69 resultados para Energy-dependent cross-section


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This paper reports a new method for reducing theRadar Cross-Section (RCS) of a metal backed dipole antenna. Numerical simulations are used to show that when the Perfect Electrical Conductor (PEC) is replaced by a carefully designedFrequency Selective Surface (FSS), the electromagnetic performanceof the antenna is similar in band, but the RCS of the structure is significantly lower out of band. The design of the FSSand the return loss, radiation patterns and RCS are presentedfor an antenna which operates at a center frequency of 4 GHzand the results are compared with a conventional metal backed arrangement


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Peer effects in adolescent cannabis are difficult to estimate, due in part to the lack of appropriate data on behaviour and social ties. This paper exploits survey data that have many desirable properties and have not previously been used for this purpose. The data set, collected from teenagers in three annual waves from 2002-2004 contains longitudinal information about friendship networks within schools (N = 5,020). We exploit these data on network structure to estimate peer effects on adolescents from their nominated friends within school using two alternative approaches to identification. First, we present a cross-sectional instrumental variable (IV) estimate of peer effects that exploits network structure at the second degree, i.e. using information on friends of friends who are not themselves ego’s friends to instrument for the cannabis use of friends. Second, we present an individual fixed effects estimate of peer effects using the full longitudinal structure of the data. Both innovations allow a greater degree of control for correlated effects than is commonly the case in the substance-use peer effects literature, improving our chances of obtaining estimates of peer effects than can be plausibly interpreted as causal. Both estimates suggest positive peer effects of non-trivial magnitude, although the IV estimate is imprecise. Furthermore, when we specify identical models with behaviour and characteristics of randomly selected school peers in place of friends’, we find effectively zero effect from these ‘placebo’ peers, lending credence to our main estimates. We conclude that cross-sectional data can be used to estimate plausible positive peer effects on cannabis use where network structure information is available and appropriately exploited.


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We study the charge transfer between colliding ions, atoms, or molecules, within time-dependent density functional theory. Two particular cases are presented, the collision between a proton and a Helium atom, and between a gold atom and a butane molecule. In the first case, proton kinetic energies between 16 keV and 1.2 MeV are considered, with impact parameters between 0.31 and 1.9 angstrom. The partial transfer of charge is monitored with time. The total cross-section is obtained as a function of the proton kinetic energy. In the second case, we analyze one trajectory and discuss spin-dependent charge transfer between the different fragments.


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In 'Charge transfer from the negative-energy continuum: alternative mechanism for pair production in relativistic atomic collisions', Eichler (1995 Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 3653) proposes an alternative mechanism for capture by pair production, and from it derives an analytic expression for the total cross section with a surprisingly strong energy dependence. We show that, in fact, there is no alternative mechanism; rather the above mechanism may be more transparently viewed as an ionization-like transition in one centre with inclusion of continuum distortion by the second centre. We further show that to Centre the initial and final states on the target and projectile leads to confusion in the momentum transfer vectors, and hence, respectively that the alleged high-energy behaviour is erroneous.


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The damage induced in supercoiled plasmid DNA molecules by 1-6 keV carbon ions has been investigated as a function of ion exposure, energy and charge state. The production of short linear fragments through multiple double strand breaks has been demonstrated and exponential exposure responses for each of the topoisomers have been found. The cross section for the loss of supercoiling was calculated to be (2.2 +/- 0.5) x 10(-14) cm(2) for 2 keVC(+) ions. For singly charged carbon ions, increased damage was observed with increasing ion energy. In the case of 2 keV doubly charged ions, the damage was greater than for singly charged ions of the same energy. These observations demonstrate that ion induced damage is a function of both the kinetic and potential energies of the ion.


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This paper presents a new method for transmission loss allocation in a deregulated electrical power market. The proposed method is based on physical flow through transmission lines. The contributions of individual loads to the line flows are used as basis for allocating transmission losses to different loads. With minimum assumptions, that sound to be reasonable and cannot be rejected, a novel loss allocation formula is derived. The assumptions made are: a number of currents sharing a transmission line distribute themselves over the cross section in the same manner; that distribution causes the minimum possible power loss. Application of the proposed method is straightforward. It requires only a solved power flow and any simple algorithm for power flow tracing. Both active and reactive powers are considered in the loss allocation procedure. Results of application show the accuracy of the proposed method compared with the commonly used procedures.


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Using two complementary experimental methods, we have measured partial (mass-resolved) cross-sections for dissociative electron attachment to the molecule trifluoromethyl sulfurpentafluoride (SF5CF3) at the gas temperature T-G = 300 K over a broad range of electron energies (E = 0.001-12 eV). The absolute scale for these cross-sections was obtained with reference to the thermal (T = 300 K) rate coefficient for anion formation (8.0(3) x 10(-8) cm(3) s(-1)). Below 1 eV, SF5- is the dominant product anion and formed through the lowest anion state which cuts the neutral SF5CF3 potential close to the S-C equilibrium distance. The highly resolved laser photoelectron attachment data exhibit a downward Wigner cusp at 86meV, indicating that the nu(4)(alpha(1)) vibrational mode is important for the primary attachment dynamics. Both SF5- and F- anions are formed with similar yields through the first excited resonance located near 3.6eV. Towards higher energies, the anions CF3-, SF4-, and SF3- are also produced. Summation of the partial cross-sections yields a total absolute cross-section for anion formation over the energy range 0.001-12 eV. This is used to calculate the dependence of the rate coefficient for dissociative electron attachment over a broad range of electron temperatures for the fixed gas temperature T-G = 300 K; good agreement is found between the calculated values and those obtained in a drift tube experiment. In addition to the experimental work, semiempirical R-matrix calculations have been Carried out for the energy dependence of the cross-section for SF5- formation. The experimental findings are semi-quantitatively recovered. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Results from a joint experimental and theoretical study of electron attachment to chloroform (CHCl3) molecules in the gas phase are reported. In an electron swarm study involving a pulsed Townsend technique with equal gas and electron temperatures, accurate attachment rate coefficients were determined over the temperature range 295-373 K; they show an Arrhenius-type rise with increasing temperature, corresponding to an activation energy of 0.11 (1) eV. In a high resolution electron beam experiment involving two versions of the laser photoelectron attachment method, the relative cross section for Cl- formation from CHCl3 over the energy range 0.001-1.25 eV at the gas temperature T-G = 300 K was measured. It exhibits clear downward cusp structure at the threshold for excitation of one quantum of the vibrational symmetric deformation mode nu(3), indicating that this mode is active in the primary attachment process. With reference to our thermal attachment rate coefficient k(T = 300 K) = 3.9(2) x 10(-9) cm(3) s(-1), a new highly resolved absolute attachment cross section for T-G = 300 K was determined. This cross section is extended to higher energies by measurements, carried out with a pulsed electron beam apparatus which also provided new data for the distinctly weaker fragment anions HCl2- and CCl2-. The resulting total absolute cross section for anion formation is used to calculate the dependence of the attachment rate coefficient k(T-e;T-G) on electron temperature T-e over the range 50-15000 K at the fixed gas temperature T-G = 300 K. In addition, we report the dependence of the relative cross section for Cl- formation on gas temperature T-G = 310-435 K). For comparison with the experimental data, R-matrix calculations have been carried out for the dominant anion channel Cl-. The results recover the main experimental observations and predict the dependence of the DEA cross section on the initial vibrational level nu(3) and on the vibrational temperature. Our results are compared with those of previous electron beam and electron swarm experiments.


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Ab initio calculations for the strongly exoergic Li2+F harpoon reaction are presented using density-functional theory, complete active space self-consistent field, and multireference configuration interaction methods to argue that this reaction would be an ideal candidate for investigation with ultracold molecules. The lowest six states are calculated with the aug-correlation-consistent polarized valence triple-zeta basis set and at least two can be accessed by a ground rovibronic Li2 molecule with zero collision energy at all reaction geometries. The large reactive cross section (characteristic of harpoon reactions) and chemiluminescent products are additional attractive features of these reactions.


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Absolute photoionization cross-section measurements for a mixture of ground and metastable states of Xe4+, Xe5+, and Xe6+ are reported in the photon energy range of 4d -> nf transitions, which occur within or adjacent to the 13.5 nm window for extreme ultraviolet lithography light source development. The reported values allow the quantification of opacity effects in xenon plasmas due to these 4d -> nf autoionizing states. The oscillator strengths for the 4d -> 4f and 4d -> 5f transitions in Xeq+ (q=1-6) ions are calculated using nonrelativistic Hartree-Fock and random phase approximations. These are compared with published experimental values for Xe+ to Xe3+ and with the values obtained from the present experimental cross-section measurements for Xe4+ to Xe6+. The calculations assisted in the determination of the metastable content in the ion beams for Xe5+ and Xe6+. The experiments were performed by merging a synchrotron photon beam generated by an undulator beamline of the Advanced Light Source with an ion beam produced by an electron cyclotron resonance ion source.


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The evolution of the intensity of a relativistic laser beam propagating through a dense quantum plasma is investigated, by considering different plasma regimes. A cold quantum fluid plasma and then a thermal quantum description(s) is (are) adopted, in comparison with the classical case of reference. Considering a Gaussian beam cross-section, we investigate both the longitudinal compression and lateral/longitudinal localization of the intensity of a finite-radius electromagnetic pulse. By employing a quantum plasma fluid model in combination with Maxwell's equations, we rely on earlier results on the quantum dielectric response, to model beam-plasma interaction. We present an extensive parametric investigation of the dependence of the longitudinal pulse compression mechanism on the electron density in cold quantum plasmas, and also study the role of the Fermi temperature in thermal quantum plasmas. Our numerical results show pulse localization through a series of successive compression cycles, as the pulse propagates through the plasma. A pulse of 100 fs propagating through cold quantum plasma is compressed to a temporal size of approximate to 1.35 attosecond and a spatial size of approximate to 1.08 10(-3) cm. Incorporating Fermi pressure via a thermal quantum plasma model is shown to enhance localization effects. A 100 fs pulse propagating through quantum plasma with a Fermi temperature of 350 K is compressed to a temporal size of approximate to 0.6 attosecond and a spatial size of approximate to 2.4 10(-3) cm. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Results from a joint experimental study of electron attachment to dichlorodifluoromethane (CCl2F2) molecules in the gas phase are reported. In a high resolution electron beam experiment involving two versions of the laser photoelectron attachment method, the relative cross section for formation of the dominant anion Cl- wits measured over the energy range 0.001-1.8 eV at the gas temperature T-G = 300 K. It exhibits cusp structure at thresholds for vibrational excitation of the v(3)(a(1)) mode due to interaction with the attachment channels. With reference to the thermal attachment rate coefficient k(T-e;T-G = 300 K) = 2.2(8) x 10(-9) cm(-3) s(-1) (fitted average from several data), a new highly resolved absolute attachment cross section for TG = 300 K was determined. Partial cross sections for formation of the anions Cl-, Cl-2(-), F-, ClF-, and CCl2F- were measured over the range 0-12 eV, using three different electron beam experiments of medium energy resolution. The dependence of the attachment rate coefficient k(T-e;T-G = 300 K) on electron temperature T-e wits calculated over the range 50-15 000 K, based on a newly constructed total cross section for anion formation at T-G = 300 K. R-matrix Calculations for Cl- production have been carried out for comparison with the experimental data. The R-matrix results are in line with the main experimental observations and predict the dependence of the DEA cross section on the initial vibrational level v(3) and on the vibrational temperature. Furthermore, the cross section for I Vibrational excitation of the v(3) mode hits been computed.


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We examine the effect of energy efficiency incentives on household energy efficiency home improvements. Starting in February 2007, Italian homeowners have been able to avail themselves of tax credits on the purchase and installation costs of certain types of energy efficiency renovations. We examine two such renovations—door/window replacements and heating system replacements—using multi-year cross-section data from the Italian Consumer Expenditure Survey and focusing on a narrow period around the introduction of the tax credits. Our regressions control for dwelling and household characteristics and economy-wide factors likely to influence the replacement rates. The effects of the policy are different for the two types of renovations. With window replacements, the policy is generally associated with a 30 % or stronger increase in the renovation rates and number of renovations. In the simplest econometric models, the effect is not statistically significant, but the results get stronger when we allow for heterogeneous effects across the country. With heating system replacements, simpler models suggest that the tax credits policy had no effect whatsoever or that free riding was rampant, i.e., people are now accepting subsidies for replacements that they would have done anyway. Further examination suggests a strong degree of heterogeneity in the effects across warmer and colder parts of the country, and effects in the colder areas that are even more pronounced than those for window replacements. These results should, however, be interpreted with caution due to the low rates of renovations, which imply that the effects are estimated relatively imprecisely.


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In this paper we present photoionization cross sections for the lowest five states of O-like S IX (1s(2)2s(2)2p(4) P-3(0,1,2), D-1(2), S-1(0)). The relativistic Breit-Pauli R-matrix codes were utilized including all terms of the 2s(2)2p(3), 2s2p(4), 2p(5), 2s(2)2p(2)3s, 3p, 3d and 2s2p(3)3s, 3p, 3d configurations in the expansion of the collision wavefunction for S X. It was also found that to achieve convergence of the low-lying energy separations of the target levels, an additional 21 configuration functions needed to be included in the configuration interaction expansion, incorporating two-electron excitations from the 2s and 2p shells to the 3s, 3p and 3d shells. The present work thus constitutes the most sophisticated photoionization evaluation for ground and metastable levels of the S IX ion. Direct comparisons have been made with the only available data found on the OPEN-ADAS database between level resolved contributions of the spectrum. This comparison for the background cross section exhibits excellent agreement at all photon energies for each partial photoionization cross section contribution investigated. Finally, the autoionizing bound states arising from numerous open channels have also been investigated and identified using the QB approach, a procedure for analyzing resonances in atomic and molecular collision theory which exploits the analytic properties of R-matrix theory. Major Rydberg resonance series are also presented and tabulated for the dominant linewidths considered.


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Absolute photoionization cross-section calculations are presented for Se + using large-scale close-coupling calculations within the Breit--Pauli and Dirac--Coulomb R -matrix approximations. The results from our theoretical work are compared with recent measurements (Esteves 2010 PhD Thesis publication number AAI3404727, University of Reno, NV, USA; Sterling et al 2011 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44 025701; Esteves et al 2011 Phys. Rev. A 84 013406) made at the advanced light source (ALS) radiation facility in Berkeley, CA, USA. We report on results for the photon energy range 18.0--31.0 eV, which spans the ionization thresholds of the 4 S o 3/2 ground state and the low-lying 2 D o 5/2,3/2 and 2 P o 3/2,1/2 metastable states. Metastable fractions are inferred from our present work. Resonance energies and quantum defects of the prominent Rydberg resonances series identified in the spectra are compared for the 4p → n d transitions with the recent ALS experimental measurements made on this complex trans-iron element.