43 resultados para Convex spherical mirrors


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For some time there is a large interest in variable step-size methods for adaptive filtering. Recently, a few stochastic gradient algorithms have been proposed, which are based on cost functions that have exponential dependence on the chosen error. However, we have experienced that the cost function based on exponential of the squared error does not always satisfactorily converge. In this paper we modify this cost function in order to improve the convergence of exponentiated cost function and the novel ECVSS (exponentiated convex variable step-size) stochastic gradient algorithm is obtained. The proposed technique has attractive properties in both stationary and abrupt-change situations. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A model based on the postreceptor channels followed by a Minkowski norm (Minkowski model) is widely used to fit experimental data on colour discrimination. This model predicts that contours of equal discrimination in colour space are convex and balanced (symmetrical). We have tested these predictions in an experiment. Two new statistical tests have been developed to analyse convexity and balancedness of experimental curves. Using these tests we have found that while they are in line with the convexity prediction, our experimental contours strongly testify against balancedness. It follows that the Minkowski model is, generally, inappropriate to model colour discrimination data. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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Spherical, ultra-high specific surface area monodisperse polymer particles with diameters in the low micrometer size range are disclosed for the first time. The polymer particles are able to sorb significant levels of both hydrocarbon solvents and water, acting in effect as amphipathic micro-sponges. Exciting possibilities for exploitation of the particles in chromatography, diagnostics, sensors, delivery vehicles and catalysis are suggested.


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Reflecting light from a mirror moving close to the speed of light has been envisioned as a route towards producing bright X-ray pulses since Einstein's seminal work on special relativity. For an ideal relativistic mirror, the peak power of the reflected radiation can substantially exceed that of the incident radiation due to the increase in photon energy and accompanying temporal compression. Here we demonstrate for the first time that dense relativistic electron mirrors can be created from the interaction of a high-intensity laser pulse with a freestanding, nanometre-scale thin foil. The mirror structures are shown to shift the frequency of a counter-propagating laser pulse coherently from the infrared to the extreme ultraviolet with an efficiency >10 4 times higher than in the case of incoherent scattering. Our results elucidate the reflection process of laser-generated electron mirrors and give clear guidance for future developments of a relativistic mirror structure. 


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A simple, non-seeding and high-yield synthesis of convex gold octahedra with size of ca. 50 nm in aqueous solution is described. The octahedral nanoparticles were systematically prepared by reduction of HAuCl4 using ascorbic acid (AA) in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as the stabilizing surfactant while concentrations of Au3+ were fixed. The synthesizing process is especially different to other wet synthesis of metallic nanoparticles because it is mediated by H2O2. Mechanism of the H2O2 – mediated process will be described in details. The gold octahedra were shown to be single crystals with all 8 faces belonging to {111} family. Moreover, the single crystalline particles also showed attractive optical properties towards LSPR that should find uses as labels for microscopic imaging, materials for colorimetric biosensings, or nanosensor developments.