88 resultados para Electric-field


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We test current numerical implementations of laser-matter interactions by comparison with exact analytical results. Focusing on photon emission processes, it is found that the numerics accurately reproduce analytical emission spectra in all considered regimes, except for the harmonic structures often singled out as the most significant high-intensity (multiphoton) effects. We find that this discrepancy originates in the use of the locally constant field approximation.


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Evidence for scattering closed orbits for the Rydberg electron of the singly excited helium atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields at constant scaled energy and constant scaled electric field strength has been found through a quantum calculation of the photo-excitation spectrum. A particular 3D scattering orbit in a mixed regular and chaotic region has been investigated and the hydrogenic 3D closed orbits composing it identified. To the best of our knowledge, this letter reports the first quantum calculation of the scaled spectrum of a non- hydrogenic atom in crossed fields.


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In a recent Letter to the Editor (J Rao, D Delande and K T Taylor 2001 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34 L391-9) we made a brief first report of our quantal and classical calculations for the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields at constant scaled energy and constant scaled electric field strength. A principal point of that communication was our statement that each and every peak in the Fourier transform of the scaled quantum photo-excitation spectrum for scaled energy value epsilon = -0.586 538 871028 43 and scaled electric value (f) over tilde = 0.068 537 846 207 618 71 could be identified with a scaled action value of a found and mapped-out closed orbit up to a scaled action of 20. In this follow-up paper, besides presenting full details of our quantum and classical methods, we set out the scaled action values of all 317 closed orbits involved, together with the geometries of many.


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This paper is concerned with linear and nonlinear magneto- optical effects in multilayered magnetic systems when treated by the simplest phenomenological model that allows their response to be represented in terms of electric polarization, The problem is addressed by formulating a set of boundary conditions at infinitely thin interfaces, taking into account the existence of surface polarizations. Essential details are given that describe how the formalism of distributions (generalized functions) allows these conditions to be derived directly from the differential form of Maxwell's equations. Using the same formalism we show the origin of alternative boundary conditions that exist in the literature. The boundary value problem for the wave equation is formulated, with an emphasis on the analysis of second harmonic magneto-optical effects in ferromagnetically ordered multilayers. An associated problem of conventions in setting up relationships between the nonlinear surface polarization and the fundamental electric field at the interfaces separating anisotropic layers through surface susceptibility tensors is discussed. A problem of self- consistency of the model is highlighted, relating to the existence of resealing procedures connecting the different conventions. The linear approximation with respect to magnetization is pursued, allowing rotational anisotropy of magneto-optical effects to be easily analyzed owing to the invariance of the corresponding polar and axial tensors under ordinary point groups. Required representations of the tensors are given for the groups infinitym, 4mm, mm2, and 3m, With regard to centrosymmetric multilayers, nonlinear volume polarization is also considered. A concise expression is given for its magnetic part, governed by an axial fifth-rank susceptibility tensor being invariant under the Curie group infinityinfinitym.


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Modern intense ultrafast pulsed lasers generate an electric field of sufficient strength to permit tunnel ionization of the valence electrons in atoms(1). This process is usually treated as a rapid succession of isolated events, in which the states of the remaining electrons are neglected(2). Such electronic interactions are predicted to be weak, the exception being recollision excitation and ionization caused by linearly polarized radiation(3). In contrast, it has recently been suggested that intense field ionization may be accompanied by a two-stage 'shake-up' reaction(4). Here we report a unique combination of experimental techniques(5-8) that allows us to accurately measure the tunnel ionization probability for argon exposed to 50-fs laser pulses. Most significantly for the current study, this measurement is independent of the optical focal geometry(7,8), equivalent to a homogenous electric field. Furthermore, circularly polarized radiation negates recollision. The present measurements indicate that tunnel ionization results in simultaneous excitation of one or more remaining electrons through shake-up(9). From an atomic physics standpoint, it may be possible to induce ionization from specific states, and will influence the development of coherent attosecond extreme-ultraviolet-radiation sources(10). Such pulses have vital scientific and economic potential in areas such as high-resolution imaging of in vivo cells and nanoscale extreme-ultraviolet lithography.


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Endohedral fullerenes have been proposed for a number of technological uses, for example, as a nanoscale switch, memory bit and as qubits for quantum computation. For these technology applications, it is important to know the ease with which the endohedral atom can be manipulated using an applied electric field. We find that the Buckminsterfullerene (C-60) acts effectively as a small Faraday cage, with only 25% of the field penetrating the interior of the molecule. Thus influencing the atom is difficult, but as a qubit the endohedral atom should be well shielded from environmental electrical noise. We also predict how the field penetration should increase with the fullerene radius. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The configuration interaction (CI) approach to quantum chemical calculations is a well-established means of calculating accurately the solution to the Schrodinger equation for many-electron systems. It represents the many-body electron wavefunction as a sum of spin-projected Slater determinants of orthogonal one-body spin-orbitals. The CI wavefunction becomes the exact solution of the Schrodinger equation as the length of the expansion becomes infinite, however, it is a difficult quantity to visualise and analyse for many-electron problems. We describe a method for efficiently calculating the spin-averaged one- and two-body reduced density matrices rho(psi)((r) over bar; (r) over bar' ) and Gamma(psi)((r) over bar (1), (r) over bar (2); (r) over bar'(1), (r) over bar'(2)) of an arbitrary CI wavefunction Psi. These low-dimensional functions are helpful tools for analysing many-body wavefunctions; we illustrate this for the case of the electron-electron cusp. From rho and Gamma one can calculate the matrix elements of any one- or two-body spin-free operator (O) over cap. For example, if (O) over cap is an applied electric field, this field can be included into the CI Hamiltonian and polarisation or gating effects may be studied for finite electron systems. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have measured the electrical transport properties of mats of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) as a function of applied electric and magnetic fields. We find that at low temperatures the resistance as a function of temperature R(T) follows the Mott variable range hopping (VRH) formula for hopping in three dimensions. Measurement of the electric field dependence of the resistance R(E) allows for the determination of the Bohr radius of a localized state a = 700nm. The magnetoresistance (MR) of SWNT mat samples is large and negative at all temperatures and fields studied. The low field negative MR is proportional to H2, in agreement with variable range hopping in two or three dimensions. 3D VRH indicates good intertube contacts, implying that the localization is due to the disorder experienced by the individual tubes. The 3D localization radius gives a measure of the ID localization length on the individual tubes, which we estimate to be >700 nm. Implications for the electron-phonon mean free path are discussed.


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The reliable measurement of the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) of plasmas is one of the most important subjects of plasma diagnostics, because this piece of information is the key to understand basic discharge mechanisms. Specific problems arise in the case of RF-excited plasmas, since the properties of electrons are subject to changes on a nanosecond time scale and show pronounced spatial anisotropy. We report on a novel spectroscopic method for phase- and space-resolved measurements of the electron energy distribution function of energetic (> 12 eV) electrons in RF discharges. These electrons dominate excitation and ionization processes and are therefore of particular interest. The technique is based on time-dependent measurements during the RF cycle of excited-state populations of rare gases admixed in small fractions. These measurements yield � in combination with an analytical model � detailed information on the excitation processes. Phase-resolved optical emission spectroscopy allows us to overcome the difficulties connected with the very low densities (107�109 cm�3) and the transient character of the electrons in the sheath region. The EEDF of electrons accelerated in the sheath region can be described by a shifted Maxwellian with a drift velocity component in direction of the electric field. The method yields the high-energy tail of the EEDF on an absolute scale. The applicability of the method is demonstrated at a capacitively coupled RF discharge in hydrogen.


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The response of a room temperature molten salt to an external electric field when it is confined to a nanoslit is studied by molecular dynamics simulations. The fluid is confined between two parallel and oppositely charged walls, emulating two electrified solid-liquid interfaces. Attention is focused on structural, electrostatic, and dynamical properties, which are compared with those of the nonpolarized fluid. It is found that the relaxation of the electrostatic potential, after switching the electric field off, occurs in two stages. A first, subpicosecond process accounts for 80% of the decay and is followed by a second subdiffusive process with a time constant of 8 ps. Diffusion is not involved in the relaxation, which is mostly driven by small anion translations. The relaxation of the polarization in the confined system is discussed in terms of the spectrum of charge density fluctuations in the bulk.


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The electro-optic response of a cell consisting of a thin layer of liquid crystal deposited onto gold nanorods embedded in thin film alumina with a transparent top electrode has been investigated. For p-polarized light incident from the liquid crystal side, the extinction peak associated with the nanorod longitudinal plasmon resonance is completely suppressed. The peak could be recovered by applying an external electric field parallel to the long axis of the nanorods. No extinction peak suppression is observed when the light was incident from the nanorod side of the cell. The effect is explained by polarization properties of liquid crystal.


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The nonlinear coupling between finite amplitude ion thermal waves (ITWs) and quasistationary density perturbations in a pair-ion plasma is considered. A generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation is derived for the ITW electric field envelope, accounting for large amplitude quasistationary plasma slow motion describing the ITW ponderomotive force. The present theory accounts for the trapping of ITWs in a large amplitude ion density hole. The small amplitude limit is considered and exact analytical solutions are obtained. Finite amplitude solutions are obtained numerically and their characteristics are discussed.


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A planar inductively coupled radio-frequency (rf) magnetic neutral loop discharge has been designed. It provides diagnostic access to both the main plasma production region as well as a remote plane for applications. Three coaxial coils are arranged to generate a specially designed inhomogeneous magnetic field structure with vanishing field along a ring in the discharge-the so-called neutral loop (NL). The plasma is generated by applying an oscillating rf electric field along the NL, induced through a four-turn, planar antenna operated at 13.56 MHz. Electron density and temperature measurements are performed under various parameter variations. Collisionless electron heating in the NL region allows plasma operation at comparatively low pressures, down to 10(-2) Pa, with a degree of ionization in the order of several per cent. Conventional plasma operation in inductive mode without applying the magnetic field is less efficient, in particular in the low pressure regime where the plasma cannot be sustained without magnetic fields.


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The propagation in a rarefied plasma (n(e)less than or similar to 10(15) cm(-3)) of collisionless shock waves and ion-acoustic solitons, excited following the interaction of a long (tau(L)similar to 470 ps) and intense (I similar to 10(15) W cm(-2)) laser pulse with solid targets, has been investigated via proton probing techniques. The shocks' structures and related electric field distributions were reconstructed with high spatial and temporal resolution. The experimental results were interpreted within the framework of the nonlinear wave description based on the Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation.


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The electron dynamics in the low-pressure operation regime ($«$ 5 Pa) of a neon capacitively coupled plasma is investigated using phase-resolved optical emission spectroscopy. Plasma ionization and sustainment mechanisms are governed by the expanding and contracting sheath and complex wave–particle interactions. Electrons are energized through the advancing and retreating electric field of the RF sheath. The associated interaction of energetic sheath electrons with thermal bulk plasma electrons drives a two-stream instability also dissipating power in the plasma.