20 resultados para Elbow tendionitis


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Reaching to visual targets engages the nervous system in a series of transformations between sensory information and motor commands. That which remains to be determined is the extent to which the processes that mediate sensorimotor adaptation to novel environments engage neural circuits that represent the required movement in joint-based or muscle-based coordinate systems. We sought to establish the contribution of these alternative representations to the process of visuomotor adaptation. To do so we applied a visuomotor rotation during a center-out isometric torque production task that involved flexion/extension and supination/pronation at the elbow-joint complex. In separate sessions, distinct half-quadrant rotations (i.e., 45°) were applied such that adaptation could be achieved either by only rescaling the individual joint torques (i.e., the visual target and torque target remained in the same quadrant) or by additionally requiring torque reversal at a contributing joint (i.e., the visual target and torque target were in different quadrants). Analysis of the time course of directional errors revealed that the degree of adaptation was lower (by ~20%) when reversals in the direction of joint torques were required. It has been established previously that in this task space, a transition between supination and pronation requires the engagement of a different set of muscle synergists, whereas in a transition between flexion and extension no such change is required. The additional observation that the initial level of adaptation was lower and the subsequent aftereffects were smaller, for trials that involved a pronation–supination transition than for those that involved a flexion–extension transition, supports the conclusion that the process of adaptation engaged, at least in part, neural circuits that represent the required motor output in a muscle-based coordinate system.


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We investigated the role of visual feedback of task performance in visuomotor adaptation. Participants produced novel two degrees of freedom movements (elbow flexion-extension, forearm pronation-supination) to move a cursor towards visual targets. Following trials with no rotation, participants were exposed to a 60A degrees visuomotor rotation, before returning to the non-rotated condition. A colour cue on each trial permitted identification of the rotated/non-rotated contexts. Participants could not see their arm but received continuous and concurrent visual feedback (CF) of a cursor representing limb position or post-trial visual feedback (PF) representing the movement trajectory. Separate groups of participants who received CF were instructed that online modifications of their movements either were, or were not, permissible as a means of improving performance. Feedforward-mediated performance improvements occurred for both CF and PF groups in the rotated environment. Furthermore, for CF participants this adaptation occurred regardless of whether feedback modifications of motor commands were permissible. Upon re-exposure to the non-rotated environment participants in the CF, but not PF, groups exhibited post-training aftereffects, manifested as greater angular deviations from a straight initial trajectory, with respect to the pre-rotation trials. Accordingly, the nature of the performance improvements that occurred was dependent upon the timing of the visual feedback of task performance. Continuous visual feedback of task performance during task execution appears critical in realising automatic visuomotor adaptation through a recalibration of the visuomotor mapping that transforms visual inputs into appropriate motor commands.


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Human motor behaviour is continually modified on the basis of errors between desired and actual movement outcomes. It is emerging that the role played by the primary motor cortex (M1) in this process is contingent upon a variety of factors, including the nature of the task being performed, and the stage of learning. Here we used repetitive TMS to test the hypothesis that M1 is intimately involved in the initial phase of sensorimotor adaptation. Inhibitory theta burst stimulation was applied to M1 prior to a task requiring modification of torques generated about the elbow/forearm complex in response to rotations of a visual feedback display. Participants were first exposed to a 30° clockwise (CW) rotation (Block A), then a 60° counterclockwise rotation (Block B), followed immediately by a second block of 30° CW rotation (A2). In the STIM condition, participants received 20s of continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) prior to the initial A Block. In the conventional (CON) condition, no stimulation was applied. The overt characteristics of performance in the two conditions were essentially equivalent with respect to the errors exhibited upon exposure to a new variant of the task. There were however, profound differences between the conditions in the latency of response preparation, and the excitability of corticospinal projections from M1, which accompanied phases of de-adaptation and re-adaptation (during Blocks B and A2). Upon subsequent exposure to the A rotation 24h later, the rate of re-adaptation was lower in the stimulation condition than that present in the conventional condition. These results support the assertion that primary motor cortex assumes a key role in a network that mediates adaptation to visuomotor perturbation, and emphasise that it is engaged functionally during the early phase of learning.


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When permitted access to the appropriate forms of rehabilitation, many severely affected stroke survivors demonstrate a capacity for upper limb functional recovery well in excess of that formerly considered possible. Yet, the mechanisms through which improvements in arm function occur in such profoundly impaired individuals remain poorly understood. An exploratory study was undertaken to investigate the capacity for brain plasticity and functional adaptation, in response to 12-h training of reaching using the SMART Arm device, in a group of severely affected stroke survivors with chronic upper limb paresis. Twenty-eight stroke survivors were enroled. Eleven healthy adults provided normative data. To assess the integrity of ipsilateral and contralateral corticospinal pathways, transcranial magnetic stimulation was applied to evoke responses in triceps brachii during an elbow extension task. When present, contralateral motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) were delayed and reduced in amplitude compared to those obtained in healthy adults. Following training, contralateral responses were more prevalent and their average onset latency was reduced. There were no reliable changes in ipsilateral MEPs. Stroke survivors who exhibited contralateral MEPs prior to training achieved higher levels of arm function and exhibited greater improvements in performance than those who did not initially exhibit contralateral responses. Furthermore, decreases in the onset latency of contralateral MEPs were positively related to improvements in arm function. Our findings demonstrate that when severely impaired stroke survivors are provided with an appropriate rehabilitation modality, modifications of corticospinal reactivity occur in association with sustained improvements in upper limb function.


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Solid particle erosion is a major concern in the engineering industry, particularly where transport of slurry flow is involved. Such flow regimes are characteristic of those in alumina refinement plants. The entrainment of particulate matter, for example sand, in the Bayer liquor can cause severe erosion in pipe fittings, especially in those which redirect the flow. The considerable costs involved in the maintenance and replacement of these eroded components led to an interest in research into erosion prediction by numerical methods at Rusal Aughinish alumina refinery, Limerick, Ireland, and the University of Limerick. The first stage of this study focused on the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate solid particle erosion in elbows. Subsequently an analysis of the factors that affect erosion of elbows was performed using design of experiments (DOE) techniques. Combining CFD with DOE harnesses the computational power of CFD in the most efficient manner for prediction of elbow erosion. An analysis of the factors that affect the erosion of elbows was undertaken with the intention of producing an erosion prediction model. © 2009 Taylor & Francis.