25 resultados para Dissection


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The 65-kD microtubule-associated protein (MAP65) family is a family of plant microtubule-bundling proteins. Functional analysis is complicated by the heterogeneity within this family: there are nine MAP65 genes in Arabidopsis thaliana, AtMAP65-1 to AtMAP65-9. To begin the functional dissection of the Arabidopsis MAP65 proteins, we have concentrated on a single isoform, AtMAP65-1, and examined its effect on the dynamics of mammalian microtubules. We show that recombinant AtMAP65-1 does not promote polymerization and does not stabilize microtubules against cold-induced microtubule depolymerization. However, we show that it does induce microtubule bundling in vitro and that this protein forms 25-nm cross-bridges between microtubules. We further demonstrate that the microtubule binding region resides in the C-terminal half of the protein and that Ala409 and Ala420 are essential for the interaction with microtubules. Ala420 is a conserved amino acid in the AtMAP65 family and is mutated to Val in the cytokinesis-defective mutant pleiade-4 of the AtMAP65-3/PLEIADE gene. We show that AtMAP65-1 can form dimers and that a region in the N terminus is responsible for this activity. Neither the microtubule binding region nor the dimerization region alone could induce microtubule bundling, strongly suggesting that dimerization is necessary to produce the microtubule cross-bridges. In vivo, AtMAP65-1 is ubiquitously expressed both during the cell cycle and in all plant organs and tissues with the exception of anthers and petals. Moreover, using an antiserum raised to AtMAP65-1, we show that AtMAP65-1 binds microtubules at specific stages of the cell cycle.


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The role of lymphoscintigraphy in sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer remains debatable. This study assesses the value of lymphoscintigraphy in axillary sentinel node biopsy in women undergoing surgery for breast cancer. Sixty-two patients underwent sentinel node biopsy using a combination of technetium-label led nanocolloid, lymphoscintigraphy and patent blue dye. Lymphoscintigraphy was successful in 84% of patients. Axillary sentinel nodes were identified intraoperatively in all these patients. Internal mammary nodes were identified on lymphoscintigraphy in 19%. Despite lymphoscintigraphy being unsuccessful in 10 patients, axillary sentinel nodes were found intraoperatively in eight of these patients. Lymphoscintigraphy did not increase the detection rate of axillary sentinel nodes and a negative scan did not preclude identification of an axillary sentinel node intraoperatively. This study questions the contribution of lymphoscintigraphy in axillary sentinel node biopsy, however its value may lie in the detection of extra-axillary nodes. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Background Sentinel lymph node biopsy is a recently developed, minimally invasive technique for staging the axilla in patients with breast cancer. It has been suggested that this technique will avoid the morbidity associated with more extensive axillary dissection. A wide range of different methods and materials has been employed for lymphatic mapping, but there has been little consensus on the most reliable and reproducible technique.

Methods This is a comprehensive review of all published literature on sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer, using the Medline and Embase databases and cross-referencing of major articles on the subject.

Results and conclusion Sentinel node biopsy is a valid technique in breast cancer management, providing valuable axillary staging information. The optimal technique of lymphatic mapping utilizes a combination of vital blue dye and radiolabelled colloid. However, there remain controversial issues which require to be resolved before sentinel node biopsy becomes a widely accepted part of breast cancer care.


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Objective: The present investigation has been designed to study the incidence of the rectus stern muscle in German human cadavers dissected in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, trying to find a postulation for the development of such muscle when present. Design: Gross dissection of 130 cadavers, of both sexes, was performed throughout a period of 10 years. Setting: Department of Anatomy College of Medicine, King Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Intervention: Investigation of the origin and insertion of the rectus sterni and measurements of its length and width. Results: Two adult cadavers, one of each sex, had shown well-developed bilateral rectus stern muscles. All muscles identified were parasternal in position, being superficial to the medial portion of the pectoralis major muscle. Minor morphological differences were observed among the four muscle masses concerning their length, breadth, origin and insertion. Conclusion: The current study has determined the incidence of the rectus sterni muscle, in German cadavers to be 1.54% per bodies examined compared to 4% in cadavers from Saudis. Such a frequency is compared to that reported in different geographic populations. The rectus sterni muscle is innervated by the anterior cutaneous branches of the intercostal nerves. The description of the rectus sterni muscle and its incidence determined in the present study, might be of a great help for clinicians radiographing or tackling the pectoral region.


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Objective: Molecular pathology relies on identifying anomalies using PCR or analysis of DNA/RNA. This is important in solid tumours where molecular stratification of patients define targeted treatment. These molecular biomarkers rely on examination of tumour, annotation for possible macro dissection/tumour cell enrichment and the estimation of % tumour. Manually marking up tumour is error prone. Method: We have developed a method for automated tumour mark-up and % cell calculations using image analysis called TissueMark® based on texture analysis for lung, colorectal and breast (cases=245, 100, 100 respectively). Pathologists marked slides for tumour and reviewed the automated analysis. A subset of slides was manually counted for tumour cells to provide a benchmark for automated image analysis. Results: There was a strong concordance between pathological and automated mark-up (100 % acceptance rate for macro-dissection). We also showed a strong concordance between manually/automatic drawn boundaries (median exclusion/inclusion error of 91.70 %/89 %). EGFR mutation analysis was precisely the same for manual and automated annotation-based macrodissection. The annotation accuracy rates in breast and colorectal cancer were 83 and 80 % respectively. Finally, region-based estimations of tumour percentage using image analysis showed significant correlation with actual cell counts. Conclusion: Image analysis can be used for macro-dissection to (i) annotate tissue for tumour and (ii) estimate the % tumour cells and represents an approach to standardising/improving molecular diagnostics.


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The teaching and cultivation of professionalism is an integral part of medical education as professionalism is central to maintaining the public’s trust in the medical profession. Traditionally professional values would have been acquired through an informal process of socialisation and observation of role models. Recently, however, medical educators have accepted the responsibility to explicitly teach and effectively evaluate professionalism. A comprehensive working definition of the term professionalism and a universally agreed list of the constituent elements of professionalism are currently debated. The School of Medicine and Dentistry of The Queen’s University of Belfast uses an approach of self-directed learning for teaching anatomy, and students are given the opportunity to learn anatomy from human dissection. Self-directed learning teams have been found to be underutilised as educational strategies and presented an opportunity to utilise the first year dissection room teaching environment to nurture the development of the attributes of professionalism. An educational strategy based on role-playing was developed to engage all students around the dissection table. Students received comprehensive background reviews on professionalism, its attributes and the identification of such attributes in the context of the dissection room. Roles, with specific duties attached, were allocated to each team member. Circulating academic staff members directly observed student participation and gave formative feedback. Students were given the opportunity to reflect on their ability to identify the attributes and reflect on their own and their peer’s ability to develop and practise these attributes. This strategy indicated that small group learning teams in the dissection room utilise widely accepted principles of adult learning and offer an opportunity to create learning activities that will instil in students the knowledge, values, attitudes and behaviours that characterise medical professionalism. Anatomy faculty have a responsibility to nurture and exemplify professionalism and play a significant role in the early promotion and inculcation of professionalism. It remains imperative not only to assess this strategy but also to create opportunities for critical reflection and evaluation within the strategy. Key words: Medical Education – Professionalism – Anatomy - Reflective Practise – Role-play


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Introduction: The 'scaly-foot gastropod' (Chrysomallon squamiferum Chen et al., 2015) from deep-sea hydrothermal vent ecosystems of the Indian Ocean is an active mobile gastropod occurring in locally high densities, and it is distinctive for the dermal scales covering the exterior surface of its foot. These iron-sulfide coated sclerites, and its nutritional dependence on endosymbiotic bacteria, are both noted as adaptations to the extreme environment in the flow of hydrogen sulfide. We present evidence for other adaptations of the 'scaly-foot gastropod' to life in an extreme environment, investigated through dissection and 3D tomographic reconstruction of the internal anatomy.

Results: Our anatomical investigations of juvenile and adult specimens reveal a large unganglionated nervous system, a simple and reduced digestive system, and that the animal is a simultaneous hermaphrodite. We show that Chrysomallon squamiferum relies on endosymbiotic bacteria throughout post-larval life. Of particular interest is the circulatory system: Chrysomallon has a very large ctenidium supported by extensive blood sinuses filled with haemocoel. The ctenidium provides oxygen for the host but the circulatory system is enlarged beyond the scope of other similar vent gastropods. At the posterior of the ctenidium is a remarkably large and well-developed heart. Based on the volume of the auricle and ventricle, the heart complex represents approximately 4 % of the body volume. This proportionally giant heart primarily sucks blood through the ctenidium and supplies the highly vascularised oesophageal gland. Thus we infer the elaborate cardiovascular system most likely evolved to oxygenate the endosymbionts in an oxygen poor environment and/or to supply hydrogen sulfide to the endosymbionts.

Conclusions: This study exemplifies how understanding the autecology of an organism can be enhanced by detailed investigation of internal anatomy. This gastropod is a large and active species that is abundant in its hydrothermal vent field ecosystem. Yet all of its remarkable features-protective dermal sclerites, circulatory system, high fecundity-can be viewed as adaptations beneficial to its endosymbiont microbes. We interpret these results to show that, as a result of specialisation to resolve energetic needs in an extreme chemosynthetic environment, this dramatic dragon-like species has become a carrying vessel for its bacteria.


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BACKGROUND: Tumorigenesis is characterised by changes in transcriptional control. Extensive transcript expression data have been acquired over the last decade and used to classify prostate cancers. Prostate cancer is, however, a heterogeneous multifocal cancer and this poses challenges in identifying robust transcript biomarkers.

METHODS: In this study, we have undertaken a meta-analysis of publicly available transcriptomic data spanning datasets and technologies from the last decade and encompassing laser capture microdissected and macrodissected sample sets.

RESULTS: We identified a 33 gene signature that can discriminate between benign tissue controls and localised prostate cancers irrespective of detection platform or dissection status. These genes were significantly overexpressed in localised prostate cancer versus benign tissue in at least three datasets within the Oncomine Compendium of Expression Array Data. In addition, they were also overexpressed in a recent exon-array dataset as well a prostate cancer RNA-seq dataset generated as part of the The Cancer Genomics Atlas (TCGA) initiative. Biologically, glycosylation was the single enriched process associated with this 33 gene signature, encompassing four glycosylating enzymes. We went on to evaluate the performance of this signature against three individual markers of prostate cancer, v-ets avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog (ERG) expression, prostate specific antigen (PSA) expression and androgen receptor (AR) expression in an additional independent dataset. Our signature had greater discriminatory power than these markers both for localised cancer and metastatic disease relative to benign tissue, or in the case of metastasis, also localised prostate cancer.

CONCLUSION: In conclusion, robust transcript biomarkers are present within datasets assembled over many years and cohorts and our study provides both examples and a strategy for refining and comparing datasets to obtain additional markers as more data are generated.


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The reciprocal interaction between cancer cells and the tissue-specific stroma is critical for primary and metastatic tumor growth progression. Prostate cancer cells colonize preferentially bone (osteotropism), where they alter the physiological balance between osteoblast-mediated bone formation and osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, and elicit prevalently an osteoblastic response (osteoinduction). The molecular cues provided by osteoblasts for the survival and growth of bone metastatic prostate cancer cells are largely unknown. We exploited the sufficient divergence between human and mouse RNA sequences together with redefinition of highly species-specific gene arrays by computer-aided and experimental exclusion of cross-hybridizing oligonucleotide probes. This strategy allowed the dissection of the stroma (mouse) from the cancer cell (human) transcriptome in bone metastasis xenograft models of human osteoinductive prostate cancer cells (VCaP and C4-2B). As a result, we generated the osteoblastic bone metastasis-associated stroma transcriptome (OB-BMST). Subtraction of genes shared by inflammation, wound healing and desmoplastic responses, and by the tissue type-independent stroma responses to a variety of non-osteotropic and osteotropic primary cancers generated a curated gene signature ("Core" OB-BMST) putatively representing the bone marrow/bone-specific stroma response to prostate cancer-induced, osteoblastic bone metastasis. The expression pattern of three representative Core OB-BMST genes (PTN, EPHA3 and FSCN1) seems to confirm the bone specificity of this response. A robust induction of genes involved in osteogenesis and angiogenesis dominates both the OB-BMST and Core OB-BMST. This translates in an amplification of hematopoietic and, remarkably, prostate epithelial stem cell niche components that may function as a self-reinforcing bone metastatic niche providing a growth support specific for osteoinductive prostate cancer cells. The induction of this combinatorial stem cell niche is a novel mechanism that may also explain cancer cell osteotropism and local interference with hematopoiesis (myelophthisis). Accordingly, these stem cell niche components may represent innovative therapeutic targets and/or serum biomarkers in osteoblastic bone metastasis.


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BACKGROUND: This study aims to assess the quality of various steps of manual small incision cataract surgery and predictors of quality, using video recordings.
DESIGN: This paper applies a retrospective study.
PARTICIPANTS: Fifty-two trainees participated in a hands-on small incision cataract surgery training programme at rural Chinese hospitals.
METHODS: Trainees provided one video each recorded by a tripod-mounted digital recorder after completing a one-week theoretical course and hands-on training monitored by expert trainers. Videos were graded by two different experts, using a 4-point scale developed by the International Council of Ophthalmology for each of 12 surgical steps and six global factors. Grades ranged from 2 (worst) to 5 (best), with a score of 0 if the step was performed by trainers.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mean score for the performance of each cataract surgical step rated by trainers.
RESULTS: Videos and data were available for 49/52 trainees (94.2%, median age 38 years, 16.3% women and 77.5% completing > 50 training cases). The majority (53.1%, 26/49) had performed ≤ 50 cataract surgeries prior to training. Kappa was 0.57∼0.98 for the steps (mean 0.85). Poorest-rated steps were draping the surgical field (mean ± standard deviation = 3.27 ± 0.78), hydro-dissection (3.88 ± 1.22) and wound closure (3.92 ± 1.03), and top-rated steps were insertion of viscoelastic (4.96 ± 0.20) and anterior chamber entry (4.69 ± 0.74). In linear regression models, higher total score was associated with younger age (P = 0.015) and having performed >50 independent manual small incision cases (P = 0.039).
CONCLUSIONS: More training should be given to preoperative draping, which is poorly performed and crucial in preventing infection. Surgical experience improves ratings.© 2015 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.