98 resultados para CONTROLLED-RELEASE


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In situ forming (ISF) drug delivery implants have gained tremendous levels of interest over the last few decades. This is due to their wide range of biomedical applications such as in tissue engineering, cell encapsulation, microfluidics, bioengineering and drug delivery. Drug delivery implants forming upon injection has shown a range of advantages which include localized drug delivery, easy and less invasive application, sustained drug action, ability to tailor drug delivery, reduction in side effects associated with systemic delivery and also improved patient compliance and comfort. Different factors such as temperature, pH, ions, and exchange of solvents are involved in in situ implant formation. This review especially focuses on ISF implants that are formed through solvent induced phase inversion (SPI) technique. The article critically reviews and compares a wide range of polymers, solvents, and co-solvents that have been used in SPI implant preparation for control release of a range of drug molecules. Major drawback of SPI systems has been their high burst release. In this regard, the article exhaustively discusses factors that affect the burst release and different modification strategies that has been utilised to reduce the burst effect from these implants. Performance and controversial issues associated with the use of different biocompatible solvents in SPI systems is also discussed. Biodegradation, formulation stability, methods of characterisation and sterilisation techniques of SPI systems is comprehensively reviewed. Furthermore, the review also examines current SPI-based marketed products, their therapeutic application and associated clinical data. It also exemplifies the interest of multi-billion dollar pharma companies worldwide for further developments of SPI systems to a range of therapeutic applications. The authors believe that this will be the first review article that extensively investigate and discusses studies done to date on SPI systems. In so doing, this article will undoubtedly serve as an enlightening tool for the scientists working in the concerned area.


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Different types of gels were prepared by combining poloxamines (Tetronic), i.e. poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(propylene oxide) (PEO/PPO) octablock star copolymers, and cyclodextrins (CD). Two different poloxamines with the same molecular weight (ca. 7000) but different molecular architectures were used. For each of their four diblock arms, direct Tetronic 904 presents PEO outer blocks while in reverse Tetronic 90R4 the hydrophilic PEO blocks are the inner ones. These gels were prepared by combining alpha-CD and poloxamine aqueous solutions. The physicochemical properties of these systems depend on several factors such as the structure of the block copolymers and the Tetronic/alpha-CD ratio. These gels were characterized using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), viscometry and X-ray diffraction measurements. The 90R4 gels present a consistency that makes them suitable for sustained drug delivery. The resulting gels were easily eroded: these complexes were dismantled when placed in a large amount of water, so controlled release of entrapped large molecules such as proteins (Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA) is feasible and can be tuned by varying the copolymer/CD ratio. 


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The combination of metformin hydrochloride (MTF) and glipizide (GLZ) is second-line medication for diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2). In the present study, elementary osmotic pump(EOP)tablet is designed to deliver the combination of MTF and GLZ in a sustained and synchronized manner. By analyzing different variables of the formulation, sodium hydrogen carbonate is introduced as pH modifier to improve the release of GLZ, while ethyl cellulose acts as release retardant to reduce the burst release phase of MTF. A two factor, three level face-centered central composite design (FCCD) is applied to investigate the impact of different factors on drug release profile. Compared with conventional tablets, the elementary osmotic pump (EOP) tablet demonstrates a controlled release behavior with relative bioavailability of 99.2% for MTF and 99.3% for GLZ. Data also shows EOP tablet is able to release MTF and GLZ in a synchronized and sustained manner both in vitro and in vivo


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A matrix-type silicone elastomer vaginal ring providing 28-day continuous release of dapivirine (DPV) - a lead candidate human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) microbicide compound - has recently demonstrated moderate levels of protection in two Phase III clinical studies. Here, next-generation matrix and reservoir-type silicone elastomer vaginal rings are reported for the first time offering simultaneous and continuous in vitro release of DPV and the contraceptive progestin levonorgestrel (LNG) over a period of between 60 and 180days. For matrix-type vaginal rings comprising initial drug loadings of 100, 150 or 200mg DPV and 0, 16 or 32mg LNG, Day 1 daily DPV release values were between 4132 and 6113μg while Day 60 values ranged from 284 to 454μg. Daily LNG release ranged from 129 to 684μg on Day 1 and 2-91μg on Day 60. Core-type rings comprising one or two drug-loaded cores provided extended duration of in vitro release out to 180days, and maintained daily drug release rates within much narrower windows (either 75-131μg/day or 37-66μg/day for DPV, and either 96-150μg/day or 37-57μg/day for LNG, depending on core ring configuration and ignoring initial lag release effect for LNG) compared with matrix-type rings. The data support the continued development of these devices as multi-purpose prevention technologies (MPTs) for HIV prevention and long-acting contraception.


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Novel mucoadhesive formulations containing hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC; 3 and 5%, w/w) or Carbopol (3 and 5%, w/w), polycarbophil (PC; 1 and 3%, w/w) and metronidazole (5%, w/w) at pH 6.8 were designed for the treatment of periodontal diseases. Each formulation was characterised in terms of hardness, compressibility, adhesiveness and cohesiveness (using Texture Profile Analysis), drug release, adhesion to a mucin disc (measured as a detachment force using the texture analyser in tensile mode) and, finally, syringeability (using the texture analyser in compression mode). Drug release from all formulations was non-diffusion controlled. Drug release was significantly decreased as the concentration of each polymeric component was increased, due to both the concomitant increased viscosity of the formulations and, additionally, the swelling kinetics of PC following contact with dissolution fluid. Increasing the concentrations of each polymeric component significantly increased formulation hardness, compressibility, adhesiveness, mucoadhesion and syringeability, yet decreased cohesiveness. Increased product hardness, compressibility and syringeability were due to polymeric effects on formulation viscosity. The effects on cohesiveness may be explained both by increased viscosity and also by the increasing semi-solid nature of products containing 5% HEC or Carbopol and PC (1 or 3%). The observations concerning formulation adhesiveness/mucoadhesion illustrate the adhesive nature of each polymeric component. Greatest adhesion was noted in formulations where neutralisation of PC was maximally suppressed. For the most part, increased time of contact between formulation and mucin significantly increased the required force of detachment, due to the greater extent of mucin polymer hydration and interpenetration with the formulations. Significant statistical interactions were observed between the effects of each polymer on drug release and mechanical/mucoadhesive properties. These interactions may be explained by formulatory effects on the extent of swelling of PC. In conclusion, the formulations described offered a wide range of mechanical and drug release characteristics. Formulations containing HEC exhibited superior physical characteristics for improved drug delivery to the periodontal pocket and are now the subject of long-term clinical investigations. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Thermosensitive hydrogels are of a great interest due to their many biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. In this study, we synthesized a new series of random poly (methyl vinyl ether-co-maleic anhydride) (Gantrez (R) AN, GZ) and Pluronic (R) F127 (PF127) copolymers (GZ-PF127), that formed thermosensitive hydrogels whose gelation temperature and mechanical properties could be controlled by the molar ratio of GZ and PF127 polymers and the copolymer concentration in water. Gelation temperatures tended to decrease when the GZm/PF127 ratio increased. Thus, at a fixed GZm/PF127 value, sol-gel temperatures decreased at higher copolymer concentrations. Moreover, these hydrogels controlled the release of proteins such as bovine serum albumin (BSA) and recombinant recombinant kinetoplastid membrane protein of Leishmania (rKMP-11) more than the PF127 system. Toxicity studies carried out in J774.2 macrophages showed that cell viability was higher than 80%. Finally, histopathological analysis revealed that subcutaneous administration of low volumes of these hydrogels elicited a tolerable inflammatory response that could be useful to induce immune responses against the protein cargo in the development of vaccine adjuvants.


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The controlled-release characteristics of matrix silicone intravaginal rings loaded with between 100 and 971 mg of nonoxynol-9 have been investigated with a view to developing a ring that may offer a new female-controlled method for the prevention of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, particularly HIV. Intravaginal rings containing 253, 487 and 971 mg of nonoxynol-9 provided a daily release of 2 mg or more over the 8-day release period, the minimal amount of nonoxynol-9 considered to provide an effective vaginal concentration for the prevention of HIV. Furthermore, the maximum daily release of N9 was about 6 mg, an amount significantly smaller than that observed for other nonoxynol-9 products whose large daily doses may in fact increase the occurrence of HIV by causing epithelial damage to the vaginal tissue. The release mechanism of the liquid nonoxynol-9 from the intravaginal rings has also been investigated and compared to models describing the release of solid drugs from the rings. It has been demonstrated through release studies and surface microscopy that a drug depletion zone is not established in such liquid-loaded intravaginal ring systems, with implications for the release kinetics. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The in vitro release characteristics of eight low-molecular-weight drugs (clindamycin, 17beta-estradiol, 17beta-estradiol-3-acetate, 17beta-estradiol diacetate, metronidazole, norethisterone, norethisterone acetate and oxybutynin) from silicone matrixtype intravaginal rings of various drug loadings have been evaluated under sink conditions. Through modelling of the release data using the Higuchi equation, and determination of the silicone solubility of the drugs, the apparent silicone elastomer diffusion coefficients of the drugs have been calculated. Furthermore, in an attempt to develop a quantitative model for predicting release rates of new drug substances from these vaginal ring devices, it has been observed that linear relationships exist between the log of the silicone solubility of the drug (mg ml(-1)) and the reciprocal of its melting point (K-1) (y = 3.558x - 9.620, R = 0.77), and also between the log of the diffusion coefficient (cm(2) s(-1)) and the molecular weight of the drug molecule (g mol(-1)) (y = - 0.0068x - 4.0738, R = 0.95). Given that the silicone solubility and silicone diffusion coefficient are the major parameters influencing the permeation of drugs through silicone elastomers, it is now possible to predict through use of the appropriate mathematical equations both matrix-type and reservoir-type intravaginal ring release rates simply from a knowledge of drug melting temperature and molecular weight. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.