20 resultados para Evolving Object-Oriented Compiler


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The popularity of Computing degrees in the UK has been increasing significantly over the past number of years. In Northern Ireland, from 2007 to 2015, there has been a 40% increase in acceptances to Computer Science degrees with England seeing a 60% increase over the same period (UCAS, 2016). However, this is tainted as Computer Science degrees also continue to maintain the highest dropout rates.
In Queen’s University Belfast we currently have a Level 1 intake of over 400 students across a number of computing pathways. Our drive as staff is to empower and motivate the students to fully engage with the course content. All students take a Java programming module the aim of which is to provide an understanding of the basic principles of object-oriented design. In order to assess these skills, we have developed Jigsaw Java as an innovative assessment tool offering intelligent, semi-supervised automated marking of code.
Jigsaw Java allows students to answer programming questions using a drag-and-drop interface to place code fragments into position. Their answer is compared to the sample solution and if it matches, marks are allocated accordingly. However, if a match is not found then the corresponding code is executed using sample data to determine if its logic is acceptable. If it is, the solution is flagged to be checked by staff and if satisfactory is saved as an alternative solution. This means that appropriate marks can be allocated and should another student have submitted the same placement of code fragments this does not need to be executed or checked again. Rather the system now knows how to assess it.
Jigsaw Java is also able to consider partial marks dependent on code placement and will “learn” over time. Given the number of students, Jigsaw Java will improve the consistency and timeliness of marking.


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Model Driven Architecture supports the transformation from reusable models to executable software. Business representations, however, cannot be fully and explicitly represented in such models for direct transformation into running systems. Thus, once business needs change, the language abstractions used by MDA (e.g. Object Constraint Language / Action Semantics), being low level, have to be edited directly. We therefore describe an Agent-oriented Model Driven Architecture (AMDA) that uses a set of business models under continuous maintenance by business people, reflecting the current business needs and being associated with adaptive agents that interpret the captured knowledge to behave dynamically. Three contributions of the AMDA approach are identified: 1) to Agent-oriented Software Engineering, a method of building adaptive Multi-Agent Systems; 2) to MDA, a means of abstracting high level business-oriented models to align executable systems with their requirements at runtime; 3) to distributed systems, the interoperability of disparate components and services via the agent abstraction.


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Apparatus for scanning a moving object includes a visible waveband sensor oriented to collect a series of images of the object as it passes through a field of view. An image processor uses the series of images to form a composite image. The image processor stores image pixel data for a current image and predecessor image in the series. It uses information in the current image and its predecessor to analyse images and derive likelihood measures indicating probabilities that current image pixels correspond to parts of the object. The image processor estimates motion between the current image and its predecessor from likelihood weighted pixels. It generates the composite image from frames positioned according to respective estimates of object image motion. Image motion may alternatively be detected be a speed sensor such as Doppler radar sensing object motion directly and providing image timing signals


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The Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation of the commonly used Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) algorithm is explored. The HOG algorithm is employed to extract features for object detection. A key focus has been to explore the use of a new FPGA-based processor which has been targeted at image processing. The paper gives details of the mapping and scheduling factors that influence the performance and the stages that were undertaken to allow the algorithm to be deployed on FPGA hardware, whilst taking into account the specific IPPro architecture features. We show that multi-core IPPro performance can exceed that of against state-of-the-art FPGA designs by up to 3.2 times with reduced design and implementation effort and increased flexibility all on a low cost, Zynq programmable system.


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We present optical observations of the peculiar Type Ibn supernova (SN Ibn) OGLE-2012-SN-006, discovered and monitored by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment-IV survey, and spectroscopically followed by Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects (PESSTO) at late phases. Stringent pre-discovery limits constrain the explosion epoch with fair precision to JD = 245 6203.8 +/- 4.0. The rise time to the I-band light-curve maximum is about two weeks. The object reaches the peak absolute magnitude M-I = -19.65 +/- 0.19 on JD = 245 6218.1 +/- 1.8. After maximum, the light curve declines for about 25 d with a rate of 4 mag (100 d)(-1). The symmetric I-band peak resembles that of canonical Type Ib/c supernovae (SNe), whereas SNe Ibn usually exhibit asymmetric and narrower early-time light curves. Since 25 d past maximum, the light curve flattens with a decline rate slower than that of the Co-56-Fe-56 decay, although at very late phases it steepens to approach that rate. However, other observables suggest that the match with the Co-56 decay rate is a mere coincidence, and the radioactive decay is not the main mechanism powering the light curve of OGLE-2012-SN-006. An early-time spectrum is dominated by a blue continuum, with only a marginal evidence for the presence of He I lines marking this SN type. This spectrum shows broad absorptions bluewards than 5000 angstrom, likely O II lines, which are similar to spectral features observed in superluminous SNe at early epochs. The object has been spectroscopically monitored by PESSTO from 90 to 180 d after peak, and these spectra show the typical features observed in a number of SN 2006jc-like events, including a blue spectral energy distribution and prominent and narrow (v(FWHM) approximate to 1900 km s(-1)) He I emission lines. This suggests that the ejecta are interacting with He-rich circumstellar material. The detection of broad (10(4) km s(-1)) O I and Ca II features likely produced in the SN ejecta (including the [OI] lambda lambda 6300,6364 doublet in the latest spectra) lends support to the interpretation of OGLE-2012-SN-006 as a core-collapse event.