79 resultados para Damping


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Linear wave theory models are commonly applied to predict the performance of bottom-hinged oscillating wave surge converters (OWSC) in operational sea states. To account for non-linear effects, the additional input of coefficients not included in the model itself becomes necessary. In ocean engineering it is
common practice to obtain damping coefficients of floating structures from free decay tests. This paper presents results obtained from experimental tank tests and numerical computational fluid dynamics simulations of OWSC’s. Agreement between numerical and experimental methods is found to be very good, with CFD providing more data points at small amplitude rotations.
Analysis of the obtained data reveals that linear quadratic-damping, as commonly used in time domain models, is not able to accurately model the occurring damping over the whole regime of rotation amplitudes. The authors
conclude that a hyperbolic function is most suitable to express the instantaneous damping ratio over the rotation amplitude and would be the best choice to be used in coefficient based time domain models.


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Using a prism-air gap-sample (Otto) configuration we have optically excited surface plasmon polaritons at the Ag-air interface of passive Al-Al oxide-Ag tunnel junction structures at wavelength 632.8 nm. It is found that the internal damping of this excitation is more than a factor of 2 greater for samples with a very thin (approximately 15 nm) Ag electrode than for samples with a thicker (approximately 40 nm) Ag electrode. This observation is explained by the fact that the fields of the surface plasmon polariton penetrate more substantially into the lossy Al base electrode when the Ag top electrode is very thin.


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We present observational evidence of compressible MHD wave modes propagating from the solar photosphere through to the base of the transition region in a solar magnetic pore. High cadence images were obtained simultaneously across four wavelength bands using the Dunn Solar Telescope. Employing Fourier and wavelet techniques, sausage-mode oscillations displaying significant power were detected in both intensity and area fluctuations. The intensity and area fluctuations exhibit a range of periods from 181 to 412 s, with an average period∼290 s, consistent with the global p-mode spectrum. Intensity and area oscillations present in adjacent band passes were found to be out of phase with one another, displaying phase angles of 6.°12, 5.°82,and 15.°97 between the 4170 Å continuum–G-band,G-band–Na i D1, and Na i D1–Ca ii K heights, respectively, reiterating the presence of upwardly propagating sausage-mode waves. A phase relationship of ∼0° between same-bandpass emission and area perturbations of the pore best categorizes the waves as belonging to the “slow” regime of a dispersion diagram. Theoretical calculations reveal that the waves are surface modes, with initial photospheric energies in excess of 35,000 Wm‑2. The wave energetics indicate a substantial decrease in energy with atmospheric height, confirming that magnetic pores are able to transport waves that exhibit appreciable energy damping, which may release considerable energy into the local chromospheric plasma.


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A grid-connected DFIG for wind power generation can affect power system small-signal angular stability in two ways: by changing the system load flow condition and dynamically interacting with synchronous generators (SGs). This paper presents the application of conventional method of damping torque analysis (DTA) to examine the effect of DFIG’s dynamic interactions with SGs on the small-signal angular stability. It shows that the effect is due to the dynamic variation of power exchange between the DFIG and power system and can be estimated approximately by the DTA. Consequently, if the DFIG is modelled as a constant power source when the effect of zero dynamic interactions is assumed, the impact of change of load flow brought about by the DFIG can be determined. Thus the total effect of DFIG can be estimated from the result of DTA added on that of constant power source model. Applications of the DTA method proposed in the paper are discussed. An example of multi-machine power systems with grid-connected DFIGs are presented to demonstrate and validate the DTA method proposed and conclusions obtained in the paper.


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We propose an effective Hamiltonian approach to investigate decoherence of a quantum system in a non-Markovian reservoir, naturally imposing the complete positivity on the reduced dynamics of the system. The formalism is based on the notion of an effective reservoir, i.e., certain collective degrees of freedom in the reservoir that are responsible for the decoherence. As examples for completely positive decoherence, we present three typical decoherence processes for a qubit such as dephasing, depolarizing, and amplitude damping. The effects of the non-Markovian decoherence are compared to the Markovian decoherence.


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One of the mechanisms proposed for heating the corona above solar active regions is the damping of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves. Continuing on previous work, we provide observational evidence for the existence of high-frequency MHD waves in coronal loops observed during the August 1999 total solar eclipse. A wavelet analysis is used to identify twenty 4 x 4 arcsec(2) areas showing intensity oscillations. All detections lie in the frequency range 0.15 - 0.25 Hz (7 - 4 s), last for at least 3 periods at a confidence level of more than 99% and arise just outside known coronal loops. This leads us to suggest that they occur in low emission-measure or different temperature loops associated with the active region.


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The propagation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPP's) is studied using a photon scanning tunneling microscope (PSTM) and conventional attenuated total reflection (ATR). The PSTM experiment uses localized (focused beam) launching or SPP's at a wavelength of 632.8 nm. Propagation of the SPP is observed as an exponentially decaying tail beyond the launch site acid the 1/e propagation length is measured directly for a series of Ag films of different thicknesses. The ATR measurements are used to characterize the thin film optical and thickness parameters, revealing, notably, the presence of a contaminating adlayer of Ag2S of typical dielectric function, 8.7 + i2.7, and thickness 1-2 nm. Values of the SPP propagation length, based on the ATR- derived film parameters used in the four-media implicit SPP dispersion relation, show very good agreement with those based on the PSTM images for the case of undercoupled or optimally coupled SPP modes. The observed propagation lengths are quantitatively analyzed taking explicit account of additional intrinsic damping due to the growth of the Ag2S layer and of reradiation of the SPP back into the prism outside the launch site. Finally, the PSTM images show excellent SPP beam confinement in the original propagation direction.


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The performance of the contra-rotating Wells turbine installed in the LIMPET wave power station is compared to the predicted performance from theoretical analysis and model tests. A reasonable agreement was found between the predicted and measured turbine damping characteristic, however the turbine efficiency was found to be poorly predicted. It is postulated that this is due to the unsteady nature and mal-distribution of flow through the LIMPET turbine, which were not considered in the predictions. It is suggested that the reduced performance of the contra-rotating Wells turbine makes biplane or monoplane Wells turbines with guide vanes better solutions for OWC's.


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We report the experimental demonstration of a one-way quantum protocol reliably operating in the presence of decoherence. Information is protected by designing an appropriate decoherence-free subspace for a cluster state resource. We demonstrate our scheme in an all-optical setup, encoding the information into the polarization states of four photons. A measurement-based one-way information-transfer protocol is performed with the photons exposed to severe symmetric phase-damping noise. Remarkable protection of information is accomplished, delivering nearly ideal outcomes.


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We introduce a novel scheme for one-way quantum computing (QC) based on the use of information encoded qubits in an effective cluster state resource. With the correct encoding structure, we show that it is possible to protect the entangled resource from phase damping decoherence, where the effective cluster state can be described as residing in a decoherence-free subspace (DFS) of its supporting quantum system. One-way QC then requires either single or two-qubit adaptive measurements. As an example where this proposal can be realized, we describe an optical lattice set-up where the scheme provides robust quantum information processing. We also outline how one can adapt the model to provide protection from other types of decoherence.


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A new method for automated coronal loop tracking, in both spatial and temporal domains, is presented. Applying this technique to TRACE data, obtained using the 171 angstrom filter on 1998 July 14, we detect a coronal loop undergoing a 270 s kink-mode oscillation, as previously found by Aschwanden et al. However, we also detect flare-induced, and previously unnoticed, spatial periodicities on a scale of 3500 km, which occur along the coronal loop edge. Furthermore, we establish a reduction in oscillatory power for these spatial periodicities of 45% over a 222 s interval. We relate the reduction in detected oscillatory power to the physical damping of these loop-top oscillations.


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The nonlinear nature of the rf absorption in a helicon-produced plasma was recently evidenced by the observation that the helicon wave damping as well as the level of short-scale electrostatic fluctuations excited in the helicon plasma increases with rf power. Correlation methods using electrostatic probes as well as microwave back-scattering at the upper-hybrid resonance allow identifying the fluctuations as ion-sound and Trivelpiece– Gould waves satisfying the frequency and wavenumber matching conditions for the parametric decay instability of the helicon pump wave. Furthermore, the growth rates and thresholds deduced from their temporal growth are in good agreement with theoretical predictions for the parametric decay instability that takes into account realistic damping rates for the decay waves as well as a non-vanishing parallel wavenumber of the helicon pump. The close relationship between the rf absorption and the excitation of the fluctuations was investigated in more detail by performing time- and space-resolved measurements of the helicon wave field and the electrostatic fluctuations.


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We discuss the generation of states close to the boundary family of maximally entangled mixed states as defined by the use of concurrence and linear entropy. The coupling of two qubits to a dissipation-affected bosonic mode is able to produce a bipartite state having, for all practical purposes, the entanglement and mixedness properties of one of such boundary states. We thoroughly study the effects that thermal and squeezed characters of the bosonic mode have in such a process and we discuss tolerance to qubit phase-damping mechanisms. The nondemanding nature of the scheme makes it realizable in a matter-light-based physical setup, which we address in some details.


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We study the effects of amplitude and phase damping decoherence in d-dimensional one-way quantum computation. We focus our attention on low dimensions and elementary unidimensional cluster state resources. Our investigation shows how information transfer and entangling gate simulations are affected for d >= 2. To understand motivations for extending the one-way model to higher dimensions, we describe how basic qudit cluster states deteriorate under environmental noise of experimental interest. In order to protect quantum information from the environment, we consider encoding logical qubits into qudits and compare entangled pairs of linear qubit-cluster states to single qudit clusters of equal length and total dimension. A significant reduction in the performance of cluster state resources for d > 2 is found when Markovian-type decoherence models are present.