60 resultados para Entropy of Tsallis


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Ring opening polymerization of bisphenol A polycarbonate is studied by Monte Carlo simulations of a model comprising a fixed number of Lennard-Jones particles and harmonic bonds [J. Chem. Phys. 115, 3895 (2001)]. Bond interchanges produced by a low concentration (0.10%less than or equal toc(a)less than or equal to0.36%) of chemically active particles lead to equilibrium polymerization. There is a continuous transition in both 2D and 3D from unpolymerized cyclic oligomers at low density to a system of linear chains at high density, and the polymeric phase is much more stable in three dimensions than in two. The steepness of the polymerization transition increases rapidly as c(a) decreases, suggesting that it is discontinuous in the limit c(a)-->0. The transition is entropy driven, since the average potential energy increases systematically upon polymerization, and there is a steady decline in the degree of polymerization as the temperature is lowered. The mass distribution functions for open chains and for rings are unimodal, with exponentially decaying tails that can be fitted by Zimm-Schulz functions and simpler exponential forms. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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A model of the polymerization of ring oligomers of bisphenol A polycarbonate (BPA-PC) is used to investigate the influence of dimensionality (2D or 3D), density and temperature on the size distribution of the polymer chains. The polymerization step is catalyzed by a single active particle, conserves the number and type of the chemical bonds, and occurs without a significant gain in either potential energy or configurational entropy. Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations show that polymerization of cyclic oligomers occurs readily at high density and is driven by the entropy associated with the distribution of interparticle bonds. Polymerization competes at lower densities with long range diffusion, which favors small molecular species, and is prevented if the system is sufficiently dilute. Polymerization occurs in 2D via a weakly first order transition as a function of density and is characterized by low hysteresis and large fluctuations in the size of polymer chains. Polymerization occurs more readily in 3D than in 2D, and is favored by increasing temperature, as expected for an entropy-driven process. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Cooling of mechanical resonators is currently a popular topic in many fields of physics including ultra-high precision measurements, detection of gravitational waves and the study of the transition between classical and quantum behaviour of a mechanical system. Here we report the observation of self-cooling of a micromirror by radiation pressure inside a high-finesse optical cavity. In essence, changes in intensity in a detuned cavity, as caused by the thermal vibration of the mirror, provide the mechanism for entropy flow from the mirror's oscillatory motion to the low-entropy cavity field. The crucial coupling between radiation and mechanical motion was made possible by producing free-standing micromirrors of low mass (m approximately 400 ng), high reflectance (more than 99.6%) and high mechanical quality (Q approximately 10,000). We observe cooling of the mechanical oscillator by a factor of more than 30; that is, from room temperature to below 10 K. In addition to purely photothermal effects we identify radiation pressure as a relevant mechanism responsible for the cooling. In contrast with earlier experiments, our technique does not need any active feedback. We expect that improvements of our method will permit cooling ratios beyond 1,000 and will thus possibly enable cooling all the way down to the quantum mechanical ground state of the micromirror.


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The ionic nature of ionic liquids (ILs) results in a unique combination of intrinsic properties that produces increasing interest in the research of these fluids as environmentally friendly "neoteric" solvents. One of the main research fields is their exploitation as solvents for liquid-liquid extractions, but although ILs cannot vaporize leading to air pollution, they present non-negligible miscibility with water that may be the cause of some environmental aquatic risks. It is thus important to know the mutual solubilities between ILs and water before their industrial applications. In this work, the mutual solubilities of hydrophobic yet hygroscopic imidazolium-, pyridinium-, pyrrolidinium-, and piperidinium-based ILs in combination with the anions bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, hexafluorophosphate, and tricyanomethane with water were measured between 288.15 and 318.15 K. The effect of the ILs structural combinations, as well as the influence of several factors, namely cation side alkyl chain length, the number of cation substitutions, the cation family, and the anion identity in these mutual solubilities are analyzed and discussed. The hydrophobicity of the anions increases in the order [C(CN)3] <[PF6] <[Tf2N] while the hydrophobicity of the cations increases from [Cnmim] <[Cnmpy] [Cnmpyr] <[Cnmpip] and with the alkyl chain length increase. From experimental measurements of the temperature dependence of ionic liquid solubilities in water, the thermodynamic molar functions of solution, such as Gibbs energy, enthalpy, and entropy at infinite dilution were determined, showing that the solubility of these ILs in water is entropically driven and that the anion solvation at the IL-rich phase controls their solubilities in water. The COSMO-RS, a predictive method based on unimolecular quantum chemistry calculations, was also evaluated for the description of the water-IL binary systems studied, where it showed to be capable of providing an acceptable qualitative agreement with the experimental data.


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Ionic liquids (ILs) have recently garnered increased attention because of their potential environmental benefits as "green" replacements over conventional volatile organic solvents. While ILs cannot significantly volatilize and contribute to air pollution, even the most hydrophobic ones present some miscibility with water posing environmental risks to the aquatic ecosystems. Thus, the knowledge of ILs toxicity and their water solubility must be assessed before an accurate judgment of their environmental benefits and prior to their industrial applications. In this work, the mutual solubilities for [C2-C8mim][Tf2N] (n-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide) and water between 288.15 and 318.15 K at atmospheric pressure were measured. Although these are among the most hydrophobic ionic liquids known, the solubility of water in these compounds is surprisingly large, ranging from 0.17 to 0.36 in mole fraction, while the solubility of these ILs in water is much lower ranging from 3.2 × 10-5 to 1.1 × 10-3 in mole fraction, in the temperature and pressure conditions studied. From the experimental data, the molar thermodynamic functions of solution and solvation such as Gibbs energy, enthalpy, and entropy at infinite dilution were estimated, showing that the solubility of these ILs in water is entropically driven. The predictive capability of COSMO-RS, a model based on unimolecular quantum chemistry calculations, was evaluated for the description of the binary systems investigated providing an acceptable agreement between the model predictions and the experimental data both with the temperature dependence and with the ILs structural variations.


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We studied the alpha-olefin selectivity in Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis using density functional theory (131717) calculations. We calculated the relevant elementary steps from C-2 to C-6 species. Our results showed that the barriers of hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions were constant with different chain lengths, and the chemisorption energies of alpha-olefins from DFT calculations also were very similar, except for C-2 species. A simple expression of the paraffin/olefin ratio was obtained based on a kinetic model. Combining the expression of the paraffin/olefin ratio and our calculation results, experimental findings are satisfactorily explained. We found that the physical origin of the chain length dependence of paraffin/olefin ratio is the chain length dependence of both the van der Waals interaction between adsorbed alpha-olefins and metal surfaces and the entropy difference between adsorbed and gaseous alpha-olefins, and that the greater chemisorption energy of ethylene is the main reason for the abnormal ethane/ethylene ratio. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We present Roche tomograms of the G5-G8 IV/V secondary star in the long-period cataclysmic variable BV Cen reconstructed from Magellan Inamori Kyocera Echelle spectrograph echelle data taken on the Magellan Clay 6.5-m telescope. The tomograms show the presence of a number of large, cool star-spots on BV Cen for the first time. In particular, we find a large high-latitude spot which is deflected from the rotational axis in the same direction as seen on the K3-K5 IV/V secondary star in the cataclysmic variable AE Aqr. BV Cen also shows a similar relative paucity of spots at latitudes between 40° and 50° when compared with AE Aqr. Furthermore, we find evidence for an increased spot coverage around longitudes facing the white dwarf which supports models invoking star-spots at the L1 point to explain the low states observed in some cataclysmic variables. In total, we estimate that some 25 per cent of the Northern hemisphere of BV Cen is spotted. We also find evidence for a faint, narrow, transient emission line with characteristics reminiscent of the peculiar low-velocity emission features observed in some outbursting dwarf novae. We interpret this feature as a slingshot prominence from the secondary star and derive a maximum source size of 75000 km and a minimum altitude of 160000 km above the orbital plane for the prominence. The entropy landscape technique was applied to determine the system parameters of BV Cen. We find M1 = 1.18 +/-0.280.16Msolar and M2 = 1.05 +/-0.230.14Msolar and an orbital inclination of i = 53° +/- 4° at an optimal systemic velocity of ? = -22.3 km s-1. Finally, we also report on the previously unknown binarity of the G5IV star HD 220492.


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We present a set of Roche tomography reconstructions of the secondary stars in the cataclysmic variables AM Her, QQ Vul, IP Peg and HU Aqr. The image reconstructions show distinct asymmetries in the irradiation pattern for all four systems that can be attributed to shielding of the secondary star by the accretion stream/column in AM Her, QQ Vul and HU Aqr, and increased irradiation by the bright-spot in IP Peg. We use the entropy landscape technique to derive accurate system parameters (M-1, M-2, i and gamma) for the four binaries. In principle, this technique should provide the most reliable mass determinations available, since the intensity distribution across the secondary star is known. We also find that the intensity distribution can systematically affect the value of gamma derived from circular orbit fits to radial velocity variations.


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We discuss the generation of states close to the boundary family of maximally entangled mixed states as defined by the use of concurrence and linear entropy. The coupling of two qubits to a dissipation-affected bosonic mode is able to produce a bipartite state having, for all practical purposes, the entanglement and mixedness properties of one of such boundary states. We thoroughly study the effects that thermal and squeezed characters of the bosonic mode have in such a process and we discuss tolerance to qubit phase-damping mechanisms. The nondemanding nature of the scheme makes it realizable in a matter-light-based physical setup, which we address in some details.


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The common lizard (Zootoca vivipara) is Ireland’s only native reptile, forming a key part of the island’s biodiversity. However, there is a general paucity of distributional and abundance data for the species. In this study, we collated incidental records for common lizard sightings to define the distribution of the species in Northern Ireland. Maximum entropy modelling was employed to describe species-habitat associations. The resulting predicted landscape favourability was used to evaluate the current status of the species based on the distribution of its maximum potential range in relation to the degree of fragmentation of remaining suitable habitat. In common with previous studies in the Republic of Ireland, sightings were highly clustered indicating under-recording, observer bias, and fragmentation of suitable habitat. A total of 98 records were collated from 1905 to 2009. The species was recorded in 63 (ca. 34%) of 186 × 10 km Northern Irish grid squares. Lizard occurrence was strongly and positively associated with landscapes dominated by heathland, bog and coastal habitats. The single best approximating model correctly classified the presence of lizards in 84.2% of cases. Upland heath, lowland raised bog and sand dune systems are all subject to Habitat Action Plans in Northern Ireland and are threatened by conversion to agriculture, afforestation, invasive species encroachment and infrastructural development. Consequently, remaining common lizard populations are likely to be small, isolated and highly fragmented. Establishment of an ecological network to preserve connectivity of remaining heath and bog will not only benefit remaining common lizard populations but biodiversity in general.


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The development and implementation of a population supplementation and restoration plan for any endangered species should involve an understanding of the species’ habitat requirements prior to the release of any captive bred individuals. The freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, has undergone dramatic declines over the last century and is now globally endangered. In Northern Ireland, the release of captive bred individuals is being used to support wild populations and repatriate the species in areas where it once existed. We employed a combination of maximum entropy modelling (MAXENT) and Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) to identify ecological parameters necessary to support wild populations using GIS-based landscape scale and ground-truthed habitat scale environmental parameters. The GIS-based landscape scale model suggested that mussel occurrence was associated with altitude and soil characteristics including the carbon, clay, sand, and silt content. Notably, mussels were associated with a relatively narrow band of variance indicating that M. margaritifera has a highly specific landscape niche. The ground-truthed habitat scale model suggested that mussel occurrence was associated with stable consolidated substrates, the extent of bankside trees, presence of indicative macrophyte species and fast flowing water. We propose a three phase conservation strategy for M. margaritifera identifying suitable areas within rivers that (i) have a high conservation value yet needing habitat restoration at a local level, (ii) sites for population supplementation of existing populations and (iii) sites for species reintroduction to rivers where the mussel historically occurred but is now locally extinct. A combined analytical approach including GIS-based landscape scale and ground-truthed habitat scale models provides a robust method by which suitable release sites can be identified for the population supplementation and restoration of an endangered species. Our results will be highly influential in the future management of M. margaritifera in Northern Ireland.


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This paper studies a problem of dynamic pricing faced by a retailer with limited inventory, uncertain about the demand rate model, aiming to maximize expected discounted revenue over an infinite time horizon. The retailer doubts his demand model which is generated by historical data and views it as an approximation. Uncertainty in the demand rate model is represented by a notion of generalized relative entropy process, and the robust pricing problem is formulated as a two-player zero-sum stochastic differential game. The pricing policy is obtained through the Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs (HJI) equation. The existence and uniqueness of the solution of the HJI equation is shown and a verification theorem is proved to show that the solution of the HJI equation is indeed the value function of the pricing problem. The results are illustrated by an example with exponential nominal demand rate.


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A force field model of the Keating type supplemented by rules to break, form, and interchange bonds is applied to investigate thermodynamic and structural properties of the amorphous SiO2 surface. A simulated quench from the liquid phase has been carried out for a silica sample made of 3888 silicon and 7776 oxygen atoms arranged on a slab similar to 40 angstrom thick, periodically repeated along two directions. The quench results into an amorphous sample, exposing two parallel square surfaces of similar to 42 nm(2) area each. Thermal averages computed during the quench allow us to determine the surface thermodynamic properties as a function of temperature. The surface tension turns out to be gamma=310 +/- 20 erg/cm(2) at room temperature and gamma=270 +/- 30 at T=2000 K, in fair agreement with available experimental estimates. The entropy contribution Ts-s to the surface tension is relatively low at all temperatures, representing at most similar to 20% of the surface energy. Almost without exceptions, Si atoms are fourfold coordinated and oxygen atoms are twofold coordinated. Twofold and threefold rings appear only at low concentration and are preferentially found in proximity of the surface. Above the glass temperature T-g=1660 +/- 50 K, the mobility of surface atoms is, as expected, slightly higher than that of bulk atoms. The computation of the height-height correlation function shows that the silica surface is rough in the equilibrium and undercooled liquid phase, becoming smooth below the glass temperature T-g.


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A recent paper [L.-N. Hau and W.-Z. Fu, Phys. Plasmas 14, 110702 (2007)] deals with certain mathematical and physical properties of the kappa distribution. We comment on the authors' use of a form of distribution function that is different from the "standard" form of the kappa distribution, and hence their results, inter alia for an expansion of the distribution function and for the associated number density in an electrostatic potential, do not fully reflect the dependence on kappa that would be associated with the conventional kappa distribution. We note that their definition of the kappa distribution function is also different from a modified distribution based on the notion of nonextensive entropy.


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We present an information-theoretic method to measure the structural information content of networks and apply it to chemical graphs. As a result, we find that our entropy measure is more general than classical information indices known in mathematical and computational chemistry. Further, we demonstrate that our measure reflects the essence of molecular branching meaningfully by determining the structural information content of some chemical graphs numerically.