38 resultados para Duodenal switch


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This paper presents an ultrafast wideband low-loss single-pole double-throw (SPDT) differential switch in 0.35 µ m SiGe bipolar technology. The proposed topology adopting current-steering technique results in a total measured switching time of 75 ps , which suggests a maximum switching rate of 13 Gb/s, the fastest ever reported at V-band. In addition, the switch exhibits an insertion loss lower than 1.25 dB and an isolation higher than 18 dB from 42 GHz to 70 GHz. © 2006 IEEE.


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Several logic gates and switches can be accessed from two different combinations of a single set of fluorophore, receptor and spacer components.


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We develop a theory for the food intake of a predator that can switch between multiple prey species. The theory addresses empirical observations of prey switching and is based on the behavioural assumption that a predator tends to continue feeding on prey that are similar to the prey it has consumed last, in terms of, e.g., their morphology, defences, location, habitat choice, or behaviour. From a predator's dietary history and the assumed similarity relationship among prey species, we derive a general closed-form multi-species functional response for describing predators switching between multiple prey species. Our theory includes the Holling type II functional response as a special case and makes consistent predictions when populations of equivalent prey are aggregated or split. An analysis of the derived functional response enables us to highlight the following five main findings. (1) Prey switching leads to an approximate power-law relationship between ratios of prey abundance and prey intake, consistent with experimental data. (2) In agreement with empirical observations, the theory predicts an upper limit of 2 for the exponent of such power laws. (3) Our theory predicts deviations from power-law switching at very low and very high prey-abundance ratios. (4) The theory can predict the diet composition of a predator feeding on multiple prey species from diet observations for predators feeding only on pairs of prey species. (5) Predators foraging on more prey species will show less pronounced prey switching than predators foraging on fewer prey species, thus providing a natural explanation for the known difficulties of observing prey switching in the field. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, weconsider switch-and-stay combining (SSC) in two-way relay systems with two amplify-and-forward relays, one of which is activated to assist the information exchange between the two sources. The system operates in either analog network coding (ANC) protocol where the communication is only achieved with the help of the active relay or timedivision broadcast (TDBC) protocol where the direct link between two sources can be utilized to exploit more diversity gain. In both cases, we study the outage probability and bit error rate (BER) for Rayleigh fading channels. In particular, we derive closed-form lower bounds for the outage probability and the average BER, which remain tight for different fading conditions. We also present asymptotic analysis for both the outage probability and the average BER at high signalto-noise ratio. It is shown that SSC can achieve the full diversity order in two-way relay systems for both ANC and TDBC protocols with proper switching thresholds. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A huge variety of proteins are able to form fibrillar structures(1), especially at high protein concentrations. Hence, it is surprising that spider silk proteins can be stored in a soluble form at high concentrations and transformed into extremely stable fibres on demand(2,3). Silk proteins are reminiscent of amphiphilic block copolymers containing stretches of polyalanine and glycine-rich polar elements forming a repetitive core flanked by highly conserved non-repetitive amino-terminal(4,5) and carboxy-terminal(6) domains. The N-terminal domain comprises a secretion signal, but further functions remain unassigned. The C-terminal domain was implicated in the control of solubility and fibre formation(7) initiated by changes in ionic composition(8,9) and mechanical stimuli known to align the repetitive sequence elements and promote beta-sheet formation(10-14). However, despite recent structural data(15), little is known about this remarkable behaviour in molecular detail. Here we present the solution structure of the C-terminal domain of a spider dragline silk protein and provide evidence that the structural state of this domain is essential for controlled switching between the storage and assembly forms of silk proteins. In addition, the C-terminal domain also has a role in the alignment of secondary structural features formed by the repetitive elements in the backbone of spider silk proteins, which is known to be important for the mechanical properties of the fibre.


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A highly luminescent and sensitive terbium complex of a ligand comprising of a phthalimide group appended to a DO3A moiety is an active pH sensor that is conditional on its previous pH. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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In this paper, we study a two-phase underlay cognitive relay network, where there exists an eavesdropper who can overhear the message. The secure data transmission from the secondary source to secondary destination is assisted by two decode-and-forward (DF) relays. Although the traditional opportunistic relaying technique can choose one relay to provide the best secure performance, it needs to continuously have the channel state information (CSI) of both relays, and may result in a high relay switching rate. To overcome these limitations, a secure switch-and-stay combining (SSSC) protocol is proposed where only one out of the two relays is activated to assist the secure data transmission, and the secure relay switching occurs when the relay cannot support the secure communication any longer. This security switching is assisted by either instantaneous or statistical eavesdropping CSI. For these two cases, we study the system secure performance of SSSC protocol, by deriving the analytical secrecy outage probability as well as an asymptotic expression for the high main-to-eavesdropper ratio (MER) region. We show that SSSC can substantially reduce the system complexity while achieving or approaching the full diversity order of opportunistic relaying in the presence of the instantaneous or statistical eavesdropping CSI.


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This paper studies the impact of in-phase and quadrature-phase imbalance (IQI) in two-way amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying systems. In particular, the effective signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) is derived for each source node, considering four different linear detection schemes, namely, uncompensated (Uncomp) scheme, maximal-ratio-combining (MRC), zero-forcing (ZF) and minimum mean-square error (MMSE) based schemes. For each proposed scheme, the outage probability (OP) is investigated over independent, non-identically distributed Nakagami-m fading channels, and exact closed-form expressions are derived for the first three schemes. Based on the closed-form OP expressions, an adaptive detection mode switching scheme is designed for minimizing the OP of both sources. An important observation is that, regardless of the channel conditions and transmit powers, the ZF-based scheme should always be selected if the target SINR is larger than 3 (4.77dB), while the MRC-based scheme should be avoided if the target SINR is larger than 0.38 (-4.20dB).


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Using patch-clamp and calcium imaging techniques, we characterized the effects of ATP and histamine on human keratinocytes. In the HaCaT cell line, both receptor agonists induced a transient elevation of [Ca2+]i in a Ca2+-free medium followed by a secondary [Ca2+]i rise upon Ca2+ readmission due to store-operated calcium entry (SOCE). In voltage-clamped cells, agonists activated two kinetically distinct currents, which showed differing voltage dependences and were identified as Ca2+-activated (ICl(Ca)) and volume-regulated (ICl, swell) chloride currents. NPPB and DIDS more efficiently inhibited ICl(Ca) and ICl, swell, respectively. Cell swelling caused by hypotonic solution invariably activated ICl, swell while regulatory volume decrease occurred in intact cells, as was found in flow cytometry experiments. The PLC inhibitor U-73122 blocked both agonist- and cell swelling–induced ICl, swell, while its inactive analogue U-73343 had no effect. ICl(Ca) could be activated by cytoplasmic calcium increase due to thapsigargin (TG)-induced SOCE as well as by buffering [Ca2+]i in the pipette solution at 500 nM. In contrast, ICl, swell could be directly activated by 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG), a cell-permeable DAG analogue, but neither by InsP3 infusion nor by the cytoplasmic calcium increase. PKC also had no role in its regulation. Agonists, OAG, and cell swelling induced ICl, swell in a nonadditive manner, suggesting their convergence on a common pathway. ICl, swell and ICl(Ca) showed only a limited overlap (i.e., simultaneous activation), although various maneuvers were able to induce these currents sequentially in the same cell. TG-induced SOCE strongly potentiated ICl(Ca), but abolished ICl, swell, thereby providing a clue for this paradox. Thus, we have established for the first time using a keratinocyte model that ICl, swell can be physiologically activated under isotonic conditions by receptors coupled to the phosphoinositide pathway. These results also suggest a novel function for SOCE, which can operate as a "selection" switch between closely localized channels.


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In this theoretical paper, the analysis of the effect that ON-state active-device resistance has on the performance of a Class-E tuned power amplifier using a shunt inductor topology is presented. The work is focused on the relatively unexplored area of design facilitation of Class-E tuned amplifiers where intrinsically low-output-capacitance monolithic microwave integrated circuit switching devices such as pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistors are used. In the paper, the switching voltage and current waveforms in the presence of ON-resistance are analyzed in order to provide insight into circuit properties such as RF output power, drain efficiency, and power-output capability. For a given amplifier specification, a design procedure is illustrated whereby it is possible to compute optimal circuit component values which account for prescribed switch resistance loss. Furthermore, insight into how ON-resistance affects transistor selection in terms of peak switch voltage and current requirements is described. Finally, a design example is given in order to validate the theoretical analysis against numerical simulation.