46 resultados para Connected sum of surfaces


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The divide-and-conquer approach of local model (LM) networks is a common engineering approach to the identification of a complex nonlinear dynamical system. The global representation is obtained from the weighted sum of locally valid, simpler sub-models defined over small regions of the operating space. Constructing such networks requires the determination of appropriate partitioning and the parameters of the LMs. This paper focuses on the structural aspect of LM networks. It compares the computational requirements and performances of the Johansen and Foss (J&F) and LOLIMOT tree-construction algorithms. Several useful and important modifications to each algorithm are proposed. The modelling performances are evaluated using real data from a pilot plant of a pH neutralization process. Results show that while J&F achieves a more accurate nonlinear representation of the pH process, LOLIMOT requires significantly less computational effort.


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The prediction of molar volumes and densities of several ionic liquids has been achieved using a group contribution model as a function of temperature between (273 and 423) K at atmospheric pressure. It was observed that the calculation of molar volumes or densities could be performed using the "ideal" behavior of the molar volumes of mixtures of ionic liquids. This model is based on the observations of Canongia Lopes et al. (J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, 3519-3525) which showed that this ideal behavior is independent of the temperature and allows the molar volume of a given ionic liquid to be calculated by the sum of the effective molar volume of the component ions. Using this assumption, the effective molar volumes of ions constituting more than 220 different ionic liquids were calculated as a function of the temperature at 0.1 MPa using more than 2150 data points. These calculated results were used to build up a group contribution model for the calculation of ionic liquid molar volumes and densities with an estimated repeatability and uncertainty of 0.36% and 0.48%, respectively. The impact of impurities (water and halide content) in ionic liquids as well as the method of determination were also analyzed and quantified to estimate the overall uncertainty. © 2008 American Chemical Society.


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Alloying metals is often used as an effective way to enhance the reactivity of surfaces. Aiming to shed light on the effect of alloying on reaction mechanisms, we carry out a comparative study of CO oxidation on Cu3Pt(111), Pt(111), and Cu(111) by means of density functional theory calculations. Alloying effects on the bonding sites and bonding energies of adsorbates, and the reaction pathways are investigated. It is shown that CO preferentially adsorbs on an atop site of Pt and O preferentially adsorbs on a fcc hollow site of three Cu atoms on Cu3Pt(111). It is also found that the adsorption energies of CO (or O-a) decreases on Pt (or Cu) on the alloy surface with respect to those on pure metals. More importantly, having identified the transition states for CO oxidation on those three surfaces, we found an interesting trend for the reaction barrier on the three surfaces. Similar to the adsorption energies, the reaction barrier on Cu3Pt possesses an intermediate value of those on pure Pt and Cu metals. The physical origin of these results has been analyzed in detail. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The growth sequence of gas-phase cholesterol clusters (Ch(N)) with up to N=36 molecules has been investigated by atomistic simulation based on an empirical force field model. The results of long annealings from high temperature show that the geometric motifs characterizing the structure of pure cholesterol crystals already appear in nanometric aggregates. In all clusters molecules tend to align along a common direction. For cluster sizes above the smallest ones, dispersion interactions among the hydrocarbon body and tails of cholesterol cooperate with hydrogen bonding to give rise to a bilayer structure. Analysis of snapshots from the annealing shows that the condensation of hydrogen bonds into a connected network of rings and chains is an important step in the self-organization of cholesterol clusters. The effect of solvation on the equilibrium properties of medium-size aggregates is investigated by short molecular dynamics simulations for the N=30 and N=40 clusters in water at near ambient conditions and in supercritical carbon dioxide at T=400 K.


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Electron impact excitation rates in Cl III, recently determined with the R-matrix code, are used to calculate electron temperature (T-e) and density (N-e) emission line ratios involving both the nebular (5517.7, 5537.9 Angstrom) and auroral (8433.9, 8480.9, 8500.0 Angstrom) transitions. A comparison of these results with observational data for a sample of planetary nebulae, obtained with the Hamilton Echelle Spectrograph on the 3-m Shane Telescope, reveals that the R-1 = /(5518 Angstrom)/I(5538 Angstrom) intensity ratio provides estimates of N-e in excellent agreement with the values derived from other line ratios in the echelle spectra. This agreement indicates that R-1 is a reliable density diagnostic for planetary nebulae, and it also provides observational support for the accuracy of the atomic data adopted in the line ratio calculations. However the [Cl III] 8433.9 Angstrom line is found to be frequently blended with a weak telluric emission feature, although in those instances when the [Cl III] intensity may be reliably measured, it provides accurate determinations of T-e when ratioed against the sum of the 5518 and 5538 Angstrom line fluxes. Similarly, the 8500.0 Angstrom line, previously believed to be free of contamination by the Earth's atmosphere, is also shown to be generally blended with a weak telluric emission feature. The [CI III] transition at 8480.9 Angstrom is found to be blended with the He I 8480.7 Angstrom line, except in planetary nebulae that show a relatively weak He I spectrum, where it also provides reliable estimates of T-e when ratioed against the nebular lines. Finally, the diagnostic potential of the near-UV [Cl III] lines at 3344 and 3354 Angstrom is briefly discussed.


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This paper investigates the performance characteristics of rapeseed methyl ester, EN 14214 biodiesel, when used for electrical generation in compression ignition engines. The work was inspired by the need to replace fossil diesel fuel with a sustainable low carbon alternative while maintaining generator performance, power quality, and compliance with ISO 8528-5. A 50-kVA Perkins diesel engine generator was used to assess the impact of biodiesel with particular regard to gen-set fuel consumption, load acceptance, and associated standards. Tests were performed on the diesel gen-set for islanded and grid-connected modes of operation, hence both steady-state and transient performance were fully explored. Performance comparisons were made with conventional fossil diesel fuel, revealing minimal technical barriers for electrical generation from this sustainable, carbon benign fuel. Recommendations for improved transient performance are proposed and validated through tests.


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The sea-cliffs of the Isle of Wight were deposited during a period of overall sea-level rise starting in the Barremian (Lower Cretaceous) and continuing into the Aptian and Albian. They consist of fluvial, coastal and lagoonal sediments including greensands and clays. Numerous episodes of erosion, deposition and faunal colonization reflect condensation and abandonment of surfaces with firmgrounds and hardgrounds. This study focused mainly on shallow marine cycles where variations in clay mineralogy would not be expected, because overall system composition, sediment source, and thermal history are similar for all the samples in the studied section. Instead we found a wide variety of clay assemblages even in single samples within a 200 in interval.


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Malachite Green (MG), Crystal Violet (CV) and Brilliant Green (BC) are antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic agents that have been used for treatment and prevention of diseases in fish. These dyes are metabolized into reduced leuco forms (LMG, LCV, LBG) that can be present in fish muscles for a long period. Due to the carcinogenic properties they are banned for use in fish for human consumption in many countries including the European Union and the United States. HPLC and LC-MS techniques are generally used for the detection of these compounds and their metabolites in fish. This study presents the development of a fast enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method as an alternative for screening purposes. A first monoclonal cell line producing antibodies to MG was generated using a hybridoma technique. The antibody had good cross-reactivates with related chromatic forms of triphenylmethane dyes such as CV, BC, Methyl Green, Methyl Violet and Victoria Blue R. The monoclonal antibody (mAb) was used to develop a fast (20 min) disequilibrium ELISA screening method for the detection of triphenylmethanes in fish. By introducing an oxidation step with 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone (DDQ) during sample extraction the assay was also used to detect the presence of the reduced metabolites of triphenylmethanes. The detection capability of the assay was 1 ng g(-1) for MG, LMG, CV, LCV and BC which was below the minimum required performance limit (MRPL) for the detection method of total MG (sum of MG and LMG) set by the Commission Decision 2004/25/EC (2 ng g(-1)). The mean recoveries for fish samples spiked at 0.5 MRPL and MRPL levels with MG and LMG were between 74.9 and 117.0% and inter- and intra-assay coefficients of variation between 4.7 and 25.7%. The validated method allows the analysis of a batch of 20 samples in two to three hours. Additionally, this procedure is substantially faster than other ELISA methods developed for MG/LMG thus far. The stable and efficient monoclonal cell line obtained is an unlimited source of sensitive and specific antibody to MG and other triphenylmethanes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) excited at several visible wavelengths and recorded using a cooled charged-coupled device detector is reported from the mobile, interfacial, liquid-like metal films (MELLFs) formed when solutions of metal complexes or pyridine in chlorocarbon solvents are mixed with aqueous sols of silver or gold. MELLF formation has not previously been reported for gold sols or for pyridine as stabilizer. Comparison of the spectra for the MELLFs formed from individual metal complexes and from 50:50 mixtures show that the spectral patterns observed for the latter are distinctive and are not generally equivalent to the sum of the spectra associated with the individual complexes, in contrast to the situation observed for sols where the individual spectra do appear to be additive. Raman scattering from both gold and silver MELLFs is readily observed at excitation wavelengths in the red, around 750 nm, but at 514 nm only that from silver films is detectable. These findings are considered in terms of particle size and absorption band intensities. A preliminary study of the film surface topography and particle size was carried out by scanning tunnelling electron microscopy (STM) of Ag MELLFs deposited on gold-coated mica substrates. Computer-processed images of the STM data show the presence on the film surface of finger-like bars, 200-400 nm long with approximately square cross-section, 40-60 nm side, together with other smaller cuboid features. The implications of these findings in relation to SERS are briefly considered.


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In this paper, the results of computational fluid dynamics simulations of flow, temperature, and concentration distributions used in the design of a microreactor for the high-throughput screening of catalytic coatings (Mies et al., Chem. Eng. J. 2004, 101, 225) are compared with experimental data, and good agreement is obtained in all cases. The experimental results on flow distribution were obtained from laser Doppler anemometry measurements in the range of Reynolds numbers from 6 to 113. The measured flow nonuniformity in the separate reactor compartments was below 2%. The temperature distribution was obtained from thermocouple measurements. The temperature nonuniformity between the reactor compartments was below 3 K at a maximum heat production rate of 1.3 W in ethylene oxidation at 425 degrees C over CuO/Al2O3/Al coatings. With respect to concentration gradients, a deviation from the average rate of reaction of only 2.3% was obtained at realistic process conditions in the ethylene ammoxidation process over identical Co-ZSM-5 coatings in all reactor compartments. The cross talking noise between separate compartments does not exceed 0.1% when the reactor parts have a smooth surface finish. This illustrates the importance of ultraprecision machining of surfaces in microtechnology, when interfaces cannot be avoided.


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The use of atmospheric pressure nonthermal plasma represents an interesting and novel approach for the decontamination of surfaces colonized with microbial biofilms that exhibit enhanced tolerance to antimicrobial challenge. In this study, the influence of an atmospheric pressure nonthermal plasma jet, operated in a helium and oxygen gas mixture under ambient pressure, was evaluated against biofilms of Bacillus cereus,Staphylococcus aureus,Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Within <4 min of plasma exposure, complete eradication of the two Gram-positive bacterial biofilms was achieved. Although Gram-negative biofilms required longer treatment time, their complete eradication was still possible with 10 min of exposure. Whilst this study provides useful proof of concept data on the use of atmospheric pressure plasmas for the eradication of bacterial biofilms in vitro, it also demonstrates the critical need for improved understanding of the mechanisms and kinetics related to such a potentially significant approach. © 2012 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.


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The behaviour and design of bolted moment-connections between cold-formed steel members, formed by using brackets bolted to the webs of the section, is considered. The particular problem of the moment-capacity of such joints being lower than that of the cold-formed steel sections being connected because of web buckling, caused by the concentration of load transfer from the bolts, is addressed. In this paper, a combination of laboratory tests and finite element analyses is used to investigate this mode of failure. It is demonstrated that there is good agreement between the measured ultimate moment-capacity and that predicted by using the finite element method. A parametric study conducted using the finite element model shows that the moment-capacity of a practical size joint can be up to 20% lower than that of the cold-formed steel sections being connected. Web buckling so-caused must therefore be considered in the design of such connections. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The physical periphery of a biological cell is mainly described by signaling pathways which are triggered by transmembrane proteins and receptors that are sentinels to control the whole gene regulatory network of a cell. However, our current knowledge about the gene regulatory mechanisms that are governed by extracellular signals is severely limited.Results: The purpose of this paper is three fold. First, we infer a gene regulatory network from a large-scale B-cell lymphoma expression data set using the C3NET algorithm. Second, we provide a functional and structural analysis of the largest connected component of this network, revealing that this network component corresponds to the peripheral region of a cell. Third, we analyze the hierarchical organization of network components of the whole inferred B-cell gene regulatory network by introducing a new approach which exploits the variability within the data as well as the inferential characteristics of C3NET. As a result, we find a functional bisection of the network corresponding to different cellular components.

Overall, our study allows to highlight the peripheral gene regulatory network of B-cells and shows that it is centered around hub transmembrane proteins located at the physical periphery of the cell. In addition, we identify a variety of novel pathological transmembrane proteins such as ion channel complexes and signaling receptors in B-cell lymphoma. © 2012 Simoes et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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This study highlights the potential associated with utilising multi-component polymeric gels to formulate materials that possess unique rheological and mechanical properties. The synergistic effect* and interaction between hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (NaCMC), polymers which are commonly employed as drug delivery platforms for implantable medical devices (1), have been determined using dynamic, continuous shear and texture profile analysis. * The difference between the actual response of a binary mixture and the sum of the two components comprising the mixture Increases in polymer concentration resulted in an increase in G', G? and ?' whereas tan d decreased. Similarly, significant increases were also apparent in continuous shear and texture analysis. All binary mixtures showed positive synergy values which may suggest associative interaction between the two components.


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Rice is elevated in arsenic (As) compared to other staple grains. The Bangladeshi community living in the United Kingdom (UK) has a ca. 30-fold higher consumption of rice than white Caucasians. In order to assess the impact of this difference in rice consumption, urinary arsenicals of 49 volunteers in the UK (Bangladeshi n = 37; white Caucasians n = 12) were monitored along with dietary habits. Total urinary arsenic (As(t)) and speciation analysis for dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), monomethylarsonic acid (MA) and inorganic arsenic (iAs) was conducted. Although no significant difference was found for As(t) (median: Bangladeshis 28.4 µg L(-1)) and white Caucasians (20.6 µg L(-1)), the sum of medians of DMA, MA and iAs for the Bangladeshi group was found to be over 3-fold higher (17.9 µg L(-1)) than for the Caucasians (3.50 µg L(-1)). Urinary DMA was significantly higher (p <0.001) in the UK Bangladeshis (median: 16.9 µg DMA L(-1)) than in the white Caucasians (3.16 µg DMA L(-1)) as well as iAs (p <0.001) with a median of 0.630 µg iAs L(-1) for Bangladeshi and 0.250 µg iAs L(-1) for Caucasians. Cationic compounds were significantly lower in the Bangladeshis (2.93 µg L(-1)) than in Caucasians (14.9 µg L(-1)). The higher DMA and iAs levels in the Bangladeshis are mainly the result of higher rice consumption: arsenic is speciated in rice as both iAs and DMA, and iAs can be metabolized, through MA, to DMA by humans. This study shows that a higher dietary intake of DMA alters the DMA/MA ratio in urine. Consequently, DMA/MA ratio as an indication of methylation capacity in populations consuming large quantities of rice should be applied with caution since variation in the quantity and type of rice eaten may alter this ratio.