50 resultados para Challenge posed by omics data to compositional analysis-paucity of independent samples (n)


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The pleiotropic effects of host defence peptides (HDPs), including the ability to kill microorganisms, enhance re-epithelialisation and increase angiogenesis, indicates a role for these important peptides as potential therapeutic agents in the treatment of chronic, non-healing wounds. However, the maintenance of peptide integrity, through resistance to degradation by the array of proteinases present at the wound site, is a prerequisite for clinical success. In this study we explored the degradation of exogenous LL-37, one such HDP, by wound fluid from diabetic foot ulcers to determine its susceptibility to proteolytic degradation. Our results suggest that LL-37 is unstable in the diabetic foot ulcer microenvironment. Following overnight treatment with wound fluid, LL-37 was completely degraded. Analysis of cleavage sites suggested potential involvement of both host- and bacterial-derived proteinases. The degradation products were shown to retain some antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa but were inactive against Staphylococcus aureus. In conclusion, our data suggest that stabilising selected peptide bonds within the sequence of LL-37 would represent an avenue for future research prior to clinical studies to address its potential as an exogenously-applied therapeutic in diabetic wounds. 


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An understanding of the mechanisms underlying the development of resistance to chemotherapy treatment is a gateway to the introduction of novel therapies and improved outcomes for women presenting with ovarian cancer (OC). The desired apoptotic death post-chemotherapy depends on an intact and fully functioning cell cycle machinery.

In this study we demonstrate that stable expression of miR-433 renders OC cells more resistant to paclitaxel treatment. Interestingly, only cells with the highest miR-433 survived paclitaxel suggesting the possible role of miR-433 in cancer recurrence. Importantly, for the first time we demonstrate that miR 433 induces cellular senescence, exemplified by a flattened morphology, the downregulation of phosphorylated Retinoblastoma (p Rb) and increased β galactosidase activity. Surprisingly, miR 433 induced senescence was independent of two well recognised senescent drivers: p21 and p16. Further in silico analysis followed by in vitro experiments identified CKD6 as a novel miR-433 target gene possibly explaining the observed p21 and p16-independent induction of cellular senescence. Another in silico identified miR-433 target gene was CDC27, a protein involved in the regulation of the cell cycle during mitosis. We demonstrate that the overexpression of pre-miR-433 leads to the downregulation of CDC27 in vitro revealing a novel interaction between miR-433 and CDC27, an integral cell cycle regulating protein.

Interestingly, miR-433 expressing cells also demonstrated an ability to impact their tumour microenvironment. We show that miR-433 is present in exosomes released from miR-433 overexpressing and high miR-433 naïve cells. Moreover, growth condition media (GCM) harvested from cells with high miR-433 have higher levels of IL-6 and IL-8, two key cytokines involved in the senescence associated secretory phenotype (SASP). Importantly, GCM from miR-433-enriched cells repressed the growth of co-cultured cells with initial studies showing a GCM-dependent induction of chemoresistance.

In conclusion, data in this study highlights how the aberrant expression miR-433 contributes to chemoresistance in OC cells. We postulate that standard chemotherapy, particularly paclitaxel, used to treat women with OC may have an attenuated ability to kill cells harbouring increased levels of miR-433, allowing for a subsequent chemoresistant phenotype post-therapy.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of smoking and smoking cessation on cardiovascular mortality, acute coronary events, and stroke events in people aged 60 and older, and to calculate and report risk advancement periods for cardiovascular mortality in addition to traditional epidemiological relative risk measures.

DESIGN: Individual participant meta-analysis using data from 25 cohorts participating in the CHANCES consortium. Data were harmonised, analysed separately employing Cox proportional hazard regression models, and combined by meta-analysis.

RESULTS: Overall, 503,905 participants aged 60 and older were included in this study, of whom 37,952 died from cardiovascular disease. Random effects meta-analysis of the association of smoking status with cardiovascular mortality yielded a summary hazard ratio of 2.07 (95% CI 1.82 to 2.36) for current smokers and 1.37 (1.25 to 1.49) for former smokers compared with never smokers. Corresponding summary estimates for risk advancement periods were 5.50 years (4.25 to 6.75) for current smokers and 2.16 years (1.38 to 2.39) for former smokers. The excess risk in smokers increased with cigarette consumption in a dose-response manner, and decreased continuously with time since smoking cessation in former smokers. Relative risk estimates for acute coronary events and for stroke events were somewhat lower than for cardiovascular mortality, but patterns were similar.

CONCLUSIONS: Our study corroborates and expands evidence from previous studies in showing that smoking is a strong independent risk factor of cardiovascular events and mortality even at older age, advancing cardiovascular mortality by more than five years, and demonstrating that smoking cessation in these age groups is still beneficial in reducing the excess risk.


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Objective: To explore general practitioners' perceptions of the effects of their profession and training on their attitudes to illness in themselves and colleagues. Design: Qualitative study using focus groups and indepth interviews. Setting: Primary care in Northern Ireland. Participants: 27 general practitioners, including six recently appointed principals and six who also practised occupational medicine part time. Main outcome measures: Participants' views about their own and colleagues' health. Results: Participants were concerned about the current level of illness within the profession. They described their need to portray a healthy image to both patients and colleagues. This hindered acknowledgement of personal illness and engaging in health screening. Embarrassment in adopting the role of a patient and concerns about confidentiality also influenced their reactions to personal illness. Doctors' attitudes can impede their access to appropriate health care for themselves, their families, and their colleagues. A sense of conscience towards patients and colleagues and the working arrangements of the practice were cited as reasons for working through illness and expecting colleagues to do likewise. Conclusions: General practitioners perceive that their professional position and training adversely influence their attitudes to illness in themselves and their colleagues. Organisational changes within general practice, including revalidation, must take account of barriers experienced by general practitioners in accessing health care. Medical education and culture should strive to promote appropriate self care among doctors.


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When attempting to quantify the volatile components of a food isolated by dynamic headspace trapping onto an adsorbent, the analyst has to select the most appropriate compounds to use as standards and at which stage of the analysis to add them. Factors to be borne in mind include the volatility of the standard, the response of the GC detector, and whether to add the standard to the sample or to the adsorbent trap. This chapter considers the issues and describes the application of one chosen method to the quantitation of the volatile components of baked potato.


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Modeling of on-body propagation channels is of paramount importance to those wishing to evaluate radio channel performance for wearable devices in body area networks (BANs). Difficulties in modeling arise due to the highly variable channel conditions related to changes in the user's state and local environment. This study characterizes these influences by using time-series analysis to examine and model signal characteristics for on-body radio channels in user stationary and mobile scenarios in four different locations: anechoic chamber, open office area, hallway, and outdoor environment. Autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions are reported and shown to be dependent on body state and surroundings. Autoregressive (AR) transfer functions are used to perform time-series analysis and develop models for fading in various on-body links. Due to the non-Gaussian nature of the logarithmically transformed observed signal envelope in the majority of mobile user states, a simple method for reproducing the failing based on lognormal and Nakagami statistics is proposed. The validity of the AR models is evaluated using hypothesis testing, which is based on the Ljung-Box statistic, and the estimated distributional parameters of the simulator output compared with those from experimental results.


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We investigate the association between female reproductive investment, absolute size, and sexual size dimorphism in spiders to test the predictions of the fecundity-advantage hypothesis. The relationships between absolute size and sexual size dimorphism and aspects of female reproductive output are examined in comparative analyses using phylogenetically independent contrasts. We provide support for the idea that allometry for sexual dimorphism is the result of variation in female size more so than male size. Regression analyses suggest selection for increased fecundity in females. We argue that fecundity selection provides the only general explanation for the evolution of sexual size dimorphism in spiders.


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This article presents the findings of a large-scale survey (n = 1049) of ethnic awareness and attitudes among three to four-year-old children in Northern Ireland. In drawing upon and applying Bourdieu’s notion of habitus, the article demonstrates how, even at this age, the children are already beginning to embody and internalize the cultural habits and dispositions of their respective ethnic groups; namely the Protestant and Catholic communities. This is illustrated in the present article in relation to the children’s attitudes towards particular national flags and awareness of specific sports associated with their respective communities. Informed by the work of Bourdieu, the article concludes by arguing for the need for greater use of quantitative methods in conjunction with in-depth qualitative and ethnographic research to help further our understanding of the influence of ethnicity in young children’s lives.


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This paper uses matched employee-employer LIAB data to provide panel estimates of the structure of labor demand in western Germany, 1993-2002, distinguishing between highly skilled, skilled, and unskilled labor and between the manufacturing and service sectors. Reflecting current preoccupations, our demand analysis seeks also to accommodate the impact of technology and trade in addition to wages. The bottom-line interests are to provide elasticities of the demand for unskilled (and other) labor that should assist in short-run policy design and to identify the extent of skill biases or otherwise in trade and technology.


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In this paper, we propose the return-to-cost-ratio (RCR) as an alternative approach to the analysis of operational eco-efficiency of companies based on the notion of opportunity costs. RCR helps to overcome two fundamental deficits of existing approaches to eco-efficiency. (1) It translates eco-efficiency into managerial terms by applying the well-established notion of opportunity costs to eco-efficiency analysis. (2) RCR allows to identify and quantify the drivers behind changes in corporate eco-efficiency. RCR is applied to the analysis of the CO2-efficiency of German companies in order to illustrate its usefulness for a detailed analysis of changes in corporate eco-efficiency as well as for the development of effective environmental strategies. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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T-box 2 (TBX2) is a transcription factor involved in mammary development and is known to be overexpressed in a subset of aggressive breast cancers. TBX2 has previously been shown to repress growth control genes such as p14(ARF) and p21(WAF1/cip1). In this study we show that TBX2 drives proliferation in breast cancer cells and this is abrogated after TBX2 small interfering RNA (siRNA) knockdown or after the expression of a dominant-negative TBX2 protein. Using microarray analysis we identified a large cohort of novel TBX2-repressed target genes including the breast tumour suppressor NDRG1 (N-myc downregulated gene 1). We show that TBX2 targets NDRG1 through a previously undescribed mechanism involving the recruitment of early growth response 1 (EGR1). We show EGR1 is required for the ability of TBX2 to repress NDRG1 and drive cell proliferation. We show that TBX2 interacts with EGR1 and that TBX2 requires EGR1 to target the NDRG1 proximal promoter. Abrogation of either TBX2 or EGR1 expression is accompanied by the upregulation of cell senescence and apoptotic markers. NDRG1 can recapitulate these effects when transfected into TBX2-expressing cells. Together, these data identify a novel mechanism for TBX2-driven oncogenesis and highlight the importance of NDRG1 as a growth control gene in breast tissue. Oncogene (2010) 29, 3252-3262; doi: 10.1038/onc.2010.84; published online 29 March 2010


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Background: Anaerobic bacteria are increasingly regarded as important in cystic fibrosis (CF) pulmonary infection. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of antibiotic treatment on aerobic and anaerobic microbial community diversity and abundance during exacerbations in patients with CF.

Methods: Sputum was collected at the start and completion of antibiotic treatment of exacerbations and when clinically stable. Bacteria were quantified and identified following culture, and community composition was also examined using culture-independent methods.

Results: Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Burkholderia cepacia complex were detected by culture in 24/26 samples at the start of treatment, 22/26 samples at completion of treatment and 11/13 stable samples. Anaerobic bacteria were detected in all start of treatment and stable samples and in 23/26 completion of treatment samples. Molecular analysis showed greater bacterial diversity within sputum samples than was detected by culture; there was reasonably good agreement between the methods for the presence or absence of aerobic bacteria such as P aeruginosa (kappa=0.74) and B cepacia complex (kappa=0.92), but agreement was poorer for anaerobes. Both methods showed that the composition of the bacterial community varied between patients but remained relatively stable in most individuals despite treatment. Bacterial abundance decreased transiently following treatment, with this effect more evident for aerobes (median decrease in total viable count 2.3 x 10(7) cfu/g, p=0.005) than for anaerobes (median decrease in total viable count 3 x 10(6) cfu/g, p=0.046).

Conclusion: Antibiotic treatment targeted against aerobes had a minimal effect on abundance of anaerobes and community composition, with both culture and molecular detection methods required for comprehensive characterisation of the microbial community in the CF lung. Further studies are required to determine the clinical significance of and optimal treatment for these newly identified bacteria.


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Based upon the original application to the European Commission, this article gives insights into the thinking of the Euroidentities team at the point that the project began. The question: “Is the European ‘identity project’ failing?” is posed in the sense that the political and economic attainments of the European Union have not been translated into a sense of identity with or commitment to Europe from the populaces that have benefited from them. The urgency of European ‘identity work’ is asserted with a number of levels for the construction of European identity being hypothesized. Euroidentities is intended to break conceptual ground by bringing together on an equal footing two apparently antagonistic views of identity -- the collective and institutional and the individual and biographical – to give a more anchored and nuanced view of identity formation and transformation than either can provide on its own. Rather than following the dominant approaches to research on European identity that have been macro-theoretical and ‘top-down’, retrospective in-depth qualitative biographical interviews are planned since they provide the ideal means of gaining insight into the formation of a European identity or multiple identities from the ‘bottom up’ perspective of non-elite groups. The reliability of analysis will be buttressed by the use of contrastive comparison between cases, culminating in contrastive comparison across the national project teams between cases drawn from different ‘sensitized groups’ that provide the fieldwork structure of the project. The paper concludes with a summary of some of the more significant findings.


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A novel method of obtaining high-quality Raman spectra of luminescent samples was tested using cyclohexane solutions which had been treated with a fluorescent dye. The method involves removing the fixed pattern irregularity found in the spectra taken with CCD detectors by subtracting spectra taken at several different, closely spaced spectrometer positions. It is conceptually similar to SERDS (shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy) but has the distinct experimental advantage that it does not require a tunable laser source. The subtracted spectra obtained as the raw data are converted into a more recognisable and conventional form by iterative fitting of appropriate double Lorentzian functions whose peak parameters are then used to 'reconstruct' a conventional representation of the spectrum. Importantly, it is shown that the degree of uncertainty in the resultant 'reconstructed' spectra can be gauged reliably by comparing reconstructed spectra obtained at two different spectrometer shifts (delta and 2 delta), The method was illustrated and validated using a solvent (cyclohexane) the spectrum of which is well known and which contains both regions with complex overlapping bands and regions with isolated bands, Possible sources of error are discussed and it is shown that, provided the degree of uncertainty in the data is correctly characterised, it is completely valid to draw conclusions about the spectra of the sample on the basis of the reconstructed data. The acronym SSRS (subtracted shifted Raman spectroscopy; pronounced scissors) is proposed for this method, to distinguish it from the SERDS technique.


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The European Union has set a target for 10% renewable energy in transport by 2020, which will be met using both biofuels and electric vehicles. In the case of biofuels, for the purposes of meeting the target, the biofuel must achieve greenhouse gas savings of 35% relative to the fossil fuel replaced. For biofuels, greenhouse gas savings can be calculated using life cycle analysis, or the European Union default values. In contrast, all electricity used in transport is considered to be the same, regardless of the source or the type of electric vehicle. However, the choice of the electric vehicle and electricity source will have a major impact on the greenhouse gas savings. This paper examines different electric-vehicle scenarios in terms of greenhouse gas savings, using a well-to-wheel life cycle analysis.