91 resultados para Bakhtin Circle


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Trump, D., Malone, C and Stoddart, S., ,G. Burenhult, (ed.). 1993, Harper Collins: New York. p. 100-101.


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Malone, C. and S. Stoddart (with Vella Gregory, I. ). In prep. 2013. Midsea Books. Valletta: Midsea.


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Most special issues on Roma minorities want to alert readers to the devastating consequences of racist public attitudes and misdirected public policy. Here we don't shy away from such issues, but we also want to challenge our own scholarship and ask some fundamental questions about how we, as academics, are approaching such research. In this introduction the context of the special issue is explored, both in terms of the historic backdrop of an expanding European Union and the academic theoretical framework of minority integration. Major critical questioning – such as broader questions around migration, race and ethnicity discourses – are still lacking when it comes to research on or with Roma minorities. Our main aim is to move debates on from continually describing who Roma people are and what they are doing, to questioning: who defines who is Roma, when and why? What happens in policy-making, research, everyday interactions? This approach sees an understanding of recognition, representations and power dynamics as fundamental to understanding the positionings of minorities who can also be marginalised or feel disenfranchised. This introduction to the special issue highlights the importance of deeply conceptualising issues around minority integration alongside empirical knowledge of how Roma identities become implicated in and through different modalities of mobilisation. Contributions to this special issue speak to debates in minority politics and identity studies along with migration and race/ethnicity discourses. This indicates that the experiences of, and discourses surrounding Roma minorities reflect the fundamental concerns of social science research about identity, ethnicity, cohesion and change.


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The Copney Stone Circle Complex, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland, is an important Bronze Age site forming part of the Mid-Ulster Stone Circle Complex. The Environment Service: Historic Monuments and Buildings (ESHMB) initiated a program of bog-clearance in August 1994 to excavate the stone circles. This work was completed by October 1994 and the excavated site was surveyed in August 1995. Almost immediately, the rate at which the stones forming the circles were breaking down was noted and a program of study initiated to make recommendations upon the conservation of this important site. Digital photogrammetric techniques were applied to aerial images of the stone circles and digital terrain models created from the images at a range of scales. These provide base data sets for comparison with identical surveys to be completed in successive years and will allow the rate of deterioration, and the areas most affected, of the circles to be determined. In addition, a 2D analysis of the stones provides an accurate analysis of the absolute 2D dimensions of the stones for rapid desktop computer analysis by researchers remote from the digital photogrammetric workstation used in the survey.

The products of this work are readily incorporated into web sites, educational packages and databases. The technique provides a rapid and user friendly method of presentation of a large body of information and measurements, and a reliable method of storage of the information from Copney should it become necessary to re-cover the site.


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The European lobster is distributed throughout the south and western regions of the Norwegian coast. A previous lobster allozyme investigation (1993) in the Tysfjord region, north of the Arctic Circle demonstrated that the lobster population from this region was genetically different from lobster samples collected in other parts of Norway. More detailed investigation including supplementary extensive sampling and additional allozyme, microsatellite and mtDNA analyses are reported here. This investigation supports the genetic distinctness of the Tysfjord population and shows that this is mainly due to a reduction (60�70%) in gene diversity (observed heterozygosities and number of alleles) compared with lobsters from more southern regions. In addition to the Tysfjord region, the comprehensive sampling also included lobsters found in the adjacent Nordfolda fjord system. Genetic analyses provided evidence for significant differences between the lobster populations of Tysfjord and Nordfolda, even though they are separated by a coastal distance of only 142 km. The two populations were also different with regards to several biological characteristics such as body size. The genetic difference between these two geographically close populations is likely to be due to the local hydrological conditions, preventing larval dispersal between the fjord systems. Assessment of lobster abundance in the north-west region suggests that the sub-arctic lobster populations are geographically isolated.


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We present photometric and spectroscopic data of the Type II-P supernova (SN II-P) 2003gd, which was discovered in M74 close to the end of its plateau phase. SN 2003gd is the first Type II supernova ( SN) to have a directly confirmed red supergiant ( RSG) progenitor. We compare SN 2003gd to SN 1999 em, a similar SN II-P, and estimate an explosion date of 2003 March 18. We determine a reddening towards the SN of E(B-V) = 0.14 +/- 0.06, using three different methods. We also calculate three new distances to M74 of 9.6 +/- 2.8, 7.7 +/- 1.7 and 9.6 +/- 2.2 Mpc. The former was estimated using the standard candle method (SCM), for Type II supernovae (SNe II), and the latter two using the brightest supergiants method (BSM). When combined with existing kinematic and BSM distance estimates, we derive a mean value of 9.3 +/- 1.8 Mpc. SN 2003gd was found to have a lower tail luminosity compared with other normal Type II-P supernovae ( SNe II-P) bringing into question the nature of this SN. We present a discussion concluding that this is a normal SN II-P, which is consistent with the observed progenitor mass of 8(-2)(+4) M-circle dot.


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We present high quality spectroscopic data for two massive stars in the OB 10 association of M31, OB 10-64 (B0 la) and OB 10-WRI (WC6). Medium resolution spectra of both stars were obtained using the ISIS spectrograph on the William Herschel Telescope. This is supplemented with Hubble Space Telescope STIS UV spectroscopy and Keck I HIRES data for OB 10-64. A non- local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) model atmosphere and abundance analysis for OB 10-64 is presented, indicating that this star has similar photospheric CNO, Mg and Si abundances to solar neighbourhood massive stars. A wind analysis of this early B-type supergiant reveals a mass-loss rate of (M)over dot = 1.6 x 10(-6) M-circle dot yr(-1), and v(infinity) = 1650 km s(-1). The corresponding wind momentum is in good agreement with the wind momentum-luminosity relationship found for Galactic early-B supergiants. Observations of OB 10-WRI are analysed using a non-LTE, line-blanketed code, to reveal approximate stellar parameters of log L/L-circle dot similar to 5.7, T-* - 75 kK, v(infinity) similar to 3000 km s(-1), (M)over dot/(M-circle dot yr(-1)) similar to 10(-4.3) adopting a clumped wind with a filling factor of 10 per cent. Quantitative comparisons are made with the Galactic WC6 star HD 92809 (WR23) revealing that OB 10-WR1 is 0.4 dex more luminous, though it has a much lower C/He ratio (similar to0.1 versus 0.3 for HD 92809). Our study represents the first detailed, chemical model atmosphere analysis for either a B-type supergiant or a Wolf- Rayet (WR) star in Andromeda, and shows the potential of how such studies can provide new information on the chemical evolution of galaxies and the evolution of massive stars in the local Universe.


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We have studied the optical spectra of a sample of 31 O- and early B-type stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud, 21 of which are associated with the young massive cluster NGC 346. Stellar parameters are determined using an automated fitting method (Mokiem et al. 2005, A&A, 441, 711), which combines the stellar atmosphere code FASTWIND (Puls et al. 2005, A&A, 435, 669) with the genetic algorithm based optimisation routine PIKAIA (Charbonneau 1995, ApJS, 101, 309). Comparison with predictions of stellar evolution that account for stellar rotation does not result in a unique age, though most stars are best represented by an age of 1-3 Myr. The automated method allows for a detailed determination of the projected rotational velocities. The present day v(r) sin i distribution of the 21 dwarf stars in our sample is consistent with an underlying rotational velocity (v(r)) distribution that can be characterised by a mean velocity of about 160-190 km s(-1) and an effective half width of 100-150 km s(-1). The vr distribution must include a small percentage of slowly rotating stars. If predictions of the time evolution of the equatorial velocity for massive stars within the environment of the SMC are correct (Maeder & Meynet 2001, A&A, 373, 555), the young age of the cluster implies that this underlying distribution is representative for the initial rotational velocity distribution. The location in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram of the stars showing helium enrichment is in qualitative agreement with evolutionary tracks accounting for rotation, but not for those ignoring vr. The mass loss rates of the SMC objects having luminosities of log L-star/L-circle dot greater than or similar to 5.4 are in excellent agreement with predictions by Vink et al. (2001, A&A, 369, 574). However, for lower luminosity stars the winds are too weak to determine. M accurately from the optical spectrum. Three targets were classified as Vz stars, two of which are located close to the theoretical zero-age main sequence. Three lower luminosity targets that were not classified as Vz stars are also found to lie near the ZAMS. We argue that this is related to a temperature effect inhibiting cooler from displaying the spectral features required for the Vz luminosity class.


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Palaeoecological methods can provide an environmental context for archaeological sites, enabling the nature of past human activity to be explored from an indirect but alternative perspective. Through a palynological study of a small fen wetland located within the catchment of a multi-period prehistoric complex at Ballynahatty, Co. Down, Northern Ireland, we reconstruct the vegetation history of the area during the early prehistoric period. The pollen record reveals tentative evidence for Mesolithic activity in the area at 6410-6220 cal. BC, with woodland disturbance identified during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transitional period ca. 4430-3890 cal. BC. A more significant impact on the landscape is observed in the Early Neolithic from 3944-3702 cal. BC, with an opening up of the forests and the establishment of a mixed agricultural economy. This activity precedes and continues to be evident during the Mid-Neolithic during which megalithic tombs and related burial sites were constructed at Ballynahatty. Due to chronological uncertainties and a possible hiatus in peat accumulation in the fen, the contemporary environment of the Ballynahatty timber circle complex (constructed and used ca. 3080-2490 cal. BC) and henge (dating to the third millennium cal. BC) cannot certainly be established. Nevertheless, the pollen record suggests that the landscape remained open through to the Bronze Age, implying a long continuity of human activity in the area. These findings support the idea that the Ballynahatty prehistoric complex was the product of a gradual and repeated restructuring of the ritual and ceremonial landscape whose significance continued to be recognised throughout the early prehistoric period.


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We report on the optical spectroscopy of the eclipsing halo low-mass X-ray binary 2S 0921-630, which reveals the absorption-line radial velocity curve of the K0 III secondary star with a semiamplitude K-2=92.89+/-3.84 km s(-1), a systemic velocity gamma=34.9+/-3.3 km s(-1), and an orbital period P-orb of 9.0035+/-0.0029 days (1 sigma). Given the quality of the data, we find no evidence for the effects of X-ray irradiation. Using the previously determined rotational broadening of the mass donor and applying conservative limits on the orbital inclination, we constrain the compact object mass to be 2.0-4.3 M-circle dot (1 sigma), ruling out a canonical neutron star at the 99% level. Since the nature of the compact object is unclear, this mass range implies that the compact object is either a low-mass black hole with a mass slightly higher than the maximum possible neutron star mass (2.9 M-circle dot) or a massive neutron star. If the compact object is a black hole, it confirms the prediction of the existence of low-mass black holes, while if the object is a massive neutron star, its high mass severely constrains the equation of state of nuclear matter.


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We present time-resolved spectroscopy and photometry of the double-lined eclipsing cataclysmic variables AC Cnc and V363 Aur (=Lanning 10). There is evidence of irradiation on the inner hemisphere of the secondary star in both systems, which we correct for using a model that reproduces the observations remarkably well. We find the radial velocity of the secondary star in AC Cnc to be K-R=176+/-3 km s(-1) and its rotational velocity to be v sin i=135+/-3 km s(-1). From these parameters we obtain masses of M-1=0.76+/-0.03 M-circle dot for the white-dwarf primary and M-2=0.77+/-0.05 M-circle dot for the K2+/-1 V secondary star, giving a mass ratio of q=1.02+/-0.04. We measure the radial and rotational velocities of the G7+/-2V secondary star in V363 Aur to be K-R=168+/-5 km s(-1) and v sin i=143+/-5 km s(-1), respectively. The component masses of V363 Aur are M-1=0.90+/-0.06M(circle dot) and M-2=1.06+/-0.11 M-circle dot giving a mass ratio of q=1.17+/-0.07. The mass ratios for AC Cnc and V363 Aur fall within the theoretical limits for dynamically and thermally stable mass transfer. Both systems are similar to the SW Sex stars, exhibiting single-peaked emission lines with transient absorption features, high-velocity S-wave components and phase-offsets in their radial-velocity curves. The Balmer lines in V363 Aur show a rapid increase in flux around phase 0 followed by a rapid decrease, which we attribute to the eclipse of an optically thick region at the centre of the disc. This model could also account for the behaviour of other SW Sex stars where the Balmer lines show only a shallow eclipse compared to the continuum.


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We present high-speed, three-colour photometry of the faint eclipsing cataclysmic variable OU Vir. For the first time in OU Vir, separate eclipses of the white dwarf and the bright spot have been observed. We use timings of these eclipses to derive a purely photometric model of the system, obtaining a mass ratio of q=0.175+/-0.025, an inclination of i=79.degrees2+/-0.degrees7 and a disc radius of R-d/a=0.2315+/-0.0150. We separate the white dwarf eclipse from the light curve and, by fitting a blackbody spectrum to its flux in each passband, obtain a white dwarf temperature of T=13900+/-600 K and a distance of D=51+/-17 pc. Assuming that the primary obeys the Nauenberg mass-radius relation for white dwarfs and allowing for temperature effects, we also find a primary mass M-w/M-circle dot=0.89+/-0.20, a primary radius R-w/R-circle dot=0.0097+/-0.0031 and an orbital separation a/R-circle dot=0.74+/-0.05.


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We present comprehensive photometric and spectroscopic observations of the faint transient SN 2008S discovered in the nearby galaxy NGC 6946. SN 2008S exhibited slow photometric evolution and almost no spectral variability during the first nine months, implying a long photon diffusion time and a high-density circumstellar medium. Its bolometric luminosity (similar or equal to 10(41) erg s(-1) at peak) is low with respect to most core-collapse supernovae but is comparable to the faintest Type II-P events. Our quasi-bolometric light curve extends to 300 d and shows a tail phase decay rate consistent with that of Co-56. We propose that this is evidence for an explosion and formation of Ni-56 (0.0014 +/- 0.0003 M-circle dot). Spectra of SN 2008S show intense emission lines of H alpha, [Ca II] doublet and Ca II near-infrared (NIR) triplet, all without obvious P-Cygni absorption troughs. The large mid-infrared (MIR) flux detected shortly after explosion can be explained by a light echo from pre-existing dust. The late NIR flux excess is plausibly due to a combination of warm newly formed ejecta dust together with shock-heated dust in the circumstellar environment. We reassess the progenitor object detected previously in Spitzer archive images, supplementing this discussion with a model of the MIR spectral energy distribution. This supports the idea of a dusty, optically thick shell around SN 2008S with an inner radius of nearly 90 AU and outer radius of 450 AU, and an inferred heating source of 3000 K. The luminosity of the central star is L similar or equal to 10(4.6) L-circle dot. All the nearby progenitor dust was likely evaporated in the explosion leaving only the much older dust lying further out in the circumstellar environment. The combination of our long-term multiwavelength monitoring data and the evidence from the progenitor analysis leads us to support the scenario of a weak electron-capture supernova explosion in a super-asymptotic giant branch progenitor star (of initial mass 6-8 M-circle dot) embedded within a thick circumstellar gaseous envelope. We suggest that all of main properties of the electron-capture SN phenomenon are observed in SN 2008S and future observations may allow a definitive answer.


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We report the discovery of WASP-13b, a low-mass M-p = 0.46(-0.05)(+0.06) M-J transiting exoplanet with an orbital period of 4.35298 +/- 0.00004 days. The transit has a depth of 9 mmag, and although our follow-up photometry does not allow us to constrain the impact parameter well (0 <b <0.46), with radius in the range R-p similar to 1.06-1.21 R-J the location of WASP-13b in the mass-radius plane is nevertheless consistent with H/He-dominated, irradiated, low core mass and core-free theoretical models. The G1V host star is similar to the Sun in mass (M-* = 1.03(-0.09)(+0.11) M-circle dot) and metallicity ([M/H] = 0.0 +/- 0.2), but is possibly older (8.5(-4.9)(+5.5) Gyr).