criteria for the selection of cries for analysis, and the logical and statistical challenges of contrasting cries induced by different conditions when some babies do not always cry. It was concluded that facial expression, in combination with short latency to onset of cry and long duration of first cry cycle typifies reaction to acute invasive procedures.


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Pain expression in neonates instigated by heel-lance for blood sampling purposes was systematically described using measures of facial expression and cry and compared across sleep/waking states and sex. From gate-control theory it was hypothesized that pain behavior would vary with the ongoing functional state of the infant, rather than solely reflecting tissue insult. Awake-alert but inactive infants responded with the most facial activity, consistent with current views that infants in this state are most receptive to environmental stimulation. Infants in quiet sleep showed the least facial reaction and the longest latency to cry. Fundamental frequency of cry was not related to sleep/waking state. This suggested that findings from the cry literature on qualities of pain cry as a reflection of nervous system 'stress', in unwell newborns, do not generalize directly to healthy infants as a function of state. Sex differences were apparent in speed of response, with boys showing shorter time to cry and to display facial action following heel-lance. The findings of facial action variation across sleep/waking state were interpreted as indicating that the biological and behavioral context of pain events affects behavioral expression, even at the earliest time developmentally, before the opportunity for learned response patterns occurs. Issues raised by the study include the importance of using measurement techniques which are independent of preconceived categories of affective response.


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Background: An estimated 30-60% of older
adults fall every year and about 1% of falls result in a hip fracture. Hip fracture is a serious and growing problem, with a 3-10 fold rise in worldwide incidence predicted by 2050 (Gullberg, et al 1997). Hip protectors are underwear with built in protection for the greater trochanter. They are designed to prevent hip fractures by dispersing or absorbing the force of a fall. Trials
published to 2001 were broadly supportive of
the effectiveness of hip protectors, and this
was reflected in a Cochrane review in 2000.
However, earlier trials were methodologically
flawed and subsequent trials have not demonstrated effectiveness. The most recent Cochrane review describes only a marginal benefit (Parker et al, 2005).
Review and Discussion: This presentation
evaluates the current evidence for the use
of hip protectors and discusses the use of
that evidence by manufacturers, suppliers,
professional groups and guideline developers.
Interestingly, despite the limitations of the
evidence base, most advice has been broadly
supportive. Reasons for this are proposed
and discussed in the context of a critique of
evidence-based healthcare. protectors. However, the available evidence can be used in different ways and for different purposes by those with an interest in promoting
the use of hip protectors. A conservative
approach is warranted, where, if we cannot
demonstrate that hip protectors work, we
presume that they do not. This presentation will be of use to practitioners wanting to evaluate the evidence base for hip protectors (and other recommended interventions) on behalf of clients. It will also be of interest to policy makers who must assess the claims made for health care technologies as part of the decisionmaking process.
Recommended reading:
Gullberg B, Johnell O, Kanis JA (1997) Worldwide
projections for hip fracture. Osteoporos
Int. 7(5):407-13 .
Parker MJ, Gillespie WJ, Gillespie LD (2005) Hip
protectors for preventing hip fractures in older
people. The Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews Issue 3. Art. No.: CD001255.pub3. DOI:


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Background This study aims to examine the relationship between how individuals with intellectual disabilities report their own levels of anger, and the ability of those individuals to recognize emotions. It was hypothesized that increased expression of anger would be linked to lower ability to recognize facial emotional expressions and increased tendency to interpret facial expressions in a hostile or negative manner. It was also hypothesized increased levels of anger may lead to the altered perception of a particular emotion.

Method A cross-sectional survey design was used. Thirty participants completed a test of facial emotion recognition (FER), and a self-report anger inventory (Benson & Ivins 1992) as part of a structured interview.

Results Individuals with higher self-reported anger did not show significantly reduced performance in FER, or interpret facial expressions in a more hostile manner compared with individuals with less self-reported anger. However, they were less accurate in recognizing neutral facial emotions.

Conclusions It is tentatively suggested that individuals with high levels of anger may be likely to perceive emotional content in a neutral facial expression because of their high levels of emotional arousal.


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This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows:

Primary objective: To assess the effects of interventions to delay or treat osteoporosis in DMD patients treated with glucocorticoid steroids.

Secondary objectives: To assess the effects of interventions to delay or treat osteoporosis in DMD on the frequency of vertebral fragility fractures and long bone fractures in DMD patients treated with glucocorticoid steroids.


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This article addresses gender differences in laughter and smiling from an evolutionary perspective. Laughter and smiling can be responses to successful display behavior or signals of affiliation amongst conversational partners—differing social and evolutionary agendas mean there are different motivations when interpreting these signals. Two experiments assess perceptions of genuine
and simulated male and female laughter and amusement social signals. Results show male simulation can always be distinguished. Female simulation is more complicated as males seem to distinguish cues of simulation yet judge simulated signals to be genuine. Females judge other female’s genuine signals to have higher levels of simulation. Results highlight the importance of laughter and smiling in human interactions, use of dynamic stimuli, and using multiple methodologies to assess perception.


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Although visual surveillance has emerged as an effective technolody for public security, privacy has become an issue of great concern in the transmission and distribution of surveillance videos. For example, personal facial images should not be browsed without permission. To cope with this issue, face image scrambling has emerged as a simple solution for privacyrelated applications. Consequently, online facial biometric verification needs to be carried out in the scrambled domain thus bringing a new challenge to face classification. In this paper, we investigate face verification issues in the scrambled domain and propose a novel scheme to handle this challenge. In our proposed method, to make feature extraction from scrambled face images robust, a biased random subspace sampling scheme is applied to construct fuzzy decision trees from randomly selected features, and fuzzy forest decision using fuzzy memberships is then obtained from combining all fuzzy tree decisions. In our experiment, we first estimated the optimal parameters for the construction of the random forest, and then applied the optimized model to the benchmark tests using three publically available face datasets. The experimental results validated that our proposed scheme can robustly cope with the challenging tests in the scrambled domain, and achieved an improved accuracy over all tests, making our method a promising candidate for the emerging privacy-related facial biometric applications.


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Trachoma is the leading infectious cause of blindness worldwide, and epidemiologic studies of factors that may increase the transmission of ocular Chlamydia trachomatis are needed. In two villages in a hyperendemic area of Central Tanzania, 472 (90%) of 527 preschool-aged children were examined for specific signs of unclean faces and presence of trachoma. The odds of trachoma were 70% higher in children with flies and nasal discharge on their faces. Other facial signs were not important. In large families, the odds of trachoma increased 4.8-fold if a sibling had trachoma and 6.8-fold if a sibling had trachoma and an unclean face. Health education strategies aimed at improving face washing need to target cleaning nasal discharge and keeping flies off children's faces.