36 resultados para Conformal and W Symmetry


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The growth of the construction industry worldwide poses a serious concern on the sustainability of the building material production chain, mainly due to the carbon emissions related to the production of Portland cement. On the other hand, valuable materials from waste streams, particularly from the metallurgical industry, are not used at their full potential. Alkali activated concrete (AAC) has emerged in the last years as a promising alternative to traditional Portland cement based concrete for some applications. However, despite showing remarkable strength and durability potential, its utilisation is not widespread, mainly due to the lack of broadly accepted standards for the selection of suitable mix recipes fulfilling design requirements, in particular workability, setting time and strength. In this paper, a contribution towards the design development of AAC synthetized from pulverised fuel ash (60%) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (40%) activated with a solution of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate is proposed. Results from a first batch of mixes indicated that water content influences the setting time and that paste content is a key parameter for controlling strength development and workability. The investigation indicated that, for the given raw materials and activator compositions, a minimum water to solid (w/s) ratio of 0.37 was needed for an initial setting time of about 1 hour. Further work with paste content in the range of 30% to 33% determined the relationship between workability and strength development and w/s ratio and paste content. Strengths in the range of 50 - 60 MPa were achieved.


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Water activity, temperature and pH are determinants for biotic activity of cellular systems, biosphere function and, indeed, for all life processes. This study was carried out at high concentrations of glycerol, which concurrently reduces water activity and acts as a stress protectant, to characterize the biophysical capabilities of the most extremely xerophilic organisms known. These were the fungal xerophiles: Xeromyces bisporus (FRR 0025), Aspergillus penicillioides (JH06THJ) and Eurotium halophilicum (FRR 2471). High-glycerol spores were produced and germination was determined using 38 media in the 0.995–0.637 water activity range, 33 media in the 2.80–9.80 pH range and 10 incubation temperatures, from 2 to 50°C. Water activity was modified by supplementing media with glycerol+sucrose, glycerol+NaCl and glycerol+NaCl+sucrose which are known to be biologically permissive for X. bisporus, A. penicillioides and E. halophilicum respectively. The windows and rates for spore germination were quantified for water activity, pH and temperature; symmetry/asymmetry of the germination profiles were then determined in relation to supra- and sub-optimal conditions; and pH- and temperature optima for extreme xerophilicity were quantified. The windows for spore germination were ~1 to 0.637 water activity, pH 2.80–9.80 and > 10 and < 44°C, depending on strain. Germination profiles in relation to water activity and temperature were asymmetrical because conditions known to entropically disorder cellular macromolecules, i.e. supra-optimal water activity and high temperatures, were severely inhibitory. Implications of these processes were considered in relation to the in-situ ecology of extreme conditions and environments; the study also raises a number of unanswered questions which suggest the need for new lines of experimentation.


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The triple-differential cross section for ionization of a heavy atom is shown to depend on the spin of the incident electron even if this is polarized entirely parallel or antiparallel to its direction of propagation, the atom is unpolarized, and the spins of the ejected electrons are not resolved. Quantitative predictions for the spin asymmetry are presented in a relativistic distorted-wave Born approximation. Simple physical models are introduced to understand both these results and further symmetry properties involving the reversal of a spatial momentum component also.


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Slurries with high penetrability for production of Self-consolidating Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete (SIFCON) were investigated in this study. Factorial experimental design was adopted in this investigation to assess the combined effects of five independent variables on mini-slump test, plate cohesion meter, induced bleeding test, J-fiber penetration test and compressive strength at 7 and 28 days. The independent variables investigated were the proportions of limestone powder (LSP) and sand, the dosages of superplasticiser (SP) and viscosity agent (VA), and water-to-binder ratio (w/b). A two-level fractional factorial statistical method was used to model the influence of key parameters on properties affecting the behaviour of fresh cement slurry and compressive strength. The models are valid for mixes with 10 to 50% LSP as replacement of cement, 0.02 to 0.06% VA by mass of cement, 0.6 to 1.2% SP and 50 to 150% sand (% mass of binder) and 0.42 to 0.48 w/b. The influences of LSP, SP, VA, sand and W/B were characterised and analysed using polynomial regression which identifies the primary factors and their interactions on the measured properties. Mathematical polynomials were developed for mini-slump, plate cohesion meter, J-fiber penetration test, induced bleeding and compressive strength as functions of LSP, SP, VA, sand and w/b. The estimated results of mini-slump, induced bleeding test and compressive strength from the derived models are compared with results obtained from previously proposed models that were developed for cement paste. The proposed response models of the self-consolidating SIFCON offer useful information regarding the mix optimization to secure a highly penetration of slurry with low compressive strength


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Extreme states of matter such as Warm Dense Matter “WDM” and Dense Strongly Coupled Plasmas “DSCP” play a key role in many high energy density experiments, however creating WDM and DSCP in a manner that can be quantified is not readily feasible. In this paper, isochoric heating of matter by intense heavy ion beams in spherical symmetry is investigated for WDM and DSCP research: The heating times are long (100 ns), the samples are macroscopically large (mm-size) and the symmetry is advantageous for diagnostic purposes. A dynamic confinement scheme in spherical symmetry is proposed which allows even ion beam heating times that are long on the hydrodynamic time scale of the target response. A particular selection of low Z-target tamper and x-ray probe radiation parameters allows to identify the x-ray scattering from the target material and use it for independent charge state measurements Z* of the material under study.


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The two-electron QED contributions to the ground-state binding energy of Kr34+ ions have been determined in two independent experiments performed with electron beam ion traps (EBIT) in Heidelberg (HD) and Tokyo (BT, Belfast-Tokyo collaboration). X rays arising from radiative recombination (RR) of free electrons to the ground state of initially bare Kr36+ and hydrogenlike Kr35+ ions were observed as a function of the interacting electron energy. The K edge absorption by thin Eu and W foils provided fixed photon energy references used to measure the difference in binding energy Delta E-2e between the H- and He-like Kr ions (Kr35+ and Kr34+, respectively). The two values agree well, yielding a final result of Delta E-2e=641.8 +/- 1.7 eV, confirming recent results of rigorous QED calculations. This accuracy is just of the order required to access screened radiative QED contributions.


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A detailed theoretical analysis has been carried out to study efficient heating due to microwaves for one-dimensional (1D) oil–water emulsion samples placed on various ceramic, metallic (reflective) and ceramic–metallic composite supports. Two typical emulsion systems are considered such as oil-in-water (o/w) and water-in-oil (w/o). A preliminary study has been carried out via average power vs emulsion thickness diagram to estimate microwave power absorption within emulsion samples for various cases. The maxima in average power, also termed as ‘resonances’, are observed for specific emulsion thicknesses and the two consecutive resonances of significant magnitudes are termed as R1 and R2 modes. For both o/w and w/o emulsions, it is observed that microwave power absorption is enhanced in presence of metallic and composite supports during both R1 and R2 modes. The efficient heating strategies characterized by ‘large heating rates’ with ‘minimal thermal runaway’ i.e. uniform temperature distributions within the sample have been assessed for each type of emulsion. Based on the detailed spatial distributions of power and temperature for various cases, SiC-metallic composite support may be recommended as an optimal heating strategy for o/w samples with higher oil fractions (0.45) whereas metallic and Alumina-metallic composite supports may be favored for samples with smaller oil fractions (=0.3) during R1 mode. For w/o samples, SiC-metallic composite support may be suitable heating strategy for all ranges of water fractions during R1 mode. During R2 mode, metallic and Alumina-metallic composite supports are favored for both o/w and w/o emulsion samples. Current study recommends the efficient way to use microwaves in a single mode waveguide and the heating strategy can be suitably extended for heating of any other emulsions for which dielectric properties are easily measurable or available in the literature.


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We report the first experimental generation and characterization of a six-photon Dicke state. The produced state shows a fidelity of F=0.56 +/- 0.02 with respect to an ideal Dicke state and violates a witness detecting genuine six-qubit entanglement by 4 standard deviations. We confirm characteristic Dicke properties of our resource and demonstrate its versatility by projecting out four- and five-photon Dicke states, as well as four-photon Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger and W states. We also show that Dicke states have interesting applications in multiparty quantum networking protocols such as open-destination teleportation, telecloning, and quantum secret sharing.


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The particle size characteristics and encapsulation efficiency of microparticles prepared using triglyceride materials and loaded with two model water-soluble drugs were evaluated. Two emulsification procedures based on o/w and w/o/w methodologies were compared to a novel spray congealing procedure. After extensive modification of both emulsification methods, encapsulation efficiencies of 13.04% tetracycline HCl and 11.27% lidocaine HCl were achievable in a Witepsol (R)-based microparticle. This compares to much improved encapsulation efficiencies close to 100% for the spray congealing method, which was shown to produce spherical particles of similar to 58 mu m. Drug release studies from a Witepsol (R) formulation loaded with lidocaine HCl showed a temperature-dependent release mechanism, which displayed diffusion-controlled kinetics at temperatures similar to 25 degrees C, but exhibited almost immediate release when triggered using temperatures close to that of skin. Therefore, such a system may find application in topical semi-solid formulations, where a temperature-induced burst release is preferred.


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Let $(X,\mu)$ and $(Y,\nu)$ be standard measure spaces. A function $\nph\in L^\infty(X\times Y,\mu\times\nu)$ is called a (measurable) Schur multiplier if the map $S_\nph$, defined on the space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators from $L_2(X,\mu)$ to $L_2(Y,\nu)$ by multiplying their integral kernels by $\nph$, is bound-ed in the operator norm. The paper studies measurable functions $\nph$ for which $S_\nph$ is closable in the norm topology or in the weak* topology. We obtain a characterisation of w*-closable multipliers and relate the question about norm closability to the theory of operator synthesis. We also study multipliers of two special types: if $\nph$ is of Toeplitz type, that is, if $\nph(x,y)=f(x-y)$, $x,y\in G$, where $G$ is a locally compact abelian group, then the closability of $\nph$ is related to the local inclusion of $f$ in the Fourier algebra $A(G)$ of $G$. If $\nph$ is a divided difference, that is, a function of the form $(f(x)-f(y))/(x-y)$, then its closability is related to the ``operator smoothness'' of the function $f$. A number of examples of non closable, norm closable and w*-closable multipliers are presented.


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Many of the items in the “Speech, Spatial, and Qualities of Hearing” scale questionnaire [S. Gatehouse and W. Noble, Int. J. Audiol.43, 85–99 (2004)] are concerned with speech understanding in a variety of backgrounds, both speech and nonspeech. To study if this self-report data reflected informational masking, previously collected data on 414 people were analyzed. The lowest scores (greatest difficulties) were found for the two items in which there were two speech targets, with successively higher scores for competing speech (six items), energetic masking (one item), and no masking (three items). The results suggest significant masking by competing speech in everyday listening situations.


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We demonstrate genuine three-mode nonlocality based on phase-space formalism. A Svetlichny-type Bell inequality is formulated in terms of the s-parametrized quasiprobability function. We test such a tool using exemplary forms of three-mode entangled states, identifying the ideal measurement settings required for each state. We thus verify the presence of genuine three-mode nonlocality that cannot be reproduced by local or nonlocal hidden variable models between any two out of three modes. In our results, GHZ- and W-type nonlocality can be fully discriminated. We also study the behavior of genuine tripartite nonlocality under the effects of detection inefficiency and dissipation induced by local thermal environments. Our formalism can be useful to test the sharing of genuine multipartite quantum correlations among the elements of some interesting physical settings, including arrays of trapped ions and intracavity ultracold atoms. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.022123


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There is a paradox between the remarkable genetic stability of measles virus (MV) in the field and the high mutation rates implied by the frequency of the appearance of monoclonal antibody escape mutants generated when the virus is pressured to revert in vitro (S. J. Schrag, P. A. Rota, and W. J. Bellini, J. Virol. 73: 51-54, 1999). We established a highly sensitive assay to determine frequencies of various categories of mutations in large populations of wild-type and laboratory-adapted MVs using recombinant viruses containing an additional transcription unit (ATU) encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Single and double mutations were made in the fluorophore of EGFP to ablate fluorescence. The frequencies of reversion mutants in the population were determined by measuring the appearance of fluorescence indicating a revertant virus. This allows mutation rates to be measured under nonselective conditions, as phenotypic reversion to fluorescence requires only either a single-or a double-nucleotide change and amino acid substitution, which does not affect the length of the nonessential reporter protein expressed from the ATU. Mutation rates in MV are the same for wild-type and laboratory-adapted viruses, and they are an order of magnitude lower than the previous measurement assessed under selective conditions. The actual mutation rate for MV is approximately 1.8 x 10(-6) per base per replication event. Copyright © 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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We consider the problem of self-healing in peer-to-peer networks that are under repeated attack by an omniscient adversary. We assume that, over a sequence of rounds, an adversary either inserts a node with arbitrary connections or deletes an arbitrary node from the network. The network responds to each such change by quick "repairs," which consist of adding or deleting a small number of edges. These repairs essentially preserve closeness of nodes after adversarial deletions,without increasing node degrees by too much, in the following sense. At any point in the algorithm, nodes v and w whose distance would have been - in the graph formed by considering only the adversarial insertions (not the adversarial deletions), will be at distance at most - log n in the actual graph, where n is the total number of vertices seen so far. Similarly, at any point, a node v whose degreewould have been d in the graph with adversarial insertions only, will have degree at most 3d in the actual graph. Our distributed data structure, which we call the Forgiving Graph, has low latency and bandwidth requirements. The Forgiving Graph improves on the Forgiving Tree distributed data structure from Hayes et al. (2008) in the following ways: 1) it ensures low stretch over all pairs of nodes, while the Forgiving Tree only ensures low diameter increase; 2) it handles both node insertions and deletions, while the Forgiving Tree only handles deletions; 3) it requires only a very simple and minimal initialization phase, while the Forgiving Tree initially requires construction of a spanning tree of the network. © Springer-Verlag 2012.