33 resultados para C-BAND


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We present the ground-based detection of the secondary eclipse of the transiting exoplanet WASP-19b. The observations were made in the Sloan z' band using the ULTRACAM triple-beam CCD camera mounted on the New Technology Telescope. The measurement shows a 0.088% ± 0.019% eclipse depth, matching previous predictions based on H- and K-band measurements. We discuss in detail our approach to the removal of errors arising due to systematics in the data set, in addition to fitting a model transit to our data. This fit returns an eclipse center, T 0, of 2455578.7676 HJD, consistent with a circular orbit. Our measurement of the secondary eclipse depth is also compared to model atmospheres of WASP-19b and is found to be consistent with previous measurements at longer wavelengths for the model atmospheres we investigated.


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The electronic band structure of vacuum cleaved single-crystal indium selenide has been investigated by X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. The valence band consists of three well separated groups, one derived from the Se 4s levels, and two derived from p-like wavefunctions. The band structure and valence band density of states has been calculated using a tight-binding single-layer approximation and all the major features in the experimental spectra are well accounted for. The spin-orbit splitting and electron loss structure associated with the In 4d core level is also reported.


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The band structure of CdI has been calculated using a modified semi-empirical tight-binding method and the results obtained have been compared with both angularly averaged and angularly resolved photoemission spectra. The theoretically computed density of states distribution is in excellent agreement with angularly averaged results and all the main features observed experimentally are reproduced in the theory. Angularly resolved spectra have been used to draw up energy band dispersion curves directly and agreement with calculated bands in both the Gamma M and Gamma K directions of the Brillouin zone is good.


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The band structures of the group III-VI monochalcogenides GaSe and InSe have been calculated using a semi-empirical tight-binding method in a two-dimensional approximation. Many of the discrepancies between experimental work and previous calculations for GaSe have been resolved. The results for InSe appear for the first time.


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Theoretically the Kohn-Sham band gap differs from the exact quasiparticle energy gap by the derivative discontinuity of the exchange-correlation functional. In practice for semiconductors and insulators the band gap calculated within any local or semilocal density approximations underestimates severely the experimental energy gap. On the other hand, calculations with an "exact" exchange potential derived from many-body perturbation theory via the optimized effective potential suggest that improving the exchange-correlation potential approximation can yield a reasonable agreement between the Kohn-Sham band gap and the experimental gap. The results in this work show that this is not the case. In fact, we add to the exact exchange the correlation that corresponds to the dynamical (random phase approximation) screening in the GW approximation. This accurate exchange-correlation potential provides band structures similar to the local density approximation with the corresponding derivative discontinuity that contributes 30%-50% to the energy gap. Our self-consistent results confirm substantially the results for Si and other semiconductors obtained perturbatively [R. W. Godby , Phys. Rev. B 36, 6497 (1987)] and extend the conclusion to LiF and Ar, a wide-gap insulator and a noble-gas solid. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Explosions of sub-Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarfs (WDs) are one alternative to the standard Chandrasekhar-mass model of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). They are interesting since binary systems with sub-Chandrasekhar-mass primary WDs should be common and this scenario would suggest a simple physical parameter which determines the explosion brightness, namely the mass of the exploding WD. Here we perform one-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations, associated post-processing nucleosynthesis, and multi-wavelength radiation transport calculations for pure detonations of carbon-oxygen WDs. The light curves and spectra we obtain from these simulations are in good agreement with observed properties of SNe Ia. In particular, for WD masses from 0.97 to 1.15 Msun we obtain 56Ni masses between 0.3 and 0.8 Msun, sufficient to capture almost the complete range of SN Ia brightnesses. Our optical light curve rise times, peak colors, and decline timescales display trends which are generally consistent with observed characteristics although the range of B-band decline timescales displayed by our current set of models is somewhat too narrow. In agreement with observations, the maximum light spectra of the models show clear features associated with intermediate-mass elements and reproduce the sense of the observed correlation between explosion luminosity and the ratio of the Si II lines at ?6355 and ?5972. We therefore suggest that sub-Chandrasekhar-mass explosions are a viable model for SNe Ia for any binary evolution scenario leading to explosions in which the optical display is dominated by the material produced in a detonation of the primary WD. © 2010. The American Astronomical Society.


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Band excitation piezoresponse force microscopy enables local investigation of the nonlinear piezoelectric behavior of ferroelectric thin films. However, the presence of additional nonlinearity associated with the dynamic resonant response of the tip-surface junction can complicate the study of a material's nonlinearity. Here, the relative importance of the two nonlinearity sources was examined as a function of the excitation function. It was found that in order to minimize the effects of nonlinear tip-surface interactions but achieve good signal to noise level, an optimal excitation function must be used. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3593138]


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Aims. To evaluate the intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements in patients with band keratopathy or glued corneas obtained from affected and non-affected areas. Methods. 15 patients with band keratopathy or glued corneas were prospectively recruited. When both eyes were affected, only the right eye was analysed. Tono-Pen readings of IOP were obtained sequentially from the affected and non-affected corneal surface. Additionally, Goldmann applanation tonometry was attempted. Results. Determination of IOP with the Tono-Pen was possible in all cases, while Goldmann tonometry was not performed in three patients because of severe corneal irregularities. The average of the Tono-Pen readings obtained from the affected cornea (34.8 (SD 14.0) mmHg) was consistently and significantly higher (p <0.001) than mean IOP obtained by the Tono-Pen from the non-affected area (14.8 (4.3) mmHg). The average of Goldmann tonometry readings (14.4 (6.1) mmHg) did not differ significantly from the Tono-Pen values obtained from the non-affected corneal area (p = 0.47) but was significantly lower than the Tono-Pen measurements obtained from the affected area (p <0.001) Conclusion. In patients with band keratopathy or glued corneas determination of IOP by Tono-Pen tonometry varies from affected to non-affected area. The Tono-Pen overestimates the level of IOP when it is applied to areas with band keratopathy or with glue.


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This paper describes the design, implementation, and characterization of a new type of passive power splitting and combining structure for use in a differential four-way power-combining amplifier operating at E-band. In order to achieve lowest insertion loss, input and output coils inductances are resonated with shunt capacitances. Simple C-L-C and L-C networks are proposed in order to compensate inductive loading due to routing line that would otherwise introduce mismatch and increase loss. Across 78-86 GHz band, measured insertion loss is about 7 dB. Measured return losses are >10 dB from 73 GHz to 94 GHz at the input port and >9 dB from 60 GHz to 94 GHz at the output port. When integrated with driver and power amplifier cells, the simulated complete circuit exhibits 18.2 dB gain and 20.3 dBm saturated output power.


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We present time-resolved J-band spectroscopy of the short-period cataclysmic variable SDSS J143317.78+101123.3. We detect absorption lines from the sub-stellar donor star in this system, which contributes 38 +/- 5 per cent to the J-band light. From the relative strengths of the absorption lines in the J band, we estimate the spectral type of the donor star to be L2 +/- 1. These data are the first spectroscopic detection of a donor with a confirmed sub-stellar mass in a cataclysmic variable, and the spectral type is consistent with that expected from semi-empirical evolutionary models.

Using skew mapping, we have been able to derive an estimate for the radial velocity of the donor of K-d = 520 +/- 60 km/s. This value is consistent with, though much less precise than, predictions from mass determinations found via photometric fitting of the eclipse light curves.


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This Letter reports in situ Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic data on thermal TiO films fabricated by heating titanium plates in air at 475, 700 and 800 °C. The films were studied in the dark and under UV-irradiation in aqueous 0.1MNaClO in the presence and absence of 0.1 M Na(OOC) and at 10, 25 and 50 °C. The film fabricated at 800 °C showed a broad feature near 1580cm under UV-irradiation that was not observed in the dark, whilst the films fabricated at lower temperatures, 475 and 700 °C, showed no such feature. This feature appears to be associated with the accumulation of surface-mobile holes at the complex, porous film-electrolyte interface and the capacity of such holes to enhance the absorption cross-section of optical phonons characteristic of the rutile crystal form at and near the surface of the TiO/electrolyte interface. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.


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We present the probable ground-based detection of the secondary eclipse of the transiting exoplanet WASP-19b. The observations were made in the Sloan z'-band using the ULTRACAM triple-beam CCD camera mounted on the NTT. The measurement shows a 1±0.2mmag eclipse depth, consistent with a dayside temperature of 2900K, matching previous predictions based on H- and K-band measurements. However, since this is based on a single observation, the eclipse depth - at the moment - is not particularly well constrained, and would benefit from additional observations at similar wavelengths. Our technique for the data reduction and analysis is described, along with our approach to dealing with systematic errors associated with ground-based secondary eclipse observations.


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This paper presents the design and implementation of a differential 4-way power-combining amplifier operating at E-band. The proposed 4-way power combiner (4WPC) facilitates short interconnects to the PA cells, thereby resulting in reduced loss. Simple C-L-C and L-C networks are deployed in order to compensate inductive loading due to the routing lines that would otherwise introduce mismatch and subsequently increase overall loss. Realized in SiGe technology, the PA prototype delivered 13.2 dBm output-referred 1-dB compression point and 14.3 dBm saturated output power when operated from a single 3.3 V DC supply at 75 GHz.


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Using the Rapid Oscillation in the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA) instrument at the Dunn Solar Telescope we have found that the spectra of fluctuations of the G-band (cadence 1.05 s) and Ca II K-line (cadence 4.2 s) intensities show correlated fluctuations above white noise out to frequencies beyond 300 mHz and up to 70 mHz, respectively. The noise-corrected G-band spectrum presents a scaling range (Ultra High Frequency “UHF”) for f = 25-100 mHz, with an exponent consistent with the presence of turbulent motions. The UHF power, is concentrated at the locations of magnetic bright points in the intergranular lanes, it is highly intermittent in time and characterized by a positive kurtosis κ. Combining values of G-band and K-line intensities, the UHF power, and κ, reveals two distinct “states” of the internetwork solar atmosphere. State 1, with κ ≍ 6, which includes almost all the data, is characterized by low intensities and low UHF power. State 2, with κ ≍ 3, including a very small fraction of the data, is characterized by high intensities and high UHF power. Superposed epoch analysis shows that for State 1, the K-line intensity presents 3.5 min chromospheric oscillations with maxima occurring 21 s after G-band intensity maxima implying a 150-210 km effective height difference. For State 2, the G-band and K-line intensity maxima are simultaneous, suggesting that in the highly magnetized environment sites of G-band and K-line emission may be spatially close together. Analysis of observations obtained with Hinode/SOT confirm a scaling range in the G-band spectrum up to 53 mHz also consistent with turbulent motions as well as the identification of two distinct states in terms of the H-line intensity and G-band power as functions of G-band intensity.