27 resultados para Electrical Resistivity


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Contaminants discharging from on-site wastewater treatment systems (OSWTSs) can impact groundwater quality, threatening human health and surface water ecosystems. Risk of negative impacts becomes elevated in areas of extreme vulnerability with high water tables, where thin unsaturated intervals limit vadose zone attenuation. A combined geophysical/hydrogeological investigation into the effects of an OSWTS, located over a poorly productive aquifer (PPA) with thin subsoil cover, aimed to characterise effluent impacts on groundwater. Groundwater, sampled from piezometers down-gradient of the OSWTS percolation area displayed spatially erratic, yet temporally consistent, contaminant distributions. Electrical resistivity tomography identified an area of gross groundwater contamination close to the percolation area and, when combined with seismic refraction and water quality data, indicated that infiltrating effluent reaching the water table discharged to a deeper more permeable zone of weathered shale resting on more competent bedrock. Subsurface structure, defined by geophysics, indicated that elevated chemical and microbiological contaminant levels encountered in groundwater samples collected from piezometers, down-gradient of sampling points with lower contaminant levels, corresponded to those locations where piezometers were screened close to the weathered shale/competent rock interface; those immediately up-gradient were too shallow to intercept this interval, and thus the more impacted zone of the contaminant plume. Intermittent occurrence of faecal indicator bacteria more than 100 m down gradient of the percolation area suggested relatively short travel times. Study findings highlight the utility of geophysics as part of multidisciplinary investigations for OSWTS contaminant plume characterisation, while also demonstrating the capacity of effluent discharging to PPAs to impact groundwater quality at distance. Comparable geophysical responses observed in similar settings across Ireland suggest the phenomena observed in this study are more widespread than previously suspected.


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Accurate conceptual models of groundwater systems are essential for correct interpretation of monitoring data in catchment studies. In surface-water dominated hard rock regions, modern ground and surface water monitoring programmes often have very high resolution chemical, meteorological and hydrological observations but lack an equivalent emphasis on the subsurface environment, the properties of which exert a strong control on flow pathways and interactions with surface waters. The reasons for this disparity are the complexity of the system and the difficulty in accurately characterising the subsurface, except locally at outcrops or in boreholes. This is particularly the case in maritime north-western Europe, where a legacy of glacial activity, combined with large areas underlain by heterogeneous igneous and metamorphic bedrock, make the structure and weathering of bedrock difficult to map or model. Traditional approaches which seek to extrapolate information from borehole to field-scale are of limited application in these environments due to the high degree of spatial heterogeneity. Here we apply an integrative and multi-scale approach, optimising and combining standard geophysical techniques to generate a three-dimensional geological conceptual model of the subsurface in a catchment in NE Ireland. Available airborne LiDAR, electromagnetic and magnetic data sets were analysed for the region. At field-scale surface geophysical methods, including electrical resistivity tomography, seismic refraction, ground penetrating radar and magnetic surveys, were used and combined with field mapping of outcrops and borehole testing. The study demonstrates how combined interpretation of multiple methods at a range of scales produces robust three-dimensional conceptual models and a stronger basis for interpreting groundwater and surface water monitoring data.


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This paper reports an approach by which laboratory based testing and numerical modelling can be combined to predict the long term performance of a range of concretes exposed to marine environments. Firstly, a critical review of the test methods for assessing the chloride penetration resistance of concrete is given. The repeatability of the different test results is also included. In addition to the test methods, a numerical simulation model is used to explore the test data further to obtain long-term chloride ingress trends. The combined use of testing and modelling is validated with the help of long-term chloride ingress data from a North Sea exposure site. In summary, the paper outlines a methodology for determining the long term performance of concrete in marine environments.


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High density polyethylene (HDPE)/multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) nanocomposites were prepared by melt mixing using twin-screw extrusion. The extruded pellets were compression moulded at 200°C for 5min followed by cooling at different cooling rates (20°C/min and 300°C/min respectively) to produce sheets for characterization. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) shows that the MWCNTs are uniformly dispersed in the HDPE. At 4 wt% addition of MWCNTs composite modulus increased by over 110% compared with the unfilled HDPE (regardless of the cooling rate). The yield strength of both unfilled and filled HDPE decreased after rapid cooling by about 10% due to a lower crystallinity and imperfect crystallites. The electrical percolation threshold of composites, irrespective of the cooling rate, is between a MWCNT concentration of 1∼2 wt%. Interestingly, the electrical resistivity of the rapidly cooled composite with 2 wt% MWCNTs is lower than that of the slowly cooled composites with the same MWCNT loading. This may be due to the lower crystallinity and smaller crystallites facilitating the formation of conductive pathways. This result may have significant implications for both process control and the tailoring of electrical conductivity in the manufacture of conductive HDPE/MWCNT nanocomposites.


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The recently discovered, high-temperature proton conductor, La0.99Sr0.01NbO4-δ, was used as a support for the electrochemical promotion of a platinum catalyst. Ethylene oxidation was used as a probe reaction in the temperature range 350-450 °C. Moderate non-Faradaic rate modification, attributable to a protonic promoting species, occurred under negative polarisation; some permanent promotion was also observed. In oxidative atmospheres, both the pO2 of the reaction mixture and the temperature influenced the type and magnitude of the observed rate modification. Rate-enhancement values of up to ρ = 1.4 and Faradaic-efficiency values approaching Λ = -100 were obtained. Promotion was observed under positive polarisation and relatively dry, oxygen-rich atmospheres suggesting that some oxygen ion conductivity may occur under these conditions. Impedance spectroscopy performed in atmospheres of 4 kPa O2/N2 and of 5 kPa H2/N2 under dry and slightly humidified (0.3 kPa H2O) conditions indicated that the electrical resistivity is heavily dominated by the grain-boundary response in the temperature range of the EPOC studies; much lower grain-boundary impedances in the wetter conditions are likely to be attributable to proton transport. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As the relative performance of alkali activated slag (AAS) concretes in comparison to Portland cement (PC) counterparts for chloride transport and resulting corrosion of steel bars is not clear, an investigation was carried out and the results are reported in this paper. The effect of alkali concentration and modulus of sodium silicate solution used in AAS was studied. Chloride transport and corrosion properties were assessed with the help of electrical resistivity, non-steady state chloride diffusivity, onset of corrosion, rate of corrosion and pore solution chemistry. It was found that: (i) although chloride content at surface was higher for the AAS concretes, they had lower chloride diffusivity than PC concrete; (ii) pore structure, ionic exchange and interaction effect of hydrates strongly influenced the chloride transport in the AAS concretes; (iii) steel corrosion resistance of the AAS concretes was comparable to that of PC concrete under intermittent chloride ponding regime, with the exception of 6% Na2O and Ms of 1.5; (iv) the corrosion behaviour of the AAS concretes was significantly influenced by ionic exchange, carbonation and sulphide concentration; (v) the increase of alkali concentration of the activator generally increased the resistance of AAS concretes to chloride transport and reduced its resulting corrosion, and a value of 1.5 was found to be an optimum modulus for the activator for improving the chloride transport and the corrosion resistance.


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The studies on chloride induced corrosion of steel bars in alkali activated slag (AAS) concretes are scarcely reported in the past. In order to make this issue clearer and compare the corrosion performance of AAS with Portland cement (PC) counterpart, an investigation was carried out and the results are reported in this paper. Corrosion properties were assessed with the help of rate of corrosion, electrical resistivity and pore solution chemistry. It was found that: (i) steel corrosion resistance of the AAS concretes was comparable or in some cases even worse than that of Portland cement (PC) concrete under intermittent chloride ponding regime; (ii) the corrosion behaviour of the AAS concretes was significantly influenced by ionic exchange, carbonation and sulphide concentration; (iii) the increase of alkali concentration of the activator generally reduced chloride resulting corrosion, and a value of 1.5 was found to be an optimum modulus for the activator for improving the corrosion resistance.


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Collimated transport of fast electron beam through solid density matter is one of the key issues behind the success of the fast ignition scheme by means of which the required amount of ignition energy can be delivered to the hot spot region of the compressed fuel. Here we report on a hot electron beam collimation scheme in solids by tactfully using the strong magnetic fields generated by an electrical resistivity gradient according to Faraday's law. This was accomplished by appropriately fabricating the targets in such a way that the electron beam is directed to flow in a metal which is embedded in a much lower resistivity and atomic number metal. Experimental results showed guided transport of hot electron beam over hundreds of microns length inside solid density plasma, which were obtained from two experiments examining the scheme for petawatt laser driven hot electron beam while employing various target configurations.


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The integral variability of raw materials, lack of awareness and appreciation of the technologies for achieving quality control and lack of appreciation of the micro and macro environmental conditions that the structures will be subjected, makes modern day concreting a challenge. This also makes Designers and Engineers adhere more closely to prescriptive standards developed for relatively less aggressive environments. The data from exposure sites and real structures prove, categorically, that the prescriptive specifications are inadequate for chloride environments. In light of this shortcoming, a more pragmatic approach would be to adopt performance-based specifications which are familiar to industry in the form of specification for mechanical strength. A recently completed RILEM technical committee made significant advances in making such an approach feasible.
Furthering a performance-based specification requires establishment of reliable laboratory and on-site test methods, as well as easy to perform service-life models. This article highlights both laboratory and on-site test methods for chloride diffusivity/electrical resistivity and the relationship between these tests for a range of concretes. Further, a performance-based approach using an on-site diffusivity test is outlined that can provide an easier to apply/adopt practice for Engineers and asset managers for specifying/testing concrete structures.


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Silicon on Insulator (SOI) substrates offer a promising platform for monolithic high energy physics detectors with integrated read-out electronics and pixel diodes. This paper describes the fabrication and characterisation of specially-configured SOI substrates using improved bonded wafer ion split and grind/polish technologies. The crucial interface between the high resistivity handle silicon and the SOI buried oxide has been characterised using both pixel diodes and circular geometry MOS transistors. Pixel diode breakdown voltages were typically greater than 100V and average leakage current densities at 70 V were only 55 nA/ sq cm. MOS transistors subjected to 24 GeV proton irradiation showed an increased SOI buried oxide trapped charge of only 3.45x1011cn-2 for a dose of 2.7Mrad


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The current study monitors both the short- and long-term hydration characteristics of concrete using discretized conductivity measurements from initial gauging, through setting and hardening, the latter comprising both the curing and post-curing periods. In particular, attention is directed to the near-surface concrete as it is this zone which protects the steel from the external environment and has a major influence on durability, performance and service-life. A wide range of concrete mixes is studied comprising both plain Portland cement concretes and concretes containing fly-ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag. The parameter normalised conductivity was used to identify four distinct stages in the hydration process and highlight the influence of supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) on hydration and hydration kinetics. A relationship has been presented to account for the temporal decrease in conductivity, post 10-days hydration. The testing procedure and methodology presented lend itself to in-situ monitoring of reinforced concrete structures. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The structure and properties of melt mixed high-density polyethylene/multi-walled carbon nanotube (HDPE/MWCNT) composites processed by compression molding and blown film extrusion were investigated to assess the influence of processing route on properties. The addition of MWCNTs leads to a more elastic response during deformations that result in a more uniform thick-ness distribution in the blown films. Blown film composites exhibit better mechanical properties due to the enhanced orientation and disentanglement of MWCNTs. At a blow up ratio (BUR) of 3 the breaking strength and elongation in the machine direction of the film with 4 wt % MWCNTs are 239% and 1054% higher than those of compression molded (CM) samples. Resistivity of the composite films increases significantly with increasing BURs due to the destruction of conductive pathways. These pathways can be recovered partially using an appropriate annealing process. At 8 wt % MWCNTs, there is a sufficient density of nanotubes to maintain a robust network even at high BURs.